Document No. |
List of delegations to the Preparatory Commission |
LOS/PCN/INF/1 | List of delegations to the first session of the Preparatory Commission, Kingston, Jamaica, 15 March to 8 April 1983 [dated 27 April 1983] |
LOS/PCN/INF/2 | Officers of the Preparatory Commission and Membership of the General Committee and the Credentials Committee [dated 29 September 1983] |
LOS/PCN/INF/2/Rev.1 | Officers of the Preparatory Commission and Membership of the General Committee and the Credentials Committee [dated 13 June 1984] |
LOS/PCN/INF/2/Rev.2 | Officers of the Preparatory Commission and Membership of the General Committee and the Credentials Committee [dated 14 September 1987] |
LOS/PCN/INF/2/Rev.3 | Officers of the Preparatory Commission and Membership of the General Committee and the Credentials Committee [dated 9 August 1991] |
LOS/PCN/INF/3 | List of delegations to the resumed first session of the Preparatory Commission, Kingston, Jamaica, 15 August to 9 September 1983 [dated 7 October 1983] |
L0S/PCN/INF/4 | List of States and Entities that have signed and ratified the Convention as of 19 March 1984 [dated 20 March 1984] |
LOS/PCN/INF/5 | List of delegations to the second session of the Preparatory Commission, Kingston, Jamaica, 19 March to 13 April 1984 [dated 31 May 1984] |
LOS/PCN/INF/6 | List of delegations to the Meeting of the Preparatory Commission, Geneva, 13 August to 5 September 19 84 [dated 3 September 1984] |
L0S/PCN/INF/7 (English only) | List of States and Entities that have signed and ratified the Convention as of 4 September 1984 [dated 4 September 1984] |
LOS/PCN/lNF/8 | List of delegations to the third session of the Preparatory Commission, Kingston, Jamaica, 11 March to 4 April 198 5 [dated 2 April 1985] |
L0S/PCN/INF/9 | List of delegations to the Meeting of the Preparatory Commission, Geneva, 12 August to 4 September 1985 [dated 2 September 1985] |
LOS/PCN/INF/10 | List of delegations to the fourth session of the Preparatory Commission, Kingston, Jamaica, 17 March to 11 April 1986 [dated 8 April 1986] |
LOS/PCN/lNF/11 | List of delegations to the Meeting of the Preparatory Commission, New York, 11 August to 5 September 1986 [dated 29 September 1986] |
LOS/PCN/INF/12 | List of delegations to the fifth session of the Preparatory Commission, Kingston, Jamaica, 30 March to IS April 1987 [dated 13 April 1987] |
L0S/PCN/INF/13 | List of delegations to the Meeting of the Preparatory Commission, New York, 27 July to 21 August 1987 [dated 19 August 1987] |
L0S/PCN/INF/14 | List of delegations to the sixth session of the Preparatory Commission, Kingston, Jamaica, 14 March to 8 April 1988 [dated 31 March 1988] |
LOS/PCN/INF/15 | List of delegations to the Meeting of the Preparatory Commission, New York, 15 August to 2 September 1988 [dated 31 August 1988] |
LOS/PCN/INF/16 | List of delegations to the seventh session of the Preparatory Commission, Kingston, Jamaica, 27 February to 23 March 1989 [dated 17 March 1989] |
LOS/PCN/INF/17 | List of delegations to the Meeting of the Preparatory Commission, New York, 14 August to 1 September 1989 [dated 12 September 1989] |
LOS/PCN/INF/18 | List of delegations to the eighth session of the Preparatory Commission, Kingston, Jamaica, 5 to 30 March 1990 [dated 22 March 1990] |
LOS/PCN/INF/19 | List of delegations to the Meeting of the Preparatory Commission, New York, 13 to 31 August 1990 [dated 7 September 1990] |
LOS/PCN/INF/20 | List of delegations to the ninth session of the Preparatory Commission, Kingston, Jamaica, 25 February to 22 March 1991 [dated 14 March 1991] |
LOS/PCN/INF/21 | List of delegations to the Meeting of the Preparatory Commission, New York, 12 to 30 August 1991 [dated 13 September 1991] |
LOS/PCN/INF/22 | List of delegations to the tenth session of the Preparatory Commission, Kingston, Jamaica, 24 February to 13 March 1992 [dated 9 March 1992] |
LOS/PCN/INF/23 | List of delegations to the Meeting of the Preparatory Commission, New York, 10 to 21 August 1992 [dated 3 September 1992] |
LOS/PCN/INF/24 | List of delegations to the eleventh session of the Preparatory Commission, Kingston, Jamaica, 22 March to 2 April 1993 [dated 3 0 March 1993] |
LOS/PCN/INF/25 | List of delegations to the twelfth session of the Preparatory Commission, Kingston, Jamaica, 7 to 11 February 1994 [dated 28 February 1994] |
LOS/PCN/INF/26 | List of delegations to the Meeting of the Preparatory Commission, New York, 1-12 August 1994 [dated 8 September 1994] |
Document No. |
Documents of the Plenary |
LOS/PCN/1 | Organization of work of the Preparatory Commission Note bv the Secretariat [dated 14 March 1983] ‘ |
LOS/PCN/2 | Provisional agenda [dated 7 March 1983] |
LOS/PCN/3 | Statement by the Acting Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 8 April 1983] |
LOS/PCN/4 | Letter dated 6 April 1983 from the Chairman of the delegation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics addressed to the Preparatory Commission [dated 8 April 1983] |
LOS/PCN/5 | Declaration of the Group of 77 [dated 11 April 1983] |
LOS/PCN/6 | Statement by the Group of Eastern European (Socialist) Countries in connexion with the Proclamation issued on 10 March 1983 by the President of the United States of America concerning the establishment of the exclusive economic zone of the United States of America and his statement of the same date concerning United States ocean policy [dated 11 April 1983] |
LOS/PCN/7 | Note verbale dated 24 April 1983 from the Permanent Representative of India to the United Nations addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 26 April 1983] |
LOS/PCN/8 | Letter dated 27 April 1983 from the Permanent Representative of France to the United Nations addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 27 April 1983] |
LOS/PCN/9 | Note verbale dated 27 April 1983 from the Permanent Representative of the Federal Republic of Germany to the United Nations addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 28 April 1983] |
LOS/PCN/10 | Letter dated 28 April 1983 from the Permanent Representative of Italy to the United Nations addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 28 April 1983] |
LOS/PCN/11 | Letter dated 28 April 1983 from the Permanent Representative of Japan to the United Nations addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 28 April 1983] |
LOS/PCN/12 | Letter dated 28 April 1983 from the Permanent Representative of France to the United Nations addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 29 April 1983] |
LOS/PCN/13 | Letter dated 27 April 1983 from the Representative of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 29 April 1983] |
LOS/PCN/14 | Letter dated 27 April 1983 from the Deputy Permanent Representative of Belgium to the United Nations addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 29 April 1983] |
LOS/PCN/15 | Letter dated 28 April 1983 from the Representative of Canada addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 29 April 1983] |
LOS/PCN/16 | Letter dated 2 7 April 1983 from the Deputy Permanent Representative of Belgium to the United Nations addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 29 April 1983] |
LOS/PCN/17 | Letter dated 29 April 1983 from the Permanent Representative of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to the United Nations addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 2 May 1983] |
LOS/PCN/18 | Letter dated 27 April 1983 from the Representative of the Netherlands addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 3 May 1983] . |
LOS/PCN/19 | Letter dated 3 May 1983 from the Permanent Representative of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to the United Nations addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 4 May 1983] |
LOS/PCN/20 | Letter dated 12 May 19 8 3 from the Permanent Representative of Indonesia to the United Nations addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 12 May 1983] |
LOS/PCN/21 | Note verbale dated 12 May 1983 from the Permanent Representative of India to the United Nations addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 13 May 1983] |
LOS/PCN/22 | Letter dated 2 0 June 1983 from the Permanent Representative of France to the United Nations addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 21 June 1983] |
LOS/PCN/23 | Provisional agenda [dated 12 August 1983] |
LOS/PCN/24 | Letter dated 31 August 1983 from the Alternate Representative of Canada to the Preparatory Commission addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 1 September 1983] |
L0S/PCN/24/Corr.1 (Arabic only) | Corriaendum [dated 8 September 1983] |
LOS/PCN/25 | Letter dated 31 August 1983 from the Alternate Representative of Canada to the Preparatory Commission addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 2 September 1983] |
LOS/PCN/26 | Credentials of Representatives to the First session of the Preparatory Commission for the International Sea-Bed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea Report of the Credentials Committee [dated 9 September 1983] |
LOS/PCN/27 | Suggestions by the Chairman adopted at the 5th Plenary meeting of the Commission on 8 September 1983 [dated 8 September 1983] |
LOS/PCN/28 | Rules of Procedure of the Preparatory Commission for the International Sea-Bed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea [dated 23 November 1983] |
LOS/PCN/28/Corr.1 (E/F/R & Spanish only) | Corrigendum [dated 31 January 1984] |
LOS/PCN/2 8/Corr.2 (English only) | Corrigendum [dated 17 May 1984] |
LOS/PCN/29 | Letter dated 9 September 1983 from the Chairman of the Group of Western European and other States addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 29 September 1983] |
LOS/PCN/30 | Letter dated 20 July 1983 from the Acting Permanent Representative of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to the United Nations addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 24 October 1983] |
LOS/PCN/31 | Letter dated 25 August 1983 from the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission addressed to the Permanent Representative of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to the United Nations [dated 24 October 1983] |
LOS/PCN/32 | Receipt of application from India for registration as a pioneer investor under resolution II of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea [dated 14 February 1984] |
LOS/PCN/33 | Provisional agenda [dated 19 March 1984] |
LOS/PCN/34 | Letter dated 2 9 March 1984 from the Chairman of the delegation of Japan addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 29 March 1984] |
LOS/PCN/35 | Letter dated 3 0 March 1984 from the Chairman of the delegation of France addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 2 April 1984] |
LOS/PCN/36 | Letter dated 3 April 1984 from the Chairman of the delegation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 5 April 1984] |
LOS/PCN/37 | Letter dated 6 April 1984 from the Chairman of the delegation of the Federal Republic of Germany addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 6 April .1984] |
LOS/PCN/38 | Letter dated 9 April 1984 from the Chairman of the delegation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 10 April 1984] |
LOS/PCN/39 | Credentials of Representatives of the Second session of the Preparatory Commission for the for the International Sea-Bed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea Report of the Credentials Committee [dated 11 April 1984] |
LOS/PCN/40 | Letter dated 11 April 1984 from the Alternate Representative of the delegation of Canada addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 11 April 1984] |
LOS/PCN/41 | Letter dated 12 April 1984 from the Representatives of the delegations of Belgium, France, the Federal Republic of Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 12 April 1984] |
LOS/PCN/42 | Letter dated 12 April 1934 from the Chairman of the delegation of Japan addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 12 April 1984] |
LOS/PCN/43 | Suggested programme of work for the Plenary of the Preparatory Commission on the Authority [dated 12 April 1984] |
LOS/PCN/44 | Letter dated 12 April 1984 from the Chairman of the delegation of France addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 12 April 1984] |
LOS/PCN/45 | Letter dated 3 August 1984 from the Government of Japan addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 16 August 1984] |
LOS/PCN/46 | Letter dated 3 August 1984 from the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 16 August 1984] |
LOS/PCN/47 | Letter dated 3 August 1984 from the Chairman of the delegation of France addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 16 August 1984] |
LOS/PCN/48 | Statement by the Chairman of the Group of 77 delivered on 13 August 1984 [dated 16 August 1984] |
LOS/PCN/49 | Statement by the Chairman of the Group of East European Socialist Countries delivered on 13 August 1984 ‘ [dated 17 August 1984] |
LOS/PCN/50 | Receipt of application from the Government of Japan for registration of the Japanese enterprise “Deep Ocean Resources Development Co., Ltd.” as a pioneer investor under resolution II of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea Note by the Secretary-General [dated 22 August 1984] |
LOS/PCN/51 | Receipt of application from the Government of France for registration of the Association Fran<jaise pour 1’Etude et la Recherche des Nodules (AFERNOD) as a pioneer investor under resolution II of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea Note by the Secretary-General [dated 23 August 1984] |
LOS/PCN/52 | Statement by the Chairman of the delegation of the Netherlands on behalf of the delegations of Belgium, France, Germany, Federal Republic of, Italy, Japan and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland delivered on 14 August 1984 [dated 24 August 1984] |
LOS/PCN/53 | Letter dated 17 August 1984 from the Government of Mauritius addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 31 August 1984] |
LOS/PCN/54 | Letter dated 4 September 1984 form the Chairman of the delegation of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 24 September 1984] |
LOS/PCN/55 | Provisional agenda [dated 11 March 1985] |
LOS/PCN/56 | Letter dated 28 February 1985 from the Governments of France, Japan and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 12 March 1985] |
LOS/PCN/56 (Russian only) | j^/Re-issued for technical reasons [dated 12 March 1985] |
LOS/PCN/56/Corr.1 (French only) | Corricrendum [dated 3 0 August 1985] |
LOS/PCN/57 | Letter dated 19 March. 1985 from the Chairman of the delegation of the Federal Republic of Germany addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 20 March 1985] |
LOS/PCN/58 | Credentials of Representatives to the Third session of the Preparatory Commission for the International Sea-Bed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea Report of the Credentials Committee [dated 3 April 1985] |
LOS/PCN/59 | Letter dated 3 April 1985 from the Chairman of the African Group addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 3 April 1985] |
LOS/PCN/60 | Letter dated 28 March 1985 from the Chairman of the delegation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 26 April 1985] |
LOS/PCN/61 | Letter dated 2 April 198 5 from the Chairman of the delegation of Belgium addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 26 April 1985] |
LOS/PCN/62 | Letter dated 2 April 198 5 from the Chairman of the delegation of Italy addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 26 April 1985] |
LOS/PCN/63 | Letter dated 3 April 1985 from the Chairman of the delegation of Canada addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 26 April 1985] |
LOS/PCN/64 | Letter dated 10 June 1985 from the Acting Permanent Representative of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to the United Nations addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 1 July 1985] |
LOS/PCN/65 | Letter dated 28 June 1985 from the Acting Permanent Representative of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to the United Nations addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 8 July 1985] |
LOS/PCN/66 | Letter dated 10 July 1985 from the Acting Permanent Representative of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to the United Nations addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 15 July 1985] |
LOS/PCN/67 | Letter dated 31 July 1985 from the Chairman of the delegation of France addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 16 August 1985] |
LOS/PCN/68 | Letter dated 31 July 1985 from the Chairman of the delegation of France addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 16 August 1985] |
LOS/PCN/69 | Letter dated 31 July 1985 from the Chairman of the delegation of France addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated IS August 1985] |
LOS/PCN/70 | Letter dated 31 July 1985 from the Chairman of the delegation of France addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 16 August 1985] |
LOS/PCN/71 | Letter dated 15 August 1985 from the Chairman of the delegation of China addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 20 August 1985] |
LOS/PCN/72 | Declaration adopted by the Preparatory Commission on 30 August 1985 [dated 2 September 1985] |
LOS/PCN/73 | Letter dated 25 October 1985 from the Chairman of the delegation of the Federal Republic of Germany addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 9 January 1986] |
LOS/PCN/74 | Letter dated 4 November 1985 form the Chairman of the delegation of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 9 January 1986] |
LOS/PCN/75 | Provisional agenda [dated 17 March 1986] |
LOS/PCN/76 | Letter dated 27 March 1986 from the Chairman of the delegation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 27 March 1986] |
LOS/PCN/77 | Credentials of Representatives to the Fourth session of the Preparatory Commission for the International Sea-Bed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea Report of the Credentials Committee [dated 8 April 1986] |
LOS/PCN/78 | Declaration adopted by the Preparatory Commission on 11 April 1986 [dated 21 April 1986] |
LOS/PCN/79 | Provisional agenda [dated 2 March 1987] |
LOS/PCN/80 | Letter dated 9 February 1987 from the Chairman of the delegation of the Federal Republic of Germany addressed to the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for the Law of the Sea [dated 12 March 1987] |
LOS/PCN/81 | Letter dated 19 March 1987 from the delegation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 24 March 1987] |
LOS/PCN/82 | Letter dated 19 March 198 7 from the delegations of France, India, Japan and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 24 March 1987] |
LOS/PCN/83 | Letter dated 20 March 1987 from the Chairmen of the delegations of Belgium, Canada, Italy and the Netherlands addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 30 March 1987] |
LOS/PCN/84 | Credentials of Representatives to the Fifth session of the Preparatory Commission for the International Sea-Bed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea Report of the Credentials Committee [dated 14 April 1987] |
LOS/PCN/85 | Letter dated 16 April 1987 from the Chairman of the Group of 77 addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 28 April 1987] |
LOS/PCN/86 | Receipt of a revised application from the Government of Japan for the registration of the Japanese Enterprise “Deep Ocean Resources Development Company, Ltd.” as a pioneer investor under resolution II of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea Note bv the Secretarv-General [dated 23 July 1987] |
LOS/PCN/87 | Receipt of a revised application from the government of India for the registration as a pioneer investor under resolution II of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea Note bv the Secretary-General [dated 23 July 1987] |
LOS/PCN/88 | Receipt of a revised, application from the government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics for the registration of the Soviet Enterprise “Yuzhmorgeologiya” as a pioneer investor Note bv the Secretarv-General [dated 23 July 1987 |
LOS/PCN/89 | Receipt of a revised application from the government of France for the registration as a pioneer investor under resolution II of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea Note bv the Secretarv-General [dated 23 July 1987] |
LOS/PCN/90 | Letter dated 3 August 1987 from the delegations of Belgium, Canada, Italy, the Netherlands and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics addressed to the Acting Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 3 August 1987] |
LOS/PCN/91 | Letter dated 3 August 198 7 from the delegations of France, India, Japan and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics addressed to the Acting Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 3 August 1987] |
LOS/PCN/92 | Letter dated 5 August 198 7 from the Chairman of the delegation of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland addressed to the Acting Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 6 August 1987] |
LOS/PCN/93 | Letter dated 5 August 1987 from the Chairman of the delegation of the Federal Republic of Germany addressed to the Acting Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 6 August 1987] |
LOS/PCN/94 | Decision of the General Committee on the application of the Government of India as a pioneer investor under resolution II [dated 14 September 1987] |
LOS/PCN/94/Corr . 1 | Corrigendum [dated 3 November 1987] |
LOS/PCN/95 | Letter dated 18 August 1987 from the Chairman of the Group of 7 7 addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 20 August 1987] |
L0S/PCN/96 | Decision adopted by the Preparatory Commission at its 39th Plenary Meeting, held on 21 August 1987 [dated 1 September 1987] |
LOS/PCN/97 | Decision adopted on 17 December 1987 by the General Cornmittee of the Preparatory Commission for the International Sea-Bed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea on the application of the Government of France as a pioneer investor under resolution II of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea [dated 6 January 1988] |
LOS/PCN/98 | Decision adopted on 17 December 1987 by the General Committee of the Preparatory Commission for the International Sea-Bed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea on the application of the Government of Japan as a pioneer investor under resolution II of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea [dated 6 January 1988] |
LOS/PCN/99 | Decision adopted on 17 December 19 8 7 by the General Committee of the Preparatory Commission for the International Sea-Bed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea on the application of the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics as a pioneer investor under resolution II of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea [dated 6 January 1988] |
LOS/PCN/99/Corr.1 (Russian only) | Corriqendum [dated 28 March 1988] |
LOS/PCN/100 | Provisional agenda [dated 18 February 1988] |
LOS/PCN/101 | Credentials of Representatives to the Sixth session of the Preparatory Commission for the International Sea-Bed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea Report of the Credentials Committee [dated 6 April 1988] |
LOS/PCN/102 | Letter dated 6 April 1988 from the Chairman of the Group of 77 addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 7 April 19 88] |
LOS/PCN/103 | Provisional agenda [dated 7 February 1989] |
LOS/PCN/104 | Letter dated 19 August 1988 from the Chairman of the delegation of Brazil addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 22 August 1988] |
LOS/PCN/105 | Credentials of Representatives to the Seventh session of the Preparatory Commission for the International Sea-Bed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea Report of the Credentials Committee [dated 16 March 1989] |
LOS/PCN/106 | Letter dated 15 March 1989 from the Chairman of the delegation of the Federal Republic of Germany addressed to the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for the Law of the Sea [dated 17 March 1989] |
LOS/PCN/107 | Letter dated 22 March 1989 from the Chairman of the Group of 77 addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 22 March 1989] |
LOS/PCN/108 | Decision adopted by the Preparatory Commission at its 50th Plenary meeting, held on 14 August 1989 [dated 30 August 1989] |
LOS/PCN/109 | Letter dated 20 December 1989 from the Permanent Representative of Poland to the United Nations addressed to the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for the Law of the Sea [dated 17 January 1990] |
LOS/PCN/110 | Provisional agenda [dated 30 January 1990] |
LOS/PCN/111 | Credentials of Representatives to the Eighth session of the Preparatory Commission for the International Sea-Bed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea Renort of the Credentials Committee [dated 29 March 1990] |
LOS/PCN/112 | Letter dated 17 August 1990 from the Chairman of the delegation of China addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 21 August 1990] |
LOS/PCN/113 | Receipt of application from the Government of the People’s Republic of China for registration of the China Ocean Mineral Resources Research and Development Association (COMRA) as a pioneer investor under resolution/ll of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea Note by the Secretarv-General [dated 24 August 1990] |
