Categorías: Derecho del Mar

Comisión para los Usos Pacíficos de los Fondos Marinos y Oceánicos Fuera de los Límites de la Jurisdicción Nacional 1969-1973 (Documentos en español)

A/AC.138/SC.1/1 Programme of work: Note “by the Chairman (dated 10 March 1969)
2 Provisional agenda (dated 10 March 1969)
3 Programme of work (adopted by the Sub-Committee at its 3rd meeting on 14 March 1969) (dated 14 March 1969)
4 and Corr.1 (F only) Report of the informal drafting group on the formulations proposed under the programme of work (SC.l(3) (dated 12 August 1969)
5 Provisional agenda (dated 12 August 1969)
6 Programme of work: suggestions by the Acting Chairman (dated 12 August 1969)
7 Proposals of the representative of Belgium at the 17th meeting held on 19 August 1969 (dated 19 August 1969)
8 Proposals submitted by the delegation of the USSR during the discussion of the report of the informal drafting group (SC.1/4) (dated 21 August 1969?
9 Draft report (dated 21 August 1969)
9/Add.1 Do. (dated 22 August 1969)
9/Add.2 Do. (dated 25 August 1969)
9/Add.3 Do. (dated 26 August 1969)
10 Letter from the Chairman of the Legal Sub-Committee to the Chairman of the Committee (dated 24 March 1970)
A/AC.138/SC.1/L.l Provisional agenda (dated 9 March 1970)
L.2 Principles governing the activities of States with respect to the sea-bed and the ocean floor, and the subsoil thereof, underlying the high seas beyond the limits of national jurisdiction. Brazil, Cameroon, Ceylon, Chile, India, Kenya, Kuwait, Libya, Madagascar, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, United Republic of Tanzania and Yugoslavia: draft resolution (dated 23 March 1970)
L.3 Draft letter from the Chairman of the Legal Sub-Committee to the Chairman of the Committee (dated 23 March 1970)
L.4/Rev.1 Declaration of Principles governing the activities of States with respect to the sea-bed and the ocean floor, and the subsoil thereof, underlying the high seas beyond the limits of national jurisdiction. Norway: draft resolution (dated 24 August 1970)
L.5 Provisional agenda .(dated 12 August 1970)
L .6 Draft report (dated 25 August 1970)
A/AC.138/SC.1/SR.1-11 Summary records of the 1st to 11th meetings from 12 to 26 March 1969
SR.12-29 Summary records of the 12th to 29th meetings from 12 to 28 August 1969
SR.30-35 Summary records of the 30th to 35th meetings from 9 to 24 March 1970
SR.36-38 Summary records of the 36th to 38th meetings from 25-27 August 1970
A/AC.138/SC.2/1 Provisional agenda (dated 10 March 1969)
2 Programme of work: Note by the Chairman (dated 10 March 1969)
3 Statement by the Chairman at the 1st meeting of the Economic and Technical Sub-Committee on 11 March 1969 (dated 12 March 1969)
A/AC. 138/SC. 2/4 Draft progress report of the Economic and Technical Sub-Committee (dated 20 March 1969)
4/Add.1 Do. (dated 22 March 1969)
5 Programme of work (third session): Note by the Chairman (dated 20 March 1969)
6 Interim report of the Economic and Technical Sub-Committee (dated 1 April 1969)
6/Add.1 Draft report (dated 21 August 1969)
6/Add.2 Do. (dated 22 August 1969)
6/Add.3 Do. (dated 23 August 1969)
7 Provisional agenda (dated 11 August 1969)
8 Statement by the Chairman at the third session of the Economic and Technical Sub-Committees held on 12 August 1969 (dated 12 August 1969)
9 Statement by the Chairman the last meeting of the third session of the Economic and Technical Sub-Committee, held on 28 August 1969 (dated 28 August 1969)
A/AC.138/SC.2/L.1 Provisional agenda (dated 5 March 1970)
L.2 Programme of work: lots by the Chairman (dated 5 March 1970)
L.3 Provisional agenda (dated 9 March 1970)
L.4 Statement by the Chairman at the opening of the March 1970 session of the Economic and Technical Sub-Committee, 9 March 1970 (dated 9 March 1970)
L.5/Rev.1 Draft interim report . (dated 20 March 1970)
L.6 Interim report (dated 2h March 1970)
L.7 Provisional agenda (dated 6 August 1970)
A/AC.138/SC.2/L.8 Statement by the Chairman at the 35th meeting of the Sub-Committee on 11 August 1970 (dated 11 August 1970)
L.9 Statement by Mr. Philippe de Seynes Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs, at the 35th meeting of the Sub-Committee on 11 August 1970 (dated 12 August 1970)
L.10 and Corr.1 Draft report (dated 19 August 1970)
A/AC.138/SC.2/SR.1-14 Summary records of the 1st to 10th meetings held, from 11 to 27 March 1969
SR.15-25 Summary records of the 15th to 25th meetings held from 12 to 28 August 1969
SR.26-34 Summary records of the 26th to 3th meetings held from 9 to 23 March 1970
SR.35-40 Summary records of the 35th to ifOth meetings held from 11 to 2h August 1970
A/AC.138/1 Letter dated 14 February 1969 from the Permanent Representative of Belgium addressed to the Secretary-General (dated 5 February 1969)
A/AC.138/2 Draft programme of work of the Committee submitted by Argentina, Brazil, Chile., El Salvador,, Mexico, Peru and Trinidad and Tobago (dated 5 February 1969)
A/AC.138/3 Draft programme of work of the Committee submitted by Bulgaria Czechoslovakia, Poland, Romania and the USSR (dated 6 February 1969)
A/AC.138/4 Outline of programme of work of the Committee submitted by the United States (dated 6 February 1969)
A/AC.138/5 Programme of work for 1969 of the Committee submitted by India, Kenya, Kuwait, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Malaysia, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Thailand, United Arab Republic and Yugoslavia (dated 7 February 1969)
A/AC.138/6 Economic considerations conducive to promoting the development of the resources of the sea-bed and ocean floor beyond the limits of national jurisdiction in the interests of mankind: Preliminary note by the Secretariat (dated 4 March 1969)
A/AC.138/7 and Corr.1-4 Proposals and views relating to the adoption of Principles: Working paper prepared by the Secretariat (dated 6 March 1969)
A/AC.138/8 Organization of work: Proposals by the Chairman in accordance with the agreement reached at the meeting of the Committee held on 7 February 19&9 (dated 7 March 1969)
A/AC.138/9 Supplement to the survey of national legislation concerning the sea-bed and the ocean floor, and the subsoil thereof underlying the high seas beyond the limits of present national jurisdiction (A/AC.135/11 and Corr.1 and Add.1): Document prepared by the Secretariat (dated 11 March 1969)
A/AC.138/10 Letter dated 27 February 1969 from the Chairman of the IOC addressed to the Secretary-General (dated 17 March 1969)
A/AC.138/11 Malta: draft resolution (dated 18 March 1969)
A/AC.138/12 Study on the question of establishing in due time appropriate international machinery for the promotion of the exploration and exploitation of the resources of the sea-bed and the ocean floor beyond the limits of national jurisdiction and the use of their resources in the interests of mankind: Report of the Secretary-General (dated 18 June 1969)-.
12/Add. 1 and 12/Add.1/Corr.1 Do. (dated 30 June 1969) .
A/AC.138/13 Study oh marine poluttion which might arise from the exploration and exploitation of the sea-bed and the ocean floor and the subsoil thereof beyond the limits of national jurisdiction: Note by the Secretary-General (dated 28 July 1969)
A/AC.138/14 Note by the Secretary-General /transmitting draft comprehensive outline of the scope of the long-term and expanded programme of oceanic exploration and research,, prepared by the Special Working Group of the IOC on the LongTerm and Expanded Programme/ (Dated 29 July 1969)-
A/AC.138/15 Note by the Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization (IMCO) (dated 15 August 1969)
A/AC.138/16 Statement by the Chairman at the 8th meeting of the Committee on 27 August 1969 (dated 27 August 1969)
A/AC.138/17 Report of the Economic and Technical Sub-Committee (dated 27 August 1969)
A/AC.138/18 Report of the Legal Sub-Committee (covering its March and August sessions (dated 28 August 1969)
18/Add.1 Do. (dated 29 August 1969)
A/AC.138/19 Letter dated 10 October 1969 from the Chairman of the Committee addressed to the Secretary-General (dated 10 October 1969)
A/AC.138/20 Letter dated 21 October 1969 from the Secretary-General addressed to the Chairman of the Committee (dated 23 October 1969)
A/AC.138/21 and Corr.1 Government measures pertaining to the development of mineral resources on the continental shelf: Review prepared hy the Secretariat (dated 27 January 1970)
A/AC.138/22 Letter dated 25. May 1970 from the representative of the United States addressed to the Chairman of the Committee (dated 25 May 1970)
A/AC.138/23 Study on international machinery: Report of the Secretary-General (dated 26 May 1970)
A/AC. 138/24 Possible methods and criteria for the sharing by the international community of proceeds and other benefits derived from the exploitation of the resources of the area beyond national jurisdiction: Note by the Secretariat (dated 9 June 1970)
A/AC.138/25 Draft United Nations Convention on the International Sea-Bed Area: Working Paper submitted by the United States (dated 3 August 1970)
A/AC.138/26 International regime: Working paper presented by the United Kingdom (dated 5 August 1970)
A/AC.138/27 Proposals concerning the establishment of a regime for the exploration and exploitation of the sea-bed: submitted by France (dated 5 August 1970)
A/AC.138/28 Letter dated 10 August 1970 from the Chairman of the delegation of Peru addressed to the Chairman of the Committee (dated 10 August 1970)
A/AC.138/29 Report of the Economic and Technical Sub-Committee (dated 2b August 1970)
A/AC.138/30 Statement “by the representative of UNESCO, Mr. Alfonso de Silva, to the Committee at its ItOth meeting on 26 August 1970
A/AC.138/31 Report of the Legal Sub-Committee (dated 27 August 1970)
A/AC.138/32 FAO Statement on its possible contribution to preparations for the Conference on the Law of the Sea (dated 19 March 1971)
A/AC.138/33 Draft statute for an international sea-bed authority – as submitted by the United Republic of Tanzania (dated 2k March 1971)
A/AC.138/34 Texts of the Montevideo Declaration, of the relevant portion of the 10saka Declaration and of the report of the Sub-Committee on the Law of the Sea of the Asian-African Legal Consultative Committee (30 April 1971)
A/AC.138/35 Letter dated 23 April 1971 from the representative of Belgium addressed to the Secretary-General (dated 3 May 1971)
A/AC.138/36 Possible impact of sea-bed mineral production in the area beyond national jurisdiction on world markets, with special reference to the problems of developing countries: a preliminary assessment. Report of the Secretary-General (dated 28 May 1971)
A/AC.138/37 and Corr.1-2 (E. only) (E only) Study of the question of free access to the sea of land-locked countries and of the special problems of land-locked countries relating to the exploration and exploitation of the resources of the sea-bed and the ocean floor beyond the limits of national jurisdiction: Report of the Secretary-General (dated 11 June 1971)
A/AC.138/38 and Corr.1 Possible methods and criteria for the sharing hy the international community of proceeds and other benefits derived from the exploitetion of the resources of the area beyond the limits of national jurisdiction: Report of the Secretary-General (dated 15 June 1971)
A/AC.138/39 and Corr.1 List of maps: Note by the Secretariat (dated 16 June 1971)
A/AC. 138/40 (E only) List of documents of the specialized agencies and the IAEA relevant to the work of the Committee.
