martes, julio 2, 2024

Kenyan Commission Recommends an International Crimes Tribunal

Kenyan Commission Recommends an International Crimes Tribunal

The Commission of Inquiry into Post-Election Violence (CIPEV) established to investigate the violence witnessed after the 27 December 2007 elections in Kenya officially presented its much-anticipated report to President Mwai Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila Odinga on 15 October 2008. The CIPEV, or Waki Commission, was vested with a mandate to ‘investigate the facts and […]

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I Congreso Peruano de Derecho Internacional

Convocatoria de resúmenes hasta 10 de julio: I Congreso Peruano de Derecho Internacional

Estimada comunidad: Los invitamos a participar en  I Congreso Peruano de Derecho Internacional,  un evento …