sábado, diciembre 21, 2024

Archivo de Etiquetas: 1954

CASO DEL ORO AMONEDADO SACADO DE ROMA EN 1943 Fallo de 15 de junio de 1954 – Resúmenes de los fallos, opiniones consultivas y providencias de la Corte Internacional de Justicia

CASO DEL ORO AMONEDADO SACADO DE ROMA EN 1943 Fallo de 15 de junio de 1954 Resúmenes de los fallos, opiniones consultivas y providencias de la Corte Internacional de Justicia   El caso del oro amonedado fue incoado ante la Corte mediante una solicitud de la República Italiana contra la …

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Francia extradita a Mario Alberto Sandoval a Argentina

Nicolas Boeglin

Francia extradita a Mario Alberto Sandoval a Argentina Este 16 de diciembre del 2019, Argentina ha anunciado que Francia ha procedido a extraditar a Mario Alberto Sandoval, solicitado desde el 2012 por Argentina a Francia. Ello en el marco de procesos llevados a cabo por la justicia de Argentina contra …

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The Missing Link in Migration Governance: An Advisory Opinion by the International Court of Justice

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

The Missing Link in Migration Governance: An Advisory Opinion by the International Court of Justice Even though the International Court of Justice (ICJ) has jurisdiction to resolve disputes on the interpretation and application of the 1951 Refugee Convention (Art. 38) and the 1967 Protocol (Art. IV), it has so far …

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Satow’s Diplomatic Practice

Satow's Diplomatic Practice

Satow’s Diplomatic Practice Author: Edited by Ivor Roberts ISBN: 9780198821953 Binding: Paperback Publication Date: 21 March 2018 Price: $59.99 Satow’s Diplomatic Practice Seventh Edition Edited by Ivor Roberts Fully updated seventh (centenary) edition of the globally recognized leading authoritative text on diplomatic law and practice Includes increased coverage of important …

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Can the International Court of Justice Decide on the Chagos Islands Advisory Proceedings without the UK’s Consent?

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

Can the International Court of Justice Decide on the Chagos Islands Advisory Proceedings without the UK’s Consent? As Marko has noted in this post, last week Thursday, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution requesting the International Court of Justice provide an advisory opinion on the legality of the separation …

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The ICC Assembly of States Parties Prepares to Activate the ICC’s Jurisdiction over the Crime of Aggression: But Who Will be Covered by that Jurisdiction?

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

The ICC Assembly of States Parties Prepares to Activate the ICC’s Jurisdiction over the Crime of Aggression: But Who Will be Covered by that Jurisdiction? The states parties to the Statute of the International Criminal Court have been meeting in New York recently to begin discussions that it is hoped …

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Recueil des cours, Collected Courses, Tome 381

Recueil des cours, Collected Courses

Recueil des cours, Collected Courses, Tome 381 Les langues et le droit international privé, par E. Jayme, professeur émérite à l’université de Heidelberg. Arbitration and Private International Law, General Course on Private International Law (2015), by G. Bermann, professor at Columbia Law School. Biographical note Co-publication with: The Hague Academy …

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The South China Sea moves to the Indian Ocean: Conflicting Claims Over the Tromelin Islet and its Maritime Entitlements

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

The South China Sea moves to the Indian Ocean: Conflicting Claims Over the Tromelin Islet and its Maritime Entitlements The small, isolated, inhospitable (and inhabited) island of Tromelin, located in the Indian Ocean north of Mauritius and the French Reunion island, and east of Madagascar (see map), has been the subject …

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Voto de agradecimiento (Conferencia Interamericana sobre Problemas de la Guerra y de la Paz, Ciudad de México – 1945)

La Conferencia Interamericana sobre Problemas de la Guerra y de la Paz, RESUELVE: Expresar su sincera gratitud y parabienes a la República Mexicana por su cálida y generosa hospitalidad; y a su Excelencia el Señor General Manuel Avila Camacho, Presidente de México, y a su Excelencia el señor Licenciado Ezequiel …

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INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE YEAR 2013 November General List No. 151 11 November 2013 REQUEST FOR INTERPRETATION OF THE JUDGMENT OF 15 JUNE 1962 IN THE CASE CONCERNING THE TEMPLE OF PREAH VIHEAR (CAMBODIA v. THAILAND) (CAMBODIA v. THAILAND) Historical background. Jurisdiction and admissibility. Article 60 of the Statute of …

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Q&A – ¿Qué es la Cooperacion Sur-Sur y porqué nos importa?

Q&A – ¿Qué es la Cooperacion Sur-Sur y porqué nos importa? La Unidad Especial de Cooperación Sur-Sur del Programa de Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD) sitúa el nacimiento de la Cooperación Sur-Sur en 1954, año en que se registró la primera acción de cooperación enmarcada en un intercambio entre …

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