miércoles, julio 3, 2024

Archivo de Etiquetas: Advance Team

An Utterly Damning Report on Moreno-Ocampo


An Utterly Damning Report on Moreno-Ocampo by Kevin Jon Heller Following on the heels of the much-reported e-mail scandal, FICHL has released a policy brief entitled “A Prosecutor Falls, Time for the Court to Rise” that is an utterly damning indictment of Luis Moreno-Ocampo’s tenure at the ICC. Here is a taste …

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Security Council Requires Scheduled Destruction of Syria’s Chemical Weapons, Unanimously Adopting Resolution 2118 (2013) – S/RES/2118

Security Council Requires Scheduled Destruction of Syria’s Chemical Weapons, Unanimously Adopting Resolution 2118 (2013) The full text of Security Council resolution 2118 (2013) reads as follows: “The Security Council, “Recalling the Statements of its President of 3 August 2011, 21 March 2012, 5 April 2012, and its resolutions 1540 (2004), …

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Resolución 2118 Consejo de Seguridad – S/RES/2118 – Security Council Requires Scheduled Destruction of Syria’s Chemical Weapons, Unanimously Adopting Resolution 2118 (2013)

Security Council Requires Scheduled Destruction of Syria’s Chemical Weapons, Unanimously Adopting Resolution 2118 (2013) The full text of Security Council resolution 2118 (2013) reads as follows: “The Security Council, “Recalling the Statements of its President of 3 August 2011, 21 March 2012, 5 April 2012, and its resolutions 1540 (2004), …

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