miércoles, marzo 12, 2025


Request for Advisory Opinion

Request for Advisory Opinion Accordance with International Law of the Unilateral Declaration of Independence by the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government of Kosovo (Request for Advisory Opinion) – Introductory Note (including the structure of the dossier) (62 Kb)Read more … [via International Court of Justice, The Hague, Netherlands]

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ICC Issues Arrest Warrant for Bashir, but Rejects the Genocide Charge

ICC Issues Arrest Warrant for Bashir, but Rejects the Genocide Charge (Updated) Today the International Criminal Court issues an arrest warrant for Omar al Bashir, the serving President of Sudan, for crimes against humanity and war crimes in Darfur. (The decision is now available here). The news were expected after …

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Arctic ownership and the US approach to the law of the sea

Arctic ownership and the US approach to the law of the sea Could the question of “Arctic ownership” push the US to sign the United Nations Law of the Sea Convention? As we have reported earlier, and as frequently reported in the media (see e.g. this latest article at tampabay.com), …

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ICTY Trial Chamber decides Milutinovic et al

ICTY Trial Chamber decides Milutinovic et al Today a Trial Chamber of the ICTY delivered its judgment in Milutinovic et al, a case against a number of high-ranking political, military and police officials of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and Serbia regarding crimes committed by FRY/Serbian forces in Kosovo in …

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Updates on the Activity of the International Court of Justice (January-February 2009)

Updates on the Activity of the International Court of Justice (January-February 2009) Elections at the ICJ. On 6 February 2009 Judge Hisashi Owada (Japan) was elected President of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) by his peers and Judge Peter Tomka (Slovakia) was elected Vice-President, each for a term of …

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Israel y Hamás usaron armas suministradas por países extranjeros contra la población civil

Israel y Hamás usaron armas suministradas por países extranjeros contra la población civil Israel y Hamás usaron armas suministradas por países extranjeros contra la población civil Según indicios recién hechos públicos por Amnistía Internacional, tanto Israel como Hamás usaron armas suministradas por países extranjeros para atacar a la población civil. …

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¡Nos vemos en la Corte! El arreglo judicial de disputas en América Latina y sus implicaciones para el sistema interamericano

¡Nos vemos en la Corte! El arreglo judicial de disputas en América Latina y sus implicaciones para el sistema interamericano Arturo C. Sotomayor VelázquezEn Foreign Affairs Latinoamérica, Julio-Septiembre 2008 Resumen: A primera vista, América Latina es una de las regiones más pacíficas del mundo. Sin embargo, las disputas fronterizas siguen …

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TAIANA RECIBIÓ A DOS NUEVOS EMBAJADORES El canciller Jorge Taiana recibió esta tarde en su despacho al embajador designado por la República de Lituania ante nuestro país, Vaclovas ?alkauskas, y al embajador designado por la República de Filipinas, Rey Ángeles Carandang, quienes le presentaron las copias de las cartas credenciales …

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Belgium brings case against Senegal in the ICJ over Failure to Prosecute Hissene Habre

Belgium brings case against Senegal in the ICJ over Failure to Prosecute Hissene Habre Belgium has filed a case in the ICJ against Senegal (see press release) with regard to Senegal’s failure to prosecute former Chadian Head of State, Hissene Habre. This is the latest episode in the long running …

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The Tricky Question of State Succession to International Responsibility

The Tricky Question of State Succession to International Responsibility Consider the following scenario: state A commits an internationally wrongful act (say genocide) against state B, incurring responsibility for doing so and giving state B an entitlement to reparation. Before state B actually manages to obtain reparation from state A, state …

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Recent Developments at the International Court of Justice

Recent Developments at the International Court of Justice Speedy Despatch of Business at the Court? In addition to new judges taking up office, and the election of the President and the Vice President (which Marko points out in his post), the Court has also elected a Chamber of Summary Procedure …

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