LOS/PCN/114 | Letter dated 2 8 August 19 90 from the Chairman of the Group of Land-locked and Geographically disadvantaged States addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 28 August 1990] |
LOS/PCN/115 | Decision adopted by the General Committee on behalf of the Preparatory Commission concerning the application submitted by the People’s Republic of China on behalf of the China Ocean Mineral Resources Research and Development Association (COMRA) for registration as a pioneer investor [dated 30 August 1990] |
LOS/PCN/116 | Provisional agenda [dated 11 February 1991] |
LOS/PCN/117 | Decision adopted on 5 March 1991 by the General Committee of the Preparatory Commission for the International Sea-Bed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea on the application submitted by the Government of the People’s Republic of China for the registration of the China Ocean Mineral Resources Research and Development Association as a pioneer investor under resolution II of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea [dated 7 March 1991] |
LOS/PCN/118 | Receipt of Application from the Governments of the Republic of Bulgaria, the Republic of Cuba, the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic, the Republic of Poland and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics for registration of the Interoceanmetal Joint Organization as a pioneer investor under resolution II of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea Note bv the Secretarv-General [dated 13 March 1991] |
LOS/PCN/119 | Credentials of Representatives to the Ninth session of the Preparatory Commission for the International Sea-Bed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea Report of the Credentials Committee [dated 15 March 1991] |
LOS/PCN/120 | Decision adopted by the General Committee on behalf of the Preparatory Commission concerning the application submitted by the Republic of Bulgaria, the Republic of Cuba, the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic, the Republic of Poland and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics for registration of the Interoceanmetal Joint Organization as a pioneer investor under resolution II of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea [dated 21 March 1991] |
LOS/PCN/121 | Letter dated 27 June 1991 from the Director of the Interoceanmetal Joint Organization addressed to the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for the Law of the Sea concerning the application for registration of the Interoceanmetal Joint Organization as a pioneer investor under resolution II of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea (LOS/PCN/118) [dated 6 August 1991] |
LOS/PCN/122 | Decision adopted on 21 August 1991 by the General Committee of the Preparatory Commission for the International Seabed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea on the application submitted by the Governments of the Republic of Bulgaria, the Republic of Cuba, the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic, the Republic of Poland and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics for registration of the Interoceanraental Joint Organization as a pioneer investor under resolution II of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea [dated 22 August 1991] |
LOS/PCN/123 | Note verbale dated 28 August 1991 from the Permanent Mission of France to the United Nations on behalf of Japan, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and France addressed to the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for the Law of the Sea [dated 1 October 1991] |
LOS/PCN/124 | Provisional agenda [dated 24 January 1992] |
LOS/PCN/125 | Letter dated 25 February 1992 from the Prime Minister of Aruba addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 26 February 1992] |
LOS/PCN/126 | Credentials of Representatives to the Tenth session of the Preparatory Commission for the International Seabed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea Report of the Credentials Committee [dated 12 March 1992] |
LOS/PCN/127 | Provisional agenda [dated 5 March 1993] |
LOS/PCN/128 | Letter dated 25 March 1993 from the Coordinator of the Group of registered pioneer investors on behalf of France, Japan and the Russian Federation addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 26 March 1993] |
LOS/PCN/129 | Credentials of representatives to the Eleventh session of the Preparatory Commission for the International Seabed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea Report of the Credentials Committee [dated 1 April 1993] |
LOS/PCN/130 | Consolidated provisional final report Volume I [dated 17 November 1993] |
LOS/PCN/130/Add.1 | Consolidated provisional final report Addendum [dated 19 January 1994] |
LOS/PCN/131 | Letter dated 1 October 1993 from the Coordinator of the group of registered pioneer investors on behalf of France, Japan and the Russian Federation addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 6 October 1993] |
LOS/PCN/132 | Provisional agenda [dated 14 December 1993] |
LOS/PCN/133 | Note by the Secretariat on the provisional agenda of the Twelfth session [dated 17 January 1994] |
LOS/PCN/134 | Receipt of application from the Government of the Republic of Korea for registration as a pioneer investor under resolution II of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea Note bv the Secretarv-General [dated 20 January 1994] |
LOS/PCN/135 | Decision adopted by the General Committee on behalf of the Preparatory Commission concerning the application submitted by the Government of the Republic of Korea for registration as a pioneer investor under resolution II of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea [dated 8 February 1994] |
LOS/PCN/136 | Letter dated 28 January 1994 from the Chairman of the delegation of France addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 9 February 1994] |
LOS/PCN/137 | Credentials of representatives to the Twelfth session of the Preparatory Commission for the International Seabed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea Report of the Credentials Committee [dated 10 February 1994] |
LOS/PCN/138 | Letter dated 5 July 1994 from the Coordinator of the group of registered pioneer investors on behalf of France, Japan and the Russian Federation addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 11 July 1994] |
LOS/PCN/139 | First Session of the Assemblv of the International Seabed Authority Provisional agenda [dated 28 July 1994] |
LOS/PCN/140 | First Session of the Council of the International Seabed Authority Provisional acrenda [dated 28 July 1994] |
LOS/PCN/141 | Draft Budget for the First Financial Period of the International Seabed Authority Prepared bv the Secretariat [dated 27 July 1994] |
LOS/PCN/142 | Draft Budget for the First Financial Period of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea – Preliminary estimates prepared bv the Secretariat [dated 1 August 1994] |
LOS/PCN/143 | Draft Budget for the First Financial Period of the International Seabed Authority Recommendations by the Preparatory Commission Prepared by the Secretariat [dated 11 August 1994] |
LOS/PCN/144 | Decision adopted on 2 August 1994 by the General Committee of the Preparatory Commission for the International Seabed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea on the application of the Government of the Republic of Korea for registration as a pioneer investor under resolution II of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea [dated 12 October 1994] |
LOS/PCN/145 | Report on the status of the implementation of the obligations of the registered pioneer investors under resolution II and the related understandings Prepared bv the Secretariat [dated 23 September 1994] |
LOS/PCN/146 | Letter dated 13 February 1995 from the Chairman of the delegation of France addressed to the Secretariat of the United Nations [dated 14 February 1995] |
LOS/PCN/147 | Report on the Training received under the Training Programme of France [dated 6 March 1995] |
LOS/PCN/148 | Periodic Report on the activities of the Interoceanmetal Joint Organization (IOM) in the pioneer area from 1 January to 31 December 1994 [dated 7 March 1995] |
LOS/PCN/149 | Information on the implementation of the training programme for the Preparatory Commission (Submitted by the Interoceanmetal Joint Organization and its certifying States [dated 7 March 1995] |
LOS/PCN/150 | Training Programme for the International Seabed Authority as required of pioneer investors (Proposal submitted bv the delecration of the Republic of Korea) [dated 6 March 1995] |
LOS/PCN/151 | Letter dated 9 March 1995 from the Chairman of the delegation of the Russian Federation addressed to the Secretariat of the United Nations [dated 16 March 1995] |
LOS/PCN/152 (Vol. I) | Report of the Preparatory Commission under paragraph 10 of resolution I containing recommendations for submission to the Meeting of States Parties to be convened in accordance with annex VI, article 4, of the Convention regarding practical arrangements for the establishment of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (Volume I) Report and addenda thereto [dated 28 April 1995] |
LOS/PCN/152 (Vol. II) | Report of the Preparatory Commission under paragraph 10 of resolution I containing recommendations for submission to the Meeting of States Parties to be convened in accordance with annex VI, article 4, of the Convention regarding practical arrangements for the establishment of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (Volume II) Documents of Special Commission 4 [dated 1 May 1995] |
LOS/PCN/152 (Vol. III) | Report of the Preparatory Commission under paragraph 10 of resolution I containing recommendations for submission to the Meeting of States Parties to be convened in accordance with annex VI, article 4, of the Convention regarding practical arrangements for the establishment of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (Volume III) Documents of Special Commission 4 [dated 1 May 1995] |
LOS/PCN/152 (Vol. IV) | Report of the Preparatory Commission under paragraph 10 of resolution I containing recommendations for submission to the Meeting of States Parties to be convened in accordance with annex VI, article 4, of the Convention regarding practical arrangements for the establishment of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (Volume IV) Plenarv documents of particular relevance to Snecial Commission 4 [dated 1 May 1995] |
LOS/PCN/153 | Report of the Preparatory Commission under paragraph 11 of resolution I of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea, on all matters within its mandate, except as provided in paragraph 10, for presentation to the Assembly of the International Seabed Authority at its first session Index to LOS/PCN/153 (Volumes I-XIII) [dated 14 August 1995] |
LOS/PCN/153 (Vol. I) | Report of the Preparatory Commission under paragraph 11 of resolution I of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea, on all matters within its mandate, except as provided in paragraph 10, for presentation to the Assembly of the International Seabed Authority at its first session (Volume I) Provisional Final Report of the Plenary and documents relevant to the implementation of resolution II (Plenary) [dated 30 June 1995] |
LOS/PCN/153 (Vol. II) | Report of the Preparatory Commission under paragraph 11 of resolution I of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea, on all matters within its mandate, except as provided in paragraph 10, for presentation to the Assembly of the International Seabed Authority at its first session (Volume II) Documents relevant to the implementation of resolution II (Plenary) [dated 22 June 1995] |
LOS/PCN/153 (Vol. III) | Report of the Preparatory Commission under paragraph 11 of resolution I of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea, on all matters within its mandate, except as provided in paragraph 10, for presentation to the Assembly of the International Seabed Authority at its first session (Volume III) Documents relevant to the implementation of resolution II (General Committee) (except those relatinq to traininq-) [dated 23 June 1995] |
LOS/PCN/153 (Vol. IV) | Report of the Preparatory Commission under paragraph 11 of resolution I of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea, on all matters within its mandate, except as provided in paragraph 10, for presentation to the Assembly of the International Seabed Authority at its first session (Volume IV) Documents relevant to the implementation of resolution II (General Committee) Documents relatincr to trainincr: Part 1: Final report of the Trainincr Panel to the General Committee of the Preparatory Commission (LOS/PCN/BUR/R.48 and LOS/PCN/BUR/R.48/ Corr. 1 (Russian onlv) Part 2: Documents issued after the twelfth session of the Preparatory Commission (up to March 1995) [dated 26 June 1995] |
LOS/PCN/153 (Vol. V) | Report of the Preparatory Commission under paragraph 11 of resolution I of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea, on all matters within its mandate, except as provided in paragraph 10, for presentation to the Assembly of the International Seabed Authority at its first session (Volume V) Final draft rules of procedure for the orcrans of the Authority; final draft relationship agreements of the Authority; documents on the Finance Committee; on the administrative arrancrements, structure and financial implications of the Authority and the draft budget for the first financial period of the International Seabed Authority [dated 23 June 1995] |
LOS/PCN/153 (Vol. VI) | Report of the Preparatory Commission under paragraph 11 of resolution I of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea, on all matters within its mandate, except as provided in paragraph 10, for presentation to the Assembly of the International Seabed Authority at its first session (Volume VI) Provisional report of Special Commission 1 and statements to the Plenary bv the Chairman of Special Commission 1 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 26 June 1995] |
LOS/PCN/153 (Vol. VII) | Report of the Preparatory Commission under paragraph 11 of resolution I of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea, on all matters within its mandate, except as provided in paragraph 10, for presentation to the Assembly of the International Seabed Authority at its first session (Volume VII) Working papers of Special Commission 1 (LOS/PCN/SCN.1/WP.1 to LOS/PCN/SCN.1/WP.2/Add.5) [dated 28 June 1995] |
LOS/PCN/153 (Vol. VIII) | Report of the Preparatory Commission under paragraph 11 of resolution I of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea, on all matters within its mandate, except as provided in paragraph 10, for presentation to the Assembly of the International Seabed Authority at its first session (Volume VIII) Working Papers of Special Commission 1 (LOS/PCN/SCN.1/WP.2/Add.6 to LOS/PCN/SCN.1/WP.15) [dated 29 June 1995] |
LOS/PCN/153 (Vol. IX) | Report of the Preparatory Commission under paragraph 11 of resolution I of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea, on all matters within its mandate, except as provided in paragraph 10, for presentation to the Assembly of the International Seabed Authority at its first session {Volume IX) Conf. Room Papers of Special Commission 1 [dated 29 June 1995] |
LOS/PCN/153 (Vol. X) | Report of the Preparatory Commission under paragraph 11 of resolution I of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea, on all matters within its mandate, except as provided in paragraph 10, for presentation to the Assembly of the International Seabed Authority at its first session (Volume X) Part One: Provisional final report of Special Commission 2 Part Two: Statements to the Plenary bv the Chairman of Special Commission 2 on the progress of work in that Commission Part Three: Other documents relating to the work of Special Commission 2 [dated 5 July 1995] |
LOS/PCN/153 (Vol. XI) | Report of the Preparatory Commission under paragraph 11 of resolution I of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea, on all matters within its mandate, except as provided in paragraph 10, for presentation to the Assembly of the International Seabed Authority at its first session (Volume XI) Part One: Workinq papers of Special Commission 2 Part Two: Conference room papers of Special Commission 2 [dated 5 July 1995] |
LOS/PCN/153 (Vol. XII) | Report of the Preparatory Commission under paragraph 11 of resolution I of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea, on all matters within its mandate, except as provided in paragraph 10, for presentation to the Assembly of the International Seabed Authority at its first session (Volume XII) Statements to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 3 on the progress of work in that Commission in preparing draft rules, regulations and procedures for the exploration and exploitation of polymetallic nodules in the Area [dated 30 June 1995] |
LOS/PCN/153 {Vol. XIII) | Report of the Preparatory Commission under paragraph 11 of resolution I of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea, on all matters within its mandate, except as provided in paragraph 10, for presentation to the Assembly of the International Seabed Authority at its first session (Volume XIII) Part 1: Draft provisional final report of Special Commission 3 (LOS/PCN/SCN.3/CRP.17 and LOS/PCN/SCN.3/CRP.17/Add.1) and Amendments and comments relatincr to the draft final report (CRP.18, CRP.19, CRP.2 0 and CRP.21) Part 2: Draft provisional final report of Special Commission 3 (Chapter IV of LOS/PCN/13G – Consolidated provisional final report of the Preparatory Commission, vol. I) [dated 30 June 1995] |
Document No. |
Documents “L” (Limited distribution) |
LOS/PCN/L.1 | Pioneer activities leading up to the determination of the technical and economic feasibility of exploiting polymetallic nodules Summary description of the manor pre-production activities Report of the Secretary-General [dated 22 February 1984] |
LOS/PCN/L.2 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 1 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 11 April 1984] |
LOS/PCN/L.3 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 3 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 12 April 1984] |
LOS/PCN/L.4 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 4 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 12 April 1984] |
LOS/PCN/L.5 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 2 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated n April 1984] |
LOS/PCN/L.6 | Statement made by the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 12 April 1984] |
LOS/PCN/L.7 | Draft resolution submitted at Kingston, Jamaica, on 11 April 1984 by Bulgaria on behalf of the Regional Group of Eastern European Socialist Countries to the Preparatory Commission for the International Sea-Bed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea [dated 13 August 1984] |
LOS/PCN/L.7/Rev.1 | Letter dated 21 August 1984 from the Head of the delegation of Bulgaria and Chairman of the Group of Eastern European Socialist Countries. Revised draft resolution submitted on 21 August 1984 by Bulgaria on behalf of the Regional Group of Eastern European Socialist Countries (Annex) [dated 21 August 1984] |
LOS/PCN/L.7/Rev.2 | Letter dated 29 March 1985 from the Head of the delegation of Czechoslovakia and Chairman of the Group of Eastern European Socialist Countries addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission. Annex: Revised draft resolution submitted on 9 March 1985 by Czechoslovakia on behalf of the Regional Group of Eastern European Socialist Countries to the Preparatory Commission for the International Sea-Bed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea [dated 1 April 1985] |
LOS/PCN/L.8 | Statement of the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission regarding the understanding on resolution of conflicts among applicants for registration as pioneer investors [dated 31 August 1984] |
LOS/PCN/L.9 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 1 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 3 September 1984] |
LOS/PCN/L.10 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 2 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 4 September 1984] |
LOS/PCN/L.11 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 3 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 4 September 1984] |
LOS/PCN/L.12 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 4 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 4 September 1984] |
LOS/PCN/L.13 | Statement made by the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 4 September 1984] |
LOS/PCN/L.13/Add.1 | Statement made by the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission. Addendum [dated 14 September 1984] |
LOS/PCN/L.14 | Statement delivered on 5 September 1984 by the Chairman of the Group of Eastern European Socialist Countries [dated 14 September 1984] |
LOS/PCN/L.15 | Statement by the Chairman of the Group of 7 7 delivered on 11 March 1985 [dated 20 March 1985] |
LOS/PCN/L.16 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 3 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 2 April 1985] |
LOS/PCN/L.17 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 4 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 2 April 1985] |
LOS/PCN/L.18 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 1 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 2 April 1985] |
LOS/PCN/L.19 | Statement made by the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 3 April 1985] |
LOS/PCN/L.20 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 2 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 2 April 1985] |
LOS/PCN/L.21 | Draft Declaration submitted by Pakistan on behalf of the Group of 7 7 [dated 12 August 1985] |
LOS/PCN/L.22 | Statement by the Chairman of the Group of 7 7 delivered on 12 August 1985 [dated 30 August 1985] |
LOS/PCN/L.23 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 1 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 2 September 1985] |
LOS/PCN/L.24 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 4 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 3 September 1985] |
LOS/PCN/L.24/Corr.1 (Arabic and English only) | Corricrendum [dated 3 September 1985] |
LOS/PCN/L.25 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 2 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 3 September 1985] |
LOS/PCN/L.25/Corr.1 (Arabic only) | Corricrendum [dated 4 September 1985] |
LOS/PCN/L.26 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 3 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 3 September 1985] |
LOS/PCN/L.27 | Report of the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 3 September 1985] |
LOS/PCN/L.27/Rev.1 | Statement of the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission. [dated 21 January 1986] |
LOS/PCN/L.28 | Report by the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission regarding the resolution of conflicts among applicants for registration as pioneer investors [dated 21 March 1986] |
LOS/PCN/L.29 | Draft Declaration submitted by Cape Verde on behalf of the Group of 7 7 [dated 4 April 1986] |
LOS/PCN/L.30 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 2 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 9 April 1986] |
LOS/PCN/L.31 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 1 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 10 April 1986] |
LOS/PCN/L.32 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 3 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 9 April 1986] |
LOS/PCN/L.33 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 4 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 10 April 1986] |
LOS/PCN/L.34 | Statement made by the Acting Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 10 April 1986] |
LOS/PCN/L.34/Rev.1 | Statement made by the Acting Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 7 August 198 6] |
LOS/PCN/L.35 | Statement by the Chairman of the Group of 77 delivered on 10 April 1986, on the item “Implementation of resolution II” [dated 10 April 1986] |
LOS/PCN/L.36 | Statement made by the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission at the 31st Plenary meeting, held on 22 August 1986 [dated 2 September 1986] |
LOS/PCN/L.37 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 1 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 3 September 1986] |
LOS/PCN/L.38 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 3 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 3 September 1986] |
LOS/PCN/L.39 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 4 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 4 September 1986] |
LOS/PCN/L.40 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 2 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 4 September 1986] |
LOS/PCN/L.41 | Statement made by the Acting Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 5 September 1986] |
LOS/PCN/L.41/Rev.1 | Statement made by the Acting Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 11 September 1986] |
LOS/PCN/L.41/Rev.l/Corr. 1 (Russian only) | Corriqendum [dated 26 September 1986] |
LOS PCN/L.42 | Report submitted by the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission at the 33rd Plenary meeting, held on 30 March 1987 [dated 30 March 1987] |
LOS/PCN/L.43 | Statement of Understanding on the implementation of resolution II made by the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission at the 34th Plenary meeting, held on 10 April 1987 [dated 13 April 1987] |