A/AC. 138/41 Analytical summary of proposals and suggestions embodied in the views expressed by delegations in the debates in the First Committee of the General Assembly at the twenty-fifth session and in the Sea-Bed Committee in March 1971: Working paper prepared by the Secretariat (dated 15 July 1971)
A/AC.138/42 List of documents: prepared for and available for the summer session of the Committee (documents issued during the March session) (dated 8 July 1971)
A/AC.138/43 USSR: provisional draft articles of a treaty on the use of the sea-bed for peaceful purposes (dated 22 July 1971)
A/AC.138/44 Working paper concerning an international organization to be established to deal with the problems of the exploration and exploitation of the mineral resources of the international area of the sea-bed and the ocean floor, and the subsoil thereof, the limits of which are to be determined: submitted by Poland (dated 28 July 1971)
A/AC.138/45 Working paper submitted by the delegation of the Peoples Republic of Bulgaria concerning the List of Subjects and Issues relating to the Law of the Sea (dated 29 July 1971)
45/Add.1 Do. Adding Poland as co-sponsor (dated 23 August 1971)
A/AC.138/46 International sea-bed regime: United Kingdom proposals for elements of a Convention (dated 30 July 1971)
A/AC.138/47 The Living Resources of the Seas: An ilustrative Atlas: Note by the Secretariat (dated 3 August 1971)
A/AC.138/48 Turkey: proposal to include a question in the list of subjects (dated 3 August 1971)
A/AC.138/49 Working paper on the regime for the sea-bed and ocean floor and. its subsoil beyond the limits of national jurisdiction: submitted by Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana, Jamaica, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay and Venezuela (dated 4 August 1971)
A/AC.138/50 and Corr.1 and Corr.3 Limits and status of the territorial sea, exc10sive fishing zones, fishery conservation zones and the continental shelf (with particular reference to fisheries): Note by the Secretariat (dated 6 August 1971)
A/AC.138/51 Working paper submitted by the delegation of Iceland concerning the List of Subjects and Issues relating to the Law of the Sea (dated 13 August 1971)
A/AC.138/52 Working paper submitted by Horway: List of Subjects and Issues relating to the Law of the Sea referred to in operative paragraph 6 of resolution 2750 C (XXV) (dated 18 August 1971)
52/Add.1 Do. Adding Canada as co-sponsor (dated 24 August 1971)
A/AC.138/53 and Corr.1 Draft Ocean Space Treaty: submitted by Malta (dated 23 August 1971)
A/AC.138/54 Working paper submitted by the delegation of Greece concerning the List of Subjects and Issues relating to the Law of the Sea (dated 17 August 1971)
A/AC.138/55 Preliminary working paper submitted by Afghanistan, Austria, Belgium, Hungary, Nepal, Netherlands and Singapore (dated 19 August 1971)
A/AC.138/56 Working paper on the comprehensive list of subjects and issues relating to the Law of the Sea: submitted by Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Jamaica, Panama3 Peru, Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay and Venezuela (dated 19 August 1971)
56/Add.1 Do. Adding Argentina and Guyana as co-sponsors (dated 20 August 1971),
A/AC.138/57 United Kingdom: suggested explanatory statement to accompany the adoption of the comprehensive list of subjects and issues (dated 20 August 1971)
A/AC.138/58 Working paper submitted by Afghanistan, Algeria, Cameroon, Ceylon, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Kuwait, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mauritania, Mauritius, Morocco, Nigeria, Philippines, Singapore, Somalia,-Sudan, Tunisia, United Arab Republic, United Republic of Tanzania, Yemen and Yugoslavia, List of Subjects and Issues relating to the Law of the Sea (dated 20 August 1971)
A/AC.138/59 International Sea-Bed Regime and Machinery Working Paper submitted by the delegation of Canada (dated 24 August 1971)
A/AC.138/60 Report of Sub-Committee I (dated 26 August 1971)
60/Add.1 Do. (dated 27 August 1971)
A/AC.138/61 Report of Sub-Committee II (dated 26 August 1971)
A/AC.138/62 Report of Sub-Committee III (dated 26 August 1971)
A/AC.138/63 Mote verbale dated 22 November 1971 from the Permanent Mission of Japan addressed to the Secretariat (dated 23 November 1971)
A/AC.138/64 Report on regulatory fisher Secretariat (dated 10 March 1972)
A/AC.138/65 Conservation problems with special reference to new technology: Note by the Secretariat (dated 1 March 1972)
A/AC.138/66 and Corr.1 <F. only) Corr.2 Corr.3 (R. only) List of subjects and issues relating to the law of the sea to be submitted to the Conference of the Law of the Sea sponsored by Algeria, Argentina, Brazil, Ceylon, Chile, China, Colombia, Congo, Egypt 5 El Salvador, Ethiopia, Fiji, Gabon, Ghana, Guatemala, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Ivory Coast, Jamaica, Kenya, Kuwait, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mauritius, Mexico, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Spain, Sudan, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, United Republic of Tanzania, Uruguay, Venezuela, Yemen, Yugoslavia and Zaire (dated 24 March 1972)
A/AC.138/66/Rev.1 Do. including Cameroon, Cyprus, Ecuador, Guyana, Iceland, Iran, Mauritania, Morocco and Romania as co-sponsors (dated 16 August 1972)
A/AC.138/67 Malta: amendments to document A/AC.138/66 (dated 29 March 1972)
A/AC.138/68 United States: amendments to document A/AC.138/66 (dated 29 March 1972)
A/AC.138/69 Italy: amendment to document A/AC.138/66 (dated 29 March 1972)
A/AC.138/70 Japan: amendments to document A/AC.138/66 (dated 29 March 1972)
A/AC.138/71 USSR: amendments to document A/AC.138/66 (dated 29 March 1972)
A/AC.138/72 and Corr.1 Afghanistan, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Hungary, Mali, Nepal and Zambia: . amendments to document A/AC.138/66 (dated 29 March and 4 April 1972) .
A/AC.138/73 Additional notes on the possible economic implications of mineral production from the international sea-bed area: Report of the Secretary-General (dated 12 May 1972)
A/AC.138/74 and Corr.1 Turkey: amendments to document A/AC.138/66 (Dated 19 June 1972)
A/AC.138/75 and Corr.1 Malta: list of subjects and issues to be submitted to the Conference on the Law of the Sea (dated 26 June 1972)
A/AC.138/76 France and the United Kingdom: amendments to document A/AC.138/66 (dated 19 July 1972)
A/AC.138/77 Poland: amendments to document A/AC.138/66 (Dated 20 July 1972)
A/AC.138/78 Japan: amendment to document A/AC.138/66 (Dated 20 July 1972)
A/AC.138/79 Conc10sions in the General Report of the African States Regional Seminar on the Law of the Sea, held in Yaounde from 20-30 June 1972 -(Dated 21 July 1972)
A/AC.138/80 and Corr.1 (S. only) Text of the Declaration of Santo Domingo approved by the meeting of the Ministers of the Specialized Conference of the Caribbean Countries on Problems of the Sea held on 7 June 1972 . (dated 26 July 1972)
A/AC.138/81 Request for a study on the different economic implications of the various problems for limits of the international sea-bed area: submitted by Afghanistan, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Nepal, Netherlands, Singapore, Zaire and Zambia (Dated 9 August 1972)
A/AC.138/82 Report of Sub-Committee I (dated 15 August 1972)
A/AC.138/83 Report of Sub-Committee II (dated 18 August 1972)
A/AC.138/84 Report of Sub-Committee III (dated 16 August 19727
A/AC.138/85 Declaration on Principles of Rational Exploitation of the Living Resources of the Seas and Oceans in the Common Interests of All Peoples of the World: adopted at the Conference of Ministers held at Moscow on 6-7 July 1972 (circulated at request of the delegations of Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland and the USSR) (dated 17 August 1972)
A/AC.138/86 Netherlands: working paper concerning the concept of an intermediate zone (dated 16 March 1973)
A/AC.138/87 Economic significance, in terms of sea-bed mineral resources , of the various limits proposed for national jurisdiction: report of the Secretary-General (dated 4 June 1973)
87/Corr.1 (dated 30 July 1973) –
A/AC.138/88 Examples of precedents of provisional application, pending their entry into force, of multilateral treaties, especially treaties which have established international organizations and/or regimes: reportof the Secretary-General (dated 12 June 1973)
A/AC.138/8989/Corr.1 (F. only) Organization of African Unity Declaration on the Issues of the Law of the Sea (dated 2 July 1973)
A/AC.138/90 Sea-bed mineral resources – recent developments progress report by the Secretary-General (dated 3 July 1973)
A/AC.138/91 Belgium: Working Paper on Artifical Islands and Installations (dated 11 July 1973)
A/AC.138/92 Letter dated 10 July from the representative of Bolivia addressed to the Chairman of the Sea-Bed Committee (dated 12 July 1973)
A/AC.138/93 Afghanistan, Bolivia, Czechoslovakia, Hungary Mali, Nepal and Zambia: Draft articles relating to land-locked States (dated 2 August 1973)
A/AC.138/94 Report of Sub-CommitteeI (dated 17 August 1973)
94/Add.1 (dated 20 August 1973)
94/Add.1/Corr.1 (E. only)
A/AC.138/95 Report of Sub-Committee II (dated 23 August 1973)
A/AC.138/96 Report of Sub-Committee III (dated 21 August 1973)
A/AC.138/97 United States: draft articles for a chapter on the settlement of disputes (dated 21 August 1973)
A/AC.138/L.1 Draft report of the Committee (Part One) (dated 25 August 1969)
L.1/Add.1 Do. (dated 29 August 1969)
A/AC.138/L.2 Statement by the Chairman at the 2Uth meeting of the Committee on 6 March 1970 (dated 6 March 1970)
A/AC.138/L.3 Draft report (dated 21 August 1970)
L.3/Add.1 Do. (dated 26 August 1970)
L.3/Add.2 Do. (dated 26 August 1970)
L.3/Add.3 Do. (dated 27 August 1970)
A/AC.138/L.4 L.4/Corr.1 Draft report (dated 25 August 1971)
L.4/Add.1 Do. (dated 27 August 1971)
L.4/Add.2 Do. (dated 13 September 1971)
Add.2/Rev.1 Add.2/Rev.1/Corr.1 (dated 20 October 1971)
A/AC.138/L.5 Amendments to the draft addendum to the Report (A/AC.138/L.t/Add.2) submitted bythe USSR delegation (dated it October 1971)
A/AC.138/L.6 Amendments to the draft addendum to the Report (A/AC.138/L.t/Add.2) submitted by the delegation of Brazil (dated it October 1971)
A/AC.138/L.7 Amendments to the draft addendum to the Report (A/AC.138/L.t/Add.2) submitted by the delegation of Spain (dated it October 1971)
A/AC.138/L.8 Amendment to the draft addendum to the Report (A/AC.138/L.t/Add.2) submitted by the delegation of El Salvador (dated it October 1971)
A/AC.138/L.9 Amendment to the draft addendum to the Report (A/AC.138/L.t/Add.2) submitted by the delegation of Mexico (dated it October 1971)
A/AC.138/L.10 Comparative table of draft treaties, working papers and draft articles (prepared by the Secretariat) (dated 28 January 1972)
A/AC.138/L.11 L.11/Corr.1 Kuwait: draft decision (dated 30 March 1972)
A/AC.138/L.11/Rev.1 Algeria, Brazil, Chile, China, Iraq, Kenya, Kuwait, Libyan Arab Republic, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela, Yemen and Yugoslavia draft decision (dated 9 August 1972)
A/AC.138/L.12 Draft report (dated it August 1972)
L.12/Add.1 Do. (dated it August 1972)
A/AC.138/L.13 L.13/Corr.1 Proposals in regard to the organization of the Committee’s work presented to the Committee by the Chairman at the 90th meeting held on 5 March 1973 (dated 5 March 1973)
L.13/Add.1 Addendum (dated 6 March 1973)
L.13/Rev.1 Proposals in regard to the organization of the Committees work presented to the Committee by the Chairman at the 90th meeting held on 5 March 1973 (dated 9 March 1973)
L.14 Draft report (dated 21 August 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.I/L.1 Provisional agenda (dated 16 March 1971)
A/AC.138/SC.I/L.2 Note by the Chairman (dated 16 March 1971)
