
International Relations – Volume 35 Issue 1, March 2021

International Relations

Volume 35 Issue 1, March 2021

ISSN: 0047-1178, Online ISSN: 1741-2862

International Relations is explicitly pluralist in outlook. Editorial policy favours variety in both subject-matter and method, at a time when so many academic journals are increasingly specialised in scope, and sectarian in approach. We welcome articles or proposals from all perspectives and on all subjects pertaining to international relations: law, economics, ethics, strategy, philosophy, culture, environment, and so on, in addition to more mainstream conceptual work and policy analysis. We believe that such pluralism is in great demand by the academic and policy communities and the interested public.

We welcome articles or proposals on all topics of interest to students of world politics. Each volume will normally contain peer-reviewed research articles, and a mixture of review essays, interviews, debates and forums. Special issues will be published, and we welcome ideas.


Realist theories in search of realists: The failure in Europe to advance realist theory
Knud Erik Jørgensen, F Asli Ergul Jorgensen

Selective norm promotion in international development assistance: the drivers of naming and shaming advocacy among European non-governmental development organisations
Balázs Szent-Iványi, Pēteris F Timofejevs

The strategic use of normative arguments in international negotiations
Gadi Heimann, Lior Herman

National images, trust and international friendship: Evidence from Chinese students
Graeme AM Davies, Kingsley Edney, Bo Wang

Compensating for limitations in domestic output performance? Member state delegation of policy competencies to regional international organizations
Diana Panke

Polycentricity and framing battles in the creation of regional norms on violence against women
Anna van der Vleuten, Conny Roggeband, Anouka van Eerdewijk

A Necessarily Historical Materialist Moment? Forum on Global Capitalism, Global War, Global Crisis
Historical materialism and international studies: Theorising the politics of struggle in the everyday world
Cemal Burak Tansel

Internal relations in global capitalism
Bob Jessop

A necessarily historical materialist moment for whom? A tale of two literary rhythms
Ian Bruff

Towards a historical geographical materialism
Sébastien Rioux

Marxism, coloniality and ontological assumptions
Lara Montesinos Coleman

Follow the bodies: Global capitalism, global war, global crisis and feminist IPE
Aida A Hozić

A necessarily historical materialist moment? Feminist reflections on the need for grounded critique in an age of crises
Victoria M Basham

China and the philosophy of internal relations
Kevin Gray

Gate-opening political economy
Andreas Bieler, Adam David Morton

Esta entrada fue modificada por última vez en 24/03/2021 12:41


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