ISSN: 1521-9488, EISSN: 1468-2486
The International Studies Review (ISR) is a journal of the International Studies Association. It provides a window on current trends and research in international studies worldwide. Published four times a year, ISR is intended to help (a) scholars engage in the kind of dialogue and debate that will shape the field of international studies in the future; (b) graduate and undergraduate students understand major issues in international studies and identify promising opportunities for research; and (c) educators keep up with new ideas and research.
Analytical Essays
Slow Progress on UN Rapid Deployment: The Pitfalls of Policy Paradigms in International Organizations
Katharina P Coleman, Magnus Lundgren, Kseniya Oksamytna
Friends, Fellows, and Foes: A New Framework for Studying Relational Peace
Johanna Söderström, Malin Åkebo, Anna K Jarstad
Choosing to Fight, Choosing to Die: Examining How ISIS Foreign Fighters Select Their Operational Roles
Tyler Evans, Daniel J Milton, Joseph K Young
“Filthy Lapdogs,” “Jerks,” and “Hitler”: Making Sense of Insults in International Relations
Elise Rousseau, Stephane J Baele
Beyond “Bouncing”: Resilience as an Expansion–Contraction Dynamic within a Holonic Frame
Janine Natalya Clark
Natural Disasters, Forced Migration, and Conflict: The Importance of Government Policy Responses
Sara McLaughlin Mitchell, Elise Pizzi
Legislative Process in International Organizations
Courtenay R Conrad, Nathan W Monroe
Global Autocracies: Strategies of Transnational Repression, Legitimation, and Co-Optation in World Politics
Gerasimos Tsourapas
Who Publishes Where? Exploring the Geographic Diversity of Global IR Journals
Mathis Lohaus, Wiebke Wemheuer-Vogelaar
Pinioning the Peacekeepers: Sovereignty, Host-State Resistance against Peacekeeping Missions, and Violence against Civilians
Allard Duursma
Reframing Climate-Induced Socio-Environmental Conflicts: A Systematic Review
Cesare M Scartozzi
Claiming Equality: The African Union’s Contestation of the Anti-Impunity Norm
Yuna Han, Sophie T Rosenberg
Reconsidering the Contested State in Post-1945 International Relations: An Ontological Approach
Shpend Kursani
Governing Complexity: Design Principles for the Governance of Complex Global Catastrophic Risks
Julia Kreienkamp, Tom Pegram
China’s New Multilateral Institutions: A Framework and Research Agenda
Matthew D Stephen
Sublating the Naturalism/Anti-Naturalism Problematic: Critical Realism, Critical Naturalism, and the Question of Methodology
Michiel van Ingen
Engaging the “Animal Question” in International Relations
Tore Fougner
Refusing to Cooperate with Armed Groups Civilian Agency and Civilian Noncooperation in Armed Conflicts
Juan Masullo
Medieval Origins of the European State System: The Catholic Church as Midwife
Jørgen Møller
The Return of National Self-Sufficiency? Excavating Autarkic Thought in a De-Globalizing Era
Eric Helleiner
NGO Accountability: A Conceptual Review across the Engaged Disciplines
Marcel Kaba
Book Reviews
Shaping not Signaling: Understanding Cyber Operations as a Means of Espionage, Attack, and Destabilization
Florian J Egloff, Lennart Maschmeyer
Inside Regional Organizations: A New Approach to Comparative Regionalism
Sahil Mathur
Divine Diplomacy: Dimensions and Durability
David Buckley
Corporate Sovereignty and Modern International Order
Jan Eijking
An Interdisciplinary Analysis of Restraint
Kadri Kaan Renda
Religion and US Foreign Policy: Epistemic Communities, Regimes, and Interests
Nukhet Sandal
The Drug War as a Tragedy and a Crime
Stuart J Kaufman
A Theory of Balance of Relationships: Improvised Relationality, Imagined Resemblance, and Bilateral Stability
Xiao Alvin Yang
Forum: Interlingual Relations: Approaches, Conflicts, and Lessons in the Translation Of Global Politics
Mauro J Caraccioli, Einar Wigen, Julia Costa Lopez, Amanda Cheney, Jelena Subotic
Forum: Militarization 2.0: Communication and the Normalization of Political Violence in the Digital Age
Susan T Jackson, Rhys Crilley, Ilan Manor, Catherine Baker, Modupe Oshikoya …
Forum: Nonuse of Nuclear Weapons in World Politics: Toward the Third Generation of “Nuclear Taboo” Research
Michal Smetana, Carmen Wunderlich
Forum: Thinking Theoretically in Unsettled Times: COVID-19 and Beyond
Jennifer Sterling-Folker, Annette Freyberg-Inan, Lauren Wilcox, Umut Ozguc, Rosemary E Shinko
Review Essay
America’s Pragmatic Role?
Deborah Avant
Three Outcomes of Contentious Elections
Richard W Frank
Human Rights: What Does the Future Hold?
Daniel Braaten
TagsAfrican Union armed book BUCKLEY Catholic Church China CLARK CONTENIDO Costa derecho derechointernacional DIPUBLICO internacional International International Studies Review InternationalLaw law OUP Oxford University Press 国际法
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