LOS/PCN/L.43/Rev.1 | Statement of Understanding on the implementation of resolution II made by the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission at the 34th Plenary meeting, held on 10 April 198 7 [dated 15 April 1987] |
LOS/PCN/L.44 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 1 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 14 April 1987] |
LOS/PCN/L.45 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 2 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 14 April 1987] |
LOS/PCN/L.45/Corr.1 | Corricrendum [dated 15 April 1987] |
LOS/PCN/L.46 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 3 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 15 April 1987] |
LOS/PCN/L.47 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 4 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 14 April 1987] |
LOS/PCN/L.48 | Statement made by the Acting Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 15 April 1987] |
LOS/PCN/L.49 | Statement made by the Acting Chairman of the Preparatory Commission at the 3 7th plenary meeting, held on 6 August 1987 [dated 6 August 1987] |
LOS/PCN/L.50 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 2 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 19 August 1987] |
LOS/PCN/L.51 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 1 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 20 August 1987] |
LOS/PCN/L.52 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 3 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 19 August 1987] |
LOS/PCN/L.53 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 4 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 20 August 1987] |
LOS/PCN/L.54 | Statement made by the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 20 August 1987] |
LOS/PCN/L.54/Rev.1 | Statement made by the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 4 September 1987] |
LOS/PCN/L.55 | Report of the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission on the meeting of the General Committee held on 7-18 December 1987 to consider the applications submitted by France, Japan and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics for registration as pioneer investors under resolution II of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea [dated 6 January 1988] |
LOS/PCN/L.56 | Current status of deep sea-bed mining technology Paper prepared bv the Secretariat [dated 23 February 1988] |
LOS/PCN/L.56/Corr.1 | Corricrendum [dated 23 March 1988] |
LOS/PCN/L.56/Corr.2 | Corrigendum [dated 24 August 1988] |
LOS/PCN/L.57 | Report of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for the Law of the Sea to the Preparatory Commission for the International Sea-Bed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea regarding the registration of pioneer investors under resolution II [dated 16 March 1988] |
LOS/PCN/L.58 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 1 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 7 April 1988] |
LOS/PCN/L.59 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 3 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 7 April 1988] |
LOS/PCN/L.60 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 2 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 7 April 1988] |
LOS/PCN/L.61 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 4 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 6 April 1988] |
LOS/PCN/L.62 | Statement by the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 7 April 1988] |
LOS/PCN/L. 62/Corr.1 | Corricrendum [dated 8 April 1988] |
LOS/PCN/L.63 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 1 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 1 September 1988] |
LOS/PCN/L.64 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 3 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 1 September 1988] |
LOS/PCN/L.65 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 2 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 1 September 1988] |
LOS/PCN/L.66 . | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 4 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 1 September 1988] |
LOS/PCN/L.67 | Statement by the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 1 September 1988] |
LOS/PCN/L.67/Rev.1 | Statement by the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 28 September 1988] |
LOS/PCN/L.68 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 1. on the Progress of work in that Commission [dated 17 March 1989] |
LOS/PCN/L.69 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 3 on the Progress of work in that Commission [dated 22 March 1989] |
LOS/PCN/L.70 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 2 on the Progress of work in that Commission [dated 22 March 1989] |
LOS/PCN/L.71 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 4 on the Progress of work in that Commission [dated 21 March 1989] |
LOS/PCN/L.71/Corr.1 | Corrigendum [dated 10 May 1989] |
LOS/PCN/L.72 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 22 March 1989] |
LOS/PCN/L.73 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 1 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 30 August 1989] |
LOS/PCN/L.74 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 3 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 3 0 August 19 8 9] |
LOS/PCN/L.75 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 2 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 30 August 1989] |
LOS/PCN/L.75/Add.1 | Statement on LOS/PCN/SCN.2/L.6/Rev.1 by the Chairman of Special Commission 2 at the 51st plenary meeting, held on 31 August 1989 [dated 31 August 1989] |
LOS/PCN/L.76 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 4 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 30 August 1989] |
LOS/PCN/L.77 | Statement by the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 31 August 1989] |
LOS/PCN/L.78 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 1 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 28 March 1990] |
LOS/PCN/L.79 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 3 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 28 March 1990] |
LOS/PCN/L.79/Corr.1 | Corricrendum [dated 18 June 1990] |
LOS/PCN/L.80 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 2 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 30 March 1990] |
LOS/PCN/L.81 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 4 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 29 March 1990] |
LOS/PCN/L.82 | Statement by the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 29 March 1990] |
LOS/PCN/L.82/Rev.1 | Statement by the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 29 May 1990] |
LOS/PCN/L.83 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 1 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 2 9 August 1990] |
LOS/PCN/L.84 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 3 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 2 9 August 199 0] |
LOS/PCN/L.85 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 2 on the progress of work in that Commission . [dated 29 August 1990] |
LOS/PCN/L.86 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 4 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 3 0 August 19 9 0] |
LOS/PCN/L.87 | Statement by the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 3 0 August 1990] |
LOS/PCN/L.87/Corr. 1 (Spanish only) | Corricrendum [dated 4 February 1991] |
LOS/PCN/L.88 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 1 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 19 March 1991] |
LOS/PCN/L.89 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 3 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 20 March 1991] |
LOS/PCN/L.90 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 2 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 21 March 1991] |
LOS/PCN/L.90/Corr.1 (English only) | Corricrendum [dated 22 March 1991] |
LOS/PCN/L.91 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 4 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 21 March 1991] |
LOS/PCN/L.92 | Statement by the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 21 March 1991] |
LOS/PCN/L.93 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 1 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 28 August 1991] |
LOS/PCN/L.94 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 3 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 28 August 1991] |
LOS/PCN/L.95 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 2 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 2 8 August 1991] |
LOS/PCN/L.96 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 4 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 28 August 1991] |
LOS/PCN/L.97 | Statement by the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 28 August 1991] |
LOS/PCN/L.97/Corr.1 | Corricrendum [dated 12 February 1992] |
LOS/PCN/L.98 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 1 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 12 March 1992] |
LOS/PCN/L.99 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 3 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 11 March 1992] |
LOS/PCN/L.100 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 2 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 11 March 1992] |
LOS/PCN/L.101 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 4 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 11 March 1992] |
LOS/PCN/L.102 | Statement by the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 13 March 1992] |
LOS/PCN/L.103 | Progress report of the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission for the International Seabed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea on the work of the Commission [dated 7 July 1992] |
LOS/PCN/L.104 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 1 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 20 August 1992] |
LOS/PCN/L.105 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 2 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 19 August 1992] |
LOS/PCN/L.106 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 3 on the progress of work in that Commission (dated 19 August 1992] |
LOS/PCN/L.107 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 4 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 20 August 1992] |
LOS/PCN/L.108 | Statement by the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 2 0 August 1992] |
LOS/PCN/L.109 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 1 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 1 April 1993] |
LOS/PCN/L.110 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 2 on the conclusion of the work of the Special Commission [dated 31 March 1993] |
LOS/PCN/L.110/Corr.1 (Russian only) | Corricrendum [dated 12 April 1993] |
LOS/PCN/L.110/Rev.1 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 2 on the Progress of work in that Commission [dated 27 October 1993] |
LOS/PCN/L.111 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 3 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 31 March 1993] |
LOS/PCN/L.112 | Statement to the Plenary by the Chairman of Special Commission 4 on the progress of work in that Commission [dated 31 March 1993] |
LOS/PCN/L.113 | Statement of the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 31 March 1993] |
LOS/PCN/L.113/Corr.1 | Corrigendum [dated 1 April 1993] |
LOS/PCN/L.113/Rev.1 | Statement of the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 27 October 1993] |
LOS/PCN/L.114 | Statement of the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 10 February 1994] |
LOS/PCN/L.114/Rev.1 | Statement of the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 8 March 1994] |
LOS/PCN/L.115 | Statement of the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 11 August 1994] |
LOS/PCN/L.115/Rev.1 | Statement of the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 8 September 19 94] |
LOS/PCN/L.115/Rev.1/Corr.1 | Corricrendum [dated 7 November 1994] |
Working Papers |
Documents of the Plenary |
LOS/PCN/WP.1 | Draft Rules of Procedure of the Preparatory Commission for the International Sea-Bed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea Prepared bv the Secretariat [dated 21 March 1983] |
LOS/PCN/WP.1/Corr.1 | Corricrendum [dated 22 March 1983] |
LOS/PCN/WP.2 | Proposals of the Eastern European (Socialist) Group on the simultaneous decision of issues relating to the structure of the Preparatory Commission, the composition of its governing organs and other aspects of its organization of work [dated 31 March 1983] |
LOS/PCN/WP.3 | Draft Rules of Procedure of the Preparatory Cotnmission Preparatory Commission for the International Sea-Bed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea Draft prepared by the Recrional Group of Eastern European Socialist Countries [dated 31 March 1983] |
LOS/PCN/WP.3/Rev.1 | Revised Draft Rules of Procedure of the Preparatory Commission for the International Sea-Bed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea Revised draft prepared bv the Recrional Group of Eastern European Socialist Countries [dated 18 August 1983] |
LOS/PCN/WP.3/Rev.1/Corr.1 (English only) | Corricrendum [dated 22 August 1983] |
LOS/PCN/WP.4 | Proposals of the Chinese delegation concerning the structure and decision-making of the Preparatory Commission [dated 31 March 1983] |
LOS/PCN/WP.5 | Group of Western European and other States : Working Paper on the Draft Rules of Procedure of the Preparatory Commission for the International Sea-Bed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (LOS/PCN/WP.1) [dated 31 March 1983] |
LOS/PCN/WP.5/Corr.1 | Corricrendum [dated 20 April 1983] |
LOS/PCN/WP.6 | Group of Western European and Other States: Working paper on the structure of the Preparatory Commission [dated 5 April 1983] |
LOS/PCN/WP.7 | Asian Group: working paper [dated 11 April 1983] |
LOS/PCN/WP.8 | Proposals of the Chinese delegation concerning certain provisions of the Rules of Procedure of the Preparatory Commission [dated 12 August 1983] |
LOS/PCN/WP.9 | Amendments to the Draft Rules of Procedure adopted by the Latin American Group on 22 August 1983 [dated 22 August 1983] |
LOS/PCN/WP.10 | Proposals of the Asian Group Draft Rules of Procedure of the Preparatory Commission for the International Sea-Bed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea [dated 23 August 1983] |
LOS/PCN/WP.11 | Amendments to the Draft Rules of Procedure adopted by the African Group on 23 August 1983 [dated 23 August 1983] |
LOS/PCN/WP.11/Corr.1 | Corricrendum [dated 26 August 1983] |
LOS/PCN/WP.12 | Comparative table of Draft Rules of Procedure [dated 2 5 August 1983] |
LOS/PCN/WP.12/Add.1 | Comparative table of Draft Rules of Procedure Addendum. Rules 3 7 – 43 [dated 26 August 1983] |
LOS/PCN/WP.12/Add.2 | Comparative table of Draft Rules of Procedure Addendum. Rules 1-5 [dated 29 August 1983] |
LOS/PCN/WP.12/Add.3 | Comparative table of Draft Rules of Procedure Addendum. Rules 51 – 61 [dated 26 August 1983] |
LOS/PCN/WP.12/Add.4 | Comparative table of Draft Rules of Procedure Addendum. Rules 9-10 [dated 1 September 1983] |
LOS/PCN/WP.12/Add.4/Corr.1 (Spanish only) | Corricrendum [dated 2 September 1983] |
LOS/PCN/WP.13 | Belgium, France, Federal Republic of Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: working paper on the allocation of matters to the Special Commissions and the Plenary [dated 26 August 1983] |
LOS/PCN/WP.13/Add.1 | Belgium, France, Federal Republic of Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: working paper on the allocation of matters to the Special Commissions and the Plenary. Addendum Allocation of functions with regard to the implementation of resolution II [dated 1 September 1983] |
LOS/PCN/WP.13/Add.1/Corr.1 (English only) | Corrigendum [dated 1 September 1983] |
LOS/PCN/WP.14 | Suggested tables of contents for the preparation of Draft Rules, Regulations and Procedures by the Preparatory Commission [dated 7 September 1983] |
LOS/PCN/WP.15 | Draft Rules of Procedure of the Preparatory Commission for the International Sea-Bed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea [dated 7 September 1983] |
LOS/PCN/WP,15/Corr.1 (English only) | Corricrendum [dated 8 September 1983] |
LOS/PCN/WP.16 | Draft Rules for the registration of pioneer investors and Draft Rules on confidentiality of the data and Information [dated 23 February 1984] |
LOS/PCN/WP.16/Corr.1 | Corricrendum [dated 30 March 1984] |
LOS/PCN/WP.16/Rev.1 | Draft Rules for the registration of pioneer investors and Draft Rules on confidentiality of the data and Information [dated 12 April 1984] |
LOS/PCN/WP.16/Rev.1/Corr.1 (Chinese and English only) | Corricrendum [dated 8 June 1984] |
LOS/PCN/WP.17 | Proposal of the delegations of Belgium, France, the Federal Republic of Germany, Italy, Japan and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on Draft Work Programmes for Special Commissions 1, 2, 3 and 4 [dated 20 March 1984] |
LOS/PCN/WP.17/Corr.1 | Corricrendum [dated 23 March 1984] |
LOS/PCN/WP.18 | Draft Rules of Procedures for registration of pioneer investors under resolution II Proposals bv the delegations of Belgium, France, Germany, Federal Republic of, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland [dated 21 March 1984] |
LOS/PCN/WP.19 | Suggested amendments to the Draft Rules for the registration of pioneer investors (LOS/PCN/WP.16) Submitted bv Bulgaria, German Democratic Republic, Hungary, Poland and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics [dated 22 March 1984] |
LOS/PCN/WP.20 | Draft Rules of Procedure of the Assembly of the International Sea-Bed Authority [dated 2 April 1984] |
LOS/PCN/WP.20/Corr.1 | Corrigendum [dated 6 April 1984] |
LOS/PCN/WP.20/Rev.1 | Draft Rules of Procedure of the Assembly of the International Sea-Bed Authority [dated 19 March 1985] |
LOS/PCN/WP.20/Rev.2 | Draft Rules of Procedure of the Assembly of the International Sea-Bed Authority [dated 25 March 1988] |
LOS/PCN/WP.20/Rev.3 | Final Draft Rules of Procedure of the Assembly of the International Seabed Authority Working paper bv the Secretariat [dated 28 July 1992] |
LOS/PCN/WP.21 | Draft Rules on a Finance Committee to be included in the Draft Rules of Procedure of the Assembly of the International Sea-Bed Authority (LOS/PCN/WP.20) Proposals by the delegations of Belgium, France, Germany, Federal Republic of, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland [dated 14 August 1984] |
LOS/PCN/WP.21/Corr.1 | Corrigendum [dated 27 August 1984] |
LOS/PCN/WP.22 | Draft Rules on confidentiality for inclusion in the Draft Rules for the registration of pioneer investors under resolution II (LOS/PCN/WP.16/Rev.1) Proposals bv the delegations of Belgium, France, Germany, Federal Republic of, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland [dated 14 August 1984] |
LOS/PCN/WP.23 | Suggested amendments to the Draft Rules of Procedure of the Assembly of the International Sea-Bed Authority (LOS/PCN/WP.20) Proposals by the delegations of Bulgaria, the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic, Czechoslovakia, the German Democratic Republic, Hungary, Mongolia, Poland, the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics [dated 30 August 1984] |
LOS/PCN/WP.24 | Suggestions by the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission on Rules 14, 15 and IS for inclusion in the Draft Rules for the registration of pioneer investors under resolution II (LOS/PCN/WP.16/Rev.1) [dated 4 September 1984] |
LOS/PCN/WP.25 | Suggested amendments to the Draft Rules of Procedure of the Assembly of the International Sea-Bed Authority (LOS/PCN/WP.20} Proposals by the delegation of the Netherlands. Rule 96 [dated 15 March 1985] |
LOS/PCN/WP.26 | Draft Rules of Procedure of the Council of the International Sea-Bed Authority Working paper bv the Secretariat [dated 29 March 1985] |
LOS/PCN/WP.26/Corr.1 (English only) | Corrigendum [dated 16 August 1985] |
LOS/PCN/WP.26/Add.1 | Draft Rules of Procedure of the Council of the International Sea-Bed Authority. Addendum Elections to the Economic Planning Commission and the Legal and Technical Commission Working paper bv the Secretariat [dated 20 March 1986] |
LOS/PCN/WP.26/Rev.1 | Draft Rules of Procedure of the Council of the International Sea-Bed Authority Working paper bv the Secretariat [dated 19 August 1986] |
LOS/PCN/WP.26/Rev.2 | Draft Rules of Procedure of the Council of the International Sea-Bed Authority [dated 30 June 1988] |
LOS/PCN/WP.26/Rev.3 | Final Draft Rules of Procedure of the Council of the International Seabed Authority Workinq paper bv the Secretariat [dated 28 July 1992] |
LOS/PCN/WP.27 | Suggested amendments to the Draft Rules of Procedure of the Assembly of the International Sea-Bed Authority {LOS/PCN/WP.20/Rev.1} Proposals bv the deleqations of Belqium, Germany, Federal Republic of, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands and the United Kincrdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland [dated 12 August 1985] |
LOS/PCN/WP.28 | Suggested amendments to the Draft Rules of Procedure of the Council of the International Sea-Bed Authority (LOS/PCN/WP.26) Proposals bv the delegations of Belgium, Germany, Federal Republic of, Italv, Japan, the Netherlands and the United Kincrdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland [dated 14 August 1985] |
LOS/PCN/WP.29 | Suggested amendments to the Draft Rules of Procedure of the Council of the International Sea-Bed Authority (LOS/PCN/WP.26) Proposals bv the delegations of Bulcraria. the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic, Czechoslovakia, the German Democratic Republic, Hunqarv, Poland, the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics [dated 16 August 1985] |
LOS/PCN/WP.29/Corr.1 | Corricrendum [dated 20 March 1986] |
LOS/PCN/WP.30 | Suggested amendments to Rule 95 of the Draft Rules of Procedure of the Assembly of the International Sea-Bed Authority (LOS/PCN/WP.20/Rev.1) Proposal bv the delegation of China [dated 22 August 1985] |
LOS/PCN/WP.31 | Draft Rules of Procedure of the Legal and Technical Commission Working paper bv the Secretariat [dated 2 8 February 1986] |
LOS/PCN/WP.31/Rev.1 | Draft Rules of Procedure of the Legal and Technical Commission Workinq paper bv the Secretariat [dated 31 July 1987] |
LOS/PCN/WP.31/Rev.1/Corr.1 (Arabic & English, only) | Corriqendum [dated 18 February 1988] |
LOS/PCN/WP.31/Rev.2 | Draft Rules of Procedure of the Legal and Technical Commission Working pacer bv the Secretariat [dated 30 June 1988] |
LOS/PCN/WP.31/Rev.3 | Final Draft Rules of Procedure of the Legal and Technical Commission Working paper bv the Secretariat [dated 28 July 1992] |
LOS/PCN/WP.32 | Amendments to the Draft Rules of Procedure of the Legal and Technical Commission (LOS/PCN/WP.31) Submitted bv the delegations of Bulgaria, the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic, Czechoslovakia, the German Democratic Republic, Hungary, Poland, the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics [dated 25 March 1986] |
LOS/PCN/WP.32/Corr.1 (French & Spanish only) | Corrigendum [dated 3 April 1986] |
LOS/PCN/WP.32/Corr.2 (Chinese only) | Corrigendum [dated 31 March 1988] |
LOS/PCN/WP.33 | Suggested amendments to the Draft Rules of Procedure of the Council of the International Sea-Bed Authority (LOS/PCN/WP.26/Add.1) Proposals bv the delegations of Belgium, Germany, Federal Republic of, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. X. Elections to the Economic Planning Commission and the Legal and Technical Commission [dated 25 March 1986] |
LOS/PCN/WP.34 | Suggested amendments to the Draft Rules of Procedure of the Legal and Technical Commission (LOS/PCN/WP.31) Proposals by the delegations of Belgium, Germany, Federal Republic of, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland [dated 3 April 1986] |
LOS/PCN/WP.35 | Amendment to the Draft Rules of Procedure of the Legal and Technical Commission (LOS/PCN/WP.31) Submitted bv the delegation of Uruguay [dated 4 April 1986] |
LOS/PCN/WP.36 | Draft Rules of Procedure for the Economic Planning Commission Working paper bv the Secretariat [dated 22 August 1986] |
LOS/PCN/WP.36/Corr.1 (Russian only) | Corrigendum [dated 2 7 August 1986] |
LOS /PCN/WP.36/Rev.1 | Draft Rules of Procedure of the Economic Planning Commission Workinq pacer bv the Secretariat [dated 24 July 1987] |
LOS/PCN/WP.36/Rev.1/Corr.1 | Corriqendum [dated 18 February 1988] |
LOS/PCN/WP.36/Rev.2 | Draft Rules of Procedure of the Economic Planning Commission Workinq pacer bv the Secretariat [dated 3 February 198 9] |
LOS/PCN/WP.37 | Suggested amendments to the Draft Rules of Procedure of the Economic Planning Commission (LOS/PCN/WP.36) Proposals bv the deleqaticns of Belqium, Germanv, Federal Republic of, Italv, Japan, Netherlands and the United Kinqdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland [dated 28 August 1986] |
LOS/PCN/WP.38 | Draft Rules of Procedure for the Economic Planning Commission (los/pCn/wp.36) Proposed amendments bv the deleqations of Bulqaria, Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic, Czechoslovakia, German Democratic Republic, Hunqarv, Monqolia, Poland, Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics [dated 28 August 1986] |
LOS/PCN/WP.39 | Amendments to the Draft Rules of Procedure for the Economic Planning Commission (LOS/PCN/WP.36) [dated 3 April 1987] |
LOS/PCN/WP.40 | Suggested amendments to the Draft Rules of Procedure of the Council of the International Sea-Bed Authority (LOS/PCN/WP.26/Rev.1) Proposals bv the deleqation of Switzerland [dated 28 July 1987] |