A/AC.138/SC.I/L.3 Letter dated 25 March 1971 from the Chairman of Sub-Cominittee I to the Chairman of the Committee (dated 26 March 1971)
A/AC.138/SC.I/L.4 Note by the Chairman (dated 19 July 1971)
A/AC.138/SC.I/L.5 Statement by the Representative of the Secretary-General of UNCTAD made at the 20th meeting of Sub-Committee I heldon 13 August 1971 (Dated 13 August 1971)
A/AC.138/SC.I/L.6 Note by the Chairman (dated 16 August 1971)
A/AC.138/SC.I/L.7 Draft report (Dated 19 August 1971)
A/AC.138/SC.I/L.8 Working paper submitted by Australia and Jamaica: tentative programme of work for 1972 (dated 27 August 1971)
A/AC.138/SC.I/L.9 Working paper submitted by the Netherlands concerning the concept ofan intermediate zone (dated 20 March 1972) v
A/AC.138/SC.I/L.10 Programme of work: status5 scope and basic provisions of the regime based on the Declaration of Principles: Statement made by the Chairman of Sub-Committee I at the tOth meeting on 20 March 1972 (Dated 20 March 1972)
A/AC.138/SC.I/L.11 Letter dated 29 March 1972 from the Chairman of Sub-Committee I to the Chairman of the Committee (dated 30.March 1972J
A/AC.138/SC.I/L.12 Statement by Mr. Philippe de Seynes , UnderSecretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs, to Sub-Committee I at its U8th meeting on 19 July 1972 (dated 20 July 1972)
A/AC.138/SC.I/L.13 Statement made by Mr. Manuel Perez Guerrero, Secretary-General of UNCTAD, at the t8th.meeting of Sub-Committee I held on 19 July 1972 (dated 20 July 1972)
A/AC.138/SC.I/L.14 List of UNCTAD III documents on natters related to the exploitation of sea-bed mineral resources (dated 21 July 1972)
A/AC.138/SC.I/L.15 Institutional problems concerning the sea-bed authority; the Council: Working paper submitted by the Italian delegation (Dated 1 August 1972)
A/AC.138/SC.I/L.16 Archaeological and historical treasures of the sea-bed and the ocean floor beyond the limits of national jurisdiction: submitted by the delegation of Greece (Dated 2 August 1972)
A/AC.138/SC.I/L.17 Statement by the Vice-Chairman of Sub-Committee I on item 2 of the programme of work, at the 55th meeting held on t August 1972 (Dated k August 1972)
A/AC.138/SC.I/L.18 Draft report (1st part) (Dated 7 August 1972)
L.18/Add.1 Co, (2nd part) (dated 10 August 1972)
L.18/Add.2 Do. (3rd part) (Dated 11 August 1972)
A/AC.138/SC.I/L.18/Add.3 Do. (Annex) (Dated 11 August 1972)
A/AC.138/SCM/L.19 Draft recommendation: submitted by the United States (dated 26 March 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.I/L.20 Recommendation of Sub-Committee I adopted at its 66th meeting held on 27 March 1973 (Dated 27 March 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.I/L.21 Turkey: draft article under point 23, Archaeological and historical treasures on the sea-bed and ocean floor beyond the limits of national jurisdiction (Dated 28 March 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.I/L.22 Texts ilustrating areas of agreement and disagreement on item 1 of the . Sub-Committees programme of work: Status, scope and basic provisions of the regime based on the Declaration of Principles resolution 279 (XXV)/ (dated 1 April 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.I/L.23 Statement made by the Chairman of Sub-Committee I at the 68th meeting on 5 April 1973 (dated 5 April 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.I/L.24 Draft articles submitted by the Italian delegation (dated 2h July 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.I/L.25L.25/Corr.1 Draft article on item 23 of the list of subjects and issues, protection of archaeological and historical treasures: presented by the delegation of Greece (dated 10 August 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.I/L.26 Preliminary draft articles concerning the basic principles of the regime of the international area of the sea-bed and the subsoil thereof, and regulations for the granting and administration of licences for the exploration and exploitation of minerals: submitted by Italy (dated it August 1973)
L.26/Corr.1 Do. (dated k October 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.I/L.27 Draft report (dated 15 August 1973)
L.27/Add.1 Report of the Working Group on International Regime and Machinery (dated 16 August 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.I/L.28 USSR: proposal – Preamble to a treaty on the use ofthe sea-bed for peaceful purposes (dated 16 August 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.II/L.1 L.1/Corr.1 Provisional agenda (dated 18 March 1971)
A/AC.138/SC.II/L.2 L.2/Corr.1 L.2/Corr.2 Note by the Chairman (dated 18 March 1971)
A/AC.138/SC.II/L.3 Letter from the Chairman of Sub-Committee II to the Chairman of the Committee (dated 25 March 1971)
A/AC.138/SC.II/L.4 L.4/Corr.1 L.4/Rev.1 Draft articles on the Breadth of the Territorial Sea, Straits and Fisheries: Submitted by the United States (dated 30 July 1971)
A/AC.138/SC.II/L.5 Draft report (dated 20 August 1971)
A/AC.138/SC.II/L.6 L.6/Corr.1 USSR: draft article on fishing (Dated 18 July 1972)
A/AC.138/SC.II/L.7 USSR: draft articles on straits used for international navigation (dated 25 July 1972)
L.7/Add.1 USSR: draft article on the breadth of the territorial sea (Dated 13 March 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.II/L.8 Management of the living resources of the sea: working paper submitted by the delegation of Canada (dated 27 July 1972)
A/AC.138/SC.II/L.9 United States revised draft fisheries article (dated 8 August 1972)
A/AC.138/SC.II/L.10 Draft articles on exc10sive economic zone concept (presented by Kenya) (dated 7 August 1972)
A/AC.138/SC.II/L.11 Working paper by the delegations of Australia and New Zealand (Dated 11 August 1972)
A/AC.138/SC.II/L.12 Proposals for a regime of fisheries on the id gh seas: submitte dby Japan (dated it August 1912/
A/AC.138/SC.II/L.13 Draft report of Sub-Committee II (dated 15 August 1972)
L.13/Add.1 Do. (Dated 17 August 1972)
A/AC.138/SC.Il/L.14 Proposals for the future organization of work of Sub-Committee II submitted by Australia and Canada (dated 16 August 1972)
A/AC.138/SC.II/L.15 Archipelagic principles as proposed by the delegations of Fiji, Indonesia, Philippines and Mauritius (dated it March 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.II/L.16 L.16/Rev.1 Turkey: draft article under 2.3.2. Breadth of the territorial sea; global or regional criteria; open seas and oceans semi-enclosed seas. and enclosed seas (dated 22 March 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.II/L.17 Greece: amendment to the draft article contained in document. SC.II/L.16 (dated 27 March 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.II/L.18L.18/Corr.1 Cyprus, Greece, Indonesia, Malaysia, Morocco, Philippines, Spain and Yemen: draft articles on navigation through the territorial sea, including straits used for international navigation (dated 27 March 1971) v
A/AC.138/SC.II/L.19 Cyprus: draft article under item 2.3.2. Breadth of the territorial sea (dated 28 March 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.II/L.20 Special considerations regarding the management of anadromous fishes and highly migratory oceanic fishes: working paper submitted by the United States (dated 2 April 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.II/L.21 Colombia, Mexico and Venezuela: draft articles of treaty (dated 2 April 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.II/L.22 L.22/Rev.1 Turkey: draft article related to the following items: 23.1; 5.3; 6,7 (dated t April 1973) .
A/AC.138/SC.II/L.23 Jurisdiction of coastal States over natural resources of the area adjacent to their territorial sea: working paper submitted by Iceland (dated 5 April 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.II/L.24 L.24/Corr.1 Uruguay draft articles on the territorial sea (dated 3 July 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.II/L.25 Brazil: draft articles containing basic provisions on the question of the maxinun breadth of the territorial sea and other modalities or combinations of legal regimes of coastal State sovereignty, jurisdiction .or specialized competences (dated 13 July 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.II/L.26 USSR: Rough draft of basic provisions on the question of the outer limit of the continental shelf (dated 13 July 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.II/L.27 L.27/Corr.1 L.27/Corr.2 Working Paper submitted by the delegations of Ecuador, Panama and Peru – draft articles for incision in a convention on the law of the sea (dated 13 July 1973) (dated 17 July 1973) (dated 26 July 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.II/L.28 Malta: preliminary draft articles on the delimitation of coastal State jurisdiction in ocean space and on the rights and obligations of coastal Statesin the area under their jurisdiction (dated 16 July 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.II/L.29 Greece: draft article under item 19, regime of islands . (dated 16 July 1973)
L.29/Corr.1 (CEF only) (dated 17 July 1972)
A/AC.138/SC.II/L.30 Italy: draft article on straits (dated 16 July 1973)
L.30/Corr.1 (dated 7 August 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.II/L.31 Tunisia and Turkey: amendment to the. draft article contained in document SC.II/L.19 (dated 16 July 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.II/L.32 Tunisia and Turkey: subamendment to the amendment.(SC.II/L,17) to the draft – article contained in document. SC.II/L.16 (dated 16 July 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.II/L.33 Tunisia and Turkey: amendment to the draft articles contained in document SC.II/L.21
A/AC.138/SC.II/L.34 China: Working Paper on sea area within the limits of national jurisdiction (dated 16 July 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.II/L.35 United States: draft articles for a chapter on the rights and duties of States in the coastal sea-bed economic area (Dated 16 July 1973)
L.35/Corr.1 (dated 21 August 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.II/L.36 Australia and Norway: Working Paper . containing certain basic principles on an economic zone and on delimitations (Dated 16 July 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.II/L.37 L.37/Corr.1 Argentina: draft articles (dated 16 July 1973) (dated 19 July 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.II/L.38 Canada, India, Kenya and Sri Lanka: draft articles on fisheries (Dated 16 July 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.II/L.39 Afghanistan, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Nepal and Singapore: draft articles on resource jurisdiction of coastal States beyond the territorial sea (dated 16 July 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.II/L.40 Algeria, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Mauritius, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Tunisia, United Republic of Tanzania and Zaire: draft articles on exc10sive economic zone (dated 16 July 1973)
L.40/Corr.1 (dated 18 July 19727
L.40/Corr.2 (dated 1 August 1973)
L.40/Corr.3 (dated 17 August 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.II/L.41 Uganda and Zambia: draft articles on the proposed economic zone (dated 16 July 1973)
A/AC.A38/SC.II/L.42 Fiji: draft articles relating to passage through the territorial sea (dated 19 July 1973)
L.42/Corr.1 (dated 20 July 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.II/L.43 Cameroon, Kenya, Madagascar, Tunisia and Turkey: draft article under item 19 regime of islands (dated 19 July 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.II/L.44 United Kingdom: Draft Article on the Rights and Duties of Archipelagic States 12 August 1973
A/AC.138/SC.II/L.45 China: Working Paper on general principlesfor the international sea area 6 August 1973
