International Organizations Law Review Volume 18 (2021): Issue 1 (May 2021) Print ISSN: 1572-3739, Online ISSN: 1572-3747 @brillpublishing @BrillPublishing/ The International Organizations Law Review is a peer-reviewed journal that only publishes articles that have passed through an anonymous review process. After the Second World War, the law of international organizations …
Leer »Journal of International Criminal Justice – Volume 18, Issue 5, November 2020
Journal of International Criminal Justice Volume 18, Issue 5, November 2020 ISSN: 1478-1387, EISSN: 1478-1395 @oxfordjournals @OUPAcademic The Journal of International Criminal Justice aims to promote a profound collective reflection on the new problems facing international law. Established by a group of distinguished criminal lawyers and international lawyers, the Journal …
Leer »International Journal of Human Rights – Volume 25, Issue 5 (2021)
International Journal of Human Rights Volume 25, Issue 5 (2021) ISSN: 1364-2987, EISSN: 1744-053X @tandfonline @TaylorandFrancisGroup TaylorandFrancis tandfchina taylor-&-francis-group The International Journal of Human Rights covers an exceptionally broad spectrum of human rights issues: human rights and the law, race, religion, gender, children, class, refugees and immigration. In addition to …
Leer »International Relations – Volume 35 Issue 2, June 2021
International Relations Volume 35 Issue 2, June 2021 ISSN: 0047-1178, Online ISSN: 1741-2862 @SAGE_News @SAGEPublications SAGE Publishing International Relations is explicitly pluralist in outlook. Editorial policy favours variety in both subject-matter and method, at a time when so many academic journals are increasingly specialised in scope, and sectarian in approach. …
Leer »Journal of the History of International Law / Revue d’histoire du droit international – Volume 23 (2021): Issue 2 (May 2021)
Journal of the History of International Law / Revue d’histoire du droit international Volume 23 (2021): Issue 2 (May 2021) Print ISSN: 1388-199X, ISSN: 1571-8050 @brillpublishing @BrillPublishing/ The Journal of the History of International Law / Revue d’histoire du droit international is an interdisciplinary journal on the history of international …
Leer »Prof. Francesco Sindico – La Importancia Inadvertida de los acuiferos transfronterizos
HDI – Hablemos de Derecho Internacional Prof. Francesco Sindico – La Importancia Inadvertida de los acuiferos transfronterizos En este episodio Edgardo Sobenes conversa con el Prof. Francesco Sindico sobre los acuíferos transfronterizos. El Profesor inicia el episodio explicando de forma precisa los …
Leer »Human Rights Quarterly – Volume 43, Number 2, May 2021
Human Rights Quarterly Volume 43, Number 2, May 2021 ISSN: 0275-0392 @ProjectMUSE @ProjectMUSE Human Rights Quarterly (HRQ) is widely recognized as the leader in the field of human rights. For more than a quarter of a century, HRQ has published articles by experts from around the world writing for the …
Leer »Dr. Angel V. Horna – Una conversación exitosa sobre la delimitación de fronteras marítimas
HDI – Hablemos de Derecho Internacional Dr. Angel V. Horna – Una conversación exitosa sobre la delimitación de fronteras marítimas En este episodio Edgardo Sobenes conversa con el Dr. Angel V. Horna acerca de la delimitación de fronteras marítimas. El Dr. Horna …
Leer »Cour internationale de Justice: éternel bel âge?
Cour internationale de Justice: éternel bel âge? par Philippe Couvreur, Juge ad hoc et ancien Greffier de la Cour internationale de Justice (*) Décidément, les mois passent et se ressemblent…La pandémie de Covid-19, que l’on n’avait guère attendue, et dont d’aucuns avaient pensé qu’on pût se libérer promptement, grève toujours aussi …
Leer »Palestine / Conseil des Droits de l´Homme de l’ONU : à propos d´un vote récent exigeant la justice pour les victimes palestiniennes
Palestine / Conseil des Droits de Homme des Nations Unies : à propos d´un vote récent sur la justice pour les victimes palestiniennes Durant les derniers jours de sa session annuelle à Genève, le Conseil des Droits de l’Homme des Nations unies a adopté la résolution (A/HRC/46/L.31) intitulée “Situation des droits de l’homme …
Leer »Journal of Conflict & Security Law – Volume 26, Issue 1, Spring 2021
Journal of Conflict & Security Law Volume 26, Issue 1, Spring 2021 Print ISSN: 1467-7954, Online ISSN: 1467-7962 @j_csl @OUPAcademic The Journal of Conflict & Security Law (JCSL) is a thrice yearly peer-reviewed journal aimed at academics, government officials, military lawyers, and lawyers working in the area, as well as …
Leer »La entrada en vigencia del Acuerdo de Escazú: celebración en América Latina y profundo malestar en Costa Rica
La entrada en vigencia del Acuerdo de Escazú: celebración en América Latina y profundo malestar en Costa Rica Foto de Berta Cáceres Flores, lideresa hondureña lenca, asesinada el 3 de marzo del 2016, extraída de nota del GAIPE (Grupo Asesor Internacional de Personas Expertas): un grupo de investigación internacional constituido para …
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