LOS/PCN/WP.41 | Suggested amendments to the Draft Rules of Procedure of the Council of the International Sea-Bed Authority (LOS/PCN/WP.26/Rev.1) Proposal bv the delegation of Brazil [dated 10 August 1987] |
LOS/PCN/WP.42 | Suggested amendment to the Draft Rules of Procedure of the Council of the International Sea-Bed Authority (LOS/PCN/WP.26/Rev.1) Proposal of the deleqations of Belqium, Germanv, Federal Republic of, Italv, Japan, the Netherlands and the United Kinqdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland [dated 17 August 1987] |
LOS/PCN/WP.43 | Suggested amendments to the Draft Rules of Procedure of the Council of the International Sea-Bed Authority (LOS/PCN/WP.2 6/Rev.1) Proposal bv the delecration of the Netherlands [dated 19 August 193 7] |
LOS/PCN/WP.44 | List of provisions relating to certain pending issues before the Plenary on the Authority [dated 8 February 1988] |
LOS/PCN/WP.45 | The Finance Committee . Working paper by the Secretariat [dated 11 August 1988] |
LOS/PCN/WP.45/Rev.1 | The Finance Committee Working paper prepared bv the Secretariat [dated 20 August 1991] |
LOS/PCN/WP.45/Rev.2 | The Finance Committee . Working paper prepared bv the Secretariat [dated 2 0 August 1992] |
LOS/PCN/WP.46 | Suggested amendments to the Draft Rules of Procedure of the Assembly of the International Sea-Bed Authority (LOS/PCN/WP.2 0/Rev.2) Proposal bv the delegation of the European Economic Communitv [dated 26 August 1988] |
LOS/PCN/WP.47 | Draft Agreement between the International Sea-Bed Authority and Jamaica regarding the Headquarters of the International Sea-Bed Authority Working paper bv the Secretariat [dated 21 February 1989] |
LOS/PCN/WP.47/Rev.1 | Draft Agreement between the International Sea-Bed Authority and the Government of Jamaica regarding the Headquarters of the International Sea-Bed Authority Working paper bv the Secretariat [dated 16 February 1990] |
LOS/PCN/WP.47/Rev.2 | Final Draft Agreement between the International Seabed Authority and the Government of Jamaica regarding the Headquarters of the International Seabed Authority Working paper bv the Secretariat [dated 28 July 1992] |
LOS/PCN/WP.48 | Suggested amendments to the working paper b’ the Secretariat on the Finance Committee (LOS/PCN/WP.45) Proposals bv the delegations of Belqium, Germanv, Federal Republic of, Italv, the Netherlands and the United Kinqdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland [dated 6 March 1989] |
LOS/PCN/WP.49 | Draft Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the International Sea-Bed Authority {Workinq paper bv the Secretariat) [dated 2 9 August 1989] |
LOS/PCN/WP.49/Rev.1 | Draft Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the International Sea-Bed Authority (Workinq paper bv the Secretariat) [dated 26 June 1990] |
LOS/PCN/WP.49/Rev.1/Corr . 1 (Russian only) | Corriqendum [dated 21 August 1990] |
LOS/PCN/WP.49/Rev.2 | Final Draft Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the International Seabed Authority Workinq paper bv the Secretariat [dated 28 July 1992] |
LOS/PCN/WP.50 | Draft Agreement concerning the relationship between the United Nations and the International Sea-Bed Authority (Workinq paper by the Secretariat) [dated 10 August 1990] |
LOS/PCN/WP.50/Rev.1 | Draft Agreement concerning the relationship between the United Nations and the International Sea-Bed Authority (Workinq paper bv the Secretariat) [dated 25 July 1991] |
LOS/PCN/WP.50/Rev.2 | Final Agreement concerning the relationship between the United Nations and the International Seabed Authority Workinq paper bv the Secretariat [dated 28 July 1992] |
LOS/PCN/WP.50/Rev.3 | Final Draft Agreement concerning the relationship between the United Nations and the International Seabed Authority Workinq paper by the Secretariat [dated 2 February 1993] |
LOS/PCN/WP.51 | Administrative arrangements, structure and financial implications of the International Sea-Bed Authority (Background paper bv the Secretariat) [dated 10 August 199 0] |
LOS/PCN/WP.52 | Draft provisional final report of the Plenary [dated 5 February 1993] |
LOS/PCN/WP.52/Add.1 | Draft provisional final report of the Plenary Documents relevant to the implementation of resolution II. Addendum [dated 5 February 1993] |
LOS/PCN/WP.52/Add.2 | Draft provisional final report of the Plenary Documents relevant to the implementation of resolution II. Addendum [dated 11 February 1993 |
LOS/PCN/WP.52/Add.3 | Final draft rules of procedure for the organs of the Authority; final draft relationship agreements of the Authority; documents on the Finance Committee and on the administrative arrangements, structure and financial implications of the Authority. Addendum [dated 12 February 1993] |
LOS/PCN/WP.53 | Suggested amendments to the draft provisional final report of the Plenary (LOS/PCN/WP.52} Submitted bv the delegation of France [dated 24 March 1993] |
LOS/PCN/WP.54 | Statement by the delegation of the Russian Federation [dated 2 April 1993] |
LOS/PCN/WP.55 | Suggested amendment to the draft provisional final report of the Plenary (LOS/PCN/WP.52) Submitted bv the delegation of the Russian Federation [dated 2 April 1993] |
Conference Room Papers |
Documents of the Plenary |
LOS/PCN/1984/CRP.1 | Organization of work ‘ [dated 20 March 1984] |
LOS/PCN/1984/CRP.1/Rev.1 (English only) | Organization of work [dated 20 March 1984] |
LOS/PCN/1984/CRP.2 | Timetable for week beginning 26 March 1984 [dated 23 March 1984] |
LOS/PCN/1984/CRP.3 | Timetable for week beginning 2 April 1984 [dated 30 March 1984] |
LOS/PCN/1984/CRP.4 | Timetable for week beginning 9 April 1984 [dated 30 March 1984] |
LOS/PCN/1985/CRP.5 | Provisional timetable for week beginning 11 March 1985 [dated 12 March 1985] |
LOS/PCN/1985/CRP.6/Rev.1 | Provisional timetable for week beginning 12 August 1985 [dated 12 August 1985] |
LOS/PCN/1986/CRP.7 | Provisional timetable for week beginning 17 March 1986 [dated 17 March 1986] |
LOS/PCN/1986/CRP.8 | Provisional timetable for week beginning 11 August 198 6 [dated 12 August 1986] |
LOS/PCN/1986/CRP.9 | Sources of reference for Draft Rules of Procedure of the Legal and Technical Commission (LOS/PCN/WP.31) ‘ Workincr paper bv the Secretariat [dated 18 August 1986] |
LOS/PCN/1987/CRP.10 | Sources of Draft Rules of Procedure of the Economic Planning Commission (LOS/PCN/WP.36) with the status of the relevant Draft Rules of Procedure of the Legal and Technical Commission (LOS/PCN/WP.31) [dated 18 March 1987] |
LOS/PCN/1987/CRP.11 | Provisional timetable for week beginning 30 March 1987 [dated 30 March 1987] |
LOS/PCN/1987/CRP.12 | Provisional list of delegations, Fifth session, Kingston, Jamaica, 30 March to 16 April 1987 [dated 3 April 1987] |
LOS/PCN/1987/CRP.13 | List of provisions relating to certain pending issues before the Plenary on the Authority [dated 23 July 1987] |
LOS/PCN/1987/CRP.14 | Provisional timetable for week beginning 27 July 1987 [dated 27 July 1987] |
LOS/PCN/1987/CRP.15 | Suggested text for Rule 22 (18) (LOS/PCN/WP.26/Rev.1). Elections [dated 31 July 1987] |
LOS/PCN/1987/CRP.16 | Provisional list of delegations, New York, 27 July to 21 August 1987 [dated 6 August 1987] |
LOS/PCN/1987/CRP.17 | Suggested text for Rule 22 (18) (LOS/PCN/WP.26/Rev.1). Elections [dated 11 August 19 87] |
LOS/PCN/1987/CRP.18 | Draft Decision of the General Committee on the application of the Government of India as a pioneer investor under resolution II of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea [dated 17 August 1987] |
LOS/PCN/1987/CRP.19 | Draft Decision of the General Committee on the application submitted by the Government of France as a pioneer investor under resolution II of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea [dated 16 December 1987] |
LOS/PCN/1987/CRP.20 | Draft Decision of the General Committee on the application submitted by the Government of Japan as a pioneer investor under resolution II of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea [dated 16 December 1987] |
LOS/PCN/1987/CRP.21 | Draft Decision of the General Committee on the application submitted by the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics as a pioneer investor under resolution II of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea [dated 16 December 1987] |
LOS/PCN/1988/CRP.22 | Provisional timetable for week beginning 14 March 1988 [dated 14 March 1988] |
LOS/PCN/1988/CRP.23 | Provisional list of delegations, Sixth session, Kingston, Jamaica, 14 March to 8 April 198 8 [dated 22 March 1988] |
LOS/PCN/1988/CRP.24 | Approval of plans of work [dated 5 April 1988] |
LOS/PCN/1988/CRP.25 | List of provisions relating to the frequency of sessions [dated 6 April 1988] |
LOS/PCN/1988/CRP.26 | List of provisions in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea relating to decisions involving financial implications [dated 12 August 1988] |
LOS/PCN/1988/CRP.27 | Provisional timetable for week beginning 15 August 1988 [dated 15 August 1988] |
LOS/PCN/1988/CRP.28 | Provisional list of delegations, New York, 15 August-2 September 1988 [dated 23 August 1988] |
LOS/PCN/1989/CRP.29 | Provisional timetable for week beginning 27 February 1989 [dated 27 February 1989] |
LOS/PCN/1989/CRP.30 | Provisional list of delegations, Seventh session, Kingston, Jamaica, 27 February to 23 March 1989 [dated 7 March 1989] |
LOS/PCN/1989/CRP.31 (English only) | Sources of the provisions of the Draft Agreement between the International Sea-Bed Authority and Jamaica regarding the Headquarters of the International Sea-Bed Authority (Workina Paper bv the Secretariat) [dated 9 March 1989] |
LOS/PCN/1989/CRP.32 | Provisional timetable for week beginning 14 August 1989 [dated 14 August 1989] |
LOS/PCN/1989/CRP.33 | Suggested amendments to the Draft Headquarters Agreement between the International Sea-Bed Authority and Jamaica regarding the Headquarters of the International Sea-Bed Authority (LOS/PCN/WP.47) (Workincr paper bv the Secretariat) [dated 21 August 1989] |
LOS/PCN/1989/CRP.34 | Provisional list of delegations, New York, 14 August – 1 September 1989 [dated 24 August 1989] |
LOS/PCN/1990/CRP.35 | Provisional timetable for week beginning 5 March 1990 [dated 5 March 1990] |
LOS/PCN/1990/CRP.36 | Sources of the provisions of the Draft Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the International Sea-Bed Authority (Workincr Pacer bv the Secretariat) [dated 9 March 1990] |
LOS/PCN/1990/CRP.37 | Provisional list of delegations, Eighth session, Kingston, Jamaica, 5-30 March 1990 [dated 14 March 1990] |
LOS/PCN/1990/CRP.38 | Preliminary list of functions of the Finance Committee [dated 15 March 1990] |
LOS/PCN/1990/CRP.38/Rev.1 | Preliminary list of functions of the Finance Committee [dated 16 August 1990] |
LOS/PCN/1990/CRP.39 | Extension of Privileges and Immunities to spouses and dependent members of the families of representatives, officials and experts (article 41 of LOS/PCN/WP.4 7/Rev.1) [dated 8 August 1990] |
LOS/PCN/l990/CRP.40 | Provisional timetable for week beginning 13 August 1990 [dated 13 August 1990] |
LOS/PCN/1990/CRP.41 | Organization of the work of the Plenary for the New York Summer Meeting as outlined by the Chairman [dated 14 August 1990] |
LOS/PCN/1990/CRP.42 | Provisional list of delegations, New York, 13 – 31 August 1990 [dated 23 August 1990] |
LOS/PCN/1990/CRP.43 | Draft Decision concerning the application submitted by the People’s Republic of China on behalf of the China Ocean Mineral Resources Research and Development Association (COMRA) for registration as a pioneer investor [dated 27 August 1990] |
LOS/PCN/1990/CRP.44 | Understanding of the fulfilment of obligations by the registered pioneer investors and their certifying States [dated 29 August 1990] |
LOS/PCN/1991/CRP.45 | Provisional timetable for week beginning 25 February 1991 [dated 25 February 1991] |
LOS/PCN/1991/CRP.46 (English only) | Sources of the provisions of the Draft Agreement concerning the relationship between the United Nations and the International Sea-Bed Authority (Workinq Paper bv the Secretariat) [dated 28 February 1991] |
LOS/PCN/1991/CRP.47 | Draft Decision of the General Committee on the application submitted by the Government of the People’s Republic of China for registration as a pioneer investor under resolution II of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea [dated 1 March 1991] |
LOS/PCN/1991/CRP.48 | Draft Agreement concerning the relationship between the United Nations and the International Sea-Bed Authority (Document LOS/PCN/WP.50) [dated 1 March 1991] |
LOS/PCN/1991/CRP.49LOS/PCN/1991/CRP.50 | Organization of the work of the Plenary on the Authority [dated 4 March 1991] Provisional list of delegations, Ninth session, Kingston, Jamaica, 25 February to 22 March 1991 [dated 5 March 1991] |
LOS/PCN/1991/CRP.51 | Chairman’s Draft. Understanding on the fulfilment of obligations by the registered pioneer investor, the China Ocean Mineral Resources and Development Association (COMRA) and its certifying State, the People’s Republic of China [dated 18 March 1991] |
LOS/PCN/1991/CRP.51/Rev. 1 | Chairman’s Draft. Understanding on the fulfilment of obligations by the registered pioneer investor, the China Ocean Mineral Resources and Development Association (COMRA) and its certifying State, the People’s Republic of China [dated 26 August 1991] |
LOS/PCN/1992/CRP.51/Rev.1/Add.1 | Chairman’s Draft. Understanding on the fulfilment of obligations by the registered pioneer investor, the China Ocean Mineral Resources and Development Association (COMRA) and its certifying State, the People’s Republic of China. Addendum. [dated 9 March 1992] |
LOS/PCN/1991/CRP.52 | Provisional timetable for week beginning 12 August 1991 [dated 12 August 1991] |
LOS/PCN/1991/CRP.53 | Draft decision of the General Committee on the application submitted by the Governments of the Republic of Bulgaria, the Republic of Cuba, the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic, the Republic of Poland and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics for registration of the Interoceanmental Joint Organization as a pioneer investor under resolution II of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea [dated 19 August 1991] |
LOS/PCN/1991/CRP.54 | Provisional list of delegations, New York, 12 – 30 August 1991 [dated 26 August 1991] |
LOS/PCN/1992/CRP.55 | Provisional timetable for week beginning 24 February 1992 [dated 2 5 February 19 92] |
LOS/PCN/1992/CRP.56 | Provisional list of delegations, Tenth session, Kingston, Jamaica, 24 February to 13 March 1992 [dated 2 March 1992] |
LOS/PCN/1992/CRP.57 | Provisional timetable [dated 11 August 1992] |
LOS/PCN/1992/CRP.58 | Draft provisional final report of the Plenary [dated 14 August 1992] |
LOS/PCN/1992/CRP.59 | Provisional list of delegations, New York, 10 – 21 August 1992 [dated 18 August 1992] |
LOS/PCN/1992/CRP.60 | Chairman’s draft understanding on the fulfilment of obligations by the registered pioneer investor, the Interoceanmetal Joint Organization (IOM) and its certifying States, the Republic of Bulgaria, the Republic of Cuba, the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic, the Republic of Poland and the Russian Federation [dated 17 August 19 92] |
LOS/PCN/1992/CRP.60/Corr.1 (Arabic only) | Corricfendum [dated 17 August 1992] |
LOS/PCN/1993/CRP.61 | Comments submitted by the European Community and its Member States on the draft provisional final report of the Plenary (LOS/PCN/1992/CRP.58) [dated 19 January 1993 |
LOS/PCN/1993/CRP.62 | Suggested amendments to the draft provisional final report of the Plenary (LOS/PCN/1992/CRP.58) ‘ Submitted bv the delegations of Belgium, Germanv, Italv, Japan, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland [dated 1 February 1993] |
LOS/PCN/1993/CRP.63 | Provisional timetable [dated 23 March 1993] |
LOS/PCN/1993/CRP.64 | Provisional list of delegations, eleventh session, Kingston, Jamaica, 22 March to 2 April 1993 [dated 25 March 1993] |
LOS/PCN/1994/CRP.65 | Provisional timetable [dated 7 February 1994] |
LOS/PCN/1994/CRP.66 | Provisional list of delegations, twelfth session, Kingston, Jamaica, 7 to 11 February 1994 [dated 10 February 1994] |
LOS/PCN/1994/CRP.67 | Summer meeting of the Preparatory Commission for the International Seabed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea. Chairman’s suggestions for the programme of work [dated 28 July 1994] |
LOS/PCN/1994/CRP.68 | Provisional timetable [dated 2 August 1994] |
LOS/PCN/1994/CRP.69 | Chairman’s draft understanding on the fulfilment of obligations by the registered pioneer investor, the Government of the Republic of Korea, and its certifying State, the Republic of Korea [dated 8 August 1994] |
LOS/PCN/1994/CRP.69/Corr.1 | Corrigendum [dated 9 August 1994] |
General Committee (Bureau) |
INF/R Group of Experts Meetings |
LOS/PCN/BUR/INF/R.1 | Formal part of the application of India released for the information of the General Committee with the consent of the applicant [dated 11 August 1987] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/INF/R.2 | Part of the revised application for the registration of the Soviet State Enterprise Yuzhmorqeolocriva as a pioneer investor under resolution II of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea, released for the information of the General Committee with the consent of the applicant [dated 4 December 1987] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/INF/R.3 | Information concerning the revised application of Japan for the registration of “Deep Ocean Resources Development Co., Ltd.” (DORD) as a pioneer investor under resolution II of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea, released for the information of the General Committee with the consent of the applicant [dated 4 December 1987] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/INF/R.4 | Excerpts from the application submitted by France for registration as a pioneer investor under resolution II of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea, released to the General Committee with the consent of the applicant [dated 2 December 1987] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/INF/R.5 (English only) | Chart illustrating the disposition of Areas as contained in the applications for registration as pioneer investors of France, Japan and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics [dated 8 December 19 8 7] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/INF/R.6 | Statement submitted by France on its revised application [dated 10 December 1987] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/INF/R.7 | Part of the application for registration as a pioneer investor submitted by the Government of Japan of behalf of Deep Ocean Resources Development Co., Ltd. [dated 11 December 1987] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/INF/R.8 (English only) | Chart illustrating the disposition of areas following the decision by the General Committee of the Preparatory Commission to register France, Japan and the Soviet Union as pioneer investors [dated 16 December 1987] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/INF/R.9 | Information concerning the application of the Government of the People’s Republic of China for registration of the “China Ocean Mineral Resources and Development Association” (COMRA) as a pioneer investor under resolution II of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea released to the General Committee with the consent of the applicant. A general review of ocean polvmetallic nodule resources survevincr in China [dated 6 February 1991] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/INF/R.10 (English only) | Chart illustrating the disposition of Areas following the decision adopted on 5 March 1991 by the General Committee of the Preparatory Commission on the application submitted by the People’s Republic of China for registration of the China Ocean Mineral Resources and Development Association as a pioneer investor [dated 7 March 1991] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/INF/R.11 | Information concerning the application of the Governments of the Republic of Bulgaria, the Republic of Cuba, the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic, the Republic of Poland and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics for registration of the Interoceanmental Joint Organization as a pioneer investor under resolution II of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea released to the General Committee with the consent of the applicant Technical characteristics of equipment used in prospecting of ferromanganese nodules [dated 6 August 1991] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/INF/R.12 | Report on the status of the implementation of obligations of the registered pioneer investors under resolution II and the related understandings Prepared bv the Secretariat [dated 17 January 1994] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/INF/R.12/Corr.1 | Corrigendum [dated 10 February 1994] |
General Committee (Bureau) |
BUR/R Group of Experts Meetings (Reports) |
LOS/PCN/BUR/R.1 | Report of the Group of Technical Experts to the General Committee of the Preparatory Commission for the International Sea-Bed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea on the application of the Government of the Republic of India for registration as a pioneer investor under resolution II of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea [dated 10 August 1987] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/R.2 | Report of the Group of Technical Experts to the General Committee of the Preparatory Commission for the International Sea-Bed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea on the application of the Government of the Republic of France for registration as a pioneer investor under resolution II of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea [dated 4 December 1987] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/R.3 | Report of the Group of Technical Experts to the General Committee of the Preparatory Commission for the International Sea-Bed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea on the application of the Government of Japan for registration as a pioneer investor under resolution II of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea [dated 4 December 1987] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/R.4 | Report of the Group of Technical Experts to the General Committee of the Preparatory Commission for the International Sea-Bed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea on the application of the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics for registration as a pioneer investor under resolution II of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea [dated 4 December 1987] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/R.5 | Report of the Group of Technical Experts to the General Committee of the Preparatory Commission [dated 16 August 1989] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/R.5/Corr. 1 | Corrigendum [dated 26 October 1989] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/R.6 | Report of the Group of Technical Experts to the General Committee of the Preparatory Commission [dated 17 August 1989] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/R.7 | Report of the Group of Technical Experts to the General Committee of the Preparatory Commission for the International Sea-Bed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea on the application of the Government of the People’s Republic of China for registration as a pioneer investor under resolution II of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea [dated 23 January 1991] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/R.7/Corr.1 | Corricrendum [dated 27 February 1991] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/R.8 | Report of the Group of Technical Experts to the General Committee of the Preparatory Commission for the International Seabed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea on the application of the Governments of the Republic of Bulgaria, the Republic of Cuba, the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic, the Republic of Poland and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics for registration of the Interoceanmental Joint Organization as a pioneer investor under resolution II of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea [dated 2 August 1991] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/R.9 | Report of the first meeting of the Training Panel to the General Committee of the Preparatory Commission [dated 27 August 1991] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/R.10 | Report of the Group of Technical Experts to the General Committee for the International Seabed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea [dated 25 February 1992] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/R.10/Add.1 | Report of the Group of Technical Experts to the General Committee of the Preparatory Commission for the International Seabed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea. Addendum. Material of a non-confidential nature additional to that presented in the report contained in document LOS/PCN/BUR/R.10, provided bv the Secretariat at the request of the General Committee [dated 24 July 1992] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/R.11 | Periodic report on the activities of India in the pioneer Area (Submitted bv the delecration of India) [dated 27 February 1992] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/R.12 | Periodic report on the activities of Deep Ocean Resources Development Co., Ltd. (DORD) in the pioneer Area (Submitted bv the delegation of Jauan) [dated 28 February 1992] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/R.12/Corr.1 (English only) | Corrigendum [dated 4 March 1992] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/R.13 | Periodic report on the activities of the IFREMER/AFERNOD in the pioneer Area (Submitted bv the delegation of France) [dated 2 March 1992] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/R.14 | Periodic report on the activities of Yuzhmorgeologiya in the pioneer Area (Submitted bv the delegation of the Russian Federation) [dated 6 March 1992] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/R.14/Corr.1 (A, C, E, Ft, and Sp. only) | Corrigendum [dated 10 March 1992] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/R.15 | Report of the second meeting of the Training Panel to the General Committee of the Preparatory Commission [dated 11 March 1992] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/R.15/Corr.1 (English only) | Corrigendum [dated 12 March 1992] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/R.16 | Note verbale on the training programmes offered by France and Japan submitted by the Training Panel to the General Committee of the Preparatory Commission [dated 11 March 1992] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/R.17 | Report of the third meeting of the Training Panel to the General Committee of the Preparatory Commission [dated 28 January 1993] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/R.18 | Selection of candidates by the Training Panel for designation by the Preparatory Commission in respect of the traineeships under the training programmes offered by France and Japan [dated 17 August 1992] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/R.19 | Draft note verbale on the traineeships under the training programmes offered by India and the Russian Federation submitted by the Training Panel to the General Committee of the Preparatory Commission [dated 17 August 1992] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/R.20 | Periodic report on the activities of the China Ocean Mineral Resources Research and Development Association (COMRA) in the pioneer Area (Submitted bv the delecration of China) [dated 2 March 1993] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/R.21 | Explanation of the database diskette for the reserved area of the International Seabed Authority as required of the pioneer investor (Submitted bv the delecration of China) [dated 2 March 1993] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/R.22 | Periodic report on the activities of the IFREMER/AFERNOD in the pioneer Area (1 January-31 December 1992) Submitted bv the delecration of France [dated 23 March 1993] |
