International Journal of Constitutional Law Volume 17, Issue 1, January 2019 ISSN: 1474-2640, EISSN: 1474-2659 @ICONnect_blog Published in association with the New York University School of Law, I•CON is dedicated to advancing the study of international and comparative constitutional law in the broadest sense of the terms. I•CON recognizes …
Leer »Allocating International Responsibility Between Member States and International Organisations
Allocating International Responsibility Between Member States and International Organisations Autor: Nikolaos Voulgaris ISBN: 9781509925728Publicado: 16-05-2019Páginas: 264 The ever-growing interaction between member States and international organisations results, all too often, in situations of non-conformity with international law (eg peacekeeping operations, international economic adjustment programmes, counter-terrorism sanctions). Seven years after the finalisation …
Leer »Revista Electrónica Iberoamericana – núm. 13 (2019)
Revista Electrónica Iberoamericana núm. 13 (2019) ISSN: 1988 – 0618 @ceib_centro @centroceib.urjc La REVISTA ELECTRONICA IBEROAMERICANA (REIB) es uno de los instrumentos de difusión científica del Centro de Estudios de Iberoamérica, de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos y del Instituto Universitario de Estudios Internacionales y Europeos “Francisco de Vitoria”, de …
Leer »The Faces of Human Rights
The Faces of Human Rights Editor(s): Kasey McCall-Smith, Jan Wouters, Felipe Gómez Isa ISBN: 9781509926916Publicado: 16-05-2019Páginas: 376 As human rights discourse increasingly focuses on analysing states and the institutions that promote and support the human rights machinery that states have created, this volume serves to recall that despite the growing …
Leer »Selecting and Removing International Judges and Arbitrators – United Nations Audiovisual Library of International Law
United Nations Audiovisual Library of International Law Ms. Chiara Giorgetti Professor of Law University of Richmond Biography Selecting and Removing International Judges and Arbitrators Courts and Tribunals Judiciary Video | Audio (36 minutes)
Leer »Derecho Internacional del Comercio y Derecho Internacional de las Inversiones – United Nations Audiovisual Library of International Law
United Nations Audiovisual Library of International Law Sr. Victor Saco Profesor Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú Biography Derecho Internacional del Comercio y Derecho Internacional de las Inversiones International Economic Law Introduction Video | Audio (36 minutes)
Leer »Consideraciones sobre organizaciones internacionales y foros o grupos a nivel internacional: significación de la personalidad jurídica internacional – United Nations Audiovisual Library of International Law
United Nations Audiovisual Library of International Law Sr. Juan José Ruda Santolaria Profesor de la Facultad de Derecho de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú Miembro de la Comisión de Derecho Internacional Biography Consideraciones sobre organizaciones internacionales y foros o grupos a nivel internacional: significación de la personalidad jurídica internacional …
Leer »Actos unilaterales de los Estados – United Nations Audiovisual Library of International Law
United Nations Audiovisual Library of International Law Sr. Luis Alfonso García-Corrochano Moyano Decano de la Facultad de Derecho y Profesor de Derecho Internacional Público Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas Miembro y Vicepresidente del Comité Jurídico Interamericano Biography Actos unilaterales de los Estados International Law Sources of Law Video | Audio …
Leer »European Constitutions Compared
This book is a comprehensive study of the institutional setting of European Constitutions and provides a systematic study of the constitutional principles and organisation of state powers. The following issues are addressed: Terminology; Notion and Functions of Constitution; Sources of Constitutional Law; Constituent and Amending Power; Protecting the Constitution; Directive Principles; Fundamental Constitutional Principles; Division of Powers; Division of Functions; Parliament; Head of State; Government and Administration; The Judicial Power.
Leer »The Interface Between EU and International Law
Despite their many obvious interconnections, EU and international law are all too often studied and practised in different spheres. While it is natural for each to insist on its own unique characteristics, and in particular for the EU to emphasise its sui generis nature, important insights might be lost because of this exclusionary approach. This book aims to break through some of those barriers and to show how more interaction between the two spheres might be encouraged. In so doing, it offers a constitutional dimension but also a substantive one, identifying policy areas where EU and international law and their respective actors work alongside each other. Offering a 360-degree view on both EU and international institutional and substantive law, this collection presents a refreshing perspective on a longstanding issue.
Leer »Authority and Legitimacy of Environmental Post-Treaty Rules
In the international law of the 21st century, more and more regulation comes in the form of post-treaty rules. Developed in environmental law, this trend increasingly spreads to areas ranging from tobacco regulation to arms trade. This book offers the first systematic examination of these decisions, resolutions and recommendations adopted by treaty bodies, to assess their effectiveness. The study shows that the authority of such rules is in question as, in practice, treaty parties retain almost complete discretion when it comes to their implementation. This conclusion gives rise to two key questions. To what extent does this ambiguous authority affect adherence to procedural principles like legal certainty, non-arbitrariness and the duty to state reasons? And can the legitimacy of the process and content of post-treaty rules fill the gaps in their authority? In assessing these questions, the study shines a light on this crucial but neglected area in international law scholarship and forms a starting point for improvements and reform.
Leer »EU Competition Litigation
All EU Member States have now transposed Directive 2014/104/EU on damages actions for breaches of competition law into national law. The Directive (and the soft-law instruments accompanying it) not only marks a new phase for private enforcement of competition law but also, more generally, provides a novel and thought provoking instance of EU harmonisation of aspects of private law and civil litigation.
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