
International Relations of the Asia-Pacific – Volume 23, Issue 1, January 2023

International Relations of the Asia-Pacific

Volume 23, Issue 1, January 2023

ISSN: 1470-482X, EISSN: 1470-4838

International Relations of the Asia-Pacific is a major international journal publishing the best original research in the field. The journal, launched in 2001, is published three times a year in January, May and September. Papers are welcomed from all international relations scholars, both within and without the Asia-Pacific region.
The aims of International Relations of the Asia-Pacific are twofold: to bring outstanding general scholarship in international relations to readers in the Asia-Pacific; and to provide a dedicated outlet for scholars working on the international relations of the region. The circulation of the journal includes all the members of the Japan Association of International Relations, thereby guaranteeing substantial readership within the region.
International Relations of the Asia-Pacific focusses on: the relations between the countries within the Asia-Pacific region; the relations between the Asia-Pacific and the rest of the world; and general issues and theories of international relations that have a bearing on one or more countries of the Asia-Pacific. The journal is open to all methodological approaches and schools of thought. Among the topics that fall within the journal’s focus are, for example:

• the ‘Asian values’ debate
• Indonesian foreign policy after Suharto
• the political economy of investment in the Asia-Pacific
• Japan’s ‘special relationships’ with the UK and the USA
• Association of South-East Asian nations and the China– Japan–US triangle
• the rise of regionalism in the Asia-Pacific
• the role of international institutions
• humanitarian intervention in Cambodia and East Timor
• reconciliation on the Korean peninsula
• the Theatre Missile Defence initiative and regional responses
• the metamorphosis of state sovereignty: Asia-Pacific examples
• the Asian financial crisis and the International Monetary Fund


Strategizing Femininity between the Global and the Taiwanese Local: Implications for International Relations
Chih-Yu Shih

China’s motives, influence and prospects in Pacific Island countries: views of Chinese scholars
Denghua Zhang

Territorial dispute at home: strategic narratives contestation over the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands nationalization policy in Japan
Jingkai Shao

Middle power hedging in the era of security/economic disconnect: Australia, Japan, and the ‘Special Strategic Partnership’
Thomas Wilkins

Research Notes
Hedging between the United States and China? South Korea’s ideology-driven behavior and its implications for national security
Min-hyung Kim

Deep engagement and public opinion toward the United States: U.S. military presence and threat perceptions
Sou Shinomoto

Book Reviews
Making the World Safe for Dictatorship Alexander Dukalskis
Iku Yoshimoto

Review of a Region of Regimes: Prosperity and Plunder in the Asia-Pacific (Cornell Studies in Political Economy) by T. J. Pempel
William W Grimes

Esta entrada fue modificada por última vez en 08/02/2023 15:29


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