miércoles, marzo 26, 2025


US Strikes against Syria and the Implications for the Jus ad Bellum

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

US Strikes against Syria and the Implications for the Jus ad Bellum The blogosphere is abuzz with reactions to the U.S. strikes against Syria. My guess is that most international lawyers will agree with Marko Milanovic that the strikes were unlawful. Article 2(4) of the Charter prohibits the use of …

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The Clearly Illegal US Missile Strike in Syria

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

The Clearly Illegal US Missile Strike in Syria Yesterday, the United States launched a missile strike against an airbase of the Syrian armed forces, in response to the recent chemical attack that the US claims was launched from this airbase. This is the first time that the US has directly …

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Armas Químicas en Siria: Consejo de Seguridad y Estados Unidos

Nicolas Boeglin

ARMAS QUÍMICAS EN SIRIA: CONSEJO DE SEGURIDAD Y ESTADOS UNIDOS En razón de sustancias químicas en Siria que, el pasado 4 de abril han dejado un saldo mortífero de 87 personas, entre las cuales 20 niños, y más de 400 heridos, el Consejo de Seguridad de Naciones Unidas celebró una …

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The Consequence of the UN Resolution on Israeli Settlements for the EU:  Stop Trade with Settlements

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

The Consequence of the UN Resolution on Israeli Settlements for the EU:  Stop Trade with Settlements The recent UN Security Council Resolution 2334 (2016) reaffirmed that the establishment of Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territory has no legal validity and that Israel’s settlement enterprise is a flagrant violation of …

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La estrategia báltica de Moscú


La estrategia báltica de Moscú La tensión en la frontera entre el Báltico y Rusia ha puesto en alerta a la alianza atlántica. Durante los últimos meses se han llevado a cabo movimientos de tropas, maniobras militares y referencias al “artículo 5”, pero ¿es la amenaza militar lo más peligroso? …

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Can’t Britain Exit Brexit?


Can’t Britain Exit Brexit? by Edward Swaine Yesterday, Prime Minister Theresa May had hand-delivered to Brussels—via a black Jaguar, taking a secret route!—a notice “in accordance with Article 50(2) of the Treaty on European Union of the United Kingdom’s intention to withdraw from the European Union.”  Brexit is happening, even …

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North Korea and the Law on Anticipatory Self-Defense

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

North Korea and the Law on Anticipatory Self-Defense Media reports over the last few weeks indicate that the already tense relationship between North Korea and the United States is getting worse. Now that North Korea is nearly ready to test an intercontinental ballistic missile, the United States has said that …

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El proceso de construcción de la Unión Europa

60 aniversario del Tratado de Roma

El proceso de construcción de la Unión Europa En 2017 se celebran 60 años de la firma del Tratado de Roma (1957) por seis países (Bélgica, Francia, Alemania, Italia, Luxemburgo y Holanda) que fue el origen de la Unión Europea. Eurobarómetro preguntó a los encuestados qué palabra les venía a …

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El asilo, un derecho ignorado

Un niño pasa delante de unas pintadas hechas en Atenas a mediados de abril durante una manifestación contra la guerra en Siria y la actitud de la UE hacia los refugiados. S. PANTZARTZI EFE

El asilo, un derecho ignorado La garantía del derecho de asilo es una piedra cada vez más molesta en el zapato de la Unión Europea. En los últimos años, y a pesar del problema lacerante de los refugiados, ha sido incapaz de modificar los desfasados mecanismos de determinación del Estado …

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Hegemonic Cooperation or Succession? The United States’ Emerging ‘Abandonment’, and China’s Rising ‘Defense’, of the Global Order

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

Hegemonic Cooperation or Succession? The United States’ Emerging ‘Abandonment’, and China’s Rising ‘Defense’, of the Global Order Many international lawyers all over the world will doubtless have experienced a surge of surrealism over the past weeks, witnessing dramatic contrasts emerging between American and Chinese foreign policies seeking to redefine the …

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The ECtHR’s Ilias and Ahmed v. Hungary and Why It Matters

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

The ECtHR’s Ilias and Ahmed v. Hungary and Why It Matters The European Court of Human Rights delivered a judgment last Tuesday in the case of Ilias and Ahmed v. Hungary, finding multiple violations of the European Convention as a result of Hungary’s border procedures and its treatment of asylum-seekers. …

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Ukraine v Russia at the ICJ Hearings on Indication of Provisional Measures: Who Leads?

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

Ukraine v Russia at the ICJ Hearings on Indication of Provisional Measures: Who Leads? From the day Ukraine submitted its case against Russia at the ICJ, one could expect that the case would be extremely politicized and difficult to adjudicate. Oral proceedings on the request for provisional measures held on …

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