jueves, marzo 13, 2025


Se debe eliminar el veto en Consejo de Seguridad de ONU – Embajada Abierta

Imaginemos un consorcio frente a un conflicto de dos vecinos. Uno de ellos ha ocupado sin más un departamento que el otro reclama como propio por derecho. Todos se reúnen una noche en el hall, discuten al asunto y deciden: el usurpador debe avenirse a una negociación. Pero el ocupante …

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Which Entity is the Government of Libya and Why does it Matter?

Which Entity is the Government of Libya and Why does it Matter? In the past couple of days, Germany and Canada have joined the group of countries that have declared that they consider the National Transitional Council (NTC) in to be the “legitimate representative” of the Libyan people. But what …

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¿Hacia la declaración de un Estado palestino? – FRIDE

¿Hacia la declaración de un Estado palestino? Los cambios en las dinámicas regionales en Oriente Medio y Norte de África contrastan con el estancamiento de las negociaciones de paz en el conflicto entre Israel y Palestina y la falta de iniciativas por parte de Israel y el Cuarteto. En este …

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“Rescuing ‘Boat People’ in the Mediterranean Sea: The Responsibility of States under the Law of the Sea”.

“Rescuing ‘Boat People’ in the Mediterranean Sea: The Responsibility of States under the Law of the Sea”. Dr. Efthymios Papastavridis, LLM(Athens), LLM(UCL), PhD (UCL) is Adjunct Lecturer, University of Thrace, Faculty of Law and Research Fellow, Academy of Athens, Greece [papastavridis {at} Academyofathens(.)gr ]. 1. Introductory Remarks According to a very recent …

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An Overview of Disobeying the Security Council

An Overview of Disobeying the Security Council I. Introduction Disobedience of an illegal or unjust command has long been a source of inspiration and scholarly excitement for lawyers, philosophers, and even dramatists, among many others. One of the best known tragedies of Sophocles, Antigone, sees the heroine defy the edict …

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Is IMF Managing Director (DSK) Entitled to Immunity from Prosecution?

Is IMF Managing Director (DSK) Entitled to Immunity from Prosecution? I intended to write a post explaining why International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, Dominique Strauss-Kahn (DSK), does not have immunity under the applicable treaties dealing with the immunity of the IMF and its employees. However, Chimene Keitner has beaten me …

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Waiting for Godot: An Analysis of the ICJ Kosovo Advisory Opinion

Waiting for Godot: An Analysis of the ICJ Kosovo Advisory Opinion Dov Jacobs and Yannick Radi are both postdoctoral researchers at the Amsterdam Center of International Law, University of Amsterdam Nearly two years after the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) submitted a request to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) …

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Bin Laden Sons Say U.S. Broke International Law

Bin Laden Sons Say U.S. Broke International Law The adult sons of Osama bin Laden have lashed out at President Obama over their father’s death, accusing the United States of violating legal principles. By SCOTT SHANE WASHINGTON — The adult sons of Osama bin Laden have lashed out at President …

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When to Kill and When to Capture?

When to Kill and When to Capture? My previous post on the Osama bin Laden killing and a number of posts at Opinio Juris have attracted a very productive discussion in the comments, which I would recommend to all readers who haven’t seen it already. The key issue that has …

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Was the Killing of Osama bin Laden Lawful?

Was the Killing of Osama bin Laden Lawful? Yes. I wouldn’t say beyond any doubt, but for practical purposes very nearly so. As I’ve argued before, there are three bodies of law (potentially) relevant for assessing the legality of a targeted killing: the jus ad bellum, IHL, and human rights …

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The International Law Commission Embarks on the Second Reading of Draft Articles on the Responsibility of International Organizations

The International Law Commission Embarks on the Second Reading of Draft Articles on the Responsibility of International Organizations Jean d’Aspremont and Christiane Ahlborn  are both at the Amsterdam Centre for International Law On 26 April 2011 the UN International Law Commission (hereafter ILC) began its second reading of the draft Articles on …

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Responderé a Blair. En Torno A Malvinas Para Una Debida Defensa Del Interés Nacional Y De La Paz, La Seguridad Y La Justicia Internacionales En Una Querida Causa De La Patria, por Constantino Davidoff

Por CONSTANTINO DAVIDOFF   El gesto de soberbia, infame, del Primer Ministro Blair, no debe quedar sin respuesta, sobre todo cuando su  afirmación “haría lo mismo que hizo Thatcher” en Malvinas, invadiendo nuevamente a las islas, se encuentra hoy, suficientemente esclarecida de todos sus aspectos sórdidos y negativos, como que …

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