ISSN: 1354-0661, Online ISSN: 1460-3713
The European Journal of International Relations (EJIR) is the peer-reviewed flagship journal of the ECPR Standing Group on International Relations (SGIR) and the European International Studies Association (EISA). A joint committee of the SGIR and the European International Studies Association is responsible for the management and success of the journal. In keeping with the wide range of scholarly interests represented by the SGIR membership, the journal is broadly representative of the field of International Relations as it has evolved in Europe (see Aims and Scope). Since the establishment of the journal in 1995, the EJIR has become a major and independent voice in International Relations scholarship. Building on its European origins, it has developed over more than two decades to epitomize cutting edge theoretical debates and theoretically-informed empirical analysis that reflects the best of the global International Relations community
Combat, commitment, and the termination of Africa’s mutual interventions
Henning Tamm, Allard Duursma
Technologies of justice: forensics and the evolution of transitional justice
Iosif Kovras
Meaning making in peacekeeping missions: mandate interpretation and multinational collaboration in the UN mission in Mali
Chiara Ruffa, Sebastiaan Rietjens
Subversion, cyber operations, and reverse structural power in world politics
Lennart Maschmeyer
Discovering the prize: information, lobbying, and the origins of US–Saudi security relations
Miles M. Evers
Superweapons and the myth of technological peace
Neil C. Renic
Ontological security, cyber technology, and states’ responses
Amir Lupovici
Terrorism as a conceptual site for power struggles: problematization of terrorism in Turkey in the 1970s
Tuncer Beyribey
‘An expensive commodity’? The impact of hope on US foreign policy during the ‘unipolar moment’
Aidan Hehir
The contested meaning-making of diplomatic norms: competence in practice in Southeast Asian multilateralism
Stéphanie Martel, Aarie Glas
Esta entrada fue modificada por última vez en 21/02/2023 21:08
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