miércoles, marzo 12, 2025

Archivo de Etiquetas: Africa

The African Union’s Collective Withdrawal from the ICC: Does Bad Law make for Good Politics?

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

The African Union’s Collective Withdrawal from the ICC: Does Bad Law make for Good Politics? A number of news outlets reported last week that the African Union (AU) had adopted a strategy for collective withdrawal from the International Criminal Court (ICC) (see here, here and here). This follows withdrawals by …

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Urbaser v Argentina: The Origins of a Host State Human Rights Counterclaim in ICSID Arbitration?

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

Urbaser v Argentina: The Origins of a Host State Human Rights Counterclaim in ICSID Arbitration? Investment tribunals rarely examine host state arguments based on international human rights law in great depth. The ICSID award Urbaser v Argentina is the first to provide a detailed discussion of a host state’s human …

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The South China Sea moves to the Indian Ocean: Conflicting Claims Over the Tromelin Islet and its Maritime Entitlements

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

The South China Sea moves to the Indian Ocean: Conflicting Claims Over the Tromelin Islet and its Maritime Entitlements The small, isolated, inhospitable (and inhabited) island of Tromelin, located in the Indian Ocean north of Mauritius and the French Reunion island, and east of Madagascar (see map), has been the subject …

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Brexit and International Law

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

Brexit and International Law In earlier posts (here and here) there was a discussion about the different scenarios that might play out following the UK’s vote to exit the European Union. These and other debates have focused largely on the legal implications for the UK and the European Union and …

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Adopting Resolution, General Assembly Reaffirms Role of Sport in Promoting Sustainable Development, Reconciliation in Strife-Torn Areas

GUIDO CRILCHUK (Argentina), highlighting the crucial work Brazil was doing when organizing the 2016 Games in the countries’ region, said that much had been said about how sports could play a key role. The Olympic spirit showed how sport could help build a better world. There was recognition of the importance of sport in the 2030 Agenda. In the past decade, Argentina had worked on a concept of sport as a way to promote social inclusion. As members of the Assembly knew, Buenos Aires had been chosen for the holding of the third Olympic Youth Summer Games in 2018. By adopting the resolution before it, the Assembly continued sending a message of peace and goodwill to inhabitants of the world. Argentina called on everybody to observe the Olympic Truce.

Recognizing the potential of sport as a valuable tool in the achievement of peace and development, the General Assembly today adopted a resolution reaffirming its use to promote dialogue and reconciliation in areas of conflict during and after the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Further to that text, adopted without a …

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Are Human Rights Hurting Migrants at Sea?

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

Are Human Rights Hurting Migrants at Sea? Every year hundreds of thousands of irregular migrants, including asylum seekers and refugees, cross the Mediterranean Sea to enter Europe. More than 200.000 are thought to have crossed in 2014, reaching the coasts of Italy, Greece, Spain, Malta and Cyprus. The reasons for …

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Una lucha pacífica

Una lucha pacífica Viernes 03 de enero de 2014. Información para la Prensa N°: 001/14 Por Héctor Timerman * Hoy, 3 de enero de 2014, recordamos un nuevo aniversario de la usurpación británica de nuestras Islas Malvinas, Georgias del Sur, Sandwich del Sur y los espacios marítimos circundantes. En total, …

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La Argentina abre nueva Embajada en Mozambique

La Argentina abre nueva Embajada en Mozambique Domingo 14 de Julio de 2013. Por Decreto 912/2013 publicado el 12 de julio en el Boletín Oficial, la Presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner dispuso la apertura de la Embajada en Mozambique, con sede en su capital, Maputo. La decisión se encuadra en …

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General Assembly Adopts Texts on Items Ranging from Self-Determination to Peace in South Atlantic; Supports Extension of Impunity Commission in Guatemala

General Assembly Adopts Texts on Items Ranging from Self-Determination to Peace in South Atlantic; Supports Extension of Impunity Commission in Guatemala The General Assembly, working through its busy agenda, today adopted five resolutions and one decision on a wide range of items, including on the self-determination of French Polynesia and …

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General Assembly Adopts Texts on Items Ranging from Self-Determination to Peace in South Atlantic; Supports Extension of Impunity Commission in Guatemala

General Assembly Adopts Texts on Items Ranging from Self-Determination to Peace in South Atlantic; Supports Extension of Impunity Commission in Guatemala The General Assembly, working through its busy agenda, today adopted five resolutions and one decision on a wide range of items, including on the self-determination of French Polynesia and …

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Court between A Rock and a Hard Place: Comoros Refers Israel’s Raid on Gaza Flotilla to the ICC

Court between A Rock and a Hard Place: Comoros Refers Israel’s Raid on Gaza Flotilla to the ICC Comoros has referred the action of Israeli troops in boarding the flotilla headed to Gaza on 31 May 2010 to the International Criminal Court. The ICC Prosecutor has announced that she is …

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General Assembly, Adopting Political Text, Pledges to Address Twin Imperatives of Security, Development, in Efforts to End Conflict in Africa

General Assembly, Adopting Political Text, Pledges to Address Twin Imperatives of Security, Development, in Efforts to End Conflict in Africa Declaration Reaffirms Importance of UN-African Union Partnership, Capping Two-day Event amid Calls for Africans to Take Charge of Peace Efforts Recognizing that the “indispensable” partnership between the United Nations and …

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