Guyana / Venezuela: Corte Internacional de Justicia (CIJ) anuncia que fijó plazos La Corte Internacional de Justicia (CIJ) hizo pública este 2 de julio su primera decisión con respecto a la demanda interpuesta por Guyana contra Venezuela en marzo del 2018. La CIJ tomó esta decisión pese al anuncio reciente …
Leer »Esequibo: Venezuela anuncia que no participará ante la Corte Internacional de Justicia (CIJ)
Esequibo: Venezuela anuncia que no participará ante la Corte Internacional de Justicia (CIJ) Esequibo: Venezuela anuncia que no participará ante la Corte Internacional de Justicia (CIJ) / Esequibo: Venezuela announced it will not participate to proceedings at International Court of Justice (ICJ) El pasado 18 de junio, Venezuela anunció formalmente …
Leer »Inter-American Court of Human Rights condemns Venezuelan regime’s political persecution against the opposition in the San Miguel Sosa and others case
Inter-American Court of Human Rights condemns Venezuelan regime’s political persecution against the opposition in the San Miguel Sosa and others case The Inter-American Court of Human Rights (hereinafter, IACtHR) published a recent decision (only available in Spanish) in the San Miguel Sosa and others vs. Venezuela case, by means of …
Leer »El retiro de Estados Unidos del Consejo de Derechos Humanos: breves apuntes
El retiro de Estados Unidos del Consejo de Derechos Humanos: breves apuntes Este 19 de junio, Estados Unidos anunció oficialmente que se retira del máximo órgano de derechos humanos de Naciones Unidas, el Consejo de Derechos Humanos. En las líneas que siguen se intentará analizar las razones por las que …
Leer »The Anatomy of Global Debt
The Anatomy of Global Debt Jun 15, 2018 Howard Davies The IMF’s new Global Debt Database is an impressive piece of work. And the numbers suggest that the so-called debt intensity of growth has increased: we seem to need higher levels of debt to support a given rate of economic …
Leer »The Aquarius incident: navigating the turbulent waters of international law
The Aquarius incident: navigating the turbulent waters of international law Between Saturday 9 June and Sunday 10 June, 629 migrants were rescued from overcrowded boats in the Central Mediterranean in search and rescue (SAR) operations carried out by NGOs and the Italian navy. They were taken on board by the …
Leer »El género del jus cogens
El género del jus cogens EL GÉNERO DEL JUS COGENS Por Hilary Charlesworth y Christine Chinkin La doctrina moderna del derecho internacional denominada jus cogens establece la existencia de normas jurídicas fundamentales que no admiten acuerdos en contrario. Los defensores del concepto jus cogens con frecuencia indican que su fundamento, en …
Leer »El veto norteamericano a un proyecto de resolución del Consejo de Seguridad sobre la urgente necesidad de proteger a civiles palestinos: breves apuntes
El veto norteamericano a un proyecto de resolución del Consejo de Seguridad sobre la urgente necesidad de proteger a civiles palestinos: breves apuntes El veto norteamericano a un proyecto de resolución del Consejo de Seguridad sobre la urgente necesidad de proteger a civiles palestinos: breves apuntes El pasado 1ero de …
Leer »Protection of civilians in Palestine: UN Security Council fails to adopt a resolution (due to US veto)
Protection of civilians in Palestine: UN Security Council fails to adopt a resolution (due to US veto) Protection of civilians in Palestine: UN Security Council fails to adopt a resolution (due to US veto) On June 1st, the UN Security Council voted a draft resolution presented by Kuwait concerning the …
Leer »The transfer of the US Embassy to Jerusalem: the need of responses from international community
The transfer of the US Embassy to Jerusalem: the need of responses from international community The transfer of the US Embassy to Jerusalem: the need of responses from international community Nicolas Boeglin, Professor of Public International Law, Law Faculty, University of Costa Rica Picture taken from this press note of …
Leer »A new twist in the South China Sea Arbitration: The Chinese Society of International Law’s Critical Study
A new twist in the South China Sea Arbitration: The Chinese Society of International Law’s Critical Study On Monday 14 May 2018 the Chinese Journal of International Law, an Oxford University Press journal, published an extraordinary 500 page “Critical Study” of the Awards on jurisdiction and the merits in the …
Leer »Visions of the ‘Right to Democratic Governance’ under International Law: The Complexities of the Philippines under Duterte
Visions of the ‘Right to Democratic Governance’ under International Law: The Complexities of the Philippines under Duterte Is international law any closer to defining the content of a “right to democratic governance”? International human rights law instruments do not prescribe a form of governance, but they do explicitly refer to …
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