sábado, febrero 22, 2025
Research Handbook on International Law and Social Rights

Research Handbook on International Law and Social Rights

content 4

Research Handbook on International Law and Social Rights

International Law Series

Edited by Christina Binder, Jane A. Hofbauer, Department for Public Law and International Law, Bundeswehr University Munich, Germany, Flávia Piovesan, Faculty of Law, Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, Brazil, Amaya Úbeda de Torres, Senior Lawyer, Council of Europe

ISBN: 978 1 78897 212 3
Publicado: 2020
Páginas: 592

This comprehensive Research Handbook offers a comparative overview of the history, nature and current status of social rights at the universal and regional level. Tracing their evolution from rather modest beginnings, to becoming the category of rights responding most accurately to the 21st century’s policy objectives of poverty eradication and equitable resource allocation, this Research Handbook assesses the mechanisms used to enhance the implementation and enforcement of social rights.


Introduction: International Law and Social Rights
Christina Binder, Jane A Hofbauer, Flávia Piovesan, Amaya Úbeda de Torres

Part 1 General Aspects of International Law and Social Rights
1. Social Rights in International Law: Categorizations versus Indivisibility
Manfred Nowak
2. The Nature of Social Rights as Obligations of International Law – Resource Availability, Progressive Realization and the Obligations to Respect, Protect, Fulfil
Veronika Bílková
3. Justiciability and Social Rights
Amaya Úbeda de Torres
4. Pursuing Global Socio-Economic, Colonial and Environmental Justice through Economic Redistribution: The Potential Significance of Human Rights Treaty Obligations
Ralph Wilde

Part 2 The Protection of Social Rights in International Human Rights Law
A. Universal Protection
5. Social Rights Protection in the ICESCR and its Optional Protocol – The Role of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Zdzisław (Dzidek) Kędzia
6. Social Rights Protection through Core International Human Rights Treaties beyond the ICESCR
Thomas Kleinlein

B. Regional Protection
7. The European Social Charter
Karin Lukas
8. Social Rights in the Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights
Eugenia López-Jacoiste
9. The Protection of Social Rights by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights Rights
Flávia Piovesan, Mariela Morales Antoniazzi, Julia Cortez da Cunha Cruz
10. Social Rights in the Jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights
Eduardo Ferrer Mac-Gregor
11. Social Rights in the African System for the Protection and Promotion of Human and Peoples’ Rights
Frans Viljoen
C. Social Rights as a Tool to Fight Inequality and to Protect and Ensure Diversity
12. The Social Rights of African Descendants, with Focus on the Americas
Manuel Góngora-Mera
13. Social Rights as Persons with Disabilities’ Rights
Francesco Seatzu
14. Stateless Persons and Social Rights
Marija Dobrić, Philipp Janig
15. Social Rights of Minorities
Aris Constantinides

Part 3 The Implementation and Enforcement of Social Rights
16. Monitoring the Implementation of Social Rights through Indicators with Special Focus on the Inter-American Level
Laura C Pautassi
17. The Role of Domestic Actors in the Implementation and Enforcement of Social Rights
Andreas Th Müller
18. The Role of Civil Society Organizations in the Protection of Social Rights
Daniela Ikawa
19. The Proceduralization of Social Rights: Access to Information, Justice and Remedies
Yota Negishi

Part 4 Crisis and Social Rights / Challenges to Social Rights
20. Austerity Measures and Women’s Social and Economic Rights: We Need to Look Deeper
Abby Kendrick, Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky
21. Corporations and Social Rights
Judith Schönsteiner
22. The Implications of Corruption on Social Rights
Kolawole Olaniyan
23. Social Rights Adjudication and the Future of the Welfare State
Elise Dermine
24. Social Rights in Armed Conflict Situations
Amrei Müller

Part 5 Social Rights in Perspective: Interlinkages with Other International Regimes
25. International Investment Law and Social Rights: Interactions and Encounters
Eric De Brabandere
26. Financial Institutions and Social Rights: From Foes to Friends?
Matthias Goldmann
27. Social Rights and the Sustainable Development Goals
Inga T Winkler, Matheus de Carvalho Hernandez
28. The Environment and Social Rights
Danwood Mzikenge Chirwa, Amanda ZT Mkhonza
29. Climate Change and Social Rights: Perspectives on Legal Obligations
Siobhán McInerney-Lankford
30. International Criminal Law and Social Rights
Evelyne Schmid


Edited by Christina Binder, Jane A. Hofbauer, Department for Public Law and International Law, Bundeswehr University Munich, Germany, Flávia Piovesan, Faculty of Law, Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, Brazil, Amaya Úbeda de Torres, Senior Lawyer, Council of Europe

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