viernes, marzo 28, 2025

Archivo de Etiquetas: Article

State Identity, Continuity, and Responsibility: The Ottoman Empire, the Republic of Turkey and the Armenian Genocide

State Identity, Continuity, and Responsibility: The Ottoman Empire, the Republic of Turkey and the Armenian Genocide Vahagn Avedian is a PhD candidate in the Department of History, Lund University and Chief Editor of This post summarises his article which was published in (2012) 23 EJIL 797-820. The Republic of Turkey’s …

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After a Brief Hiatus, Kenya Once Again Has Universal Jurisdiction Over Pirates

After a Brief Hiatus, Kenya Once Again Has Universal Jurisdiction Over Pirates  Jon Bellish is a Project Officer at the Oceans Beyond Piracy project just outside Denver, Colorado, though the views expressed are solely those of the author. You can follow him on Twitter. On October 18, the Kenyan Court of Appeal in …

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Who Do I Call If I Want to Give Europe a Nobel Prize?

Who Do I Call If I Want to Give Europe a Nobel Prize? Mauro Gatti is a PhD candidate in EU law at the University of Bologna and the University of Strasbourg. His article, “‘External representation of the European Union in the conclusion of international agreement” (with Pietro Manzini) recently appeared …

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Eric Hobsbawm, British Historian, Dies at 95

Eric Hobsbawm, British Historian, Dies at 95 Eric J. Hobsbawm, whose three-volume economic history of the rise of industrial capitalism established him as Britain’s pre-eminent Marxist historian, died on Monday in London. He was 95.  The cause was pneumonia, said his daughter, Julia Hobsbawm.  Mr. Hobsbawm, the leading light in …

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ICC Assembly of States Parties Urged to Decide on Status of Palestine.

ICC Assembly of States Parties Urged to Decide on Status of Palestine. In April of this year, the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court indicated, in an official statement, that he was not competent to decide whether Palestine is a State such that it can accept the jurisdiction of the ICC under Article 12(3) of the ICC …

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Who Can Apply to Add Sites Situated in Disputed territory to the World Heritage List?

Who Can Apply to Add Sites Situated in Disputed territory to the World Heritage List? Dr Shlomit Wallerstein is a CUF Lecturer in Law at the University of Oxford and Fellow of St Peter’s College, Oxford. Recently (on 29 June 2012), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) accepted the …

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Diplomatic Asylum for Julian Assange?

Diplomatic Asylum for Julian Assange? Professor Kai Ambos is Chair of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, Comparative Law and International Criminal Law at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany (since May 2003) and Judge at the Provincial Court (Landgericht) of Lower Saxony in Göttingen Julian Assange’s medal-worthy self-staging as a militant for worldwide freedom …

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May the UK Terminate the Diplomatic Status of Ecuador’s Embassy?

May the UK Terminate the Diplomatic Status of Ecuador’s Embassy? Ecuador has announced that it is granting asylum to Julian Assange, the Wikileaks founder, who has taken refuge in the Ecuardor’s embassy in London. Assange sought refuge in the Embassy after the UK Supreme Court ruled a few weeks ago that …

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Oil exploration around the Falklands (Malvinas)

Oil exploration around the Falklands (Malvinas) In June, I looked at the longstanding sovereignty dispute over the Falklands Islands (Malvinas) on the occasion of the 30-year anniversary of the 1982 war. I revisit this topic today to examine the question of investor protection in areas where sovereignty is disputed, taking the Falklands (Malvinas) …

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“Without further delay” – Senegal must prosecute or extradite Hissène Habré

“Without further delay” – Senegal must prosecute or extradite Hissène Habré On 20 July 2012, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) issued its final judgment (summary found here; press release found here) in the proceedings brought by the Kingdom of Belgium against the Republic of Senegal concerning the desired prosecution of …

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UN human rights treaty monitoring reform update: promising OHCHR proposals now to be acted upon by the General Assembly (and the EU)

UN human rights treaty monitoring reform update: promising OHCHR proposals now to be acted upon by the General Assembly (and the EU) John Morijn, PhD (EUI (Law)) is senior human rights adviser, Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations and assistant professor of human rights law, University of Groningen, …

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Competing Views on Libya’s Obligation to Surrender Saif Gaddafi to the ICC

Competing Views on Libya’s Obligation to Surrender Saif Gaddafi to the ICC Over at Opinio Juris, Kevin Jon Heller notes that the debate which he, Jens David Ohlin and I have had regarding whether Libya can postpone it’s obligation to surrender Saif Gaddafi to the International Criminal Court is now being waged …

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