ACDI – Anuario Colombiano de Derecho Internacional Vol. 12 (2019) ISSN: 2027-1131, ISSN-e: 2145-4493 El Anuario es una publicación científica arbitrada que tiene como objetivo difundir, en Colombia y en el exterior, la producción de conocimiento sobre Derecho Internacional. Para ello, publica artículos inéditos en las áreas del Derecho Internacional …
Leer »Revista Electrónica Cordobesa de Derecho Internacional Público – Núm. 1 (2019)
Revista Electrónica Cordobesa de Derecho Internacional Público Núm. 1 (2019) ISSN: 2250-5059 Revista desarrollada en el ámbito del Departamento de Derecho Público de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. La Revista es una publicación científica, arbitrada, anual, llevada adelante por miembros de las …
Leer »Revista Electrónica Iberoamericana – Vol. 13, No. 1, 2019
Revista Electrónica Iberoamericana Vol. 13, No. 1, 2019 ISSN: 1988 – 0618 @ceib_centro @centroceib.urjc La REVISTA ELECTRONICA IBEROAMERICANA (REIB) es uno de los instrumentos de difusión científica del Centro de Estudios de Iberoamérica, de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos y del Instituto Universitario de Estudios Internacionales y Europeos “Francisco de …
Leer »African Journal of International and Comparative Law – Volume 27, Issue 3, August, 2019
African Journal of International and Comparative Law Volume 27, Issue 3, August, 2019 ISSN: 0954-8890, EISSN: 1755-1609 @EdinburghUP @EdinburghUP The African Journal of International and Comparative Law re-started publication with EUP in 2005, with the approval of the African Society of International and Comparative Law. The eminent Editorial Board continues as previously, with …
Leer »Space Law
Space Law Editor(s): Stephan Hobe ISBN: 9781509924097Publicado: 13-06-2019Páginas: 400 Human activities in outer space will become ever more important because of increasing commercial activities such as space tourism, civilian and military activities, especially satellite launches, all the way to a potential future mining of extra-terrestrial commodities stemming from celestial bodies. …
Leer »International Affairs – Volume 95, Issue 4, July 2019
International Affairs Volume 95, Issue 4, July 2019 ISSN: 0020-5850, EISSN: 1468-2346 @IAJournal_CH @ChathamHouse @OUPAcademic International Affairs is one of the world’s leading journals of international relations and one of the few to cover the entire discipline. Founded by and edited at Chatham House, the Royal Institute of International Affairs …
Leer »The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child A Commentary Edited by John Tobin ISBN: 9780198262657 (Hardcover)Publicado: 21 May 2019Páginas: 1872 The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is the most extensive and widely ratified international human rights treaty. This Commentary offers a comprehensive analysis of …
Leer »EU Law Beyond EU Borders
EU Law Beyond EU Borders The Extraterritorial Reach of EU Law Edited by Marise Cremona and Joanne Scott ISBN: 9780198842170 (Hardcover)Publicado: 26 June 2019Páginas: 272 This book addresses the impact of EU law beyond its own borders, the use of law as a powerful instrument of EU external action, and …
Leer »International Law
International Law Gleider Hernandez ISBN: 9780198748830 (Paperback)Publicado: 08 June 2019Páginas: 664 International Law presents a comprehensive yet student-focused approach to the subject, providing a contemporary and stimulating account of international law. With critical coverage delivered through a wide range of learning features, students are encouraged to engage with legal debates …
Leer »Carrot and Stick: How Western States Lure and Pressure Third States into Cooperating in Migration Control and What This Means for Migrants’ Rights
Carrot and Stick: How Western States Lure and Pressure Third States into Cooperating in Migration Control and What This Means for Migrants’ Rights [Lena Riemer just finished a year as a Fox International Fellowship at Yale University and is currently a PhD Candidate at the Free University of Berlin writing …
Leer »Doctrine, Practice, and Advocacy in the Inter-American Human Rights System
Doctrine, Practice, and Advocacy in the Inter-American Human Rights System James L. Cavallaro, Claret Vargas, Clara Sandoval, Bernard Duhaime, With Caroline Bettinger-Lopez, Stephanie Erin Brewer, Diana Guzman, and Cecilia Naddeo ISBN: 9780190900861 (Hardcover)Publicado: 19 July 2019Páginas: 968 Doctrine, Practice and Advocacy in the Inter-American Human Rights System is the first …
Leer »Call For Submissions: Cambridge International Law Journal
Now accepting submissions for Volume 9 The Cambridge International Law Journal (CILJ) is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal, run by members of the postgraduate community at the Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge. The Editorial Board is pleased to invite submissions for Volume 9 (Issues to be published in June and December …
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