LOS/PCN/BUR.R.23 | Periodic report on the activities of the Deep Ocean Resources Development Co., Ltd. (DORD) in the pioneer Area (Submitted bv the delecration of Japan) [dated 25 March 1993] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/R.24 | Periodic report on the activities of India in the pioneer Area (Submitted by the delecration of India) [dated 25 March 1993] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/R.25 | Periodic report on the activities of Yuzhmorgeologiya in the pioneer Area (1 January to 31 December 1992) Submitted bv the delecration of the Russian Federation [dated 26 March 1993] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/R.26 | Selection of candidates by the Training Panel for designation by the Preparatory Commission in respect of the traineeships under the training programmes offered by India and the Russian Federation [dated 26 March 1993] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/R.27 | Draft note verbale on the traineeships under the training programmes offered by China and the Interoceanmetal Joint Organization and its certifying States submitted by the Training Panel to the General Committee of the Preparatory Commission [dated 26 March 1993] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/R.28 | Draft note verbale on a traineeship in chemical engineering under the training programme offered by India submitted by the Training Panel to the General Committee of the Preparatory Commission [dated 26 March 1993] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/R.29 | Report of the fourth meeting of the Training Panel to the General Committee of the Preparatory Commission [dated 29 March 1993] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/R.30 | Periodic report on the activities of the Interoceanmetal Joint Organization (IOM) and its certifying States in the pioneer Area from August 1992 to July 1993 (Submitted bv the delegation of Poland) [dated 2 September 1993] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/R.31 | Periodic report on the activities of the IFREMER/AFERNOD in the pioneer Area (1 Januarv-3l December 1993) (Submitted bv the delegation of France) [dated 31 January 1994] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/R.32 | Report of the Group of Technical Experts to the General Committee of the Preparatory Commission for the International Seabed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea [dated 1 February 1994] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/R.33 | Periodic report on the activities of the China Ocean Mineral Resources Research and Development Association (COMRA) in the pioneer Area (Submitted by the delecration of China) [dated 1 February 1994] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/R.34 | Periodic report on the activities of India in the pioneer Area (Submitted bv the delecration of India) [dated 7 February 1994] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/R.35 | Periodic report on the activities of the Deep Ocean Resources Development Co., Ltd. (DORD) in the pioneer Area (Submitted bv the delegation of Japan) [dated 7 February 1994] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/R.36 | Selection of candidates by the Training Panel for designation by the Preparatory Commission in respect of the traineeships under the training programmes offered by China and the Interoceanmetal Joint Organization and its certifying States and in respect of the traineeship in chemical engineering under the training programme offered by India [dated 9 February 1994] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/R.37 | Report of the fifth meeting of the Training Panel to the General Committee of the Preparatory Commission [dated 10 Fehruary 1994] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/R.38 | Proposal by the Russian Federation regarding the decision by the General Committee on the agenda item relating to the consideration of the letters from the coordinator of the group of registered pioneer investors [dated 10 February 1994] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/R.39 LOS/PCN/BUR/R.3 9/Corr.1 | Periodic report on the activities of the Interoceanmetal Joint Organization (IOM) and its certifying States in the pioneer Area from 1 July 1993 to 31 December 1993 (Submitted bv the delegation of Poland) [dated 24 February 1994] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/R.40 | Report of the Group of Technical Experts to the General Committee of the Preparatory Commission for the International Seabed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea on the application of the Government of the Republic of Korea for registration as a pioneer investor under resolution II of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea [dated 25 July 1994] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/R.41 | Draft Decision of the General Committee Proposal bv the Russian Federation [dated 1 August 1994] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/R.42 | Draft Decision of the General Committee Proposal bv the Russian Federation [dated 1 August 1994] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/R.43 | Periodic report on the activities of Yuzhmorgeologiya in the pioneer Area over the period 1 January to 1 August 19 94 Submitted by the delecration of the Russian Federation [dated 2 August 1994] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/R.44 | Relinquishment of pioneer Areas (resolution II, paragraph 1 (e)) Submitted bv the deleqation of India [dated 3 August 1994] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/R.45 | Relinquishment of pioneer Areas (resolution II, paragraph 1 (e)) Submitted bv the deleqation of Poland on behalf of the Interoceanmetal Joint Organization (IOM) and its certifvinq States, the Republic of Bulqaria, the Republic of Cuba, the Czech Republic, the Republic of Poland, the Russian Federation and the Slovak Republic [dated 4 August 1994] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/R.46 | Letter dated 22 July 1994 from the Director General of the Interoceanmetal Joint Organization (IOM), on behalf of the Intergovernmental Council of IOM, addressed to the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission [dated 3 August 1994] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/R.47 | Report of the sixth meeting of the Training Panel to the General Committee of the Preparatory Commission [dated 3 August 1994] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/R.47/Corr.1 | Corricrendum . [dated 8 August 1994] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/R.48 | Final report of the Training Panel to the General Committee of the Preparatory Commission [dated 3 August 1994] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/R.48/Corr.1 (Russian only) | Corricrendum [dated 8 August 1994] |
LOS/PCN/BUR/R.49 | Summary of the preliminary report on the reserved area for the Preparatory Commission for the International Seabed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea [dated 31 August 1994] |
Workinq Papers |
Special Commission 1 |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/WP.1 | General considerations in studying the problems which would be encountered by developing land-based producer States likely to be most seriously affected by the production of minerals derived from the Area Backcrround -caper bv the Secretariat [dated 28 February 1984] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/WP.2 | Basic data and information of relevance to the work of Special Commission 1 (Part A) I. Minerals that may be produced from the international Area II. Profiles of the copper, nickel, cobalt and manganese industries III. Types and sources of recruisite statistics Backcrround paper bv the Secretariat [dated 18 July 1984] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/WP.2/Add.1 | Basic data and information of relevance to the work of Special Commission 1 (Part B) I. Data on production, consumption, export, imports and prices of copper, nickel, cobalt and manganese II. Information on developing land-based producer States (Annexes). Addendum Backcrround paper by the Secretariat [dated 2 August 1984] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/WP.2/Add.2 | Basic data and information of relevance to the work of Special Commission 1 (Part C) Information on existing international or multilateral economic measures which could be of relevance to the work of Special Commission 1. Addendum Background paper bv the Secretariat [dated 23 August 1984] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/WP,2/Add.3 | Basic data and information of relevance to the work of Special Commission 1. Addendum. Responses from States/Entities to the note verbale transmitted bv the Secretarv-General [dated 31 July 1985] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/WP.2/Add.4 | Basic data and information of relevance to the work of Special Commission 1. Addendum. Recycling of copper, nickel, cobalt and manganese Background paper bv the Secretariat [dated 6 August 1985] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/WP.2/Add.5 | Basic data and information of relevance to the work of Special Commission 1. Addendum. Background paper bv the Secretariat [dated 27 February 1989] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/WP.2/Add.6 | Basic data and information of relevance to the work of Special Commission 1. Addendum. Recycling of copper, nickel, cobalt and manganese: Additional information Background paper by the Secretariat [dated 28 February 1989] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/WP.2/Add.7 | Basic data and information of relevance to the work of Special Commission 1. Addendum. Substitution and the copper, nickel, cobalt and manganese industries Background paper by the Secretariat [dated 22 February 1989] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/WP.3 | Concrete formulations of criteria for identifying developing land-based producer States likely to be most seriously affected by sea-bed production Background paper bv the Secretariat [dated 8 February 1985] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/WP.4 | Preliminary study on possible approaches to the measurements of potential effects of sea-bed production Background paper bv the Secretariat [dated 8 February 1985] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/WP.5 | Information on existing international or multilateral economic measures which could be of relevance to the work of Special Commission 1 Background paper bv the Secretariat [dated 2 9 August 1985] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/WP.5/Add.1 | Information on existing international or multilateral economic measures which could be of relevance to the work of Special Commission 1. Addendum. Report on the work of the United Nations Conference on Nickel and the developments regarding the formation of the International Nickel Studv Group [dated 3 April 1986] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/WP.5/Add.2 | Information on existing international or multilateral economic measures which could be of relevance to the work of Special Commission 1. Addendum Background paper bv the Secretariat [dated 2 March 1987] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/WP.5/Add.3 | Information on existing international or multilateral economic measures which could be of relevance to the work of Special Commission 1. Addendum. Report on the work of the Third Regional Conference on the Development and Utilization of Mineral Resources in Africa [dated 16 February 198 9] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/WP.5/Add.4 | Information on existing international or multilateral economic measures which could be of relevance to the work of Special Commission 1. Addendum. Background paper bv the Secretariat [dated 7 March 1990] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/WP.6 | Factors that may be of relevance in examining the dependence of particular developing land-based producer States on the copper, nickel, cobalt and manganese sectors Preliminarv paper bv the Secretariat [dated 27 February 1986] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/WP.7 | Identification of possible effects of a decline in export or production of copper, nickel, cobalt and manganese on developing land-based producer States Preliminarv paper bv the Secretariat [dated 18 March 1986] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/WP.8 | Basic principles for the implementation of measures to reduce the adverse effects on developing land-based producer States likely to be seriously affected as a result of activities in the Area Proposals bv the Group of Eastern European Socialist Countries [dated 25 March 1986] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/WP.9 | Provisions of the Convention dealing with a System of Compensation Working paper bv the Secretariat [dated 4 August 1986] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/WP.10 | Law of the Sea: System of Compensation and/or a Compensation Fund Backcrround paper bv the Secretariat [dated 2 March 1987] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/WP.11 | The work of Special Commission 1 Summarv bv the Secretariat [dated 16 July 1987] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/WP.12 | Modalities of the establishment of a Compensation Fund and/or a System of Compensation: Financial Considerations Preliminarv paper bv the Secretariat [dated 1 March 1988] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/WP.12/Corr.1 | Corricrendum [dated 13 September 1988] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/WP.13 | Bilateral Trade in Minerals Background note bv the Secretariat [dated 28 February 1990] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/WP.14 | International Commodity Agreements or Arrangements Background note bv the Secretariat [dated 14 August 1991] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/WP.15 | Projection of future demand, supply and price of the metals contained in polymetallic nodules Background note bv the Secretariat [dated 5 August 1992] |
Conference Room Papers |
Special Commission 1 |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/1984/CRP.1 | Provisional agenda for Special Commission 1 [dated 20 March 1984] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/1984/CRP.2 | Programme of work for Special Commission 1 [dated 20 March 1984] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/1984/CRP.3 | List of issues to be dealt with under the programme of work [dated 27 March 1984] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/1984/CRP.4 | Some of the items on which the Secretariat is requested to provide data and information for the purposes of study by the Special Commission 1 (Proposed bv the Bureau) [dated 3 April 1984] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/1984/CRP.4/Corr.1 | Corrigendum [dated 11 April 1984] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/1984/CRP.4/Add.1 | Some of the items on which the Secretariat is requested to provide data and information for the purposes of study by the Special Commission 1 (Proposed bv the Bureau) Addendum [dated 4 April 1984] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/1984/CRP.4/Add.1/Corr.1 | Corrigendum [dated 11 April 1984] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/1985/CRP.5 | Opening statement of the Acting Chairman of Special Commission 1 [dated 13 March 1985] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/1985/CRP.6 | Six-point proposal by the delegation of Pakistan for overcoming or minimizing the difficulties which may be encountered by developing land-based producer States on commencement of sea-bed mining of polymetallic nodules [dated 28 March 1985] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/1985/CRP.7 | Proposal by the delegation of Zimbabwe on remedial measures to alleviate problems that affect developing land-based producer Countries for consideration by Special Commission 1 [dated 2 April 1985] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/1985/CRP.8 | Statement of the Chairman of Special Commission 1, provisionally concluding the discussion on the issue of the concrete formulation of the criteria for the identification of developing land-based producer States likely to be most seriously affected by sea-bed production ■ [dated 16 August 198 5] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/1985/CRP.8/Corr. 1 | Corrigendum [dated 22 August 1985] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/1985/CRP.9 | Statement of the Chairman of Special Commission 1, provisionally concluding the discussion on the issue of the preparation of an outline to study in-depth possible effects of sea-bed production in the Area on developing land-based producer States and to investigate the associated problems [dated 26 August 1985] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/1986/CRP.10 | Chairman’s preliminary summary of points relevant to the work of Special Commission 1, contained in document LOS/PCN/SCN.l/WP.5 [dated 21 March 1986] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/1991/CRP.10/ Add. 1 | Chairman’s preliminary summary of points relevant to the work of Special Commission 1, contained in documents LOS/PCN/SCN.1/WP.5/Adds.1-4 [dated 1 March 1991] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/1986/CRP.11 | Statement of the work of Special Commission 1 Submitted bv the European Economic Communitv and its Member States [dated 20 August 1986] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/1986/CRP.12 | Proposal by the Group of 7 7 on Special Commission 1 matters Proposal for the establishment of the Compensation Fund [dated 2 7 August 1986] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/1987/CRP.13 | Chairman’s preliminary listing of issues on which further discussion is needed in Special Commission 1 [dated 31 July 1987] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.l/1987/CRP.14 | Chairman’s suggestions about formulations to categorize serious adverse effects of sea-bed mining on the export earnings or economies of developing land-based producer States [dated 18 August 1987] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/1989/CRP.15 | Draft recommendations on the orderly and rational management of the resources of the Area: Proposal bv Australia [dated 14 March 1989] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/1989/CRP.16 | Provisional conclusions of the deliberations of Special Commission 1 which can form the basis of its recommendations to the International Sea-Bed Authority (Suggestions bv the Chairman) [dated 20 March 1989] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/1990/CRP.16/Rev.1 | Provisional conclusions of the deliberations of Special Commission 1 which can form the basis of its recommendations to the International Sea-Bed Authority (Revised suggestions bv the Chairman) [dated 2 August 19 9 0] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/1989/CRP.17 | Suggestions by the delegation of Pakistan on remedial measures to alleviate problems that affect developing land-based producer States for consideration by Special Commission 1 [dated 16 March 1989] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/1989/CRP.18 | Criteria for the identification of land-based producer States actually or likely to be affected by sea-bed production Suggestions bv the Chairman of the Ad Hoc Working Group of Special Commission 1 [dated 17 March 1989] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/1989/CRP.18/Add. 1 | Criteria for the identification of land-based producer States actually or likely to be affected by sea-bed production. Addendum, Suggestions by the Chairman of the Ad Hoc Workinq- Group of Special Commission 1 [dated 30 August 1989] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/1990/CRP.18/Rev. 1 | Criteria for the identification of land-based producer States actually or likely to be affected by sea-bed production Revised suq-crestions by the Chairman of the Ad Hoc Working Group of Special Commission 1 [dated 1 August 1990] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/1991/CRP.18/Rev. 2 | Criteria for the identification of land-based producer States actually or likely to be affected by sea-bed production (Revised suggestions bv the Chairman of the Ad Hoc Working Group of Special Commission 1) [dated 26 February 1991] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/1992/CRP.18/Rev. 3 | Criteria for the identification of developing land-based producer States actually or likely to be affected by seabed production Revised suggestions bv the Chairman of the Ad Hoc Working Group of Special Commission 1 [dated 2 March 1992] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/1992/CRP.18/ Rev.3/Add.1 | Suggested amendments to document LOS/PCN/SCN.1/1992/CRP.18/Rev.3 (Proposal bv the delegation of Indonesia) [dated 9 March 1992] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/1992/CRP.18/ Rev.3/Add.2 | Suggested amendments to document LOS/PCN/SCN.1/1992/CRP.18/Rev.3 Proposal bv the delegations of the European Economic Communitv and its Member States [dated 9 March 1992] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/1992/CRP.18/Rev. 4 | Criteria for the identification of developing land-based producer States actually or likely to be affected by seabed production Revised suggestions by the Chairman of the Ad Hoc Working Group of Special Commission 1 [dated 13 August 1992] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/1989/CRP.19 | Compensation for developing land-based producer States affected by sea-bed production Suggestions by the Chairman of the Ad Hoc Workinq Group of Special Commission 1 [dated 23 October 1989] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/1990/CRP.19/Rev. 1 | Compensation for developing land-based producer States affected by sea-bed production Revised suggestions bv the Chairman of the Ad Hoc Working Group of Special Commission 1 Assistance to developing land-based croducer States likely to be or actually affected by sea-bed production [dated 2 August 1990] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/1991/CRP.19/Rev. 2 | [Compensation for] [Assistance to] developing land-based producer States [Affected] likely to be or actually affected by sea-bed production (Revised suggestions by the Chairman of the Ad Hoc Working Group of Special Commission 1) Assistance to developing land-based producer States likely to be or actually affected bv sea-bed production [dated 2 7 February 1991] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/1992/CRP.19/Rev. 3 | Assistance to developing land-based producer States actually or likely to be affected by seabed production Revised suggestions bv the Chairman of the Ad Hoc Working Group of Special Commission 1 [dated 17 August 1992] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/1991/CRP.20 | Suggested amendments to the Chapeau and provisional conclusions 1-4 of document LOS/PCN/SCN.1/1990/CRP.16/Rev.1 Proposals by the delegation of the European Economic Communitv and its Member States [dated 19 February 1991] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/1991/CRP.20/ Rev. 1 | Suggested amendments to document LOS/PCN/SCN.1/1990/CRP.16/Rev.1 Proposals bv the delegation of the European Economic Communitv and its Member States [dated 18 March 1991] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/1991/CRP.21 | Position of the Group of 7 7 regarding the Chapeau and provisional conclusions contained in document LOS/PCN/SCN.1/1990/CRP.16/Rev.1 [dated 12 March 1991] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/1992/CRP.22 | Draft provisional report of Special Commission 1 [dated 20 August 1992] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/1992/CRP.22/ Add. 1 | Draft Provisional Report of Special Commission 1. Addendum [dated 3 0 November 1992] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/1992/CRP.22/ Add. 2 | Draft Provisional Report of Special Commission 1. Addendum [dated 30 November 1992] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/1992/CRP.22/ Add. 3 | Draft Provisional Report of Special Commission 1. Addendum [dated 3 0 November 1992] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/1992/CRP.22/ Add. 4 | Draft Provisional Report of Special Commission 1. Addendum [dated 30 November 1992] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/1993/CRP.23 | Suggested amendments to the draft provisional report of Special Commission 1 (LOS/PCN/SCN.1/1992/CRP. 22 ) Submitted bv the European Communitv and its Member States [dated 1 February 1993] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.1/1993/CRP.24 | Suggested amendment to the draft provisional report of Special Commission 1 (LOS/PCN/SCN.1/1992/CRP.22) Submitted by the delegation of the Russian Federation [dated 2 April 1993] |
