Assembly of States Parties

ICC Assembly of States Parties Urged to Decide on Status of Palestine.

ICC Assembly of States Parties Urged to Decide on Status of Palestine. In April of this year, the Prosecutor of the…

12 años hace

ICC Prosecutor Decides that He Can’t Decide on the Statehood of Palestine. Is He Right?

ICC Prosecutor Decides that He Can’t Decide on the Statehood of Palestine. Is He Right? On Tuesday, the Office of the…

13 años hace

The African Union’s Response to the ICC’s Decisions on Bashir’s Immunity: Will the ICJ Get Another Immunity Case?

The African Union’s Response to the ICC’s Decisions on Bashir’s Immunity: Will the ICJ Get Another Immunity Case? After deciding the…

13 años hace

Next ICC Prosecutor Will be African

Next ICC Prosecutor Will be African The International Criminal Court has announced that the list of candidates for election to…

13 años hace

Kenya’s ICC Deferral Request and the proposed amendment to article 16 of the Rome Statute

Kenya’s ICC Deferral Request and the proposed amendment to article 16 of the Rome StatuteEditor’s Note:  The authors have recently…

14 años hace

ICC Assembly of States Parties Discusses Possible Amendments to ICC Statute.

ICC Assembly of States Parties Discusses Possible Amendments to ICC Statute.Last week the Assembly of States Parties (ASP) to the…

14 años hace

ICC Assembly of States Parties Discusses Possible Amendments to ICC Statute.

ICC Assembly of States Parties Discusses Possible Amendments to ICC Statute. Last week the Assembly of States Parties (ASP) to…

14 años hace

Addressing the African Union’s Proposal to Allow the UN General Assembly to Defer ICC Prosecutions

Addressing the African Union’s Proposal to Allow the UN General Assembly to Defer ICC ProsecutionsOne of the aspects of the stand-off…

14 años hace

UNESCO Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage

THE GENERAL CONFERENCE of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization meeting in Paris from 17 October to 21…

14 años hace

Statute of the International Criminal Court

The States Parties to this Statute, Conscious that all peoples are united by common bonds, their cultures pieced together in…

14 años hace

Conclusion of the eighth session of the Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute

Conclusion of the eighth session of the Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute The Assembly of States Parties…

15 años hace

New judges at the International Criminal Court

New judges at the International Criminal Court At the seventh session of the Assembly of States Parties to the Rome…

16 años hace