¿Es legítima la secesión de Cataluña? La secesión, cuando un Estado se desgaja de otro, ha venido justificada desde la teoría política por tres grandes argumentos. El primero es la teoría adscriptiva, que defiende que el sujeto legitimado para secesionarse es la nación —comunidad territorialmente concentrada con trazos culturales comunes—. …
Leer »New EJIL:Live! Interview with Niels Petersen on his Article “The International Court of Justice and the Judicial Politics of Identifying Customary International Law”
New EJIL:Live! Interview with Niels Petersen on his Article “The International Court of Justice and the Judicial Politics of Identifying Customary International Law” In this latest episode of EJIL: Live! the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal, Professor Joseph Weiler, speaks with Professor Niels Petersen of the University of Münster, whose article, “The …
Leer »Reacción del Consejo de Seguridad a sobrevuelo de Japón por un misil lanzado desde Corea del Norte
Reacción del Consejo de Seguridad a sobrevuelo de Japón por un misil lanzado desde Corea del Norte EL pasado 29 de agosto, al confirmarse, un día anterior, el sobrevuelo de Japón por un misil balístico lanzado por Corea del Norte, el Conssejo de Seguridad adoptó una Declaración S/PRST/2017/16 de su …
Leer »¿Reclamaciones de derechos humanos por presunta ignorancia de la voluntad popular expresada en un mecanismo de participación política directa? El caso del plebiscito colombiano por la paz ante la CIDH
¿Reclamaciones de derechos humanos por presunta ignorancia de la voluntad popular expresada en un mecanismo de participación política directa? El caso del plebiscito colombiano por la paz ante la CIDH Por Nicolás Carrillo Santarelli Hay un caso sui generis que puede generar precedente (sin stare decisis formal aunque quizá práctico, …
Leer »Saving the International Economic Order
Saving the International Economic Order Paola Subacchi Paola Subacchi is Research Director of International Economics at Chatham House and Professor of Economics at the University of Bologna. She is the author of The People’s Money: How China is Building an International Currency. SEP 1, 2017 LONDON – This autumn, the …
Leer »Is Ukraine a “Stranger” to the EU? OPAL Case
Is Ukraine a “Stranger” to the EU? OPAL Case In their recent contribution to the Global Trust Working Paper Series, Professor Eyal Benvenisti and Dr. Sivan Shlomo Agon raise one conspicuous, though rarely asked, question within a broader topic of state sovereignty in a globalised world. They wonder how sovereign …
Leer »Of Fire and Fury: The Threat of Force and the Korean Missile Crisis
Of Fire and Fury: The Threat of Force and the Korean Missile Crisis by Mohamed Helal [Mohamed Helal is an Assistant Professor of Law, Moritz College of Law & Affiliated Faculty, Mershon Center for International Security Studies – The Ohio State University.] Wars of Words and Tweets The recent escalation …
Leer »Costa Rica – Nicaragua: compensation for environmental damages caused by Nicaragua
COSTA RICA – NICARAGUA : COMPENSATION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE / MONTO INDEMNIZATORIO POR DAÑO AMBIENTAL Costa Rica – Nicaragua: compensation for environmental damages caused by Nicaragua (Spanish version available too) On August 29, 2017, the written procedure finalized at Internacional Court of Justice (ICJ) between Costa Rica and Nicaragua concerning …
Leer »Who is the victim of cultural heritage destruction? The Reparations Order in the case of the Prosecutor v Ahmad Al Faqi Al Mahdi
Who is the victim of cultural heritage destruction? The Reparations Order in the case of the Prosecutor v Ahmad Al Faqi Al Mahdi On 17 August 2017, Trial Chamber VIII of the ICC issued its Reparations Order in the Al Mahdi case. The Chamber found that Al Mahdi was liable …
Leer »The Partition of India and Pakistan: Lessons on UN Membership in the Event of a Break-Up of Member
The Partition of India and Pakistan: Lessons on UN Membership in the Event of a Break-Up of Member 70 years ago today (21 August 1947) the United Nations Security Council adopted Resolution 29 recommending that the General Assembly admit Pakistan to membership of the United Nations. That resolution was adopted …
Leer »The Kosovo Specialist Chambers’ Rules of Procedure and Evidence
The Kosovo Specialist Chambers’ Rules of Procedure and Evidence The Kosovo Specialist Chambers (KSC) and the Specialist Prosecutor’s Office (SPO) are the latest addition to a multi-layered and broad spectrum of international institutions dedicated to the investigation and prosecution of international crimes. In March 2017, the Judges of the KSC …
Leer »Reopening Proceedings for Reparations and Abuse of Process at the International Court of Justice
Reopening Proceedings for Reparations and Abuse of Process at the International Court of Justice On 28 July 2017, Nicaragua made the rather surprising announcement that it would revive its claim for US$17 billion in compensation against the United States. To recall, in its 1986 Merits Judgment in Nicaragua v. United …
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