“Cerrar Europa a los solicitantes de asilo sería una abdicación de nuestros valores” Filippo Grandi (Milán, 1957) visitó España este lunes para conmemorar el 25º aniversario del Comité español de Acnur, la ONG que trabaja con la Agencia de la ONU para los Refugiados (Acnur) en captación de fondos y …
Leer »Dossier 2018 – Semana 47
Semana 47 – 19 al 25 de noviembre de 2018 Los Veintisiete aprueban el acuerdo para la salida de Reino Unido de la UE Los Veintisiete aprueban el acuerdo para la salida de Reino Unido de la UE Los jefes de Estado y de Gobierno de la Unión Europea han …
Leer »Martes 4 de diciembre, 18.30 horas / El cuaderno secreto: Iván Maiski, embajador soviético en Londres 1932-1943
Martes 4 de diciembre, 18.30 horas / El cuaderno secreto: Iván Maiski, embajador soviético en Londres 1932-1943 Martes 4 de diciembre, 18.30 horas CARI, Uruguay 1037, piso 1º, Buenos Aires El cuaderno secreto: Iván Maiski, embajador soviético en Londres 1932-1943 Presentación del libro de Gabriel Gorodetsky, publicado por RBA (en …
Leer »Palestine v United States: Why the ICJ does not need to decide whether Palestine is a state
Palestine v United States: Why the ICJ does not need to decide whether Palestine is a state Palestine’s institution of proceedings against the United States before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) has already drawn much attention on this blog (see here and here) and elsewhere. A great deal has …
Leer »Asilo diplomático por acciones judiciales: la excepción de la arbitrariedad. A propósito de la petición de Alan García a Uruguay
Asilo diplomático por acciones judiciales: la excepción de la arbitrariedad. A propósito de la petición de Alan García a Uruguay Por Nicolás Carrillo Santarelli El ex presidente peruano Alan García solicitó recientemente asilo en la embajada de Uruguay en Perú, alegando “persecución política“. ¿Qué puede decirse al respecto? En primer …
Leer »Keynote Speech Part III: Challenging International Law: What’s New?
Keynote Speech Part III: Challenging International Law: What’s New? [Jutta Brunnée is Professor of Law and Metcalf Chair in Environmental Law, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto. This essay is based on a keynote presentation given at the annual conference of the Canadian Council on International Law in Ottawa, on November …
Leer »Lost in Space? Gaps in the International Space Object Registration Regime
Lost in Space? Gaps in the International Space Object Registration Regime Despite having been operational for over 15 years, the satellites NSS-6 and NSS-7 are missing from the United Nations Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space (‘International Register’). Just as we do not accept unregistered cars on our roads, …
Leer »Dossier 2018 – Semana 46
Semana 46 – 12 al 18 de noviembre de 2018 ¿Hacia dónde va Europa? ¿Hacia dónde va Europa? Jürgen Habermas Banderas de Europa a media asta en la sede de la Comisión Europea, en Bruselas, en 2013. Siska gremmelprez afp / GETTY IMAGES Me han pedido que hable de “Nuevas …
Leer »EJIL Call for Papers: International Law and Democracy Revisited – The EJIL 30th Anniversary Symposium
EJIL Call for Papers: International Law and Democracy Revisited – The EJIL 30th Anniversary Symposium EJIL was founded in 1989, coinciding with the fall of the Berlin Wall and the attendant excitement encapsulated by that well-known optimistic/hubristic End of History phraseology, with predictions of liberal democracy to become regnant in …
Leer »Keynote Speech Part II: Challenging International Law: What’s New?
Keynote Speech Part II: Challenging International Law: What’s New? [Jutta Brunnée is Professor of Law and Metcalf Chair in Environmental Law, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto. This essay is based on a keynote presentation given at the annual conference of the Canadian Council on International Law in Ottawa, on November …
Leer »The Global Community Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence 2017
The Global Community Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence 2017 Author: General Editor: Giuliana Ziccardi Capaldo ISBN: 9780190923846 Binding: Hardcover Publication Date: 16 November 2018 Price: $360.00 Description The Global Community Yearbook is a one-stop resource for all researchers studying international law generally or international tribunals specifically. The Yearbook has …
Leer »The Situation of the Rohingya: Is there a role for the International Court of Justice?
The Situation of the Rohingya: Is there a role for the International Court of Justice? In April 2017, the UN Human Rights Council established the Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on Myanmar to investigate alleged human rights abuses by military and security forces. The Fact-Finding Mission issued an initial summary reportin August …
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