A/AC.138/SC.II/L.46 Philippines: draft article under item 2.2 on historic waters (dated 6 August 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.II/L.47 Philippines: draft article underitem 2.3.2 on breadth ofterritorial sea (dated 6 August 1973)
L.47/Rev.1 (dated 10 August 1973)
A/AC. 138/SC.II/L.48 Fiji, Indonesia, Mauritius and the Philippines: Draft Articles on Archipelagos /6 August 1973)
A/AC. 138/SC.II/L.49 Poland: Proposal concerning aspects of navigation through straits (dated 8 August 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.II/L.50 Turkey: Proposal for a Study on Islands (8 August 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.II/L.51 Bulgaria: Draft Articles on the nature and characteristics of the territorial sea and its breadth (dated 9 August 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.II/L.52 Pakistan: Breadth of territorial sea and boundaries of Exc10sive Economic Zone (dated 9 August 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.II/L.53 Romania: Working paper on certain specific aspects of the regime of islands in the context of delimitation of the marine spaces between neighbouring States (10 August 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.II/L.54 Ecuador, Panama and Peru: Draft Articles on fisheries in national and International zones in ocean space (dated 10 August 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.II/L.55 Jamaica: Draft Articles on regional facilities for developing geographically disadvantaged coastal States (dated 13 August 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.II/L.56 Japan: Principles on the Delimitation of Coastal Sea-Bed Area (dated 15 August 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.II/L.57 Letter dated 16 August 1973 from the Chairman of the Working Group of the Whole addressed to the Chairman of Sub-Committee II
A/AC.138/SC.II/L.58 Draft report (first part) (dated 16 August 1973)
L.58/Add.1 Draft report (second part) (dated 20 August 1972)
A/AC.138/SC.II/L.59 L.59/Corr.2 Netherlands: Proposal concerning an Intermediate Zone (Dated 17 August 1973)
L.59/Corr.1 (E. only) (Dated 21 August 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.II/L.60 Zaire: draft articles on fishing /17 August 1972)
A/AC.138/SC.II/L.61 Letter dated 18 August 1973 from the Chairman of the Working Group of the Whole addressed to the Chairman of Sub-Committee II
L.61/Rev.1 do. (Dated 21 August 1972)
A/AC.138/SC.II/L.62 Iran: Draft Article – item 15, regional arrangements (dated 16 August 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.II/L.63 Draft Article submitted by Yugoslavia: 15 Regional arrangements /l6 August 1972)
A/AC.138/SC.III/L.1 Provisional agenda (dated 22 March 1971)
A/AC.138/SC.III/L.2 Note by the Chairman (dated 22 March 1971)
A/AC.138/SC.III/L.3 Statement by the Chairman at the second meeting on 28 July 1971 (dated 30 July 1971)
A/AC.138/SC.III/L.4 Malta: suggested statement of views by Sub-Committee III
L.4/Add.1 Adding Australia, Japan, New Zealand, Peru and the Philippines as co-sponsors (dated 25 August 1971)
A/AC.138/SC.III/L.5 Norway: draft resolution on preliminary measures toprevent and control marine poluttion (Dated 19 August 1971)
L.5/Add.1 Adding Canada as a co-sponsor (dated 23 August 1971)
A/AC.138/SC.III/L.6 Draft report (dated 20 August 1971)
A/AC.138/SC.III/L.7 Suggested programme of work: working paper submitted by the delegation of Canada (Dated 8 March 1972)
L.7/Rev.1 (dated 15 March 1972)
L.7/Eev.2 (Dated 23 March 1972)
A/AC.138/SC.III/L.8 Chile: amendments to the suggested programme of work submitted by Canada (SC.III/L.7) (dated 13 March 1972)
A/AC.138/SC.III/L.9 Convention for the Prevention of Marine Poluttion by Dumping from Ships and Aircraft (signed at Oslo, Norway, on. 15 February 1972) (dated 13 March 1972)
A/AC.138/SC.III/L.10 Uruguay: amendments to the suggested programme of work submitted by Canada (SC.III/L.7/Rev.2) (Dated 2k March 1972)
A/AC.138/SC.III/L.11 Jamaica: amendments to the suggested programme of work submitted by Canada (SC.III/L.7/Rev.2) (Dated 2k March 1972)
A/AC.138/SC.III/L.12 United States: amendments to the suggested programme of work submitted by Canada . (SC.III/L.7/Rev.2) (dated 2k March 1972)
A/AC.138/SC.III/L.13 Japan: amendments to the suggested programme of work submitted by Canada (SC.III/L.7/Rev.2) (dated 2k March 1972)
A/AC.138/SC.III/L.14 Programme of work for Sub-Committee III as adopted by the Sub-Committee at its 19th meeting on 27 March 1972 (dated 27 March 1972)
A/AC.138/SC.III/L.15 Report on the Preparatory Work for the International Conference on Marine Poluttion to be convened by IMCO in 1973 (dated 21 July 1972)
A/AC.138/SC.III/L.16 Report by the representative of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs at the 20th meeting held on 20 July 1972 on actions taken at the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment regarding marine poluttion >~and the preservation of the marine environment (dated 21 July 1972)
A/AC.138/SC.III/L.17 Decisions of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (5-16 June 1972) relating to the preservation of the. marine environment and marine poluttion (dated 2k July 1972)
A/AC.138/SC.III/L.18 Working paper submitted by the Canadian delegation: Principles of Marine Scientific Research for the Third Law of the Sea Conference (dated 25 July 1972)
A/AC.138/SC.III/L.19 USSR: draft resolution on measures for preventing the poluttion of the marine environment
A/AC.138/SC.III/L.20 Peru: proposed amendments to the definition of marine poluttion and the general principles for assessment and control of marine poluttion which are the subject of Recommendation 92 of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (dated 27 July 1972)
A/AC.138/SC.III/L.21 Statement made by the representative of IMCO on the activities of the Organization pertaining to ships’ routing, traffic separation schemes, areas to he avoided by certain ships and related questions, at the 22nd meeting on 26 July 1972 (dated 27 July 1972)
A/AC.138/SC.III/L.22 Australia, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Fiji, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Peru, Philippines ,Singapore and Thailand: draft resolution (dated 31 July 1912/
A/AC.138/SC.III/L.23 Working paper submitted by Bulgaria, the Ukrainian SSR and the USSR: Basic Principles concerning international co-operation in marine scientific research (dated 3 August 1912/
A/AC.138/SC.III/L.24 Draft report (dated 10 August 1972)
L.24/Add.1 Do. (dated 11 August 1972)
A/AC.138/SC.III/L.25 Draft resolution on preliminary measures to prevent and control marine poluttion submitted by Australia, Bulgaria, Canada, Iceland, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Ukrainian SSR and USSR (dated lk August 1972)
A/AC.138/SC.III/L.26 and Corr.1 (E. and R. only) Canada: working paper on preservation of the marine environment (dated 31 August 1912/
A/AC.138/SC.III/L.27 Australia: working paper on preservation of the marine environment (dated 6 March 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.III/L.28 Draft Articles for a Comprehensive Marine Poluttion Convention: submitted by the delegation of Canada (dated 9 March 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.III/L.29 Convention on the Prevention of Marine Poluttion by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matters /drawn up at IMCO Conference on the Dumping of Wastes at Sea, held in London from 30 October to 10 November 1972) (dated 9 March 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.III/L.30 Work of the IMCO in relation to the Preservation of the Marine Environment (dated 12 March 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.III/L.31 Bulgaria, Poland, Ukrainian SSR, USSR: draft article for a convention on scientific research in the vorld ocean (dated 15 March 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.III/L.32 USSR: draft articles for a convention on general principles for. the preservation of the marine environment (dated 15 March 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.III/L.33 Malta: draft articles on the preservation of the marine environment (including, inter alia, the prevention of poluttion) (dated 16 March 1972)
A/AC.138/SC.III/L.34 Malta: draft articles on scientific research (dated 23 March 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.III/L.35 Observations by the Government of the Netherlands in regard to questions concerning the preservation of the marine environment., including the prevention of marine poluttion (dated 23 March 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.III/L.36 Competence to establish standards for the control of vessel source poluttion: vorking paper presented by the United States (dated 2 April 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.III/L.37 L.37/Add.1 Prevention of poluttion from ships. Canada: working paper (dated 3 April 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.III/L.38 Statement of the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU) regarding conditions for the effective conduct of oceanic research (dated 3 April 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.III/L.39 Note by the Chairman of Working Group 2 addressed to the Chairman of Sub-Committee III (dated 6 April 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.III/L.39/Add. 1 Note by the Chairman of Working Group2 addressed to the Chairman of Sub-Committee III (dated 6 August 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.III/L.40 United States: Draft Articles on the protection of the marine environment and the prevention of marine poluttion (dated 13 July 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.III/L.41 Kenya: Draft Articles on prevention and. control of poluttion in the marine environment (dated 16 July 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.III/L.42 China: Working Paper on Marine Scientific Research (dated 19 July 1973)
A/AC. 138/SC. III/L.43 Norway: Draft Articles on the protection of the marine environment against poluttion (Dated 19 July 1973)
L.43/Corr.1 (EFR only) (dated 23 July 1973)
.A/AC.138/SC.III/L.44 United States: Draft Articles for a chapter on marine scientific research (dated 19 July 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.III/L.45 Brazil, Ecuador, El Salvador, Peru and Uruguay: scientific research within the zone subject to the sovereignty and jurisdiction of the coastal State (dated 19 July 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.III/L.46 France: Draft Articles concerning the rights exercisable by coastal States for the purpose of preventing marine poluttion (dated 20 July 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.III/L.47 Ecuador, El Salvador, Peru and Uruguay: Working Paper on thepreservation of the marine environment (dated 24 July 1973)
L.47/Corr.1 (dated 26 July 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.III/L.48 Netherlands: Draft Articles on the enforcement of international provisions for the prevention of marine poluttion from vessels (dated 10 August 1971)
A/AC.138/SC.III/L.49 Japan: Proposal on enforcement measures by coastal States for the purpose of preventing marine poluttion (Dated 13 August 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.III/L.50 Italy: Proposal concerning obligations of the coastal State regarding scientific, marine research (Dated 1 August 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.III/L.51 Draft report (Dated lH August 1973)
L.51/Add.1 Draft report: Report of Working Group 3 /16 August 1973)
L.51/Add.2 Draft report: Annex I (dated 16 August 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.III/L.52 Note by the Chairman of Working Group 2 addressed to the Chairman of Sub-Committee III (dated 15 August 1973)
