Reunión Plenaria en Buenos Aires del Parlamento del MERCOSUR El lunes 22 de marzo, se realizó en el Salón Eva…
Cursos de Relaciones Internacionales? USAL UNIVERSIDAD DEL SALVADORSeminarios de posgrado Marzo - Mayo 2010ESTUDIOS SOBRE LA PAZNUEVAS AMENAZAS: CRIMEN ORGANIZADO…
Press Release 2010/4 NEW Territorial and Maritime Dispute (Nicaragua v. Colombia) - Territorial and Maritime Dispute (Nicaragua v. Colombia) -…
Dispute Shows Argentina’s Lack of Oil Exploration A diplomatic dispute with Britain may be more about Argentina’s bitterness regarding companies’…
Why the Falklands Dispute Will (Probably) Never Go to Court Our readers are surely aware of the reemergence of the…
Self-Defense and Non-State Actors: Indeterminacy and the Jus ad Bellum Self-defense in response to armed attacks by non-state actors is…
UK Metropolitan Police Investigate MI5 Complicity in Torture In a story in The Guardian today, it was reported that the…
La Resolución Alternativa de Disputas Durante la última década del siglo XX, los gobiernos de los países latinoamericanos promulgaron normas…
International Court of Justice to Appoint 6 New Clerks The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has announced that it is…
«Alejandro [obispo, siervo de los siervos de Dios]. Al queridísimo hijo en Cristo Fernando y a la queridísima hija en…
The Relationship between National Law and International Law in the Report of the Georgia Fact-Finding Mission: A Rejoinder Editor’s Note:…
A Human Right to Water? The South African Constitutional Court’s Decision in the Mazibuko Case Peter Danchin is Associate Professor…