Categorías: Derecho del Mar

Comité Ad Hoc para Estudiar los Usos Pacíficos de los Fondos Marinos y Oceánicos fuera de los Limites de la Jurisdicción Nacional 1968 (Documentos en español)

Documentos en español
A/AC.135/1 and Corr.l Note by the Secretary-General /transmitting replies of Member States to SG’s note verbale dated 5 January 1968 under operative paragraph 3 (a) of resolution 2340 (XXIl)7 (dated 11 March 1968)
A/AC.135/1/Add.1 Government of Norway: Regulations relating to safe practice etc. in exploration and exploitation of petroleum resources of the sea-bed and its subsoil (Royal Decree of 25 August 1967) (dated 12 March 1968)
A/AC.135/1/Add.2 Note by the Secretary-General (transmitting additional replies of Member States) (dated 14 March 1968)
Add.3 Do. (dated 25 March 1968)
Add. 4 Do. (dated 2 April 1968)
Add. 5 Do. (dated 2k April 1968)
Add. 6 Do. (dated 16 May 1968)
Add. 7 Do. (dated 23 May 1968)
Add. 8 Do. (dated 5 June 1968)
Add. 9 Do. (dated 25 July 1968)
Add.10 Do. (dated 20 August 1968)
A/AC.135/2 Letter dated 7 February 1968 from the Director-General of UNESCO addressed to the Secretary-General (dated 19 March 1968)
A/AC.135/3 Letter dated 20 March 1968 addressed to the Chairman of the Ad Hoc Committee by the Permanent Representative of Belgium (dated 20 March 1968)
A/AC.135A Scientific aspects relevant to the study of the peaceful uses of the sea-bed and ocean floor beyond the limits of national jurisdiction (An outline prepared by the IOC secretariat) (dated 26 March 1968)
A/AC.135/5 Statement by the Chairman of the Ad Hoc Committee at its ninth meeting on 27 March 1968 (dated 27 March 1968)
A/AC.135/6 Statement by the Chairman of the Ad Hoc Committee at the Uth meeting on 21 March 1968 (dated 28 March 1968)
A/AC.135/7 Note by the Secretary-General /bringing to the attention of the Committee documents E/U9 and Adel. 1-2, containing the SG1 s report on the resources of the sea beyond the continental shelf/ (dated 3 April 1968)
A/AC.135/8 and Corr.l (E only) Letter dated 13 May 1968 from the Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization addressed to the Secretary-General (dated 23 May 1968)
A/AC.135/9 Note by the Secretary-General /bringing to the attention of the Committee document E/4487, containing the report of the Secretary-General on Marine Science and Technology/ (dated 3 June 1968)
A/AC.I35/10 Survey of existing international agreements concerning the sea-bed and the ocean floor, and the subsoil thereof, underlying the high seas beyond the limits of present national jurisdiction (dated 3 June 1968)
A/AC.135/10/Rev.1 Do. (dated 12 August 1968)
A/AC.135/11 and Corr.1 Survey of national legislation concerning the sea-bed and the ocean floor, and the subsoil thereof, underlying the high seas beyond the limits of present national jurisdiction (dated 4 June 1968)
A/AC,135/11/Add.1 Do. (dated 13 August 1968)
A/AC.135/12 Summary of views of Member States: Working paper prepared by the Secretariat (dated 7 June 1968)
A/AC.135/13 Note by the Secretariat /relating to papers for the information of the Economic and Technical. Working Group/ (dated 11 June 1968)
A/AC. 135/14 Economic implications of the exploitation of mineral resources on and underlying the seabed and ocean floor and its subsoil, with particular reference to world trade and prices: Mote by the Secretariat’ (dated 11 June 1968)
A/AC.135/15 Effect of the exploitation of mineral resources on the superjacent waters and on other uses of the marine environment: Note by the Secretariat (dated 11 June 1968)
A/AC„135/16 Provisional agenda for the second session (dated 10 June 1968)
A/AC.135/17 Scientific aspects of peaceful uses of the ocean floor (prepared by the IOC secretariat) (dated 18 June 1968)
A/AC.135/18 Programme of work: Statement by the Chairman of the Ad Hoc Committee at its 10th meeting on 17 June 1968 (dated 17 June 1968)
A/AC.135/19 Legal aspects of the’ question of the reservation exclusively for peaceful purposes of the sea-bed and the ocean floor, and the subsoil thereof, underlying the high seas beyond the limits of present national jurisdiction, and the use of their resources in the interests of mankind: Study prepared by the Secretariat (dated 21 June 1968)
A/AC.135/19/Add.1 Do. Part II (dated 18 June 1968)
Add. 2 Do. Part III (dated 25 June 1968)
A/AC.135/20 USSR: draft resolution on the .prohibition of the use of the sea-bed and the ocean floor beyond the limits of territorial waters for military purposes (dated 20 June 1968)
A/AC.135/21 India: draft declaration of legal principles governing the reservation exclusively for peaceful purposes of the sea-bed and the ocean floor, and the subsoil thereof, underlying the high seas beyond the limits of present national jurisdiction, and the uses of their resources in the interests of mankind (dated 20 June 1968)
A/AC.135/22 Letter dated 30 May 1968 from the Director-General of UNESCO addressed to the Secretary-General (dated 2k June 1968)
