Corte Penal Internacional: de cara a la elección de jueces titulares

Corte Penal Internacional: de cara a la elección de jueces titulares

En esta segunda quincena del mes de diciembre, se realiza la Asamblea de Estados Partes de la Corte Penal Internacional…

4 años hace

African Union v International Criminal Court: episode MLXIII (?)

African Union v International Criminal Court: episode MLXIII (?) It never gets boring. At the latest African Union (AU) summit,…

7 años hace

The Activation of the Crime of Aggression in Perspective

The Activation of the Crime of Aggression in Perspective In its final hours soon after midnight of 14 December 2017,…

7 años hace

Why the New Weapons Amendments (Should) Apply to Non-States Parties

Why the New Weapons Amendments (Should) Apply to Non-States Parties by Kevin Jon Heller Although aggression received most of the…

7 años hace

One Step Forward for International Criminal Law; One Step Backwards for Jurisdiction

One Step Forward for International Criminal Law; One Step Backwards for Jurisdiction by Jennifer Trahan [Jennifer Trahan is Associate Professor,…

7 años hace

The International Criminal Court Gets Jurisdiction Over the Crime of Aggression

The International Criminal Court Gets Jurisdiction Over the Crime of Aggression The Assembly of States Parties to the Statute of…

7 años hace

The Puzzling US Submission to the Assembly of States Parties

The Puzzling US Submission to the Assembly of States Parties by Kevin Jon Heller The US submission to the ASP…

7 años hace

Election Rules for ICC Judges: A Balanced Bench Through Quasi-Quotas

Election Rules for ICC Judges: A Balanced Bench Through Quasi-Quotas At its 16th session starting today (Monday 4 December) in…

7 años hace

ICC Assembly of States Parties Urged to Decide on Status of Palestine.

ICC Assembly of States Parties Urged to Decide on Status of Palestine. In April of this year, the Prosecutor of the…

13 años hace

Venezuela denounces American Convention on Human Rights

Venezuela denounces American Convention on Human Rights The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has given notice of its intention to withdraw…

13 años hace

Next ICC Prosecutor Will be African

Next ICC Prosecutor Will be African The International Criminal Court has announced that the list of candidates for election to…

13 años hace

Kenya’s ICC Deferral Request and the proposed amendment to article 16 of the Rome Statute

Kenya’s ICC Deferral Request and the proposed amendment to article 16 of the Rome StatuteEditor’s Note:  The authors have recently…

14 años hace