
African Journal of International and Comparative Law – Volume 30, Issue 3, August, 2022

ISSN: 0954-8890, EISSN: 1755-1609

The African Journal of International and Comparative Law re-started publication with EUP in 2005, with the approval of the African Society of International and Comparative Law. The eminent Editorial Board continues as previously, with members from international institutions in Geneva and from universities in Africa, the UK and the US. The journal continues its tradition of providing invaluable refereed material in both international and comparative law on a pan-African basis. It includes articles on public or private international law, either in English or French, as well as a section on recent developments relevant to the continent.


An Evaluation of Environmental Criminal Liability and Enforcement in Nigeria
Joseph Nwazi

Zoning Control: Revisiting the Brussels Conference Act of 1890 and Its Legacy into the Twentieth Century
Jackson Oldfield

The Regulatory Dilemma on Mass Communications Surveillance and the Digital Right to Privacy in Africa: The Case of South Africa
Dorcas Basimanyane

The Administration of Criminal Justice Act and the Extinguishment of Trial de Novo in Nigeria: Far From Being Settled?
David Tarh-Akong Eyongndi

Skirting the Justice System through Presidential Clemency in Zambia: Some Critical Reflections
Mumba Malila

Assessing the Effectiveness of the Uganda Human Rights Commission vis-à-vis the Paris Principles Relating to the Status of National Human Rights Institutions
Kasim Balarabe, Valentine Tebi Mbeli and Abdulkareem Azeez

Esta entrada fue modificada por última vez en 14/12/2022 13:45


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