miércoles, marzo 12, 2025

Archivo de Etiquetas: Application

Non-State Actors and Non-Refoulement: The Supreme Court’s Decision in Zain Taj Dean

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

Non-State Actors and Non-Refoulement: The Supreme Court’s Decision in Zain Taj Dean Lord Advocate v. Zain Taj Dean [2017] UKSC 44 concerned an extradition request, made by the Republic of China in Taiwan (‘ROC’). Dean, a British national, had lived in Taiwan for many years. In 2011, he was convicted …

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An Appraisal of the Council of Europe’s Draft European Rules on the Conditions of Administrative Detention of Migrants

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

An Appraisal of the Council of Europe’s Draft European Rules on the Conditions of Administrative Detention of Migrants In the last decade, a growing momentum has developed to end immigration detention. This momentum has two dimensions. First, that certain migrants, such as children, should never be detained as they are …

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Can the International Court of Justice Decide on the Chagos Islands Advisory Proceedings without the UK’s Consent?

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

Can the International Court of Justice Decide on the Chagos Islands Advisory Proceedings without the UK’s Consent? As Marko has noted in this post, last week Thursday, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution requesting the International Court of Justice provide an advisory opinion on the legality of the separation …

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The ICC Assembly of States Parties Prepares to Activate the ICC’s Jurisdiction over the Crime of Aggression: But Who Will be Covered by that Jurisdiction?

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

The ICC Assembly of States Parties Prepares to Activate the ICC’s Jurisdiction over the Crime of Aggression: But Who Will be Covered by that Jurisdiction? The states parties to the Statute of the International Criminal Court have been meeting in New York recently to begin discussions that it is hoped …

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The Jadhav Case and the Legal Effect of Non-Registration of Treaties

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

The Jadhav Case and the Legal Effect of Non-Registration of Treaties Those following the legal tangle of the Jadhav Case closely would have noticed India’s (attempted) coup de grâce in its oral submissions regarding the bilateral Agreement on Consular Access of 21 May 2008 between India and Pakistan (“2008 Agreement”, …

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Forcible Humanitarian Action in International Law

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

Forcible Humanitarian Action in International Law There is a widespread myth amongst international lawyers. This is the apparently unshakeable proposition that forcible humanitarian action is clearly unlawful. Any changes to that proposition would be impossible, given: The preponderance of the doctrine of sovereignty over countervailing considerations, such as human rights; …

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Some Thoughts on the Jadhav Case: Jurisdiction, Merits, and the Effect of a Presidential Communication

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

Some Thoughts on the Jadhav Case: Jurisdiction, Merits, and the Effect of a Presidential Communication On 8 May, India instituted proceedings at the International Court of Justice against Pakistan relating to the latter’s imprisonment and award of death penalty to Kulbhushan Jadhav, an Indian national. Pakistan claims it arrested Mr Jadhav on …

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Ukraine v Russia (Provisional Measures): State ‘Terrorism’ and IHL  

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

Ukraine v Russia (Provisional Measures): State ‘Terrorism’ and IHL   On 16 January 2017, Ukraine filed an Application against Russia before the International Court of Justice (‘ICJ’ or ‘the Court’), founding the Court’s jurisdiction (in part) on the compromissory clause (Article 24) of the Terrorism Financing Convention (‘ICSFT’). On the …

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Ukraine’s Dashed High Hopes: Predictable and Sober Decision of the ICJ on Indication of Provisional Measures in Ukraine v Russia

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

Ukraine’s Dashed High Hopes: Predictable and Sober Decision of the ICJ on Indication of Provisional Measures in Ukraine v Russia There has been a lot of speculation on the possible outcome of Ukraine’s request for indication of provisional measures in the highly politicized case of Ukraine v Russia, in particular …

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Taking the ‘Union’ out of ‘EU’: The EU-Turkey Statement on the Syrian Refugee Crisis as an Agreement Between States under International Law

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

Taking the ‘Union’ out of ‘EU’: The EU-Turkey Statement on the Syrian Refugee Crisis as an Agreement Between States under International Law Almost one year after its conclusion, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has eventually made clear the real nature of the ‘so-called’ EU-Turkey Statement. The …

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‘Terrorism’ at the World Court: Ukraine v Russia as an Opportunity for Greater Guidance on Relevant Obligations?

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

‘Terrorism’ at the World Court: Ukraine v Russia as an Opportunity for Greater Guidance on Relevant Obligations? Recently, Ukraine instituted proceedings against Russia before the ICJ, alleging violations of both the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism (the ‘Convention’) and the International Convention on the Elimination …

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Can’t Britain Exit Brexit?


Can’t Britain Exit Brexit? by Edward Swaine Yesterday, Prime Minister Theresa May had hand-delivered to Brussels—via a black Jaguar, taking a secret route!—a notice “in accordance with Article 50(2) of the Treaty on European Union of the United Kingdom’s intention to withdraw from the European Union.”  Brexit is happening, even …

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