Document No. |
Special Commission 2 |
LOS/PCN/SCN.2/L.1 | Statement by the Chairman at the 1st meeting of Special Commission 2 on 9 September 1983 [dated 29 September 1983] . |
LOS/PCN/SCN.2/L.2 | Austria: Proposal for a Joint Enterprise for Exploration, Research and Development in Ocean Mining (JEFERAD) [dated 28 February 1984] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.2/L.2/Add.1 | Additional explanatory notes as conveyed to the Special Commission for the Enterprise in the statement of the delegation of Austria on 23 March 1984. Addendum [dated 29 March 1984] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.2/L.2/Rev.1 | Austria: Revised proposal for a Joint Enterprise for Exploration, Research and Development in Ocean Mining (JEFERAD) [dated 10 August 1984] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.2/L.2/Rev.1/ Corr.1 | Corrigendum [dated 27 August 1984] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.2/L.2/Rev.2 | Austria: Executive Summarv of revised proposal for a Joint Enterprise for Exploration, Research and Development in Ocean Mining (JEFERAD) [dated 21 August 1985] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.2/L.3 | Note by the Chairman on the general exchange of views [dated 2 April 1984] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.2/L.4 | Training Sucrcrestions bv the delecration of Malta [dated 26 March 1986] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.2/L.5 | Alq-eria, Australia, EcrvDt, Indonesia, Kuwait, Malta, Morocco, Nigeria, Senegal, Somalia, Surinam, Tunisia and Yugoslavia: draft resolution Training programme offered bv the International Ocean Institute [dated 2 April 1986] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.2/L.5/Add.1 | Algeria, Australia, Egypt, Indonesia, Kuwait, Malta, Morocco, Nigeria, Senegal, Somalia, Suriname, Tunisia and Yugoslavia: draft resolution. Addendum. Training programme offered bv the International Ocean Institute [dated 10 April 1986] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.2/L.6 | Draft principles, policies, guidelines and procedures for a Preparatory Commission training programme [dated 21 July 1989] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.2/L.6/Rev.1 | Revision [dated 18 August 1989] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.2/L.7 | Implementation of the Preparatory Commission training programme Recommendations of Special Commission 2 [dated 30 March 1990] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.2/L.8 | Recommended annotations by Special Commission 2 on the provisions of the Convention relating to the structure and organization of the Enterprise [dated 14 August 1991] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.2/L.8/Rev.1 | Recommended annotations by Special Commission 2 on the provisions of the Convention relating to the structure and organization of the Enterprise [dated 17 August 1992] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.2/L.8/Rev.2 | The organizational structure of the Enterprise. Annotations made in Special Commission 2 on the provisions of the Convention relating to the structure and organization of the Enterprise [dated 7 December 1993] |
Workinq Papers |
Special Commission 2 |
LOS/PCN/SCN.2/WP.1 | Special Commission for the Enterprise mandate and programme of work Backcrround paper bv the Secretariat [dated 27 February 1984] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.2/WP.1/Add.1 | Special Commission for the Enterprise mandate and programme of work. Addendum. List of provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea dealing with organizational and operational aspects of the Enterprise Background paper bv the Secretariat [dated 13 March 1984] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.2/WP.2 | The Enterprise Start-up requirements and preparatory measures Background paper by the Secretariat [dated 17 July 1984] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.2/WP.3 | Information note on elements of Joint Ventures Background paper by the Secretariat [dated 21 August 1984] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.2/WP.4 | Proposals on Joint Venture Proposals by the delegations of Belgium, France, Germanv, Federal Republic of, Italv, Japan, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland [dated 27 August 1984] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.2/WP.5 | A model joint venture agreement for seabed mining Submitted bv the delegation of the Federal Republic of Germanv [dated 15 October 1984] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.2/WP.5/Corr.1 (Russian only) | Corrigendum [dated 9 January 1985] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.2/WP.5/Corr.2 (English only) | Corrigendum [dated 9 January 1985] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.2/WP.6 | Project profile of a deep seabed mining operation by the Enterprise Working paper prepared bv the Secretariat [dated 5 February 1985] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.2/WP.6/Add. 1 | Project profile of a deep seabed mining operation bv the Enterprise. Addendum. Working paper prepared by the Secretariat [dated 18 June 1985] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.2/WP.6/Add.1/Corr.1 | Corrigendum [dated 19 August 1985] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.2/WP.7 | Development of an Ad Hoc Expert Core Group for the Enterprise to assist the Preparatory Commission Workinq paper prepared bv the Secretariat [dated 1 February 1985] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.2/WP.8 | Training needs and requirements of the Enterprise Working paper prepared bv the Secretariat [dated 1 February 198 5] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.2/WP.9 | Implementation of paragraph 12 of resolution II. Training Workinq paper prepared bv the Secretariat [dated 15 August 1985] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.2/WP.9/Add.1 | Implementation of paragraph 12 of resolution II. Training. Addendum. Additional responses of delegations to inquiries made bv the Secretariat Working paper bv the Secretariat [dated 15 January 1986] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.2/WP.10 | The Enterprise. Economic viability of deep seabed mining of polymetallic nodules Submitted bv the delegation of Australia [dated 14 January 1986] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.2/WP.10/Add.1 | The Enterprise. Economic viability of deep seabed mining of polymetallic nodules Submitted bv the delegation of Australia Addendum [dated 21 January 1986] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.2/WP.11 | Main elements of a training programme Working paper bv the Secretariat [dated 27 February 1987] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.2/WP.12 | A nucleus Enterprise Note bv the Secretariat [dated 9 March 1987] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.2/WP.13 | Questions relating to training of personnel for the Enterprise in accordance with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea Working paper prepared bv a Working Group of the Contact Group of the Group of 77 on the Enterprise (Bangladesh, Brazil, Cameroon, Jamaica, Kenva, Pakistan, Thailand and Tunisia) [dated 16 March 1987] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.2/WP.14 | The international venture (Studv submitted bv the Republic of Colombia) [dated 18 March 1987] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.2/WP.14/Add.1 | The international venture . Addendum (Studv submitted bv the Republic of Colombia) [dated 26 March 1987] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.2/WP.14/Add.2 | The international venture. Addendum (Studv submitted bv the Republic of Colombia) [dated 18 May 1988] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.2/WP.15 | Structure and organization of the Enterprise Workinq paper bv the Secretariat [dated 25 February 1988] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.2/WP.16 | Provisions of the Convention relating to the structure and organization of the Enterprise Workim paper bv the Secretariat [dated 22 February 1989] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.2/WP.17 | Exploration for deep sea polymetallic nodules Workincr paper bv the Secretariat [dated 10 March 1989] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.2/WP.18 | Draft basic joint venture contract (Working paper bv the Secretariat) [dated 9 August 1990] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.2/WP.18/Add.1 | Draft basic joint venture contract Addendum (workina paper bv the Secretariat) [dated 10 August 1990] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.2/WP.18/Rev.1 | Draft basic joint venture contract with recommended annotations by Special Commission 2 (Workinq- paper bv the Secretariat) [dated 14 August 1992] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.2/WP.18/Rev.2 | The joint venture option for the Enterprise Draft basic joint venture contract with annotations made in Special Commission 2 (Workinq paper bv the Secretariat) [dated 7 December 1993] |
Conference Room Papers |
Special Commission 2 |
LOS/PCN/SCN.2/1984/CRP.1 | Programme of work ‘ [dated 20 March 1984] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.2/1984/CRP.2 | Contractual Rules that may be applicable to the implementation of paragraph 12(a) (i) of resolution II on Exploration [dated 18 July 1984] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.2/1988/CRP.3 | Draft principles and policies for a Preparatory Commission training programme [dated 15 June 1988] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.2/1989/CRP.4 | Draft guidelines and procedures for the implementation of the training programme [dated 20 March 1989] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.2/1990/CRP.5 | Suggestions of the Chairman to facilitate discussion of transitional arrangements for the Enterprise [dated 15 March 1990] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.2/1991/CRP.5/Add. 1 | Suggestions of the Chairman to facilitate discussion of transitional arrangements for the Enterprise. Addendum. [dated 27 February 1991] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.2/1991/CRP.5/Add. 2 | Suggestions of the Chairman to facilitate discussion of transitional arrangements for the Enterprise. Addendum. [dated 24 January 1992] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.2/1992/CRP.5/Rev.1 | Recommended annotations by Special Commission 2 on the suggestions of the Chairman of the Special Commission to facilitate discussions on transitional arrangements for the Enterprise [dated 17 August 1992] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.2/1992/CRP.5/Rev. 2 | The initial operations and administration of the Enterprise Annotations made in Special Commission 2 on the suqcrestions of the Chairman of the Special Commission to facilitate discussions on transitional arrangements for the Enterprise [dated 7 December 1993] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.2/1992/CRP.6 | Draft provisional final report of Special Commission 2 [dated 17 August 1992] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.2/1993/CRP.7 | Comments submitted by the European Community and its Member States on the draft provisional final report of Special Commission 2 (LOS/PCN/SCN.2/1992/CRP.6) [dated 28 January 1993] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.2/1993/CRP.8 | Suggested amendments to the draft provisional final report of Special Commission 2 (LOS/PCN/SCN.2/1992/CRP.6) Submitted bv the delegations of Belqium, Germanv, Italv, Japan, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland [dated 28 January 1993] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.2/1993/CRP.9 | Suggestions of the Chairman of Special Commission 2 to facilitate the incorporation of the suggested amendments to the draft provisional final report of Special Commission 2 presented by the Group of Six in document LOS/PCN/SCN.2/1993/CRP.8 [dated 25 March 1993] |
Conference Room Papers |
Training Panel |
LOS/PCN/TP/1991/CRP.1 | Provisional agenda [dated 14 August 1991] |
LOS/PCN/TP/1991/CRP.2 | Training programme for the Preparatory Commission of the International Seabed Authority, as required of pioneer investors Proposal submitted bv the French delegation [dated 14 August 1991] |
LOS/PCN/TP/1991/CRP.2/ Rev. 1 | Training programme for the Preparatory Commission of the International Seabed Authority, as required of pioneer investors Proposal submitted by the French delegation [dated 30 March 1992] |
LOS/PCN/TP/1991/CRP.3 | Information on the training programme Submitted bv the delegation of Japan [dated 14 August 1991] |
LOS/PCN/TP/1991/CRP.4 | Information on the training programme Submitted bv the deleqation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics [dated 15 August 1991] |
LOS/PCN/TP/1991/CRP.4/Add. 1 | Information on the training programme Submitted bv the delegation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Addendum. List of specialties for which there will be traininq, orientation lecture courses and special requirements for candidates [dated 21 August 1991] |
LOS/PCN/TP/1992/CRP.5 | Information on a revised training programme Submitted by the deleqation of Japan [dated 24 January 19 92] |
LOS/PCN/TP/1992/CRP.5/Corr.1 | Corricrendum [dated 30 March 1992] |
LOS/PCN/TP/1992/CRP.6 | Training programme for the Preparatory Commission of the International Seabed Authority as required of pioneer investors {An outline of the traininq programme submitted bv the deleqation of India) [dated 19 February 1992] |
LOS/PCN/TP/1992/CRP.7 | Draft note verbale on the French training programme [dated 24 February 1992] |
LOS/PCN/TP/1992/CRP.7/Rev. 1 | Draft note verbale on the training programmes offered by France and Japan [dated 27 February 1992] |
LOS/PCN/TP/1992/CRP.8 | Training programme for the Preparatory Commission of the International Seabed Authority as required by pioneer investors Revised proposal submitted bv the deleqation of India [dated 7 July 1992] |
LOS/PCN/TP/1992/CRP.8/Corr.1 | Corrigendum [dated 12 August 1992] |
LOS/PCN/TP/1992/CRP.8/Corr.2 | Corrigendum [dated 2 September 1993] |
LOS/PCN/TP/1992/CRP.9 | Summary sheets of applications submitted for traineeships under the training programmes offered by France and Japan Note prepared bv the Secretariat [dated 28 July 1992] |
LOS/PCN/TP/1992/CRP.10 | Synopsis of applications submitted for traineeships under the training programmes offered by France and Japan Note prepared bv the Secretariat [dated 3 August 1992] |
LOS/PCN/TP/1992/CRP.11 | Information on the training of personnel Revised training programme submitted bv the delegation of the Russian Federation [dated 7 August 1992] |
LOS/PCN/TP/1992/CRP.11/Corr.1 (French only) | Corrigendum [dated 18 August 1992] |
LOS/PCN/TP/1993/CRP.12 | Training programme for the Preparatory Commission of the International Seabed Authority as required of pioneer investors Proposal submitted bv Interoceanmetal Joint Organization and its certifying States [dated 9 February 1993] |
LOS/PCN/TP/1993/CRP.12/Corr.1 (Russian only) | Corrigendum [dated 23 March 1993] |
LOS/PCN/TP/1993/CRP.12/Rev.1 | Revision [dated 26 March 1993] |
LOS/PCN/TP/1993/CRP.13 | Training programme for the Preparatory Commission of the International Seabed Authority as required of pioneer investors Proposal submitted bv the delegation of China [dated 1 March 1993] |
LOS/PCN/TP/1993/CRP.13/Rev. 1 | Revision [dated 26 March 1993] |
LOS/PCN/TP/1993/CRP.13/Rev.1/Corr.1 | Corrigendum [dated 2 September 1993] |
LOS/PCN/TP/1993/CRP.14 | Synopsis of the applications submitted for the traineeships under the training programmes offered by India and the Russian Federation Note bv the Secretariat [dated 9 March 1993] |
LOS/PCN/TP/1993/CRP.15 | Proposal for a training programme in the field of deep seabed mining Submitted bv the delegation of Germanv [dated 22 March 1993] |
LOS/PCN/TP/1993/CRP.16 | Report on the implementation of the French training programme Submitted bv the delegation of France [dated 23 March 1993] |
LOS/PCN/TP/1993/CRP.17 | Postponement of the training programmes of China and Germany and of the traineeship in chemical engineering offered under the training programme of India Note bv the Secretariat [dated 2 September 1993] |
LOS/PCN/TP/1994/CRP.18 | Proposal for a training programme for managers, policy and project planners for the Enterprise of the International Seabed Authority, upon the entry into force of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea Submitted bv the International Ocean Institute [dated 17 January 1994] |
LOS/PCN/TP/1994/CRP.19 | Synopsis of the applications submitted for the traineeships under the training programmes offered by China and the Interoceanmetal Joint Organization and its certifying States and for the traineeship in chemical engineering under the training programme offered by India Note bv the Secretariat [dated 20 January 1994] |
LOS/PCN/TP/1994/CRP.20 | Report of the training of three trainees in France (Submitted bv the delegation of France) [dated 7 February 1994] |
LOS/PCN/TP/1994/CRP.21 | Training programme proposal for the Preparatory Commission of the International Seabed Authority Prepared for the meeting of the Panel in February 1994 in Kingston, Jamaica (Submitted bv the delegation of Germanv) [dated 7 February 1994] |
LOS/PCN/TP/1994/CRP.22 | Note verbale dated 29 December 1993 from the Permanent Mission of Finland to the Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs, the Legal Counsel, of the United Nations [dated 22 April 1994] |
LOS/PCN/TP/1994/CRP.23 | Draft final report of the Training Panel to the General Committee of the Preparatory Cotnmission [dated 25 April 1994] |
LOS/PCN/TP/1994/CRP.24 | Report on the training of three trainees in Japan Submitted bv the delegation of Japan [dated 21 July 1994] |
LOS/PCN/TP/1994/CRP.25 | Reports on the training received under the training programme of Japan [dated 21 July 1994] |
LOS/PCN/TP/1994/CRP.26 | Report on the training of three fellows in France Submitted bv the French delegation [dated 25 July 1994] |
LOS/PCN/TP/1994/CRP.27 | Report on the training of two trainees in India Submitted bv the delegation of India [dated 2 August 1994] |
LOS/PCN/TP/1994/CRP.28 | The China training programme: a progress report from the Chinese delegation [dated 2 August 1994] |
LOS/PCN/TP/1994/CRP.29 | Report on the training of three trainees in the Russian Federation Submitted bv the delegation of the Russian Federation [dated 3 August 1994] |
LOS/PCN/TP/1994/CRP.30 | Information submitted to the twelfth summer meeting of the Preparatory Commission by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission [dated 3 August 1994] |
Document No. |
Special Commission 3 |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/L.1 | Proposals with regard to the procedures for approval of plans of work [dated 22 August 1984] |
Working Papers |
Special Commission 3 |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.1 | Special commission for the preparation of rules, regulations and procedures for the exploration and exploitation of the Area (Sea-bed mining code) Background paper bv the Secretariat [dated 8 March 1984] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.1/Corr.1 | Corrigendum [dated 3 0 March 1984] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.2 | Special commission for the preparation of rules, regulations and procedures for the exploration and exploitation of the Area (Sea-bed mining code) Exploration and exploitation. Application for approval of plans of work (Background paper bv the Secretariat) [dated 3 April 1984] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.2/Corr.1 (A, C, E, F, and Sp. only) | Corrigendum [dated 3 April 1984] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.2/Add.1 | Draft regulations on prospecting, exploration and exploitation in the Area Part IV – Exploration and exploitation Section I – Application for approval of plans of work [dated 2 3 August 1984] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.3 | Special commission for the preparation of rules, regulations and procedures for the exploration and exploitation of the Area (Sea-bed mining code) Exploration and exploitation. Content of application [dated 6 April 1984] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.3/Add.1 | Special commission for the preparation of rules, regulations and procedures for the exploration and exploitation of the Area (Sea-bed mining code). Addendum Section II – Content of application Subsection A – The applicant (Articles 5 -11) [dated 23 August 1984] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.4 | Special commission for the preparation of rules, regulations and procedures for the exploration and exploitation of the Area (Sea-bed mining code) Part IV – Exploration and exploitation Section II – Content of application (Background paper bv the Secretariat) [dated 13 July 1984] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.5 | Draft regulations on prospecting, exploration and exploitation in the Area Part IV – Exploration and exploitation Section III – Pavment of fee (Background paper bv the Secretariat) [dated 3 0 August 13 84] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.6 | Draft regulations on prospecting, exploration and exploitation of polymetallic nodules in the Area Working paper bv the Secretariat [dated 15 March 1985] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.6/Rev.1 | Draft regulations on prospecting, exploration and exploitation of polymetallic nodules in the Area. (Parts I – IV) **/ Working paper bv the Secretariat as revised bv the Chairman [dated 6 June 1988] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.6/Add.1 | Draft regulations on prospecting, exploration and exploitation of polymetallic nodules in the Area. Addendum. Working paper bv the Secretariat [dated 10 February 1986] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.6/Add.2 | Draft regulations on prospecting, exploration and exploitation of polymetallic nodules in the Area. Addendum. (Draft financial terms of contract) Working paper bv the Secretariat [dated 9 July 1986] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.6/Add.2/Corr.1 | Corrigendum [dated 24 July 1986] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.6/Add.2/Rev.1 | Draft regulations on prospecting, exploration and exploitation of polymetallic nodules in the Area. Addendum, Part VI. A. Draft financial terms of contract B, Draft regulations on financial incentives Working paper bv the Secretariat as revised bv the Chairman [dated 25 May 1989] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.6/Add.3 | Draft regulations on prospecting, exploration and exploitation of polymetallic nodules in the Area. Addendum. (Draft financial terms of contract) (Draft regulations on financial incentives) Workinq caper bv the Secretariat [dated 11 March 1987] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.6/Add.4 | Draft regulations on prospecting, exploration and exploitation of polymetallic nodules in the Area. Addendum. (Draft regulations on the transfer of technology until ten years after commencement of commercial production bv the Enterprise) Working paper bv the Secretariat [dated 10 February 1988] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.6/Add.4/Corr.1 | Corrigendum [dated 22 March 1988] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.6/Add.4/Corr.2 (Russian only) | Corrigendum [dated 6 April 