Appeals Chamber

Chinese Journal of International Law – Volume 21, Issue 1, March 2022

Chinese Journal of International Law – Volume 21, Issue 1, March 2022

Chinese Journal of International Law Volume 21, Issue 1, March 2022 ISSN: 1540-1650, EISSN: 1746-9937 @OxfordJournals @OUPAcademic The Chinese Journal of…

2 años hace

Journal of International Criminal Justice – Volume 19, Issue 3, July 2021

Journal of International Criminal Justice Volume 19, Issue 3, July 2021 ISSN: 1478-1387, EISSN: 1478-1395 @oxfordjournals @OUPAcademic The Journal of…

3 años hace

Revista Electrónica de Estudios Internacionales – Número 39, junio 2020

Revista Electrónica de Estudios Internacionales Número 39, junio 2020 ISSN: 1697-5197 La Revista Electrónica de Estudios Internacionales es una…

4 años hace

The Global Community Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence 2018

The Global Community Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence 2018 General Editor: Giuliana Ziccardi Capaldo ISBN: 9780190072506 (Hardcover)Publicado: 13 September…

5 años hace

Does the ICC Statute Remove Immunities of State Officials in National Proceedings? Some Observations from the Drafting History of Article 27(2) of the Rome Statute

Does the ICC Statute Remove Immunities of State Officials in National Proceedings? Some Observations from the Drafting History of Article…

6 años hace

Ukraine v Russia (Provisional Measures): State ‘Terrorism’ and IHL  

Ukraine v Russia (Provisional Measures): State ‘Terrorism’ and IHL   On 16 January 2017, Ukraine filed an Application against Russia…

7 años hace

Can the ICC Prosecute for Use of Chemical Weapons in Syria?

Can the ICC Prosecute for Use of Chemical Weapons in Syria? Recent reports regarding the possible use of chemical weapons…

11 años hace

Can the ICC Prosecute for Use of Chemical Weapons in Syria?

Can the ICC Prosecute for Use of Chemical Weapons in Syria? Recent reports regarding the possible use of chemical weapons…

11 años hace

The African Union’s Response to the ICC’s Decisions on Bashir’s Immunity: Will the ICJ Get Another Immunity Case?

The African Union’s Response to the ICC’s Decisions on Bashir’s Immunity: Will the ICJ Get Another Immunity Case? After deciding the…

12 años hace

Bagilishima case (ICTR-95-1A-T) International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda

International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda Tribunal penal international pour le Rwanda ORIGINAL: ENGLISH TRIAL CHAMBER I Before: Judge Erik M0se,…

12 años hace

Akayesu case (ICTR-96-4-T)

Before: Judge Laity Kama, Presiding Judge Lennart Aspegren Judge Navanethem Pillay Registry: Mr. Agwu U. Okali Decision of: 2 September…

13 años hace

The Prosecutor vs. Brima, Kamara and Kanu (AFRC Case)

SPECIAL COURT FOR SIERRA LEONE TRIAL CHAMBER II Justice Julia Sebutinde, Presiding Judge Justice Richard Lussick Justice Teresa Doherty Herman…

13 años hace