domingo, marzo 30, 2025
African Journal of International and Comparative Law

African Journal of International and Comparative Law – Volume 28, Issue 4, November, 2020

ISSN: 0954-8890, EISSN: 1755-1609

The African Journal of International and Comparative Law re-started publication with EUP in 2005, with the approval of the African Society of International and Comparative Law. The eminent Editorial Board continues as previously, with members from international institutions in Geneva and from universities in Africa, the UK and the US. The journal continues its tradition of providing invaluable refereed material in both international and comparative law on a pan-African basis. It includes articles on public or private international law, either in English or French, as well as a section on recent developments relevant to the continent.


Ghana’s New Region Creation Doctrine: The Jurisprudence of No Jurisdiction and the Faux Economics of Balkanisation
Stephen Kwaku Asare

Recognition of the Indigeneity of the Basarwa in Botswana: Panacea against their Marginalisation and Realisation of Land Rights?
Goemeone E. J. Mogomotsi and Patricia K. Mogomotsi

Sifax v. Migfo and Limitation Laws in Nigeria: Triumph of Pragmatism over Formalism?
Kareem Olatoye and Abubakri Yekini

Diligentia quam in suis as a Technique for a Contextual Application of the Full Protection and Security Standard: Considering the Level of Development of Host States in International Investment Law
Nitish Monebhurrun

Devolution, Urban Autonomy and Local Governance in the Cities of the SADC
Marius Pieterse

Federalism and Money: An Examination of the Taxation Powers in the Federal Systems of Nigeria and Canada
Chukwuka I. Achu

Criminal Forfeiture under Kenya’s Proceeds of Crime and Anti-Money Laundering Act: Nature and Challenges
Constance Gikonyo

The Public Interest Safeguards in Arbitration in Ghana
Dominic Npoanlari Dagbanja

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