
Chinese Journal of International Law – Volume 21, Issue 2, June 2022

Chinese Journal of International Law

Volume 21, Issue 2, June 2022

ISSN: 1540-1650, EISSN: 1746-9937

The Chinese Journal of International Law is the leading forum for articles on international law by Chinese scholars and on international law issues relating to China.
An independent, peer-reviewed research journal edited primarily by scholars from mainland China, and published in association with the Chinese Society of International Law, Beijing, and Wuhan University Institute of International Law, Wuhan, the Journal is a general international law journal with a focus on materials and viewpoints from and/or about China, other parts of Asia, and the broader developing world.


Territory in the Work of the Institut de Droit International
Sienho Yee

International Prosecutors Acting before National Courts?: The Rome Statute System and the Ultimate Approach to Positive Complementarity
Karolina Wierczyńska

Current Developments
Adaptation of International Law in the Chinese Constitution and Legal System: New Developments
Chao Wang, Taixia Shen

Chinese Practice
Editor’s Choice
Chronology of Practice: Chinese Practice in Public International Law in 2020
Xiaohui Wu

Letters to the Journal
Letter to the Journal
Dual-Use Products in the Course of Considering National Security Exceptions under GATT Article XXI
Yen-Chiang Chang

Enhancing Labour Standards through the Dispute Settlement Process under FTAs: The EU-Korea Case
Chunlei Zhao

Refusal to Issue a Letter of Credit and Fundamental Breach under the CISG: Liverina (Australia) Pty Ltd. v. Daehyun Trading Co.
Sang Man Kim

Book Reviews
Meg Kinnear, Geraldine Fischer, Jara Mínguez Almeida, Luisa Fernanda Torres and Mairée Uran Bidegain (eds), Building International Investment Law – The First 50 Years of ICSID
Tae Jung Park

Jens David Ohlin, Election Interference: International Law and the Future of Democracy
Yilin Wang

Patrick Thornberry, The International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination: A Commentary
Suhong Yang

Wenhua Shan, Jinyuan Su and Sheng Zhang (eds.), China and International Dispute Resolution in the Context of the ‘Belt and Road Initiative’
Gvantsa Dzneladze

Esta entrada fue modificada por última vez en 23/01/2023 18:54


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