1988] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.6/Add.4 Rev. 1 | Draft regulations on prospecting, exploration and exploitation of polymetallic nodules in the Area. Addendum. Part VII. (Transfer of technology until ten years after commencement of commercial production bv the Enterprise) Working paper by the Secretariat as revised by the Chairman [dated 9 August 1990] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.6/Add.5 | Draft regulations on prospecting, exploration and exploitation of polymetallic nodules in the Area. Addendum. Part VIII. Protection and preservation of the marine environment from activities in the Area Working paper bv the Secretariat [dated 8 February 1990] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.6/Add.5/Rev. 1 | Draft regulations on prospecting, exploration and exploitation of polymetallic nodules in the Area. Addendum. Part VIII. Protection and preservation of the marine environment from unacceptable changes resulting from activities in the Area [dated 27 August 1991] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.6/Add.6 | Draft regulations on prospecting, exploration and exploitation of polymetallic nodules in the Area. Addendum. Part IX. Accommodation of activities in the Area and in the marine environment Working paper by the Secretariat [dated 19 December 1990] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.S/Add.6/Rev. 1 | Draft regulations on prospecting, exploration and exploitation of polymetallic nodules in the Area. Addendum. Part IX. Accommodation of activities in the Area and in the marine environment Working paper bv the Secretariat as revised bv the Chairman [dated 28 June 1931] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.6/Add.7 | Draft regulations on prospecting, exploration and exploitation of polymetallic nodules in the Area. Addendum. Part X. Accommodation of activities in the Area and in the marine environment Working paper bv the Secretariat [dated 19 December 1990] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.6/Add.7/Corr.1 | Corrigendum [dated 8 February 1991] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.6/Add.7/Corr.2 | Corrigendum [dated 31 July 1991] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.6/Add.8 | Draft regulations on prospecting, exploration and exploitation of polymetallic nodules in the Area. Addendum. Part XI. Labour, health and safetv standards Working paper bv the Secretariat [dated 11 February 1992] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.6/Add.8/Corr.1 | Corrigendum [dated 25 February 1992] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.7 | Suggested amendments to the draft regulations on prospecting, exploration and exploitation of polymetallic nodules in the Area {LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.6) Proposals bv the delegations of Belgium, Germanv, Federal Republic of, Italv, Japan, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland [dated 22 August 1985] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.8 | Explanatory table showing the contractor’s financial obligations to the Authority Submitted bv the delegation of Saudi Arabia [dated 28 August 1986] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.9 | Suggested amendments to the draft regulations on prospecting, exploration and exploitation of polymetallic nodules in the Area (LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.S/Add.2) Proposals bv the delegations of Belgium, Germanv, Federal Republic of, Italv, Japan, Netherlands and United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland [dated 2 April 1987] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.9/Corr.1 (Russian only) | Corrigendum [dated 12 June 1987] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.10 | Suggested amendments to the draft regulations on prospecting, exploration and exploitation of polymetallic nodules in the Area (LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.6/Add.2) Proposals bv the delecrations of Denmark an Norway [dated 4 August 1987] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.11 | Suggested amendments to the draft regulations on prospecting, exploration and exploitation of polymetallic nodules in the Area (LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.6/Add.2) Proposals bv the Group of 77 [dated 10 August 1987] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.11/Corr.1 | C o r r i gendum [dated 13 August 1987] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.11/Add.1 | Suggested amendments to the draft regulations on prospecting, exploration and exploitation of polymetallic nodules in the Area (LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.6/Add.2). Addendum Proposals bv the Group of 77 [dated 16 March 1988] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.12 | Suggested amendments to the draft regulations on prospecting, exploration and exploitation of polymetallic nodules in the Area (LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.6/Add.2) Proposals bv the delegations of Belgium, Germanv, Federal Republic of, Italv, Japan, Netherlands and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland [dated 13 August 1987] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.13 | Suggested amendments to the draft regulations on prospecting, exploration and exploitation of polymetallic nodules in the Area (LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.6/Add.4) PART VII (Transfer of technology until ten years after commencement of commercial production by the Enterprise) Proposals bv the delegations of Belgium, Germanv, Federal Republic of, Italy, Japan, Netherlands and United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland [dated 31 March 1988] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.13/Rev.1 | Suggested amendments to the draft regulations on prospecting, exploration and exploitation of polymetallic nodules in the Area (LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.S/Add.4) PART VII (Transfer of technology until ten years after commencement of commercial production by the Enterprise). Revision Proposals bv the delegations of Belgium, Germanv, Federal Republic of, Italv, Japan, Netherlands and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland [dated 15 August 1988] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.14 | Suggested amendments to the draft regulations on prospecting, exploration and exploitation of polymetallic nodules in the Area (LOS/PCN/SCN-. 3 / WP . 6 / Add . 4) PART VII. Transfer of technology. Proposals bv the Group of 77 [dated 8 March 198 9] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.14/ Corr.1 | Corrigendum [dated 17 May 1989] . |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.15 | Suggested amendments to the draft regulations on prospecting, exploration and exploitation of polymetallic nodules in the Area Part X. Accounting principles and procedure (LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.6/Add.7) Proposals by the Group of 7 7 [dated 27 August 1991] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.15/Add.1 | Suggested amendments to the draft regulations on prospecting, exploration and exploitation of polymetallic nodules in the Area. Addendum Part X. Accounting principles and procedure (LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.6/Add.7} Proposals bv the Group of 77 [dated 28 August 1991] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.16 | Suggested amendments to the draft regulations on prospecting, exploration and exploitation of polymetallic nodules in the Area Part X. Accounting principles and procedure (LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.6/Add.7) Proposals submitted bv the European Communitv on behalf of the Communitv and its Member States [dated 23 July 1992] |
Conference Room Papers |
Special Commission 3 |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/1984/CRP.1/Rev. 1 | Agenda for Special Commission 3 [dated 29 March 1984] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/1984/CRP.2 | Programme of work for Special Commission 3 [dated 26 March 1984] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/1985/CRP.3 | Applications for the designation of Areas and the approval of plans of work Suggestions by the Chairman [dated 29 March 1985] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/1985/CRP.4 | Introductory note by the Chairman of Special Commission 3 [dated 2 7 August 1985] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/1986/CRP.5 | Explanatory note by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for the Law of the Sea on the financial terms of contracts (LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.6/Add.2) [dated 14 August 1986] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/1986/CRP.6 | Explanatory notes on terminology used in document LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.6/Add.2 [dated 14 August 1986] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/1987/CRP.7 | Text of Article 76 incorporating corrections contained in document LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.6/Add.2/Corr.1 [dated 8 April 1987] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/1989/CRP.8 | Future work programme of Special Commission 3 and list of remaining items to be considered (Submitted bv the Chairman of Special Commission 3) [dated 21 March 1989] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/1989/CRP.9 | Production authorizations Explanatory note prepared by the Secretariat [dated 18 August 1989] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/1990/CRP.10 | Introductory note by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for the Law of the Sea on the draft regulations on the protection and preservation of the marine environment from activities in the Area (LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.6/Add.5) [dated 9 March 1990] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/1991/CRP.11 | Amendments agreed in open-ended informal consultations to the draft regulations on accommodation of activities in the Area in the marine environment (LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.6/Add.6) [dated 20 March 1991] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/1991/CRP.12 | Commentary on the draft regulations on accounting principles and procedures (LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.6/Add.7) (Prepared bv the Secretariat) [dated 31 July 1991] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/1991/CRP.13 | Comments by the representative of the European Community on behalf of the Community and its Member States on document/LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.6/Add.7 (Draft regulations on prospecting, exploration and exploitation of polvmetallic nodules in the Area. Part X. Accounting principles and procedures) [dated 26 August 1991] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/1991/CRP.14 | Comments by the delegation of Brazil on behalf of the Group of 7 7 on document LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.6/Add.7 (Draft regulations on prospecting, exploration and exploitation of polymetallic nodules in the Area. Part X. Accounting principles and procedures) [dated 26 August 1991] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/1992/CRP.15 | Comments on document LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.6/Add. 7 and on the amendments proposed by the European Community and its Member States (LOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.16) (Draft regulations on prospecting, exploration and exploitation of polymetallic nodules in the Area. Part X. Accounting principles and procedures) [dated 23 July 1992] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/1992/CRP.16 | Draft regulations on prospecting, exploration and exploitation of polymetallic nodules in the Area Part XI. Labour, health and safety standards Working paper by the Secretariat [dated 13 July 1992] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/1992/CRP.17 | Draft final report of Special Commission 3 [dated 22 July 1992] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/1992/CRP.17/Corr.1 (A, C, E, F, and S only) | Corrigendum [dated 29 March 1993] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/1993/CRP.17/Add. 1 | Draft final report of Special Commission 3 Addendum [dated 15 January 1993] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/1993/CRP.18 | Suggested amendments to the draft final report of Special Commission 3 (LOS/PCN/SCN.3/1992/CRP.17) Proposals by the delegations of Belgium, Germanv, Italv, Japan, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland [dated 14 January 1993] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/1993/CRP.18/Corr. 1 | Corrigendum [dated 29 March 1993] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/1993/CRP.19 | Comments submitted by the European Community and its Member States on draft final report of Special Commission 3 (LOS/PCN/SCN.3/1992/CRP.17) [dated 14 January 1993] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/1993/CRP.20 | Comments by the delegation of Brazil on behalf of the Group of 77 on draft final report of Special Commission 3 (LOS/PCN/SCN.3/1992/CRP.17) [dated 25 March 1993] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.3/1993/CRP.21 | Proposal by the delegation of the Russian Federation [dated 1 April 1993] |
Document No. |
Special Commission 4 |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/L.1 | Chairman’s summing up of the discussions [dated 10 July 1984] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/L.2 | Chairman’s summary of discussions on Parts I and II of the draft Rules of the Tribunal [dated 4 September 1984] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/L.2/Add.1 | Chairman’s summary of discussions on the draft Rules of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea. Addendum. Part III. Proceedings in disputes Sections A, B and C [dated 29 January 1985] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/L.2/Add.1/Corr.1 (C, E, Fr, and R only) | Corrigendum [dated 11 February 1985] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/L.3 | Chairman’s summary of further discussions on the draft Rules of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea [dated 3 April 1985] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/L.3/Add.1 | Chairman’s summary of further discussions on the draft Rules of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea. Addendum. Part III. Proceedings in disputes Section D. Incidental proceedings [dated 27 June 1985] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/L.4 | Chairman’s summary of discussions on the draft Rules of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea [dated 3 September 1985] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/L.4/Add.1 | Chairman’s summary of discussions on the draft Rules of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea. Addendum. Prompt release of vessels and crews (document LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.2/Add.1) [dated 24 February 1986] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/L.5 | Chairman’s summary of discussions on the draft Rules of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea [dated 9 April 1986] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/L.5/Add.1 | Chairman’s summary of discussions on the draft Rules of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea. Addendum [dated 7 August 1986] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/L.6 | Brief progress report on the preparations for the housing of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea in Hamburg Submitted bv the delegation of the Federal Republic of Germanv [dated 2 September 1986] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/L.7 | Chairman’s summary of discussions on the revised draft Rules of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea [dated 4 September 1986] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/L.7/Add.1 | Chairman’s summary of discussions on the revised draft Rules of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea. Addendum. Part IV. Proceedings in Disputes [dated 31 March 1987] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/L.8 | Second report on practical arrangements for the installation of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea at Hamburg Submitted bv the delegation of the Federal Republic of Germanv [dated 31 March 1987] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/L.9 | Chairman’s summary of discussions on the headquarters agreement and related instruments on privileges and immunities [dated 14 April 1987] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/L.9/Add.1 | Chairman’s summary of discussions. Addendum. Revised draft Rules of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea [dated 20 August 1987] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/L.10 | Chairman’s summary of discussions Revised draft Rules of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea [dated 19 February 1988] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/L.10/Add.1 | Chairman’s summary of discussions. Addendum Revised draft Rules of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (LOS/PCN/SCN,4/WP.2/Rev. 1 (Part I) [dated 14 August 1989] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/L.10/Add.1/Corr. 1 | Corrigendum [dated 31 August 1989] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/L.11 | Chairman’s summary of discussions Draft headquarters agreement between the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea and the Federal Republic of Germanv [dated 3 March 1988] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/L.11/Add.1 | Chairman’s summary of discussions. Addendum Draft headquarters agreement between the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea and the Federal Republic of Germany (LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.5 (Parts I and II)) [dated 15 June 1988] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/L.11/Add.2 | Chairman’s summary of discussions. Addendum Revised draft headquarters agreement between the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea and the Federal Republic of Germanv (LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.5/Rev.1) [dated 24 January 1994] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/L.12 | Report of the Chairman on the visit by the Bureau of Special Commission 4 and officials of the United Nations Secretariat to the Federal Republic of Germany (24-28 August 1987) [dated 21 March 1988] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/L.13 | Chairman’s summary of the discussions Draft protocol on the privileges and immunities of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea [dated 18 January 1989] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/L.13/Add.1 | Chairman’s summary of the discussions Draft protocol on the privileges and immunities of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea. Addendum [dated 14 March 1990] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/L.13/Add.2 | Chairman’s summary of discussions. Addendum Revised draft protocol on the privileges and immunities of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.6/Rev.1) [dated 25 January 1994] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/L.14 | Chairman’s summary of the discussions. Administrative arrangements, structure and financial implications of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea [dated 27 March 1990] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/L.14/Add.1 | Chairman’s summary of discussions. Addendum, Administrative arrangements, structure and financial implications of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.8/Add.1 and Corr.l) (LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.8/Add.2 and Corr.l) [dated 2 5 January 19 94] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/L.15 | Chairman’s summary of discussions. Relationship arrangements between the United Nations and the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea. Draft agreement on cooperation and relationships between the United Nations and the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea [dated 20 February 1991] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/L.16 | Building requirements and facilities for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea in Hamburg (Report of the German Delectation) [dated 9 March 1992] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/L.16/Add.1 | Building requirements and facilities for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea in Hamburg (Presented bv the delegation of Germanv) [dated 17 August 1992] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/L.17 | Principles governing a relationship arrangement between the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea and the International Seabed Authority (LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.10) [dated 24 January 1994] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/L.18 | Chairman’s summary of discussions on the report with recommendations concerning the initial financing and budget of the Tribunal (LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.11) [dated 9 December 1993] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/L.19 | Chairman’s summary of discussions. Use of the United Nations laissez-passer by the Tribunal and its officials [dated 26 January 1994] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/L.20 | Chairman’s summary of discussions. Draft report of the Preparatory Commission under paragraph 10 of resolution I containing recommendations regarding practical arrangements for the establishment of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.15) [dated 26 January 1994] |
Workinq Papers |