L.52/Add.1 Do., addendum (dated 16 August 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.III/L.53 Note by the Chairman of Working Group 3-addressed to the Chairman of Sub-Committee III (dated 15 August 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.III/L.54 Trinidad and Tobago: Draft Articles on responsibilityjand liability (dated 15 August 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.III/L.55 Algeria, Brazil, China, Ethiopia, Egypt, Iran, Kenya, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Romania, Somalia, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Yugoslavia: Draft Article on consent toconduct marine scientific research (dated 17 August 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.III/L.56 Australia, Canada, Colombia, Fiji, Ghana, Iceland, Iran, Jamaica, Kenya, Mexico, New Zealand, Philippines and United Republic of Tanzania: Working Paper on Coastal State enforcement of standards for prevention of poluttion from vessels -basic zonal approach (dated 22 August 1973)
A/AC.138/SR.1-6 Summary Records of the first to sixth meetings held from 6 February to 28 March 1969
A/AC.138/SR.7-11 Summary Records of the seventh to eleventh meetings held from 11 to 29 August 1969
A/AC.138/SR.12 and Corr.1 Summary Record of the twelfth meeting held on 11 November 1969
A/AC.138/SR.13 Summary Record of the thirteenth meeting held on 12 November 1969 –
A/AC.138/SR.14 and Corr.1 Summary Record of the fourteenth meeting held on 18 November 1969
A/AC.138/SR.15 Summary Record of the fifteenth meeting held on 19 November 1969
A/AC.138/SR.16 Summary Record of the sixteenth meeting held on 20 November 1969
A/AC.138/SR.17-28 Summary Records of the seventeenth to twenty-eighth meetings held from 26 February to 26 March 1970
A/AC.138/SR.29-44 Summary Records of the twenty-ninth to forty-fourth meetings held from 3 to 28 August 1970
A/AC.138/SR.45-60 Summary Records of the forty-fifth to sixtieth meetings held from 12 to 26 March 1971 U5th meeting: Opening of the session: Statement by the Acting Chairman Election of officers Organization of work: Statement by the Chairman U6th meeting: General Statements: Peru, Sweden, Yemen l+7th meeting: General Statements (continued): Ceylon, Uruguay, Somalia, Greece U8th meeting: General Statements (continued): India, Chile, Spain 49th meeting: General Statements (continued): Iceland
50th meeting: General Statements (continued): Singapore, Trinidad and Tobago, Ukrainian SSR, Kenya
51st meeting: . General Statements (continued): Denmark, Bulgaria, United States
52nd meeting: General Statements (continued): Austria, Jamaica, Argentina, Byelorussian SSR, Australia
53rd meeting: General Statements (continued): Libya, Kuwait, Japan, Romania
54th meeting: . General Statements (continued): France, Brazil, Yugoslavia, Pakistan, Algeria, Poland Statement by the representative of FAO
55th meeting: General Statements (continued): Philippines, Afghanistan, Iraq, Indonesia, United Kingdom, Nepal, Sudan, United Arab Republic
56th meeting: General Statements (continued): Italy, Ecuador, Hungary, Tunisia, USSR, Malta
57th meeting: General Statements (continued): Malta (continued), Ghana, Ethiopia, Morocco, Cyprus
58th meeting: General Statements (continued): Malaysia, Mexico, Canada, Netherlands
59th meeting: General Statements (continued): Colombia, Guatemala, Ceylon, Iran, Turkey, Peru, Democratic Republic of the Congo
60th meeting: Organization of future work: statements by the Chairman, Peru, Malta, Chile, United States, Canada Closure of the session: statement by the Chairman . 9
A/AC.138/SR.61-67 Summary Records of 6lst to 67th meetings held from 19 July to 27 August 1971 6lst meeting: Opening of the session: statement by the Chairman Adoption of the agenda Message from the Secretary-General Questions pending: statement by the Chairman Other business: statements by the Secretary of the Committee5 Peru, the Chairman and the Secretary of the Asian-African Legal Consultative Committee 62nd meeting: General Statements (continued): Fiji 3 New Zealand, Mauritius 63rd meeting: General Statements (continued): El Salvador, Canada, Malta Preparation of a comparative table: statements by Lebanon and the Legal Counsel 61+th meeting: General Statements (continued): Venezuela, Colombia, Madagascar . 65th meeting: General Statements (continued): Peru, New Zealand, Australia, Algeria, United States, Yemen, Canada Comments on document A/AC.138/U1: statements by Spain, Peru, Uruguay, Morocco, USSR, Chairman 66th meeting: Adoption of the reports of the Sub-Committees Consideration of draft report of Committee 67th meeting: Consideration and adoption of first part of draft report
A/AC.138/SR.68-70 Summary Records of 68th to 70th meetings held from 10 to 22 October 1971 68th meeting: Consideration of draft addendum to report
69th meeting: Consideration of draft addendum to report 70th meeting: Consideration and adoption of revised draft addendum, as amended, of report
A/AC.138/SR.71-76 Summary Records of seventy-first to seventy-sixth meetings held from 28 February to 30 March 1972 71st meeting: Opening of the session: statement by the Chairman Organization of work: statements by the Chairman and Peru 72nd meeting: General Statements: Finland, China Statements by Ecuador, Peru, Chile, China, United States, Japan, Brazil 73rd meeting: General Statements (continued): Nicaragua, Fiji, Zambia Question of the denunciation of two conventions by Senegal: Senegal . Rights of reply: China, Japan, Philippines, United States 7Hh meeting: Statement by the Secretary-General of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment Statement by the representative of FAO Statements by Belgium, Sri Lanka, Chile Question of the denunciation of two conventions by Senegal: statements by Belgium, Malta, Senegal, Mexico 75th meeting: Statement by the Secretary-General Organization of work (continued): statements by the Chairman, Malta, Chile Question of the denunciation of two conventions by Senegal: statement by the Legal Counsel 76th meeting: Draft decision: statements by Kuwait, Chile, India Sri Lanka, Peru, Cameroon, China, Nigeria, Kenya Iraq, Mauritania, Algeria, Yemen, Pakistan, Libyan Arab Republic
70th meeting (continued): Reports of the Sub-Committee Chairman: Report of the Chairman of Sub-Committee I Report of the Chairman of Sub-Committee II Statements by Senegal, Mauritania, Tunisia, Iran, Nigeria, Guyana, Fiji, Philippines, Canada, Cameroon, Ecuador, Brazil, El Salvador, Norway, Singapore Report of the Chairman of Sub-Committee III Statement by Chile Closure of the session: statement by the Chairman
A/AC.138/SR.77-89 Summary Records of seventy-seventh to eighty-ninth meetings held from 17 July to 18 August 1972 77th meeting: Opening of the session: statement by the Chairman Organization of work: statements by the Chairman, Malta, Canada, Chile, Peru, USSR, Turkey, Mexico, Ecuador 78th meeting: Statements on regional meetings: Chairman, Venezuela, Colombia, Kenya, Canada, Australia, Cameroon Statements by the Chairmen of Sub-Committees 79th meeting: Statements by Chile, Uruguay, Jamaica Statements by the Chairmen of Sub-Committees 80th meeting: Statement by Ecuador Statements by the Chairmen of Sub-Committees Statement by the Legal Counsel 8lst meeting: General Statements (continued): Mexico Statements by the Chairmen of Sub-Committees Statement by the Chairman and the Philippines 82nd meeting: Venue of the third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea: statements by Chile, Norway, Austria, Kenya, El Salvador, Mexico, Bulgaria, Argentina, Egypt, Trinidad and Tobago, India, Peru, Uruguay, Yugoslavia, Morocco, Philippines, Spain, Australia, Ecuador, Nigeria, Cuba, France, Colombia Statements by Colombia, Venezuela
83rd meeting: Statements by Malta, Singapore, Canada, United States, Trinidad and Tobago, Iceland, USSR, Turkey, China, United Republic of Tanzania 84th meeting: Statements by India, Mexico, Kuwait, Argentina, United Kingdom and Peru 85th meeting: Statements by Afghanistan, Nepal, Zaire, Sri Lanka, Zambia, United States, Sudan, Iraq, Chile, USSR, France, Peru, Japan, Algeria 86th meeting: Statements by Poland, Philippines, Singapore, China, USSR Adoption of report of Sub-Committee I Adoption of Introduction to report of Committee 8Tth meeting: Statement by the Chairman of Sub-Committee I Statements by Ethiopia, Colombia, Philippines, France, USSR, United States and the Chairman Adoption of report of Sub-Committee III Consideration of part I of report of Committee 88th meeting: Adoption of report of Sub-Committee II Consideration of part I of report of Committee (continued) 89th meeting: Adoption of part I of report of Committee
A/AC.138/SR.90-93 Summary Records of ninetieth to ninety-third meetings held from 5 March to 6 April 1973 90th meeting: Tribute to the memory of Mr. Khanachet Organization of work: statements by Chairman, Chile, USSR and El Salvador 91st meeting: Organization of work (continued): statements by Chairman, Venezuela, Chairmen of Sub-Committees, USSR, Argentina, Australia, Turkey, Cameroon, Brazil, Canada, Chile, India, Norway, United Kingdom, Singapore, Malta, United States, USSR, Egypt.
92nd meeting: Tribute to the memory of Mr, Alciva and Mr. Chacko General Statements: statement by representative . of FAO, statement by representative of International Hydrographic Organization and by representative of IOC, statements by Sri Lanka, Iceland, Chairman, Australia, Peru, United States, Turkey, Canada, India, Poland, Malta 93rd meeting: Progress reports on the work of the Sub-Committees: statements by the Chairman and Rapporteur of Sub-Committee I, Chairman of Sub-Committee II, Chairman of Working Group of Whole of SubCommittee II and Chairman of Sub-Committee III. Statement by the Chairman. Arrangements for the Third United Nations Conference on Law of Sea: statements by Chairman, Kenya, Philippines, Czechoslovakia, Venezuela, United States, Canada, Chile, Malta, the Secretary of the Committee, Mexico, Peru, Egypt, Ecuador, France, Cameroon, Philippines, USSR, Iraq, United Kingdom and Secretary of Committee Closure of the session: Chairman.
Meetings held from 2 July to 24 August 1973 (A/AC.138/SR.94-104)
A/AC.138/SR.94 9th meeting – 2 July 1973 Opening of the session Statements by the Chairman and by the Director-General of the United Rations Office at Geneva Organization of work Statements by the Chairman and by Peru, Mexico, the United Kingdom, Egypt and Senegal Financial Matters Statements by the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva and by Chile
A/AC.138/SR.95 95th meeting – 9 July 1973 General Statements: Peru, Sierra Leone, Jamaica and the representative of FAO Progress reports: Statements by the Chairmen of Sub-Committees I, II and III, of the Working Group of the Whole of Sub-Committee II and of Working Group 2 of Sub-Committee III
95th meeting – 9 July 1973 (continued): Documents prepared by the Secretariat in response to requests in resolution 3029 B and C (XXVTl): Statement by the Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs
A/AC.138/SR.96 96th meeting – 16 July 1973 Progress reports: Statements by the Chairmen of Sub-Committees I, XI and III General Statements (continued): Malta, Chile, the United States, Singapore, Peru, Canada and Kenya Congratulations on the occasion of the independence of the Bahamas: Statements by Venezuela, Jamaica, Singapore, Peru, Canada, the Philippines, Kenya and the United Kingdom
A/AC.138/SR.97 97th meeting – 23 July 1973 Progress reports: Statements by the Chairmen of Sub-Committees I, II and III General Statements (continued): Chile, Hew Zealand, Australia, Fiji, Japan, Canada, Peru, Indonesia, Sweden, Norway, India, Mexico, Colombia, Liberia, Ecuador, Pakistan, the Philippines, Singapore, Chile, France and China .