A/AC.135/23 Regulatory aspects of exploration and exploitation, including rules respecting ocean data stations, drilling rigs, production platforms and other devices (dated 25 June 1968)
A/AC. 135/21 United States: draft resolution on preventing the emplacement of weapons of mass destruction on the sea-bed and ocean floor (dated 28 June 1968)
A/AC.135/25 United States: draft resolution containing statement of principles concerning the deep ocean floor (dated 28 June 1968)
A/AC.135/26 United Republic of Tanzania: amendments to the draft resolution submitted by the USSR (A/AC.135/20) (dated 2 July 1966/
A/AC.135/27 United Republic of Tanzania: amendments to the draft resolution submitted by the United States (A/AC.135/214) (dated 2 July 1968?
A/AC.135/28 The military uses of the sea-bed and the ocean floor beyond the limits of present national jurisdiction (Working paper prepared by the Secretariat) (dated 10 July 1968)
A/AC.135/29/Rev.1 Letter dated 14 August 1968 from the Permanent Representative of Belgium to the Chairman of the Ad Hoc Committee (dated 29 August 1968)
A/AC.135/30 Statement by the Chairman of the Ad Hoc Committee at its 13th meeting on 19 August 1968 (dated 19 August 1968)
A/AC.135/31 Iceland: proposed draft resolution on a study of means for minimizing the danger of pollution of the marine environment which might arise from the exploration and exploitation of the sea-bed and ocean floor and the subsoil thereof (dated 23 August 1968)
A/AC.135/32 and Corr.l (E only) Statement by the Chairman of the Ad Hoc Committee at its 17th meeting on 23 August 1968 (dated 23 August 1968)
A/AC.135/33 United States: draft resolution on the international decade of ocean exploration (dated 26 August 1968)
A/AC.135/34 and Corr.1 Statement by the Chairman of the Ad Hoc Committee at its 19th meeting on 26 August 1968, summarizing the discussion on the scientific aspects of the item (dated 26 August 1968)
A/AC.135/35 Statement by the Chairman of the Ad Hoc Committee at Its 21st meeting on 27 August 1968 (dated 27 August 1968)
A/AC.135/36 Working paper on the draft Declaration of General Principles proposed by Argentina, Brazil, Ceylon, Chiles Ecuador, El Salvador, India, Kenya, Liberia, Libya, Pakistan, Peru, Thailand, United Arab Republic and United Republic of Tanzania concerning the item “Examination of the question of the reservation exclusively for peaceful purposes of the sea~bed and the ocean floor, and the subsoil thereof, underlying the high seas beyond the limits of present national jurisdiction, and the use of their resources in the interests of mankind”
A/AC.135/L.1 Draft interim report of the Ad Hoc Committee covering its first and second sessions (prepared by the Rapporteur in accordance with a decision of the Ad Hoc Committee at its 12th meeting on 9 July 1968) (dated 16 July 1968)
L.2/Rev.1 Provisional programme of work for the third session (dated 18 August 1968)
L„3 and Corr.l Report of the Economic and Technical Working Group (dated 23 August 1968)
A/AC.135/R.1 Progress report of the Economic and Technical Working Group (dated 5 July 1968)
R.l/Add.l Do. (continued) (dated 22 August 1968)
R.2 and Corr.l (E only) Report of the first session of the Legal Working Group (dated 8 July 1968)
R.3 Draft report of the Ad Hoc Committee (dated 8 July 1968)
R.3/Add.1 Do* (dated 29 August 19607
A/AC.135/WG.1/R.1 Provisional agenda (dated lU June 1968)
R.2 Provisional agenda: Note by the Chairman (dated 17 June 1968)
A/AC.135/WG.1/R.3 Statement by the Chairman of the Legal Workir Group at the 1st meeting on 18 June 1968 (dated 19 June 1968)
R.4 Programme of work – approved by the Legal Working Group at the 3rd meeting on 21 June 1968 (dated 21 June 1968)
R.5 Draft report of the first session of the Ad Hoc Committee (dated 3 July 1968)
A/AC.135/WG.2/R.1/ Rev.l Provisional agenda (dated lU June 1968)
R.2 Programme of work: Note “by the Chairman (dated 13 June 1968)
R.3 Statement by the Chairman of the Economic and Technical Working Group at the 1st meeting on 18 June 1968 (dated 19 June 1968)
R.l* Draft report (dated 27 June 1968)
R. V Add.l Do. (continued) (dated 28 June 1968)
R-5 Provisional agenda (dated 17 August 1968)
R.6 Organization of work: Note by the Chairman (dated 17 August 1968)
R.7 Statement by the Chairman at the 12th meeting on 19 August 1968 (dated 19 August 1968)
R.8 Information note (dated 21 August 1968)
A/AC,135/SR.1-9 Summary records of the 1st to 9th meetings held from 18 to 27 March 1968
SR. 10-12 Summary records of the 10th to 12th meetings held from 17 June to 9 July 1968
SR.13-26 Summary records of the 13th to 26th meetings held from 19 to 30 August 1968
A/AC.135/WG.1/SR.1-3 SR. 6-11; Summary records of the 1st to 3rd and 6th to 14th meetings
A/AC.135/WG.2/SR.l and SR.8-11 Summary records of the 1st and 8th to 11th meetings held from 18 June to 3 July 1968
SR.7 Summary record of the 7th meeting held on 27 June 1968
SR.12-15 Summary records of the 12th to 15th meetings held from 19 to 23 August 1968

Esta entrada fue modificada por última vez en 25/08/2015 20:20


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