domingo, marzo 30, 2025
Arbitration International - Volume 37, Issue 3, September 2021

Arbitration International – Volume 37, Issue 3, September 2021

Arbitration International - Volume 37, Issue 3, September 2021

Arbitration International

Volume 37, Issue 3, September 2021

ISSN: 0957-0411, EISSN: 1875-8398

The Official Journal of the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA)

General Editor: Professor Wiliam W. Park

Deputy General Editors: Hege Elisabeth Kjos, Ruth Teitelbaum and Thomas W. Walsh

Editors: Jawad Ahmad, Klaus Peter Berger, Nigel Blackaby, Paul Friedland, Richard Kreindler, Dr, Barbara Lauriat, Loukas Mistelis, Salim Moollan, Karyl Nairn, Maria Slobodchikova and Nicholas Ulmer

Special Issues Editor: V. V. Veeder

Launched in 1985, Arbitration International provides quarterly coverage for national and international developments in the world of arbitration. The journal aims to maintain balance between academic debate and practical contributions to the field, providing both topical material on current developments and analytic scholarship of permanent interest. Arbitrators, counsel, judges, scholars and government officials will find the journal enhances their understanding of a broad range of topics in commercial and investment arbitration. Features include (i) articles covering all major arbitration rules and national jurisdictions written by respected international practitioners and scholars, (ii) cutting edge (case) notes covering recent developments and ongoing debates in the field, (iii) book reviews of the latest publications in the world of arbitration, (iv) Letters to the Editor and (v) agora grouping articles related to a common theme.

Arbitration International maintains a balance between controversial subjects for debate and topics geared toward practical use by arbitrators, lawyers, academics, judges, corporate advisors and government officials.


Plures leges faciunt arbitrum
Franco Ferrari

Impartiality and independence: fundamental and fluid
Jacomijn J van Haersolte-van Hof

One size doesn’t fit all: the General Data Protection Regulation vis-à-vis international commercial arbitration
Gaurav Natarajan Ramani

Different but similar?: Comparing the IBA Rules on the taking of evidence with the Prague Rules
Rekha Rangachari, Kabir Duggal

Case Notes
Of principle, practicality, and precedents: the presumption of the arbitration agreement’s governing law
Aaron Yoong

The duties of impartiality, disclosure, and confidentiality: lessons from a London-seated arbitration
Samuel Yee Ching Leung, Alex Chun Hei Chan

Recent Developments
Revisiting the risk of undesired appeal in investment treaty arbitration: is deference to the tribunal’s award still less likely in the ICSID context?
Alexander J Marcopoulos

Deception and detection: the use of technology in assessing witness credibility
Robert Bradshaw

I now pronounce you ‘null and void’: manner of determination and the applicable law under the New York Convention
Stefan Pislevik

The lacking interest in interest rates: will the phase-out of LIBOR and negative rates go unnoticed by arbitration practitioners?
Mikhail Kalinin, Michael Peer

Binding non-signatories to arbitrate—the United States approach
Andrijana Mišović

Book Reviews
The conundrum of contributory fault in investment arbitration: from causation to apportionment
Johannes Hendrik Fahner

Legal Reasoning Across Commercial Disputes
Catharine Titi

UNCITRAL Model Law & Arbitration Rules: The Arbitration Act 2005 (Amended 2011 & 2018) and the AIAC Arbitration Rules 2018, by Sundra Rajoo
Stephan Wilske, Mathilde Raynal

Lawyer, Scholar, Teacher and Activist: Liber Amicorum in Honor of Derek Roebuck, by Neil Kaplan and Robert Morgan (eds.)
Timothy G Nelson

Arbitration of M&A Transactions: A Practical Global Guide
Alexis Martinez

Erratum to: Pick Your President: Why and How Parties Should Seek to Agree on a Presiding Arbitrator

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