A/AC.138/SR.98 98th meeting – 30 July 1973 Progress reports: Statements by the Chairmen of Sub-Committees I, II and III Organization of work: Statements by the Chairmen and by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Uruguay, Spain, Bulgaria, Senegal, Chile, Colombia, Peru, Cameroon, the United Kingdom, the United Republic of Tanzania and the United States General Statement by the Secretary-General of the Permanent Commission for the South Pacific
A/AC.138/SR.99 99th meeting – 6 August 1973 Organization of work: Statements by the Chairman, the United Kingdom, Turkey, Austria, the United States, France, Chile, Peru, Singapore, the Netherlands, Australia, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Bulgaria, Kenya, Canada, Mexico, Japan, Nigeria, Colombia, Brazil and El Salvador
99th meeting – 6 August 1973 (continued): Progress reports: Statement by the Chairman on behalf of the Charimen of Sub-Committees I, II and III Draft articles relating to land-locked States: Statement by Nepal introducing document A/AC.138/93; Statement by Bolivia introducing document A/AC.138/92; Statements by Czechoslovakia, Zambia, Afghanistan and Cameroon . ,
A/AC.138/SR.100 100th meeting – 13 August 1973 Progress reports: Statements by the Chairmen of Sub-Committee I, of the Working Group of the whole of Sub-Committee II and of Sub-Committee III General Statements: the United States, Singapore, Iceland, Mexico, Australia, Colombia, the representative of the United Nations Environment Programme, Canada, Peru, Chile and Pakistan
A/AC.138/SR.101 101st meeting – 22 August 1973 General Statements: the United States, the United Republic of Tanzania, Colombia, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Poland Adoption of the report of Sub-Committee III (A/AC.138/96) Statement by Canada introducing document A/AC.138/SC.III/L.56
A/AC.138/SR.102 102nd meeting – 23 August 1973 Adoption of the report of Sub-Committee I A/AC.138/9k and Add.1
A/AC.138/SR.103 103rd meeting – 2k August 1973 Adoption of the report of Sub-Committee II A/AC.138/95
A/AC.138/SR.104 104th meeting – 2k August 1973 Consideration and adoption of the draft report of the Committee (A/AC.138/L.10) Closure of the session: Statement by the Chairman
A/AC. 138/SR.94-104/Corrigendum (dated 2 November 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.I/SR.1-4 Summary Records of the first to fourth meetings held from. 12 to 25 March 1971 1st meeting: , Election of officers 2nd meeting: Adoption of the agenda Programme of work for 1971: general dehate Statements hy Chairman, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Guyana, Chile, Peru, Algeria Kuwait 3rd meeting: Programme of work for 1971: general debate statements by Ceylon, Brazil, India Uth meeting: Programme of work for 1971: general debate (concluded): statements by United Kingdom, United States, Kuwait, Cyprus, USSR, Trinidad and Tobago, Rapporteur Right of reply: United Kingdom
A/AC.138/SC.I/SR.5-31 Summary Records of fifth to thirty-first meetings held from 19 July to 27 August 1971 5th meeting: Organization of work: statements by the Chairman, Chile, USSR, Brazil, Peru, Italy, France General debate: United Republic of Tanzania 6th meeting: General debate (continued): United States, Jamaica 7th meeting General debate (continued): United Kingdom, Peru, Bolivia, Iraq 8th meeting General debate (continued): USSR, Madagascar, Kenya, Question of procedure: Chairman, Brazil, Turkey, France, United Republic of Tanzania, Guyana, Peru, Kenya, Italy, United States, Japan, Jamaica, Indias Bulgaria, United Arab Emirates, Chile Preparation of report: Rapporteur
9th meeting: .General debate (continued): Austria, Japan, Turkey, France, Australia 10th meeting: General debate (continued): Byelorussian SSR, Canada, Sweden, Italy, Libyan Arab Republic, Nigeria, Canada* Question of Procedure: Chairman, Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica, Guyana, United Republic of Tanzania, Peru, Australia, Philippines, France, Kuwait 11th meeting: . General debate (continued): Chile, Gabon, Ceylon, Sweden 12th meeting: General debate (continued): Cameroon, Nepal, Czechoslovakia, Kuwait, Poland, United Kingdom, Liberia, Canada 13th meeting: General debate (continued): Uruguay, Singapore, United States, Netherlands ll+th meeting: General debate (continued): Afghanistan, Romania, Spain 15th meeting: General debate (continued): Belgium, Thailand, Philippines Statement by Mr. Baum (Secretariat) l6th meeting: General debate (continued): Indonesia, United States, Ivory Coast, Greece, Somalia 17th meeting: General debate (continued): Bulgaria, Lebanon, Netherlands, Sudan l8th meeting: General debate (continued): Trinidad and Tobago, Iran, Mauritania, United Republic of Tanzania Point of clarification: United States
19th meeting: General debate (continued): Panama, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ukrainian SSR, United Kingdom 20th meeting: General debate (continued): Ecuador, India, United Arab Republic, Hungary The representative of the Secretary-General of tniCTAD made a statement. Comments on that statement were made by Peru, Chile, Canada, Bolivia, United States, Ukrainian SSR, Guyana, Spain, Yugoslavia, Nigeria, USSR, Colombia, Secretariat 21st meeting: General debate (continued): Australia Organization of work: Chairman 22nd meeting: General debate (continued): Ghana, Colombia, Poland, MMexico Note on organization of work (SC.I/L.6): Chairman, United States, India, USSR 23rd meeting: General debate (continued): Mauritius, France, Tunisia, Brazil, United States, Yugoslavia, Venezuela, Denmark, Ceylon Note on the organization of work: Chairman, Jamaica, C-uyana, India, Brazil- 2l*th meeting: General debate (continued): Afghanistan, Singapore, Canada Consideration of the draft report 25th meeting: Introduction and consideration of revised version of draft report 26th meeting: Organization of work Consideration of draft report (continued) 27th meeting: Consideration of draft report (continued)
28th meeting: Consideration of draft report (continued) 29th meeting: Adoption of the report. 30th meeting: Adoption of the report (continued) 31st meeting: Adoption of the report (concluded)
A/AC.138/SC.I/SR.32-47 Summary Records of the thirty-second to forty-seventh meetings held from 29 February to 23 March 1972 32nd meeting: Opening of session by Acting Chairman Election of officers Organization of work: Chairman 33rd meeting: Organization of work (continued): Chairman, Peru, Turkey, Norway, Malta, Canada, Sri Lanka, Kuwait, Australia Status, scope and basic provisions of the regime based on the Declaration of Principles /resolution 279 (XXVj/: United States, Canada 3l*th meeting: Statement by the Legal Counsel on the comparative table (A/AC.138/L.10) Status, scope, etc.: Australia 35th meeting: Status, scope, etc.: Greece, Poland, Sri Lanka, Chile, Peru Secretary-General*s note of 11 May 1971: Canada 36th meeting: Status, scope, etc.: Malta, Peru, USSR, Uruguay, Algeria, Turkey, Romania, Iraq Secretary-Generals note of 11 May 1971: statement by the Legal Counsel 37th meeting: Status, scope, etc.: Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Byelorussian SSR, Singapore, Afghanistan, Australia, Italy, United States, Chile
38th meeting: Status, scope, etc.: Ukrainian SSR, Kuwait, Japan, Canada, Chairman 39th meeting: Status, scope, etc.: Yugoslavia, Colombia, Madagascar, Brazil, Belgium, Iran, India, Argentina Organization of work: Chairman 40th meeting: Status, scope, etc.: Chairman Organization of work: Chairman, USSR, Turkey, Italy, Ivory Coast, France, Chile, India, Nigeria, Jamaica Status, scope, functions and powers of the international machinery: Chairman, Mexico, United Republic of Tanzania 4lst meeting: Status, scope, etc.: Netherlands, United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Mexico 42nd meeting: Organization of work: Chairman, Ukrainian SSR Status, scope, etc.: Finland, Australia, Belgium, United Republic of Tanzania, Netherlands, United States, Peru 43rd meeting: Status, scope, etc.,: Canada, Chile, Chairman, USSR, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Kuwait, France Organization of work: Chairman 44th meeting: Organization of work: Chairman, Peru Status, scope, etc.: Malta, Jamaica, Belgium, Trinidad and Tobago, Spain, Peru, Singapore 45th meeting: Status, scope, etc.: Poland, Colombia, Iraq, Greece, Zaire, Pakistan, Bulgaria 46th meeting: Status, scope, etc.: Japan, Ukrainian SSR, Argentina, France, Byelorussian SSR, Afghanistan, Turkey, New Zealand, Mauritania, Uruguay
47th meeting: Status, scope3 etc.: United Kingdom, Brazil, Kenya Organization of work: Chairman, United Kingdom, Singapore, Afghanistan, Brazil, Ecuador, United States, Australia, the Legal Counsel
A/AC.138/SC.I/SR.48-61 Summary Records of the forty-eight to sixty-first meetings held from 19 July to 15 August 1972 48th meeting: Opening of session: Chairman Statement by the Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs Statement by Secretary-General of UNCTAD statements by France, Chile, Chairman, United Kingdom 49th meeting: Statement by Chairman of Working Group I “Additional notes on possible economic implications of mineral production” (A/AC.138/73): statements by Chile, Japan, United States, Peru, Kuwait 50th meeting: A/AC.138/73 (continued): statements by Chairman, United Kingdom, Denmark, United States, Chile, France, Peru, Jamaica, Canada, Brazil, UnderSecretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs 51st meeting: Status, scope, functions and powers of the international machinery: China Organization of work: Chairman 52nd meeting: Status, scope, etc.: Uruguay and Madagascar 53rd meeting: Status, scope, etc.: Denmark
5th meeting: Status, scope, etc.: Nepal, Netherlands, Italy, Czechoslovakia, Greece 55th meeting: Status, scope, etc.: Yugoslavia; United Kingdom, the Vice-Chairman Comments on Vice-ChairmanJs statement hy Chile, Peru, Bulgaria, Rapporteur, USSR, Malta . 56th meeting: Adoption of draft report Statement of explanation in reply to comments at previous meeting by Colombia 5?th-60th meetings: Adoption of the draft report 6lst meeting: Adoption of the draft report (continued) Organization of work: Vice-Chairman
A/AC.138/SC.I/SR.62-68 Summary Records of the sixty-second to sixty-eighth meetings held from 7 March to 5 April 1973 62nd meeting: Organization of work: Chairman 63rd meeting: Election of two Acting Vice-Chairmen Organization of work (continued): United States, China 64th meeting: Report of Working Group 1: Chairman of the Working Group, Chile, Norway, Italy and Chairman of Sub-Committee I Other aspects of the work: United States, Chile, Canada, Guyana, Senegal, Peru, Ghana, Kenya, Ivory Coast, Ecuador, France, Pakistan, Brazil, Nigeria, Singapore, Colombia, Italy, Greece, Iraq, and the Chairman 65th meeting: Other aspects of the work: Chile, Kuwait, United Republic of Tanzania, India, Norway, Peru, United States, Senegal and the Secretary Archaeological and historical treasures ..of the sea-bed: Turkey, Finland and Czechoslovakia
66th meeting: Other aspects of the work: China Document SC.I/L.19: United States 67th meeting: Report of Working Group 1: Chairman of the Working Group, Statements also made by Norway, Chile, USSR, Peru, United States, Nepal, Brazil India, Kenya, Guyana, Afghanistan and the Chairman 68th meeting: Statement by Chairman on progress of work of the Sub-Committee Statements by Sweden, Chile, Czechoslovakia, the United States, the USSR, Philippines, Peru, Ghana, Trinidad and Tobago, Kenya and the United Republic of Tanzania Concluding statement by the Chairman
Meetings held from 3
July to 17 August 1973 (A/AC.138/SC.I/SR.69-75)
A/AC.138/SC.I/SR.69 69th meeting – 3 July 1973 Opening of the session: Statement by the Chairman
A/AC.138/SC.I/SR.70 70th meeting – 9 July Report by the Chairman of Working Group I: Statement by the Chairman and Chile
A/AC.138/SC.I/SR.71 71st meeting – 12 July Organization of work: Statements by the Chairman, France, Kuwait, Peru, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Brazil
A/AC.138/SC.I/SR.72 72nd meeting ~ 23 July Organization of work (continued): Statements by the Chairman, Kenya, Greece, the United Kingdom, Bulgaria, Turkey, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Norway, Japan, Malta, Chile, Italy and the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic
A/AG.138/SC.I/SR.73 73rd meeting – 1 August Nomination of a Vice-Chairman and progress report by the Chairman of Working Group I: Statements by the Chairman, Hungary, the Chairman of Working Group I, Malta, Turkey, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Japan
A/AC.138/SC.I/SR.74 7th meeting – 9 August Organization of work (concluded): Statements by the Chairman, Chilea Peru, the United States, the Rapporteur and Bulgaria
A/AC.138/SC.I/SR.75 75th meeting – 17 August Adoption of the draft report of the Sub-Committee: Statements by the Chairman and the Rapporteur. The Chairman of the Working Group presented the progress report and the report of the Working Group. The Sub-Committee adopted its report to the main Committee Statements made by Italy, Ireland, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Ghana, Jamaica, the United Kingdom and Japan
A/AC.138/SC.I/SR.69-75/Corrigendum (dated 16 November 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.II/SR.1-3 Summary Records of first to third meetings held from 12 to 26 March 1971 1st meeting: Election of officers 2nd meeting: Election of officers
3rd meeting: Adoption of the agenda and organization of work: Chairman, Chile, United States, Peru, the Secretary, Brazil, Somalia Consideration of questions referred to the Sub-Committee by the Committee under the terms of the Agreement on the Organization of Work as read out by the Chairman at the 45th meeting of the Committee on 12 March 1971: statements by USSR, Peru, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Turkey, Chile3 Guyana and United States
A/AC.138/SC.II/SR.4-23 Summary Records of fourth to twenty-third meetings held from 19 July to 27 August 1971 4th meeting: Organisation of work: Chairman, Bulgaria, the Secretary, Chile, Peru, Uruguay, USSR 5th meeting: Consideration of questions (continued): Japan, United States, Turkey 6th meeting: Consideration of questions (continued): Australia, Chile, USSR, Spain, Peru, United States 7th meeting: Consideration of questions (continued): Algeria, Bulgaria, Denmark, Chile, Turkey, Canada, Italy, USSR, Peru, Chairman, Under-Secretary-General, Legal Counsel, Mexico, France, India, Brazil, Jamaica, Ukrainian SSR, United Arab Republic. 8th meeting: Consideration of questions (continued): United States, Czechoslovakia, Kenya Point of clarification reorganization of work: Spain and the Chairman.
