Print ISSN: 0902-7351, ISSN: 1571-8107
Acta scandinavica juris gentium
Established in 1930, the Nordic Journal of International Law has remained the principal forum in the Nordic countries for the scholarly exchange on legal development in the international and European domains. Combining broad thematic coverage with rigorous quality demands, it aims to present current practice and its theoretical reflection within the different branches of international law.
The Nordic Journal of International Law features:
• an Editorial Board selected from among the most prominent scholars and practitioners in the field of international law in the Nordic countries of Iceland, Finland, Norway, Sweden, and Denmark;
• a diverse range of peer-reviewed articles;
• annual reports on state practice in the Nordic region;
• an annual report on the work of the International Law Commission;
• special issues on current topics;
• regular book reviews; and,
• periodic updates on key developments and events in Nordic and international practice.
The strength of its editorial board and the resulting quality and variety of the features and articles offered make this well-established journal an important component in a complete international law library.
Proportionality in International Law: Whose Interests Count?
Authors: Eduardo Gill-Pedro and Ulf Linderfalk
Revisiting Proportionality in Internal Market Law: Looking at the Unnamed Actors in the cjeu’s Reasoning
Author: Ségolène Barbou des Places
Federal Proportionality Review in EU Law: Whose Rights are they Anyway?
Author: Darren Harvey
Proportionality and the Human Rights of Companies Under the ECHR – Whose Interests are at Stake?
Author: Eduardo Gill-Pedro
Proportionality and Human Rights Protection in International Investment Arbitration: What’s Left Hanging in the Balance?
Author: Daria Davitti
The Discourse of Proportionality and the Use of Force: International Law and the Power of Definition
Author: Miriam Bak McKenna
Who Is Targeted by the Council’s Sanctions? The UN Security Council and the Principle of Proportionality
Author: Daniëlla Dam-de Jong
The Proportionality of Unilateral “Targeted” Sanctions: Whose Interests Should Count?
Author: Alexandra Hofer
Proportionality and International Legal Pragmatics
Author: Ulf Linderfalk
Balancing Interpretative Arguments in International Law – A Linguistic Appraisal
Author: Benedikt Pirker
Rebutting Four Arguments in Favour of Resolving ius cogens Norm Conflicts by Means of Proportionality Tests
Author: Valentin Jeutner