
40th Anniversary of the Invasion of Czechoslovakia

40th Anniversary of the Invasion of Czechoslovakia Forty years ago, on August 21, 1968 the armed force of the Warsaw…

16 años hace

Agreement on the Cessation of Hostilities in Cambodia (Geneva, 20 July 1954)

CHAPTER I Principles and Conditions Governing Execution of the Cease- Fire Article 1. As from twenty-third July 1954 at 0800…

70 años hace

Agreement on the Cessation of Hostilities in Laos (Geneva, 20 July 1954)

CHAPTER I Cease-Fire and Evacuation of Foreign Armed Forces and Foreign Military Personnel Article 1. The Commanders of the armed…

70 años hace

Agreement on German External Debts (London, 27 February 1953)

AGREEMENT ON GERMAN EXTERNAL DEBTS[1] THE GOVERNMENTS of Belgium, Canada, Ceylon, Denmark, the French Republic, Greece, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein,…

72 años hace

Tratado de Munster (1648) en español

Tratado definitivo de paz y comercio ajustado entre S. M. C. y los Estados Generales de las Provincias Unidas. Firmado…

377 años hace