Jueves 29 de agosto, 19.00 horas / El mundo que viene y cómo se inserta la Argentina CARI, Uruguay 1037, piso 1º, Buenos Aires Mesa-debate con la participación de Daniel Funes de Rioja, Inés Aguerrondo e Ignacio Peña. Modera: Silvia Fesquet. Palabras de apertura a cargo del Dr. Adalberto Rodríguez …
Leer »Latin American Law Review – Revista Latinoamericana de Derecho – Issue 3 | julio 2019
Latin American Law Review – Revista Latinoamericana de Derecho Issue 3 | julio 2019 ISSN: 2619-4880 @UniandesDerecho @FacultadDeDerechoUniandes Latin American Law Review – LAR Facultad de Derecho Uniandes Latin American Law Review es una publicación académica semestral de acceso abierto de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de los …
Leer »International Journal of Refugee Law – Volume 31, Issue 1, March 2019
International Journal of Refugee Law Volume 31, Issue 1, March 2019 ISSN: 0953-8186, EISSN: 1464-3715 @OxfordJournals @OUPAcademic The International Journal of Refugee Law is the leading peer-reviewed journal on all aspects of international law relating to forced migration. As predicted by the Times Higher Education Supplement, it has become a …
Leer »Lethal Force, the Right to Life and the ECHR
Lethal Force, the Right to Life and the ECHR Narratives of Death and Democracy By: Stephen Skinner ISBN: 9781849464062Publicado: 22-08-2019Páginas: 224 In its case law on the use of lethal and potentially lethal force, the European Court of Human Rights declares a fundamental connection between the right to life in …
Leer »Research Handbook on Child Soldiers
Research Handbook on Child Soldiers Research Handbooks in International Law series Edited by Mark A. Drumbl, Class of 1975 Alumni Professor of Law and Director, Transnational Law Institute, Washington and Lee University, US and Jastine C. Barrett, Independent Human Rights Consultant and Honorary Researcher, Kent Law School, University of Kent, …
Leer »2019 ILC Report (advance version)
2019 ILC Report (advance version) Advance unofficial version of the 2019 ILC report is made available for the convenience of delegations. Official issuance in all six languages is expected by mid-September. [via International Law Commission]
Leer »Nordic Journal of International Law – Volume 88 (2019): Issue 2 (Apr 2019)
Nordic Journal of International Law Volume 88 (2019): Issue 2 (Apr 2019) Print ISSN: 0902-7351, ISSN: 1571-8107 @brillpublishing @BrillPublishing/ Acta scandinavica juris gentium Established in 1930, the Nordic Journal of International Law has remained the principal forum in the Nordic countries for the scholarly exchange on legal development in the …
Leer »Documents on the Law of UN Peace Operations
International Organizations under Pressure Second Edition Bruce Oswald, Helen Durham, and Adrian Bates ISBN: 9780198757283 (Hardcover)Publicado: 20 August 2019Páginas: 704 Since the first edition of this book was published in 2010, United Nations peace operations have evolved significantly. In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Central African Republic, and South …
Leer »International Journal of Human Rights – Volume 23, Issue 7, 2019
International Journal of Human Rights Volume 23, Issue 7, 2019 ISSN: 1364-2987, EISSN: 1744-053X @tandfonline @TaylorandFrancisGroup TaylorandFrancis tandfchina taylor-&-francis-group The International Journal of Human Rights covers an exceptionally broad spectrum of human rights issues: human rights and the law, race, religion, gender, children, class, refugees and immigration. In addition to …
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INGENIERÍA FINANCIERA DEL SAQUEO MACRI Por Héctor GIULIANO INGENIERÍA FINANCIERA DEL SAQUEO MACRI Por Héctor GIULIANO (9.8.2019) La Argentina está siendo sometida hoy a un proceso de saqueo financiero organizado, comparable al del Proceso Militar 1976-1983 y a la Convertibilidad Menemista de la década del ´90. Todos los días el …
Leer »Megaregulation Contested
Megaregulation Contested Global Economic Ordering After TPP Edited by Benedict Kingsbury, David M. Malone, Paul Mertenskötter, Richard B. Stewart, Thomas Streinz, and Atsushi Sunami ISBN: 9780198825296 (Hardcover)Publicado: 13 August 2019Páginas: 752 The Japan-led Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPPA) of 2018 is the most far-reaching ‘megaregional’ economic agreement in force, with several major …
Leer »The EU as a Global Regulator for Environmental Protection
The EU as a Global Regulator for Environmental Protection A Legitimacy Perspective By: Ioanna Hadjiyianni ISBN: 9781509925605Publicado: 08-08-2019Páginas: 368 This book critically examines the extension of EU environmental legislation beyond EU borders through measures that determine access to the single market on the basis of processes that take place in …
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