French Military Intervention in Mali: It’s Legal but… Why? Part II: Consent and UNSC Authorisation In the First Part of this comment we have seen that reference to article 51 of the UN Chapter in order to justify Operation Serval, is problematic. We will now discuss the two other legal …
Leer »French Military Intervention in Mali: It’s Legal but… Why? Part I
French Military Intervention in Mali: It’s Legal but… Why? Part I Part 1: The Argument of Collective Self-Defense Dr. Theodore Christakis is Professor of International Law at the University Grenoble-Alpes (France). He is Director of the Centre for International Security and European Studies (CESICE) and chairman of the ESIL Interest …
Leer »Numerosas ONG rusas obligadas a cerrar
Numerosas ONG rusas obligadas a cerrar Algunas de las ONG más veteranas de Rusia, que operan en el país desde hace más de 20 años, pueden cesar su actividad a partir de febrero debido a la nueva legislación. “En toda nuestra larga trayectoria nunca nos habíamos encontrado en una situación …
Leer »France Intervenes in Mali Invoking both SC Resolution 2085 and the Invitation of the Malian Government – Redundancy or Legal Necessity?
France Intervenes in Mali Invoking both SC Resolution 2085 and the Invitation of the Malian Government – Redundancy or Legal Necessity? Vidan Hadzi-Vidanovic is a lawyer in the Registry of the European Court of Human Rights. The views expressed in this contribution are those of the author and do not …
Leer »Philippines Initiates Arbitration Against China over South China Seas Dispute
Philippines Initiates Arbitration Against China over South China Seas Dispute Today, the Philippines has initiated arbitral proceedings against China with regard to China’s claims over much of the South China seas. Those Chinese claims have led to serious disputes between China and several of its neighbours in East Asia with those disputes …
Leer »Canada and Denmark reach agreement on the Lincoln Sea Boundary
Canada and Denmark reach agreement on the Lincoln Sea Boundary Jacques Hartmann is Lecturer in Law, Dundee Law School, Scotland. This graphic is for illustrative purposes only. The solid black line is the boundary agreed in the 1973 treaty. The broken black line is the boundary agreed ad referendum. The …
Leer »Canada and Denmark reach agreement on the Lincoln Sea Boundary
Canada and Denmark reach agreement on the Lincoln Sea Boundary Jacques Hartmann is Lecturer in Law, Dundee Law School, Scotland. This graphic is for illustrative purposes only. The solid black line is the boundary agreed in the 1973 treaty. The broken black line is the boundary agreed ad referendum. The …
Leer »The ECtHR Finds Macedonia Responsible in Connection with Torture by the CIA, but on What Basis?
The ECtHR Finds Macedonia Responsible in Connection with Torture by the CIA, but on What Basis? André Nollkaemper is Professor of Public International Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Amsterdam. He directs the project on ‘Shared Responsibility in International Law’ (SHARES); this piece is cross-posted on …
Leer »Nuevo conflicto diplomático con Reino Unido: Antártida Argentina será llamada “Reina Isabel”
Nuevo conflicto diplomático con Reino Unido: Antártida Argentina será llamada “Reina Isabel” La parte austral del Territorio Antártico Británico fue nombrado hoyQueen Elizabeth Land(Tierra de la Reina Isabel) en honor a la reina de Inglaterra por sus 60 años de reinado. Así lo confirmó hoy el Ministerio de Exterior británico luego …
Leer »ITLOS order Ghana to release Argentine navy ship
ITLOS order Ghana to release Argentine navy ship On 15 December, the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) ordered Ghana to release the Argentine military training vessel ARA Fragata Libertad (see oral proceedings). NML Capital, an investment company focused on distressed debt based in the Cayman Islands …
Leer »Obama Says U.S. Will Recognize Syrian Rebels
Obama Says U.S. Will Recognize Syrian Rebels WASHINGTON — President Obama said Tuesday that the United States would formally recognize a coalition of Syrian opposition groups as that country’s legitimate representative, intensifying the pressure on President Bashar al-Assad to give up his bloody struggle to stay in power. Mr. Obama’s …
Leer »Self Determination and the Syrian Conflict – Recognition of Syrian Opposition as Sole Legitimate Representative of the Syrian People: What Does this Mean and What Implications Does it Have?
Self Determination and the Syrian Conflict – Recognition of Syrian Opposition as Sole Legitimate Representative of the Syrian People: What Does this Mean and What Implications Does it Have? Last week, the United Kingdom recognised the umbrella Syrian opposition organization, National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces (NCS) as …
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