9th meeting: Consideration of questions (continued): Iceland, United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada, Belgium, France, Romania, Madagascar, FAO, Chairman, the.Secretary, Chile 10th meeting: Consideration of questions (continued): Turkey, Nepal, Argentina, Libya 11th meeting: Consideration of questions (continued): Malaysia, Ethiopia, Mauritania, Mexico, Afghanistan, Kenya 12th meeting: Consideration of questions (continued): Ivory Coast, USSR, Indonesia, Poland, Greece, Norway, Spain,-Chile, Peru, UAR, Ecuador, Kenya, Argentina – 13th meeting: Consideration of questions (continued): Philippines, United Republic of Tanzania, Ukrainian SSR l4th meeting: Consideration of, questions (continued): Brazil, United Kingdom, Peru, Netherlands, USSR. 15th meeting: Consideration of questions (continued): Bolivia, Australia, Italy, Venezuela, United States, Iran, Ecuador, Byelorussian SSR. l6th meeting: Consideration of questions (continued): /end of general debate/: Uruguay, Singapore, Gabon, India, Ceylon.
17th meeting: , Consideration of questions (continued): Chairman, Japan, Chile, Guyana, FAO, Ukrainian SSR, Italy, United Kingdom, and Bulgaria l8th meeting: Consideration of questions (continued): Tunisia, Ethiopia, Philippines, Australia, USSR, Greece, Mexico, Japan, Canada, Bulgaria, Chile, Guyana, United States 19th meeting: Consideration of questions (continued): FAO, Malta, Malaysia, Spain, United States, Canada, Yugoslavia, Argentina, Bulgaria, United Kingdom, Liberia, Mexico, India, Poland, USSR. 20th meeting: Consideration of questions (concluded): France, UAR, Jamaica, Malta, Chile, USSR, Peru, Poland, Belgium, Tunisia, Ethiopia, Brazil, Iran, Canada, United States, Norway, Italy, Madagascar 21st to 23rd meetings: ‘ Adoption of the report
A/AC.138/SC.II/SR.24-32 Summary Records of twenty-fourth to thirty-second meetings held from 1 to 30 March 1972 24th meeting: Organization of work: Chairman, Canada, Poland, Philippines, Peru, United States, Turkey. 25th meeting: Consideration of questions: Canada Organization of work (continued): Philippines, United States, Turkey, Peru, Bulgaria, USSR, Belgium, Kuwait, Netherlands, Canada, Mexico, Japan, Cameroon, Singapore, Australia, Malta, Nigeria, Ivory Coast, the Chairman.
26th meeting: Organization of work (continued): Turkey, Cameroon, Ukrainian SSR, Mexico, Malta, United States, Romania, Mauritania, Canada, Peru, France, Liberia, Singapore, Nigeria, the Chairman 27th meeting: Consideration of questions (continued): Poland, United Kingdom, USSR, France, Iceland, Canada, Peru, Ecuador. ~ 28th meeting: Consideration of questions (continued): USSR, United Republic of Tanzania, India, China, Greece, Spain, Indonesia, Philippines, Australia, United States, Malaysia, Canada Organization of work (continued): Peru, Brazil, Iceland, Morocco, Somalia, Mauritania, Bolivia, the Chairman 29th meeting: Consideration of questions (continued): Chairman, Mauritania, Philippines, Kuwait, Kenya, Peru, Iceland, China, Ecuador, Malta, Spain, United States, Yugoslavia, Greece, Chile, Australia, Japan, Austria, Libyan Arab Republic, Iraq, Bolivia. 30th meeting: Consideration of questions (continued): Guyana and Mexico 31st meeting: Consideration of questions (continued): Gabon, Japan, Kenya, United States, Indonesia, Canada, United Kingdom, Chile, Ecuador, Turkey, Philippines, Senegal, Australia, Cameroon. . 11
32nd meeting: Consideration of questions (continued): Mauritania, Turkey, Argentina, Italy, USSR, Bolivia, Peru, United States, Afghanistan, Kenya, Hungary, Netherlands, Brazil, Canada, Ecuador, the Chairman
A/AC.138/SC.II/SR.33-47 Summary Records of the thirty-third to forty-seventh meetings held from 17 July to 17 August 1972. 33rd meeting: Election of the Chairman ‘ Organization of work: Peru, Canada, Ecuador, Mexico, Philippines, Turkey, USSR, Australia, United States, Ukrainian SSR. 34th meeting: Consideration of questions: Czechoslovakia, the Chairman, United Kingdom, Philippines, USSR, Peru, France, Ecuador, United States. 35th meeting: Consideration of questions (continued): USSR, China, Peru, Morocco, United States . 36th meeting: Consideration of questions (continued): China, United States, USSR . 37th meeting: Consideration of questions (continued): United States, Canada 38th meeting: Consideration of questions (continued): Chairman
39th meeting: Consideration of questions (continued): Denmark, Uruguay, Sweden, United States, Jamaica, Chile, Norway, Philippines, Peru, Australia, the Chairman 40th meeting: Consideration of questions (continued): United States, Norway, United Republic of Tanzania, Libyan Arab Republic, Peru, Morocco, Chile, the Chairman. 4lst meeting: . Consideration of questions (continued): Turkey 42nd meeting: Consideration of questions (continued): Spain, Kenya, Mexico, Turkey, India. 43rd meeting: Consideration of questions (continued): Japan, France, Australia, New Zealand, United States, Byelorussian SSR, FAO, United Republic of Tanzania, Spain 44th meeting: Consideration of questions (continued): Philippines, Turkey, United States, Austria, Bolivia, Malta, United Kingdom, USSR, Byelorussian SSR, Japan, Australia, Argentina, France, Canada, Chile and the Chairman. 45th meeting: Consideration of questions (concluded): Bulgaria, Italy, Malaysia, Poland, Greece, Tunisia, Ethiopia, Algeria, Kenya, Jamaica, France, the Chairman . Adoption of the list of subjects and issues Adoption of draft report of Sub-Committee 46th meeting: Adoption of draft report (continued)
47th meeting: Adoption of draft report (concluded)
A/AC.138/SC.II/SR.48-62 SR.48-62/Corr.1 Summary Records of forty-eighth to sixty- -L second meetings held from 6 March to 5 April 1973 48th meeting: Organization of work: Chairman, United Kingdom, Mexico, Turkey, Canada, Peru, Ivory Coast, Cameroon, USSR, Thailand, Chile, Brazil, Tunisia, Australia, Malta, France, Kenya, Japan, Poland, India, United States; Ecuador, USSR, Chile, the Chairman. 49th meeting: Organisation of work (continued): Chairman, Malta, Norway, Greece, Bulgaria, Australia, Turkey, Philippines, Brazil, Egypt, Chile, Iceland, Senegal, USSR, Yugoslavia, Singapore, Peru, Turkey, Egypt, Peru. 50th meeting: Organization of work (continued): Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Japan, Spain, United Kingdom, United States, Malta, Turkey, Austria, Italy, Senegal, Philippines, Hungary, Canada, Venezuela, Czechoslovakia, Australia, France, Cameroon, the Chairman, Kenya, Iceland, Byelorussian SSR, Egypt, the Chairman 51st meeting: Organization of work (continued): Byelorussian SSR, Chairman General debate: Peru, Senegal, Australia, Kuwait, Ireland (Observer) 52nd meeting: General debate (continued): USSR, Peru.
53rd meeting: Tribute to Mr. Alcivar General debate (continued): Philippines, Fiji, Mauritius, Chile, New Zealand, Australia, Indonesia, Canada, France, Greece, Peru, Malta, Japan, Nigeria, El Salvador, India 54th meeting: General debate (continued): Norway, Ecuador, Japan 55th meeting: General debate (continued): Pakistan, China, USSR ’ 56th meeting: General debate (continued): Turkey, Finland, C z e cho slovaki a. 57th meeting: Organization of work: Chairman Report by Chairman of Working Group of the Whole General debate (continued): Greece, China, Canada, Bulgaria, Brazil, Singapore 58th meeting: Organization of work: Chairman General debate (continued): Philippines, Cyprus, Venezuela, USSR, Tunisia, United States, United Republic of Tanzania, Fiji, Madagascar, Sri Lanka Procedure: Chile, Canada, Norway and France Comments by Argentina and Egypt 59th meeting: General debate (continued): Chairman, Romania, Mexico, Egypt, Italy, Peru, Netherlands, France, United Kingdom, Ghana, Turkey
60th meeting: General debate (continued): United States, Yugoslavia, Ireland (Observer), Spain, Indonesia, Poland, Japan, Zaire, Morocco Organization of work: Chairman 6lst meeting: General debate (continued): Iceland, Uruguay, Afghanistan, Algeria, Greece, Peru. 62nd meeting: Report by Chairman of Working Group of the Whole General debate (concluded): Turkey, Chile, Colombia, Norway, Malaysia, Zambia, Argentina, China, Denmark, Turkey, USSR Statements by United Republic of Tanzania and Tunisia Conc10sion of work: Chairman
Meetings held from 3
July to 23 August 1973 (A/AC.138/SC.II/SR.63-80)
A/AC.138/SC.II/SR.63 63rd meeting ~ 3.July Organization of work: statement by the Chairman
A/AC.138/SC.II/SR.64 64th meeting – 16 July Consideration of questions referred to the Sub-Committee by the Committee under the terms of the agreement reached on the organization of work as laid out by the Chairman at the 45th meeting of the Committee on 12 March 1971 (continued from the 45th meeting of 12 March 1971): statements by Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Turkey and Greece
A/AC.138/SC.II/SR.65 65th meeting – 18 July “Consideration of questions …” (continued): Statements by Cyprus, the United States Tunisia, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the Ivory Coast and Kenya.
