lunes, marzo 31, 2025


Derechos Humanos y corrupción

Derechos Humanos y corrupción Los derechos humanos descansan sobre una serie de convenciones, pactos y tratados internacionales; es decir, un conjunto de obligaciones entre los Estados asumidas de manera libre y voluntaria. Típicamente, estos acuerdos son refrendados por las legislaciones nacionales, siendo incorporados en sus respectivos ordenamientos constitucionales. En algunos …

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América Latina ve con preocupación la crisis catalana

Manifestación de estudiantes en la plaza de Catalunya de Barcelona, esta semana, en protesta por la violencia policial. Quique García EFE

América Latina ve con preocupación la crisis catalana Entre el estupor y la tristeza, intelectuales que vieron a España como un modelo para resolver conflictos por consenso, sienten ahora que esa imagen queda cuestionada América Latina tuvo durante décadas a la transición y la democracia española como un ejemplo a …

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La posible mediación de la Unión Europea

Fundación CIDOB

La posible mediación de la Unión Europea * Este artículo se publicó previamente en La Vanguardia A medida que escala el conflicto entre los principales actores de Catalunya y España y ante su incapacidad de abordar el diálogo, se refuerzan los argumentos que reclaman la mediación europea. El gobierno catalán hace …

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The Kampala Amendments on the Crime of Aggression Before Activation: Evaluating the Legal Framework of a Political Compromise


The Kampala Amendments on the Crime of Aggression Before Activation: Evaluating the Legal Framework of a Political Compromise by Astrid Reisinger Coracini [Astrid Reisinger Coracini is is Lecturer at the University of Salzburg and Director of the Salzburg Law School on International Criminal Law, Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law (SLS). …

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The Who, Where, and When of Secession

Project Syndicate

The Who, Where, and When of Secession Sep 29, 2017 Joseph S. Nye National self-determination, the principle that US President Woodrow Wilson put on the international agenda in 1918, is generally defined as the right of a people to form its own state. The independence referendums in Iraqi Kurdistan and …

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Do Kurds Have the Right to Self-Determination and/or Secession?


Do Kurds Have the Right to Self-Determination and/or Secession? by Milena Sterio [Milena Sterio is a Professor of Law and Associate Dean for Academic Enrichment at the Cleveland-Marshall College of Law.] On September 25, 2017, Kurds voted in a self-declared independence referendum organized by the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG). , …

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Referendum en Cataluña: carta colectiva de profesores de derecho internacional

Nicolas Boeglin

Referendum en Cataluña: carta colectiva de profesores de derecho internacional Ante la tensión que se vive en España de cara al referéndum convocado por la Generalitat para este primero de octubre del 2017, una carta colectiva denominada “Declaración sobre la falta de fundamentación en el Derecho Internacional del referéndum de …

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If President Trump Ends the Iran Deal, Can He Trigger the Security Council Snapback?


If President Trump Ends the Iran Deal, Can He Trigger the Security Council Snapback? by Jean Galbraith [Jean Galbraith is an Assistant Professor of Law at the University of Pennsylvania Law School] President Trump has reportedly made a decision about whether or not to end the Iran deal – although …

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Los límites de la Europa flexible

Fundación CIDOB

Los límites de la Europa flexible *Este artículo se publicó previamente en el blog del Instituto Universitario de Estudios Europeos  Cuando se celebren las elecciones generales en Alemania, llegará la hora de la verdad para la Europa a varias velocidades. El entramado institucional de la UE se ha alineado en …

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The Fire This Time?

Project Syndicate

The Fire This Time? Sep 15, 2017 With autumn almost here, the world can look forward to a bumper crop of large-scale crises. The international community now must confront a series of disasters that those paying attention predicted with remarkable accuracy. When James Baldwin’s The Fire Next Time was first …

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A Commentary on the Maritime Delimitation Issues in the Croatia v. Slovenia Final Award

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

A Commentary on the Maritime Delimitation Issues in the Croatia v. Slovenia Final Award I. Introduction An arbitral tribunal, constituted under the auspices of the Permanent Court of Arbitration, issued its final and unanimous award in the Croatia v. Slovenia case on 29 June 2017. The arbitration concerned a territorial and …

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The MERCOSUR Protocol on Investment Cooperation and Facilitation: regionalizing an innovative approach to investment agreements

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

The MERCOSUR Protocol on Investment Cooperation and Facilitation: regionalizing an innovative approach to investment agreements The States Parties of the MERCOSUR (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay) signed in April 2017 the Protocol on Investment Cooperation and Facilitation (“MERCOSUR Protocol”). As discussed in this post, the Protocol draws significantly on the …

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