Summit of the Americas: Is There a Place for Venezuela? by Ricardo Arredondo [Ricardo Arredondo is Professor of Public International Law at the University of Buenos Aires.] 1. Introduction In recent months, Latin-American countries have been actors and witnesses of a heated debate, as tend to be those in which …
Leer »Mucho más que una respuesta a Colombia: a propósito de la Opinión Consultiva OC-23 de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos sobre ambiente y derechos humanos
Mucho más que una respuesta a Colombia: a propósito de la Opinión Consultiva OC-23 de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos sobre ambiente y derechos humanos Nicolás Boeglin, Profesor de Derecho Internacional Público, Facultad de Derecho, Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR) El 7 de febrero del 2018, la Corte Interamericana …
Leer »The Dickenson Bay Agreement (Agreement Establishing The Caribbean Free Trade Association)
THE DICKENSON BAY AGREEMENT AGREEMENT ESTABLISHING THE CARIBBEAN FREE TRADE ASSOCIATION The Governments of Antigua, Barbados and British Guiana – SHARING a common determination to fulfil within the shortest possible time the hopes and aspirations of their peoples of other Caribbean countries for full employment and improved living standards; CONSCIOUS …
Leer »Argelia y el desafío energético de Europa
Argelia y el desafío energético de Europa Ante la búsqueda de nuevos suministradores que reduzcan la dependencia del gas ruso, Argelia se ha consolidado como un socio estratégico para la Unión Europea en materia de seguridad energética. Sin embargo, el país magrebí, que basa su estabilidad socioeconómica en la explotación …
Leer »A Commentary on the Maritime Delimitation Issues in the Croatia v. Slovenia Final Award
A Commentary on the Maritime Delimitation Issues in the Croatia v. Slovenia Final Award I. Introduction An arbitral tribunal, constituted under the auspices of the Permanent Court of Arbitration, issued its final and unanimous award in the Croatia v. Slovenia case on 29 June 2017. The arbitration concerned a territorial and …
Leer »The Jadhav Case and the Legal Effect of Non-Registration of Treaties
The Jadhav Case and the Legal Effect of Non-Registration of Treaties Those following the legal tangle of the Jadhav Case closely would have noticed India’s (attempted) coup de grâce in its oral submissions regarding the bilateral Agreement on Consular Access of 21 May 2008 between India and Pakistan (“2008 Agreement”, …
Leer »The Venezuela Crisis at the Organization of American States: Between Withdrawal and Suspension
The Venezuela Crisis at the Organization of American States: Between Withdrawal and Suspension by Alonso Illueca [Alonso Illueca is a lawyer and adjunct Professor of law at Universidad Catolica Santa Maria La Antigua and Universidad del Istmo Panama.] On May 31, 2017, the Meeting of Consultation of Ministers of Foreign …
Leer »Taking the ‘Union’ out of ‘EU’: The EU-Turkey Statement on the Syrian Refugee Crisis as an Agreement Between States under International Law
Taking the ‘Union’ out of ‘EU’: The EU-Turkey Statement on the Syrian Refugee Crisis as an Agreement Between States under International Law Almost one year after its conclusion, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has eventually made clear the real nature of the ‘so-called’ EU-Turkey Statement. The …
Leer »Recueil des cours, Collected Courses, Tome 381
Recueil des cours, Collected Courses, Tome 381 Les langues et le droit international privé, par E. Jayme, professeur émérite à l’université de Heidelberg. Arbitration and Private International Law, General Course on Private International Law (2015), by G. Bermann, professor at Columbia Law School. Biographical note Co-publication with: The Hague Academy …
Leer »Turkish Military Intervention in Mosul: A Legal and Political Perspective
Turkish Military Intervention in Mosul: A Legal and Political Perspective In October 2016, Turkey deployed hundreds of its armed troops to the Iraqi town of Bashiqa, 12 kilometers northeast of Mosul held by Islamic State. Meanwhile, Iraqi officials have called for Turkey to withdraw its forces from Iraq’s territory. Relevantly, …
Leer »Brexit and International Law
Brexit and International Law In earlier posts (here and here) there was a discussion about the different scenarios that might play out following the UK’s vote to exit the European Union. These and other debates have focused largely on the legal implications for the UK and the European Union and …
Leer »Protocolo de Caracas modificatorio del tratado de Montevideo, suscripto en la ciudad de Caracas el 12 de diciembre de 1969
ARTICULO 1 Ampliar el período a que se refiere el Artículo 2 del Tratado de Montevideo hasta el 31 de diciembre de 1980. ARTICULO 2 La ampliación dispuesta por el artículo anterior se extiende a todas aquellas disposiciones que conforman la estructura jurídica de la Asociación en cuanto tengan relación …
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