A/AC.138/SC.II/SR.66 66th meeting – 19 July “Consideration of questions …” (continued): Statements hy Italy, Uruguay, Argentina, Turkey, China, Kenya, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Venezuela
A/AC.138/SC.II/SR.67 67th meeting – 19 July “Consideration of questions …” (continued): Statements by India, Sri Lanka, Canada, Greece, Cameroon, the United Republic of Tanzania, Singapore, Nepal, Indonesia, Spain and Uruguay
A/AC.138/SC.II/SR.68 68th meeting – 2h July “Consideration of questions …” (continued); Statements by Fiji, Austria, Liberia, Malaysia, and Australia
A/AC.138/SC.II/SR.69 and Corr.1 69th meeting – 2h July “Consideration of questions …” (continued): Statements by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Trinidad and Tobago, Sweden, Turkey, Colombia, Canada, the United Kingdom, Peru, Spain, Austria and Iceland
A/AC.138/SC.II/SR.70 and Corr.1 70th meeting -25 July “Consideration of questions …” (continued): Statements by Hew Zealand, India, Norway, Zambia, the Observer for Uganda, Iceland, Kenya, the United States, Greece, Cameroon, Spain and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
A/AC.138/SC.II/SR.71 71st meeting – 8 AugustConsideration of questions … (continued): Statements by Tunisia, Malta, Peru, Uruguay, Indonesia, the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, Kenya, Greece and the representative of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
A/AC.138/SC.II/SR.72 72nd meeting – 9 August “Consideration of questions …” (continued): Statements “by Italy, the Netherlands, Turkey, Bulgaria, the Philippines, Morocco, Malta,, Peru, the United States and Indonesia
A/AC.138/SC.II/SR.73 73rd meeting -13 August “Consideration of questions …” (continued): Statements by Poland, Mauritius, Fiji, Romania, New Zealand, Madagascar, Indonesia, Spain, the United Kingdom, Turkey, the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, Bulgaria and Greece
A/AC.138/SC.II/SR.74 7th meeting – l4 August “Consideration of questions …” (continued): Statements by Chile, Sri Lanka, Venezuela, Jamaica, Cyprus, Japan and Colombia
A/AC.138/SC.II/SR.75 75th meeting – 15 August “Consideration of questions …” (continued): Statements by Greece, China, Australia, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Singapore, Ecuador, Peru, Uruguay, Cameroon and France –
A/AC.138/SC.II/SR.76 76th meeting 20 August Report of the Chairman of the Working Group of the Whole (A/AC.138/SC.Il/L.6l/Rev.l) Consideration and adoption of the draft report (first part) of Sub-Committee II (A/AC.138/SC.II/L.58)
A/AC.138/SC.II/SR.77 77th meeting – 21 August Consideration of the draft report (second part) (A/AC.138/SC.II/L.58/Add.1).
A/AC.138/SC.II/SR.78 78th meeting – 22 August Consideration of the draft report (second part) (continued)
A/AC.138/SC.II/SR.79 79th meeting – 23 August Consideration of the draft report (second part) (cont inued)
A/AC.138/SC.II/SR.80 80th meeting – 23 August Consideration and adoption of the draft report (second part) (concluded)
A/AC.138/SC.II/SR.63-80/Corrigendum (dated 21 November 1973)
A/AC.138/SC.III/SR.1-2 Summary Records of 1st and 2nd meetings -held on 12 and 25 March 1971 1st meeting: Election of officers. 2nd meeting: Adoption of the agenda Programme of work for 1971: Chairman, United States, UNESCO (IOC), Peru, Argentina, USSR.
A/AC.138/SC.III/SR.3-14 Summary Records of 3rd to 10th meetings held from 19 July to 27 August 1971
3rd meeting: Programme of work for 1971: Chairman, Secretary of the Sub-Committees Secretariat (Department of Economic and Social Affairs), Austria, Canada.
4th meeting: Programme of work for 1971: Norway, Spain, Australia9 Cyprusa Sweden .
5th meeting: Programme of work for 1971: Secretary-General of United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, Japan, USSR, Liberia, United States, Libya, IMCO
6th meeting: . Programme of work for 1971: United Kingdom, Argentina5 Mexico 7th meeting: Programme of work for 1971: France, United States, Malta, Belgium, Madagascar, Ceylon, Peru, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Philippines 8th meeting: Programme of work for 1971: Australia, Colombia, Iran, USSR, Greece, Italy, Ecuador Proposal by Malta: Malta, Chile, New Zealand, Australia, Philippines, Sweden, Japan, Canada, France, Chairman, Rapporteur, Peru. 9th meeting: Programme of work for 1971: Chile, Ethiopia, Sweden, Trinidad and Tobago Proposal by Malta: Peru and New Zealand. 10th meeting: Programme of work for 1971: Ukrainian SSR, Canada, Uruguay, India, Malta, Chairman Proposal by Malta: Japan, Philippines Proposal by Norway: Norway, Chile, Peru. 11th meeting: Right of reply: United Kingdom Proposal by Norway: Canada, Norway, United States, Peru, Belgium, Japan and Chairman Consideration of draft report 12th-13th meetings Consideration of draft report 10th meeting: Consideration and adoption of draft report.
A/AC.138/SC.Ill/ SR.15-19 Summary Records of 15th to 19th meetings held from 1 to 27 March 1972 15th meeting: Organization of work: Chairman, Chile, Norway, Canada, Peru, Malta, Mexico, IMCO. l6th meeting: Statement by Chairman of IOC (UNESCO) Canada reported on FAO Technical Conference : on Marine Poluttion Norway reported on Oslo Convention for the Prevention of Marine Poluttion by Dumping from Ships and Aircraft General debate on marine poluttion: Greece Organization of work: Canada, Sri Lanka, Malta, Peru, Spain, USSR, France, Chile, Mexico, Argent ina. 17th meeting: General debate on marine poluttion: IMCO, FAO, WHO, Iceland, Canada, Peru, Algeria, Malta, Sri Lanka, United States, Chile, Belgium, Spain, Liberia, Norway, Guyana, the Chairman l8th meeting: Organization of work: Canada, Japan, Ukrainian SSR, United States, Jamaica, Malta, Chile, Australia, Chairman General debate on marine poluttion: Norway, Sri Lanka.
19th meeting: General debate on marine poluttion: IMCO, Argentina, Australia, Spain, Ukrainian SSR, United Republic of Tanzania, Denmark, Peru, United Kingdom, Chile, Colombia, Canada Organization of work: Canada, Belgium, Yugoslavia, Chairman, Poland, United States, Chile –
A/AC.138/SC.Ill/ SR.20-32 Summary Records of 20th to 32nd meetings held from 17 July to 18 August 1972 /…
20th meeting: Statements by Chairman and IMCO Organization of work: Canada, USSR, Chile, Cyprus, India, Chairman, IMCO 21st meeting: General debate on marine poluttion: Chairman, USSR, Lebanon, Cyprus, India, Canada. 22nd meeting: General debate on marine poluttion: Chairman, IMCO, Iran, Greece, Chile, Chairman, United States, Peru, Argentina, USSR, Lebanon. 23rd meeting: General debate on marine poluttion: IMCO, UNESCO (IOC), Trinidad and Tobago, Chile, Japan, United Kingdom, Malta, Lebanon, Peru 24th meeting: General debate on marine poluttion: Peru, India, Iceland, Mexico 25th meeting: General debate on marine poluttion: United States : Draft resolution SC.III/L.22: New Zealand General debate on marine poluttion: Ecuador, Australia, Colombia, France, China, Trinidad and Tobago 26th meeting: General debate on marine poluttion: Canada, Fiji, Peru, Japan, New Zealand, France, Chairman Scientific research: Japan, United States 27th meeting: General debate on scientific research: Canada, Peru
28th meeting: General debate on scientific research: Mexico, Brazil, Ecuador, Trinidad and Tobago, Japan, United Kingdom, Bulgaria, Canada 29th meeting: General debate on scientific research: Ukrainian SSR, USSR, Colombia, Yugoslavia, United Republic of Tanzania, Philippines, United States, France Right of reply: United Kingdom, Japan Organization of -work: Japan, Canada, Chairman . 30th meeting: SC.III/L.25: Norway General debate on marine poluttion: Canada, USSR, United States, United Kingdom, Peru, China Consideration of the draft report. 31st meeting: SC.III/L.25: Norway, Greece, United Republic of Tanzania, Chairman, Kenya, China, France, Peru Consideration of the draft report. 32nd meeting: Consideration and adoption of draft report
A/AC.138/SC.Ill/ SR.33-39 Summary Records of 33rd to 39th meetings held from 7 March to 6 April 1973* 33rd meeting: Organization of work: Chairman, Chile, United Kingdom, Canada, United States, Australia, USSR, Malta 34th meeting: Marine poluttion: United Kingdom, Canada, Peru, Malta, USSR. 35th meeting: Scientific research: USSR, Ghana.
36th meeting: Scientific research: Chairman, United States, Indonesia., Peru Marine poluttion: report by Chairman of Working Group 2 37th meeting: Marine poluttion: IMCO, Canada, United States Scientific research: Chairman, Finland, Iceland, United States, Poland, Peru, Argentina 38th meeting: Statement by Assistant Executive Director of United Nations Environment Programme Scientific research: Iran, Malta, Chile, Ukrainian SSR, Colombia, China, USSR, United Kingdom, Canada, Brazil, Chairman Marine poluttion: Chairman of Working Group 2 United States, USSR, Canada, Chairman 39th meeting: Scientific research: Chairman of the Working Group on Scientific Research Mandate of the Working Group on Scientific Research: Chairman, USSR, Ghana, Peru, Venezuela, Liberia, Malta, United Republic of Tanzania, Canada, Romania, Spain, Colombia Marine poluttion: Chairman of Working Group 2, Greece, Canada, Trinidad and Tobago, Liberia, Malta, Argentina, United States, Spain, Chairman
Meetings held from
4 of July to 20 August 1973 (A/AC.138/SC.III/SR.40-49)
A/AC.138/SC.III/SR.40 40th meeting – 4 July Organization of work: Statements by the Chairman and Malta
A/AC.138/SC.III/SR.41 4lst meeting – 18 July Marine Poluttion: statements by the United States , Kenya and Malta Scientific research and transfer of technology: Statements by Colombia, Yugoslavia, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Greece
A/AC.138/SC.III/SR.42 42nd meeting – 20 July Progress report on the work of Working Group 2 Statement by the Chairman Marine poluttion: statements by Canada, United Republic of Tanzania Scientific research and transfer of technology: statements by the United States, France, Malta and Chile.
A/AC.138/SC.III/SR.43 43rd meeting – 27 July Marine poluttion: Statements by Norway, France and Peru Scientific research and transfer of technology: statements by China, Peru, Brazil, Pakistan and Venezuela Progress reports on the work of Working Groups 2 and 3: Statements by the Chairman and Chile, United Republic of Tanzania, Peru
A/AC.138/SC.III/SR.44 44th meeting – 10 August Progress reports on the work of Working Groups 2 and 3: statements by the Chairman Statement by the Rapporteur on the draft report of the Sub-Committee and statements by Chile, United Republic of Tanzania and Spain Statements by the observers for the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, and statements by Peru, Colombia, Spain, United Republic of Tanzania and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
A/AC.138/SC.III/SR.45 45th meeting – l6 August Consideration of the report of Working Group 2 (A/AC.138/SC.III/L.52) and the report of Working Group 3 (A/AC.138/SC.III/L.53) Marine poluttion (proposed letter to IMCO): statements by the United Republic of Tanzania, Malta, the United Kingdom, Canada, Chile, Kenya, Spain, Lebanon, Egypt, Mexico, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United States, Australia and the Chairman of the Sub-Committee
A/AC.138/SC.III/SR.46 46th meeting l6 August 1973 . Consideration of the report of the Sub-Committee (A/AC.138/SC.III/L.51 and Add.1)
A/AC.138/SC.III/SR.47 l+7th meeting – 17 August Marine poluttion (proposed letter to IMCO): Statements by the United Republic of Tanzania, Brazil, the United Kingdom, Chile, Canada and the Chairman of the Sub-Committee Consideration of the report of the Sub-Committee (A/AC.138/SC.III/L.51 and Add.1)
A/AC.138/SC.III/SR.48 48th meeting – 17 August Consideration of the report of the Sub-Committee (A/AC.138/SC.III/L.51 and Add.1)
A/AC.138/SC.III/SR.49 49th meeting – 20 -August Adoption of the report of the Sub-Committee (A/AC.138/SC.III/L.51 and Add.1) Scientific research and transfer of technology: Statements by Italy, Yugoslavia, Pakistan Marine poluttion (proposed letter to IMCO) Statements by the United Republic of Tanzania, Malta, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Lebanon, Kenya, Canada, Bulgaria, Greece, the United States, Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republics, Poland, the United Kingdom, Malta and the Chairman of the Sub-Committee.

Esta entrada fue modificada por última vez en 25/08/2015 20:21


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