Special Commission 4 |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.1 | Practical arrangements for the establishment of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea Working paper bv the Secretariat [dated 16 March 1984] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.2 | International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea Draft Rules of the Tribunal. Prepared bv the Secretariat [dated 27 July 1984] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.2 (Only Russian) | International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea Draft Rules of the Tribunal. Prepared bv the Secretariat [dated 28 March 1985] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.2/Add.1 | International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea Supplement to the draft Rules of the Tribunal. Addendum Prepared bv the Secretariat [dated 25 March 1985] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.2/Add.1/Corr.1 (Russian only) | Corrigendum [dated 7 April 1986] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.2/Rev.1 (Part I) | International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea Draft Rules of the Tribunal Part I. Articles 1 to 93 Prepared bv the Secretariat [dated 30 June 1985] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.2/Rev.1 (Part II) | International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea Draft Rules of the Tribunal Part II. Articles 94 to 140 Prepared bv the Secretariat [dated 24 March 1987] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.3 | International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea Table of concurrence of the draft Rules of the Tribunal Prepared by the Secretariat [dated 18 March 1985] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.4 | Headquarters agreements and related instruments on privileges and immunities (Issues for consideration) [dated 2 September 1986] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.5 (Part I) | Draft headquarters agreement between the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea and the Federal Republic of Germany Prepared bv the Secretariat [dated 4 August 198 7] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.5 (Part II) | Draft headquarters agreement between the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea and the Federal Republic of Germany Part II (Articles 17-28) Prepared bv the Secretariat [dated 2S February 1988] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.5/Rev.1 | Revised draft headquarters agreement between the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea and the Federal Republic of Germany Prepared bv the Secretariat [dated 8 August 1988] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.5/Rev.1/Corr.1 | Corrigendum [dated 29 August 1988] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.6 | Draft Convention/Protocol on the privileges and immunities of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea Preoared bv the Secretariat [dated 23 March 1988] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.6/Rev.1 | Revised draft protocol on the privileges and immunities of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea Prepared bv the Secretariat [dated 25 February 1991] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.6/Rev.1/Corr.1 (English only) | Corrigendum [dated 27 February 1991] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.6/Rev.1/Corr.2 (A/C/E/R/S only) | Corrigendum [dated 12 March 1991] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.6/Rev.1/Corr.3 (Chinese only) | Corrigendum [dated 12 March 1991] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.6/Rev.1/Corr.4 (French only) | Corrigendum [dated IS March 1991] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.7 | Issues concerning relationship agreements between the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea and other international organizations Working Paper bv the Secretariat [dated 20 March 1989] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.8 | Administrative arrangements; structure and financial implications of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea Prepared bv the Secretariat [dated 27 February 1990] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.8/Add.1 | Administrative arrangements, structure and financial implications of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea. Addendum. (Supplementary cost estimates reflecting alternatives as to official working languages) (Prepared bv the Secretariat) [dated 17 August 1990] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.S/Add.1/Corr.1 (English only) | Corrigendum [dated 28 September 1990] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.8/Add.2 | Administrative arrangements, structure and financial implications of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea. Addendum. (A scheme to phase in the establishment of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea) (Prepared bv the Secretariat) [dated 29 August 1990] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.8/Add.2/Corr.1 | Corricrendum [dated 14 March 1991] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.9 | Relationship arrangements between the United Nations and the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea {Draft Agreement on Co-operation and Relationships between the United Nations and the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea) Prepared bv the Secretariat [dated 16 March 1990] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.9/Add.1 | Relationship arrangements between the United Nations and the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea. Addendum. (Arrangements regarding the United Nations common system of salaries and benefits, and participation in the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund) Prepared bv the Secretariat [dated 16 March 1990] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.10 | Principles governing a relationship arrangement between the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea and the International Seabed Authority (Prepared bv the Secretariat) [dated 10 August 1990] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.11 | Issues concerning the initial financing and budget of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (Prepared bv the Secretariat) [dated 1 August 1991] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.12 | Suggestions of the Latin American and Caribbean Group regarding languages of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.2/Rev.1; LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.8 and Adds. 1 and 2) [dated 13 August 1992] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.13 | Proposals submitted by Austria, Belgium, Canada, Cote d’Ivoire, France, Greece, India, Poland, Senegal and Switzerland concerning the languages of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.2/Rev.1; LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.8 and Adds. 1 and 2) [dated 18 August 19 92] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.13/Corr.1 | Corrigendum [dated 1 September 1992] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.14 | Draft outline for report of the Preparatory Commission containing recommendations regarding practical arrangements for the establishment of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea [dated 19 August 1992] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.15 | Draft report of the Preparatory Commission under paragraph 10 of resolution I containing recommendations regarding practical arrangements for the establishment of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea [dated 5 March 1993] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.15/Add.1 | Issued as LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.16/Add.1 |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.15/Add.2 | Final Draft Headquarters Agreement between the International Tribunal for the Law of the • Sea and the Federal Republic of Germany (LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.5/Rev.2). Addendum [dated 5 March 1993] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP/15/Add.3 | Final draft Protocol on the privileges and immunities of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.6/Rev.2) . Addendum [dated 5 March 1993] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP/15/Add.4 | Issued as LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP/lS/Add.4 |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP/15/Add.5 | Issued as LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP/l6/Add.4 |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.15/Add.6 | Draft report of the Preparatory Commission under paragraph 10 of resolution I containing recommendations regarding practical arrangements for the establishment of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (Administrative arrangements, structure and financial implications of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea) (LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.8/Rev.1). Addendum [dated 13 April 1993] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP/15/Add.7 | Issued as LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP/i6/Add.7 |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP/15/Add.8 | Issued as LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP/16/Add.8 |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP/15/Add.9 | Issued as LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP/lS/Add.9 |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP/15/Add.10 | Issued as LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP/l6/Add.10 |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.16 | Provisional report of Special Commission 4 (Draft report of the Preparatory Commission under paragraph 10 of resolution I containing recommendations for submission to the Meeting of States Parties to be convened in accordance with Annex VI, Article 4, of the Convention regarding practical arrangements for the establishment of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea) [dated 12 October 1993] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.16/Add.1 | Provisional report of Special Commission 4 (Draft report of the Preparatory Commission under paragraph 10 of resolution I containing recommendations for submission to the Meeting of States Parties to be convened in accordance with Annex VI, Article 4, of the . Convention regarding practical arrangements for the establishment of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea). Addendum (Final Draft Rules of the Tribunal (LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.2/Rev.2) {Workincr paper bv the Secretariat) [dated 19 January 1994] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.16/Add.2 | Provisional report of Special Commission 4 (Draft report of the Preparatory Commission under paragraph IQ of resolution I containing recommendations for submission to the Meeting of States Parties to be convened in accordance with Annex VI, Article 4, of the Convention regarding practical arrangements for the establishment of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea). Addendum (Final draft headcruarters agreement between the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea and the Federal Republic of Germanv) (LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.S/Rev.2) ‘ [dated 14 October 1993] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.16/Add.3 | Provisional report of Special Commission 4 (Draft report of the Preparatory Commission under paragraph 10 of resolution I containing recommendations for submission to the Meeting of States Parties to be convened in accordance with Annex VI, Article 4, of the Convention regarding practical arrangements for the establishment of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea). Addendum (Final draft Protocol on the privileges and immunities of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea) (LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.6/Rev.2) [dated 14 October 1993] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.16/Add.4 | Provisional report of Special Commission 4 (Draft report of the Preparatory Commission under paragraph 10 of resolution I containing recommendations for submission to the Meeting of States Parties to be convened in accordance with Annex VI, Article 4, of the Convention regarding practical arrangements for the establishment of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea). Addendum Relationship arrangements between the United Nations and the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (Final draft agreement on cooperation and relationships between the United Nations and the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea) (Working paper bv the Secretariat) [dated 10 December 1993] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.16/Add.5 | Provisional report of Special Commission 4 (Draft report of the Preparatory Commission under paragraph 10 of resolution I containing recommendations for submission to the Meeting of States Parties to be convened in accordance with Annex VI, Article 4, of the Convention regarding practical arrangements for the establishment of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea). Addendum Report on principles crovernincr a relationship agreement between the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea and the International Seabed Authority (LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.10/Add.1) [dated 10 December 1933] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.16/Add.6 | Provisional report of Special Commission 4 (Draft report of the Preparatory Commission under paragraph 10 of resolution I containing recommendations for submission to the Meeting of States Parties to be convened in accordance with Annex VI, Article 4, of the Convention regarding practical arrangements for the establishment of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea), Addendum (Administrative arrangements, structure and financial implications of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.8/Rev.1) [dated 15 October 1933] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.16/Add.7 | Provisional report of Special Commission 4 (Draft report of the Preparatory Commission under paragraph 10 of resolution I containing recommendations for submission to the Meeting of States Parties to be convened in accordance with Annex VI, Article 4, of the Convention regarding practical arrangements for the establishment of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea). Addendum Report with recommendations concerning the initial financing and budget of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (Working paper prepared bv the Secretariat) [dated 18 October 1993] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.16/Add.8 | Provisional report of Special Commission 4 (Draft report of the Preparatory Commission under paragraph 10 of resolution I containing recommendations for submission to the Meeting of States Parties to be convened in accordance with Annex VI, Article 4, of the Convention regarding practical arrangements for the establishment of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea). Addendum (Provisional agenda for the first meeting of States Parties to the Convention, convened in accordance with Annex VI, article 4, of the Convention) (Working paper prepared bv the Secretariat) [dated 9 December 1993] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.16/Add.9 | Provisional report of Special Commission 4 (Draft report of the Preparatory Commission under paragraph 10 of resolution I containing recommendations for submission to the Meeting of States Parties to be convened in accordance with Annex VI, Article 4, of the Convention regarding practical arrangements for the establishment of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea). Addendum (Provisional rules of procedure for the Meetinq of States Parties to the Convention, convened in accordance with Annex VI, article 4, of the Convention) (Workincr paper prepared bv the Secretariat) [dated 9 December 1993] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.16/Add.10 | Provisional report of Special Commission 4 (Draft report of the Preparatory Commission under paragraph 10 of resolution I containing recommendations for submission to the Meeting of States Parties to be convened in accordance with Annex VI, Article 4, of the Convention regarding practical arrangements for the establishment of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea). Addendum. Election of the Members of the Tribunal -Review of alternatives (Workinq paper prepared bv the Secretariat) [dated 12 August 1994] |
Conference Room Papers |
Special Commission 4 |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/1984/CRP.1/Rev. 1 | Agenda for Special Commission 4 [dated 29 March 1934] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/1984/CRP.2 | Suggestions of the Bureau [dated 27 March 1984] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/1984/CRP.3 | Extract from Statement by the Chairman The composition of the Tribunal and its chambers [dated 28 March 1984] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/1984/CRP.3/Corr.1 | Corr icfendum [dated 30 March 1984] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/1984/CRP.4 | Statement by the Chairman Access bv Entities other than States [dated 4 April 1984] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/1984/CRP.5 | Statement by the Chairman on the question of advisory opinions [dated 10 April 1984] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/1985/CRP.6 | Suggested re-draft of Article 62, paragraph 3 in document LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.2 [dated 20 March 1985] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/1985/CRP.7 | Suggested re-draft of Article 79, paragraph 4 in document LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.2 [dated 27 March 19853 |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/1985/CRP.8 | Privileges and immunities of the Tribunal Statement bv the Special Representative of the Secretarv-General for the Law of the Sea [dated 29 March 1985] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/1985/CRP.9 | Privileges and immunities of the Tribunal Statement bv the Chairman [dated i April 1985] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/1985/CRP.10 | Suggested re-draft of Article 84, paragraphs 2, 3, and 4 in document LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.2 [dated 2 April 1985] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/1985/CRP.11 | Explanatory statement by the Secretariat on the supplement to the draft Rules of the Tribunal on the prompt release of vessels and crews (LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.2/Add.I) [dated 2 April 1985] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/1985/CRP.12 | Suggested re-draft of Article 98 in document LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.2 Prepared bv the Secretariat [dated 29 August 1985] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/1985/CRP.13 | Suggested re-draft of Article 108 in document LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.2 Prepared bv the Secretariat [dated 2 9 August 1985] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/1985/CRP.14 | Suggested re-draft of Articles 110-112 in document LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.2 Prepared bv the Secretariat [dated 29 August 1985] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/1986/CRP.15 | Suggested re-draft of Articles 4(1) and 9(5) in document LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.2 [dated 21 March 1986] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/1986/CRP.16 | Suggested re-draft of Article 129(1) in document LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.2 [dated 27 March 1986] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/1986/CRP.17 | Suggested re-draft of Preamble in document LOS/PCN/S CN.4/WP.2 Prepared bv the Secretariat [dated 4 April 1986] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/1986/CRP.18 | Suggested re-draft of Articles 64 and 84 in document LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.2 Prepared bv the Secretariat [dated 4 April 1986] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/1986/CRP.19 | Preliminary information on the establishment of facilities for International Courts or Tribunals Prepared bv the Secretariat [dated 8 April 1986] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/1986/CRP.19/Corr.1 (Chinese only) | Corrigendum [dated 8 April 1986] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/1986/CRP.20 | Suggested re-draft of Article 1 in document LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.2/Rev.1/Part I Prepared bv the Secretariat [dated 18 August 1986] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/1986/CRP.21 | Informal proposal by the Bureau [dated 4 September 1986] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/1987/CRP.22 | Suggested re~draft of Articles 89 to 91 and 93 in document LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.2/Rev.1/Part I Submitted bv the delegation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics [dated 5 August 1987] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/1988/CRP.23 | Informal suggested re-draft of Article 89, paragraph 4, in document LOS/PCN/SCN.4/ WP.2/Rev.l/Part I. Subsection 2 Prompt release of vessels and crews Proposed bv the Secretariat . [dated 31 March 1988] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/1988/CRP.23/Rev. 1 | Informal suggested re-draft of Article 89, paragraph 4 in document LOS/PCN/SCN.4/ WP.2/Rev.l/Part I. Subsection 2 Prompt release of vessels and crews Proposed bv the Secretariat [dated 7 July 1988] |
LOS/PCN/SCN,4/1988/CRP.24 | Informal suggestions relating to the draft Convention/Protocol on the privileges and immunities of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.6) Presented bv the delecration of the Federal Republic of Germanv [dated 31 March 1988] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/1988/CRP.25 | Suggested re-draft of Article 91 (document LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.2/Rev.2/Part I) Submitted bv the delegations of Belgium, Denmark, France, the Federal Republic of Germanv, Greece, Ireland, Italv, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland [dated 19 August 1988] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/1988/CRP.26 | Suggested re-draft of Article 6 (document LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.S) Submitted bv the delegation of Australia [dated 19 August 1988] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/1988/CRP.27 | Suggested re-draft of Article 7 (document LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.6) Submitted bv the delegation of Switzerland [dated 22 August 1988] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/1988/CRP.28 | Suggested re~draft of Article 91 in document (LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP,2/Rev.l/Part I) (Prepared bv the Secretariat) [dated 26 August 1988] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/1988/CRP.28/Corr.1 (French only) | Corrigendum [dated 30 August 1988] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/I988/CRP.29 | Suggested re-draft of Article 93 in document (LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.2/Rev.l/Part I) Submitted bv the delegation of Greece on behalf of the delegations of Belgium, Denmark, France, the Federal Republic of Germanv, Ireland, Italv, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland [dated 3 0 August 1988] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/1988/CRP.30 | Suggested re-draft of Article 91 in document (LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.2/Rev.l/Part I) Submitted by the delegation of the United Republic of Tanzania on behalf of the Group of 77 [dated 30 August 1988] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/1989/CRP.31 | Proposal submitted by France regarding the draft Convention/Protocol on the privileges and immunities of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.6) [dated 9 March 1989] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/1989/CRP.32 | Suggested re-draft of Article 93 in document {LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.2/Rev.l/Part 1} Submitted bv the delegation of Japan [dated 14 March 1989] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/1989/CRP.33 | Suggested re-draft of Article 14 bis (LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.6) Submitted bv the delegation of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republics [dated 21 March 1989] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/1989/CRP.34 | Belgium: Proposals relating to the draft Convention/Protocol on the privileges and immunities of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.S) [dated 16 August 1989] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/I989/CRP.35 | Suggested Article 16 bis {LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.6) Submitted bv the delegation of the Federal Republic of Germanv [dated 16 August 1989] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/1989/CRP.36 | Indicative list of issues specific to relationship agreements between the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea and the United Nations, the International Seabed Authority, the International Court of Justice and Specialized Agencies of the United Nations with relevant competence (Note bv the Secretariat) [dated 28 August 1989] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/1989/CRP.37 | Suggested re-draft of Article 90, paragraph 1, and Article 93 (LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.2/Rev.1/Part I) Submitted bv the delegation of the United Republic of Tanzania on behalf of the Group of 77; the delegation of France on behalf of the delegations of Belgium, Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germanv, Greece, Ireland, Italv, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; the delegation of Japan; and the delegation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics [dated 2 9 August 1989] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/1990/CRP.38 | Informal proposal by the Bureau. Organization of the future work of Special Commission 4 [dated 23 March 1990] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/1991/CRP.39 | Status of work in the Special Commission 4 [dated 8 March 1991] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/1991/CRP.40 | Report on the progress of work dated 13 March 1991 concerning the building requirements and facilities for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea in Hamburg. Statement of the Parliamentarv State-Secretary, H, E. Mr. Rainer Funke, Ministry of Justice of the Federal Republic of Germany [dated 15 March 1991] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/1991/CRP.41 | Proposals submitted by Switzerland regarding the revised draft Protocol on the privileges and immunities of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.6/Rev.1) [dated 16 August 1991] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/1991/CRP.42 | Proposals submitted by Switzerland regarding the revised draft Protocol on the privileges and immunities of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.6/Rev.1) [dated 22 August 1991] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/1991/CRP.43 | Revised draft Protocol on the privileges and immunities of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.6/Rev.1) Re-draft of pending articles (Submitted bv the Secretariat) [dated 27 August 1991] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/1991/CRP.44 | Revised draft Protocol on the privileges and immunities of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.6/Rev.1) Re-draft of article 12 (Submitted by the Secretariat) [dated 28 August 1991] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/1992/CRP.45 | Suggested re-draft of Article 32* in document LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.5/Rev.1 (Submitted by the Secretariat) [dated 6 March 1992] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/1992/CRP.46 | Proposed amendments to Article 1 (d) and Article 2 3 (1) in document LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.6/Rev.1 (Proposed bv the delegation of Senegal) [dated 6 March 19 92] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/1993/CRP.47 | Comments submitted by the European Community and its Member States on the draft outline for report of the Preparatory Commission containing recommendations regarding practical arrangements for the establishment of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea {LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP,14) [dated 1 February 1993] |
LOS/PCN/SCN.4/1993/CRP.48 | Suggested amendment to the draft provisional report of Special Commission 4 (LOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.15) Submitted bv the delegation of the Russian Federation [dated 2 April 1993] |
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