Journal of the History of International Law / Revue d’histoire du droit international
Volume 23 (2021): Issue 2 (May 2021)
Print ISSN: 1388-199X, ISSN: 1571-8050
The Journal of the History of International Law / Revue d’histoire du droit international is an interdisciplinary journal on the history of international law with a broad outreach. It is placed among the top international law journals which are regularly consulted by all international lawyers with a general interest in the history of their field. It provides a forum for the emerging and expanding scholarship that takes a historical approach to exploring a wide range of issues in international law. It accommodates the growth in interest in the histories of international law from scholars working in related fields (global history, imperial history, intellectual history and international relations). It creates a venue for ground-breaking work in this field by combining tradition with innovation and to provide the opportunity to develop sustained critical engagement with work on the history of international law.
The Journal of the History of International Law / Revue d’histoire du droit international encourages critical reflection on the classical grand narrative of international law as the purveyor of peace and civilization to the whole world. It specifically invites articles on extra-European experiences and forms of legal relations between autonomous communities which were discontinued as a result of domination and colonization by European Powers. It is open to all possibilities of telling the history of international law, while respecting the necessary rigour in the use of records and sources. It is a forum for a plurality of visions of the history of international law, but also for debate on such plurality itself, on the methods, topics, and usages, as well as the bounds and dead-ends of this discipline. Moreover, it devotes space to examining in greater depth specific themes.
Spotlight-Interview with Mark Somos
Authors: Raphael Schäfer and Maren Körsmeier
How Jewish is International Law?
Author: Gilad Ben-Nun
A Man against a War: Rui Barbosa and the Struggle against a Thought
Authors: Paulo Emílio Vauthier de Macedo and Brenda Maria Ramos Araújo
Russia as the State Continuing the Legal Personality of the USSR – An Inquiry into State Identity or Succession
Author: Guido Acquaviva
Book Reviews
Experiments in International Adjudication: Historical Accounts, edited by Ignacio de la Rasilla and Jorge E. Viñuales
Author: Christian J Tams
The Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal, Law, History, and Jurisprudence, written by David Cohen and Yuma Totani
Author: Sophia Müller
Völkerrechtliche Beziehungen zwischen Äthiopien und Italien im Lichte des Vertrages von Uccialli/Wuchale (1889), written by Hatem Elliesie
Author: Dr. Jakob Zollmann