domingo, diciembre 22, 2024


Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (ESRO)

The Parties to this Convention, Aware of the interrelationship between economic activities and their environmental consequences, Affirming the need to ensure environmentally sound and sustainable development, Determined to enhance international co-operation in assessing environmental impact in particular in a transboundary context, Mindful of the need and importance to develop anticipatory …

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Convention on the Marking of Plastic Explosives for the Purpose of Detection

The States Parties to this Convention, Conscious of the implications of acts of terrorism for international security; Expressing deep concern regarding terrorist acts aimed at destruction of aircraft, other means of transportation and other targets; Concerned that plastic explosives have been used for such terrorist acts; Considering that the marking …

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Declaration of Minimum Humanitarian Standards (UN Sub-Commission on the Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities)

Recalling the reaffirmation by the Charter of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of faith in the dignity and worth of the human person; Considering that situations of internal violence, disturbances, tensions and public emergency continue to cause serious instability and great suffering in all parts …

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Declaration on Yugoslavia (Extraordinary EPC Ministerial Meeting, Brussels, 16 December 1991)

The European Community and its Member States discussed the situation in Yugoslavia in the light of their Guidelines on the recognition of new states in Eastern Europe and in the Soviet Union. They adopted a common position with regard to the recognition of Yugoslav Republics. In this connection they concluded …

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Declaration on the `Guidelines on the Recognition of New States in Eastern Europe and in the Soviet Union' (16 December 1991)

In compliance with the European Council’s request, Ministers have assessed developments in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union with a view to elaborating an approach regarding relations with new states. In this connection they have adopted the following guidelines on the formal recognition of new states in Eastern Europe and …

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Agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the Commission of the European Communities regarding the application of their competition laws – Exchange of interpretative letters with the Government of the United States of America Unofficial translation

AGREEMENT between the Government of the United States of America and the Commission of the European Communities regarding the application of their competition laws THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, Recognizing that the world’s economies are becoming increasingly interrelated, and in …

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OAU Convention on the Ban of the Import into Africa and the Control of Transboundary Movement and Management of Hazardous Wastes within Africa (Bamako Convention)

Adopted 30 January 1991 Bamako, Mali PREAMBLE The Parties to this Convention, 1.  Mindful of the growing threat to human health and the environment posed by the increased generation and the complexity of hazardous wastes, 2.  Further mindful that the most effective way of protecting human health and the environment …

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Paris Peace Agreements (Cambodia)

Paris, October 23, 1991 Annex 1 UNTAC Mandate Section A General Procedures In accordance with Article 6 of the Agreement, UNTAC will exercise the powers necessary to ensure the implementation of this Agreement, including those relating to the organisation and conduct of free and fair elections and the relevant aspects …

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Yamoussoukro IV Accord (Libya)

Final Communiqué of the Fourth Meeting of the Committee of Five of the Economic Community of West African States on the Liberian crisis, held in Yamoussoukro on 29 and 30 October 1991 1. The Committee of Five of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) on Liberia held its …

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Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (as amended by Protocols No. 11 and No. 14)

Rome, 4.XI.1950 This page contains the text of the Convention as amended by its Protocol No. 14 (CETS No. 194) as from the date of its entry into force on 1 June 2010.The text of the Convention had been previously amended according to the provisions of Protocol No. 3 (ETS …

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Agenda 21 (Rio)

Preamble 1.1. Humanity stands at a defining moment in history. We are confronted with a perpetuation of disparities between and within nations, a worsening of poverty, hunger, ill health and illiteracy, and the continuing deterioration of the ecosystems on which we depend for our well-being. However, integration of environment and …

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Convention on Biological Diversity (Rio)

5 JUNE 1992 Preamble The Contracting Parties, Conscious of the intrinsic value of biological diversity and of the ecological, genetic, social, economic, scientific, educational, cultural, recreational and aesthetic values of biological diversity and its components, Conscious also of the importance of biological diversity for evolution and for maintaining life sustaining …

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