
Journal of Conflict Resolution – Volume 66 Issue 1, January 2022

Journal of Conflict Resolution

Volume 66 Issue 1, January 2022

ISSN: 0022-0027 Online ISSN: 1552-8766

Journal of Conflict Resolution (JCR), peer-reviewed and published eight times a year, for more than fifty years has provided scholars and researchers with the latest studies and theories on the causes of and solutions to the full range of human conflict. JCR focuses on conflict between and within states, but also explores a variety of inter-group and interpersonal conflicts that may help in understanding problems of war and peace. This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).


Deterrence and Restraint: Do Joint Military Exercises Escalate Conflict?
Raymond Kuo, Brian Dylan Blankenship

Politics or Performance? Leadership Accountability in UN Peacekeeping
Magnus Lundgren, Kseniya Oksamytna, Vincenzo Bove

Collective Risk and Distributional Equity in Climate Change Bargaining
Aseem Mahajan, Reuben Kline, Dustin Tingley

Revisiting Opportunism in Civil Conflict: Natural Resource Extraction and Health Care Provision
Justin Conrad, Liana Eustacia Reyes, Megan A. Stewart

Indirect Governance at War: Delegation and Orchestration in Rebel Support
Tim Heinkelmann-Wild, Marius Mehrl

Data Set Features
Mapping the International System, 1886-2019: The CShapes 2.0 Dataset
Guy Schvitz, Luc Girardin, Seraina Rüegger, Nils B. Weidmann, Lars-Erik Cederman, Kristian Skrede Gleditsch

Introducing the Deadly Electoral Conflict Dataset (DECO)
Hanne Fjelde, Kristine Höglund

Esta entrada fue modificada por última vez en 20/02/2022 10:17


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