martes, marzo 25, 2025

Archivo de Etiquetas: Ban

The Military Law and the Law of War Review – Volume 59 – Issue 1: (June 2021)

The Military Law and the Law of War Review - Volume 59 - Issue 1: (June 2021)

The Military Law and the Law of War Review Volume 59 – Issue 1: (June 2021) Online ISSN 2732-5520, Print ISSN 1370-6209 @JournalHRE Founded in 1962 under the auspices of the International Society for Military Law and the Law of War (the “Society”), the Military Law and the Law of …

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Tratado definitivo de paz entre las coronas de España e Inglaterra, firmado en Versalles el 3 de setiembre de 1783

En el nombre de la Santísima e individua Trinidad, Padre, Hijo, y Espíritu Santo. Así sea. Sea notorio a todos aquellos a quienes pertenezca o pueda pertenecer en cualquiera manera. El serenísimo y muy poderoso príncipe D. Carlos III, por la gracia de Dios, rey de España y de las …

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Tratado celebrado entre las coronas de España y de Portugal, y firmado en el Pardo, a 12 de febrero de 1761, para anular el de límites que se había estipulado en el año de 1750

(Véase el tratado de límites de 1º de octubre de 1777) En el nombre de la Santísima Trinidad. Los serenísimos reyes de España y Portugal viendo por una série de sucesivas experiencias que en la ejecución del tratado de límites de Asia y América, celebrado entre las dos coronas, firmado …

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Chicago Journal of International Law – Volume 20, Number 1 (2019)

Chicago Journal of International Law - Volume 20, Number 1 (2019)

Chicago Journal of International Law Volume 20, Number 1 (2019) ISSN: 1529-0816 @UChicagoLaw @chicagojournals [email protected] The Chicago Journal of International Law is one of three student-edited journals at The University of Chicago Law School. The journal is published twice a year and features scholarly articles on international law topics …

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Research Handbook on International Law and Peace

Research Handbook on International Law and Peace

Research Handbook on International Law and Peace Research Handbooks in International Law series Edited by Cecilia M. Bailliet, Institute for Public and International Law, University of Oslo, Norway ISBN: 978 1 78811 746 3Publicado: 2019Páginas: 608 eISBN: 978 1 78811 747 0 Publicado: 2019Páginas: 608 Peace is an elusive concept, …

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What on Earth is Happening to Space Law?

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

What on Earth is Happening to Space Law? In 2015 and 2017, respectively, the United States of America and Luxembourg enacted bills granting property rights on resources collected in outer space. The potential beneficiaries of these laws are hi-tech companies investing in the exploration and exploitation of space resources. Even though robotized mining …

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Antarctic Environment Protocol Challenges and Achievements: 20 Years in Force

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

Antarctic Environment Protocol Challenges and Achievements: 20 Years in Force Introduction On 4 October 1991, almost 27 years ago, negotiation of the Environmental Protocol to the Antarctic Treaty (the “Protocol”) finished in Madrid. On 14 January 1998, two decades ago, the Protocol made its entry into force. Now, the Protocol is compulsory …

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Controlling Cyber Conflict

Project Syndicate

Controlling Cyber Conflict Joseph S. Nye Joseph S. Nye, Jr., a former US assistant secretary of defense and chairman of the US National Intelligence Council, is University Professor at Harvard University. He is the author of Is the American Century Over? AUG 8, 2017Controlling Cyber Conflict LAS VEGAS – When …

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The Relationship of the 2017 Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons with other Agreements: Ambiguity, Complementarity, or Conflict?

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

The Relationship of the 2017 Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons with other Agreements: Ambiguity, Complementarity, or Conflict? As discussed in Dan Joyner’s recent blog entry, the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons was adopted by 122 States at a United Nations diplomatic conference in New York on …

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The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons On July 7, 2017 a vote was held by a United Nations treaty conference to adopt the final text of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW). Of the 124 states participating in the conference, 122 states voted for adoption, …

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Ten Lessons from North Korea’s Nuclear Program

Project Syndicate

Ten Lessons from North Korea’s Nuclear Program Richard N. Haass Richard N. Haass, President of the Council on Foreign Relations, previously served as Director of Policy Planning for the US State Department (2001-2003), and was President George W. Bush’s special envoy to Northern Ireland and Coordinator for the Future of …

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The Disappearing UN Report on Israeli “Apartheid”


The Disappearing UN Report on Israeli “Apartheid” by Kevin Jon Heller Last week, the UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) sent shockwaves through the international community by issuing a report that — for the first time in UN history — claims Israel’s treatment of Palestinians amounts to the crime …

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