ISSN: 1521-9488, EISSN: 1468-2486
The International Studies Review (ISR) is a journal of the International Studies Association. It provides a window on current trends and research in international studies worldwide. Published four times a year, ISR is intended to help (a) scholars engage in the kind of dialogue and debate that will shape the field of international studies in the future; (b) graduate and undergraduate students understand major issues in international studies and identify promising opportunities for research; and (c) educators keep up with new ideas and research.
Analytical Essays
Introduction to the Presidential Special Issue “Multiple Identities and Scholarship in International Studies”
Feliciano de Sá Guimarães, Soo Yeon Kim, Cameron G Thies
FORUM: COVID-19 and IR Scholarship: One Profession, Many Voices
Giovanni Agostinis, Karen A Grépin, Adam Kamradt-Scott, Kelley Lee, Summer Marion …
Analytical Essays
Multiple Identities and Scholarship: Black Scholars’ Struggles for Acceptance and Recognition in the United States of America
Claudine Kuradusenge-McLeod
Bringing Researchers Back In: Debating the Role of Interpretive Epistemology in Global IR
Dorothée Vandamme
Weaving Worlds: Cosmopraxis as Relational Sensibility
Arlene B Tickner, Amaya Querejazu
Navigating Multiple Identities: Decentering International Relations
Monika Thakur
Book Reviews
The Morality of Militarization
Nicholas Parkin
From Securitization to Just Securitization and Just Desecuritization: Establishing Synergy between Ethics and Security
Anjan Kumar Sahu
Three Dragons in the Backyard? The Multifaceted Political Economy of China in Latin America
Nicolás Albertoni, Luis L Schenoni
Discourse, Fantasy and Affect: Understanding Germany’s Jein on Iraq
Frank A Stengel
Identity, Domestic Politics, and Foreign Policy
Barış Kesgin
The Do-It-Yourself Movement Goes Global: Why Democratizing States Prefer to Make Their Own International Organizations
Jordan Becker
The World from the Veld
Tom Furse
Left Behind? The Left’s Relationship with the EU
Sean McGlynn
Toward a Quantum IR: Vindicating Ethics and Responsibility in International Relations
Germán C Prieto
Tagsbook China CONTENIDO COVID COVID-19 derecho derechointernacional DIPUBLICO EISSN Es Germany internacional International International Studies Review InternationalLaw IR law OUP Oxford University Press 国际法
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