lunes, marzo 31, 2025

Archivo de Etiquetas: actualidad


EL CANCILLER ARGENTINO FUE RECIBIDO POR BAN KI-MOON EN NUEVA YORK El Canciller argentino, Héctor Timerman, fue recibido este mediodía en la sede de la ONU, en la ciudad de Nueva York, por el Secretario General de las Naciones Unidas, Ban Ki-moon, con quien mantuvo un cordial encuentro de trabajo …

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ICC Reports Kenya and Chad to the UN Security Council over Bashir’s Visits

ICC Reports Kenya and Chad to the UN Security Council over Bashir’s Visits Sudanese President Omar Bashir visited Kenya yesterday to take part in the celebration of the new Kenyan Constitution. As readers will know, the International Criminal Court (ICC) has issued two arrest warrants for President Bashir in connnection …

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ICC Reports Kenya and Chad to the UN Security Council over Bashir’s Visits

ICC Reports Kenya and Chad to the UN Security Council over Bashir’s Visits Sudanese President Omar Bashir visited Kenya yesterday to take part in the celebration of the new Kenyan Constitution. As readers will know, the International Criminal Court (ICC) has issued two arrest warrants for President Bashir in connnection …

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Comunicado de Prensa 86/10 – CIDH CONDENA MATANZA DE INMIGRANTES EN MÉXICO IACHR Press Release 86/10 – IACHR CONDEMNS KILLING OF IMMIGRANTS IN MEXICO  CIDH CONDENA MATANZA DE INMIGRANTES EN MÉXICO Washington, D.C., 27 de agosto de 2010 – La CIDH expresa su más profunda preocupación por la matanza de …

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La ONU reprueba las expulsiones de gitanos en Francia

La ONU reprueba las expulsiones de gitanos en Francia GINEBRA, 27 Ago. (Reuters/EP) – El Comité para la Eliminación de la Discriminación Racial de Naciones Unidas (CERD, por sus siglas en inglés) ha reprobado la política del Gobierno francés de expulsiones de gitanos y ha instado a París a que …

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Prosecuting pirates in national courts: US v Said and piracy under US law

Prosecuting pirates in national courts: US v Said and piracy under US law On August 17, a US District Court handed down a fascinating piece of statutory interpretation that apparently means that unless a Somali pirate succeeds in stealing something, he cannot be charged with piracy under US law. There …

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Who is Party to the Geneva Convention but not a Member of the UN?

Who is Party to the Geneva Convention but not a Member of the UN? Last week (Aug 12) was the 61st anniversary of the adoption of the 1949 Geneva Conventions on the protection of victims of armed conflict. The Geneva Conventions are the most widely ratified treaties with 194 parties …

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Necessity in Investor-State Arbitration: The Sempra Annulment decision

Necessity in Investor-State Arbitration: The Sempra Annulment decision Sahib Singh is a  member of the international litigation and arbitration group at Skadden and a visiting lecturer at the University of Vienna. This note was prepared before the Enron v. Argentina annulment decision became available at the beginning of August. A note …

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The Kosovo Opinion

The Kosovo Opinion  Christian J. Tams is Professor of International Law at the Univeristy of Glasgow. His publications include Enforcing Obligations Erga Omnes in International Law (Cambridge University Press, 2005). The International Court of Justice’s Kosovo opinion of 22 July had been much expected. It was one of the not so frequent …

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OEA aboga por el diálogo y la cooperación entre Colombia y Venezuela

OEA aboga por el diálogo y la cooperación entre Colombia y Venezuela En la Sesión Extraordinaria del Consejo Permanente, el Secretario General hizo un llamado a “calmar los espíritus” y a buscar el camino del diálogo. [via OEA: Ultimas Noticias]

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ICJ finds that Kosovo’s Declaration of Independence not in Violation of International Law

ICJ finds that Kosovo’s Declaration of Independence not in Violation of International Law The International Court of Justice has held that the declaration of independence by Kosovo is not in violation of international law.  Despite what is likely to be said in the media, this opinion is rather narrow. The Court …

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