
International Community Law Review – Volume 22 (2020): Issue 3-4 (Aug 2020)

International Community Law Review

Volume 22 (2020): Issue 3-4 (Aug 2020)

ISSN: 1871-9732

“International law can only prosper if careful attention is given to all the voices expressing themselves on current legal issues […]. Any striving for hegemony threatens to undermine the legitimacy of international law.” From the Foreword by Christian Tomuschat and Jean-Marc Thouvenin to The Fundamental Rules of the International Legal Order: Jus Cogens and Obligations Erga Omnes.

Merging the journals Non-State Actors and International Law (ISSN 1567-7125) and International Law FORUM du droit international (ISSN 1388-9036), the International Community Law Review (ICLR) addresses all aspects of international law and the international community.

The Journal aims to explore the implications of various traditions of international law, as well as more current perceived hegemonic trends for the idea of an international community. The Journal will also look at the ways and means in which the international community uses and adapts international law to deal with new and emerging challenges. Non-state actors , intergovernmental and non-governmental organisations, individuals, peoples, transnational corporations and civil society as a whole – have changed our outlook on contemporary international law. In addition to States and intergovernmental organizations, they now play an important role. Rather than regional, the focus of ICLR will be multicultural, including alternative and/or critical approaches, with contributions written by scholars from all parts of the globe. The International Community Law Review, published four times a year, consists of articles, shorter articles/comments, case notes and book reviews.


Special Issue 22.3: Rethinking the Legacy of the League of Nations, edited by Nicholas Tsagourias, Rossana Deplano and Katja Ziegler

Introducing the Special Issue 22.3 Rethinking the Legacy of the League of Nations
By: Rossana Deplano

The League of Nations and the Power of “Experiment Narratives” in International Institutional Law
By: Jean d’Aspremont

The League of Nations and Visions of World Order
By: Nicholas Tsagourias

From Covenant to Charter: A Legacy Squandered?
By: Nigel D. White

The League of Nations and the International Law of State Responsibility
By: Antal Berkes

Special Issue 22.4: The Dynamics of Disputes over Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing, edited by Hélène Ruiz Fabri, Makane Moïse Mbengue and Brian McGarry

Introducing the Special Issue 22.4 Regime Convergence and Lex Ferenda in IUU Fishing Disputes: Introductory Remarks
By: Hélène Ruiz Fabri, Makane Moïse Mbengue, and Brian McGarry

Reflections on the Past, Present, and Future of IUU Fishing under International Law
By: Nilufer Oral

Oceans, IUU Fishing, and Climate Change: Implications for International Law
By: Christina Voigt

Reflections on the Implications of Environmental Norms for Fishing: The Link between the Regulation of Fishing and the Protection of Marine Biological Diversity
By: Yoshifumi Tanaka

IUU Fishing as a Disputed Concept and Its Application to Vulnerable Groups: A Case Study on Arctic Fisheries
By: Malgosia Fitzmaurice and Mercedes Rosello

Negotiation and Dispute Prevention in Global Cooperative Institutions: International Community Interests, IUU Fishing, and the Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction Negotiation
By: Cymie R. Payne

International Co-operation as a Key Tool to Prevent IUU Fishing and Disputes over It
By: Barbara Hutniczak and Frank Meere

AU AIM Strategy and the Fragmentation of IUU Fishing Regulations in Africa: the Case of West Africa
By: Ambassador Namira Negm

The Snow Crab Dispute on the Continental Shelf of Svalbard: A Case-Study on Options for the Settlement of International Fisheries Access Disputes
By: Valentin J. Schatz

Not Like the Others? The Position of Associated States and Dependent Territories in Fishing Disputes
By: Marco Benatar

Why Are Some Flag States Unable or Unwilling to Address IUU Fishing?
By: Eve de Coning

Independent, Compulsory, and Centralized Verification of States’ Obligations in Fisheries: Can the IMO Audit Scheme for Shipping Law Be Used as an Example to Follow?
By: Solène Guggisberg


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