sábado, febrero 22, 2025
Journal of Conflict & Security Law - Volume 25, Issue 2, July 2020

Journal of Conflict & Security Law – Volume 25, Issue 2, July 2020

jconsl 25 2cover

Journal of Conflict & Security Law

Volume 25, Issue 2, July 2020

Print ISSN: 1467-7954, Online ISSN: 1467-7962

The Journal of Conflict & Security Law (JCSL) is a thrice yearly peer-reviewed journal aimed at academics, government officials, military lawyers, and lawyers working in the area, as well as individuals interested in the areas of arms control law, armed conflict law and collective security law, and the interfaces between them.

JCSL covers the whole spectrum of international law relating to armed conflict from the pre-conflict stage when the issues include those of arms control, disarmament and conflict prevention, through to the outbreak of armed conflict and discussions on the legality of resort to force (jus ad bellum), to the coverage of the conduct of military operations and the protection of non-combatants by international humanitarian law (jus in bello). The international legal framework applicable to terrorism spans both the jus ad bellum and jus in bello. Treatment is also given to the conflict resolution stage, where the legal issues concern peace agreements, post-conflict rebuilding (jus post-bellum), territory, compensation and disarmament. Collective security mechanisms such as peacekeeping and military enforcement action are potentially applicable throughout


Human Rights at the Time of Transition: How Security Forces Can be Held Accountable in a Divided Community?
Mutaz M Qafisheh

From Peacekeepers to Parties to the Conflict: An IHL’s Appraisal of the Role of UN Peace Operations in NIACs
Bianca Maganza

Young Terrorists or Child Soldiers? ISIS Children, International Law and Victimhood
Conrad Nyamutata

Applying Core Principles of International Humanitarian Law to Military Operations in Space
Jack Mawdsley

The British Army’s Training in International Humanitarian Law
Elizabeth Stubbins Bates

Do Non-State Armed Groups Have a Legal Right to Consent to Offers of International Humanitarian Relief?
Matthias Vanhullebusch

Liability in Joint Military Operations—The Green Desert Case
Peter Vedel Kessing

Book Reviews
M. Lattimer and P. Sands (eds), The Grey Zone: Civilian Protection Between Human Rights and the Laws of War. Hart, 2018
Jed Odermatt

William A. Schabas, The Trial of the Kaiser
David Turns

Johanna Friman, Revisiting the Concept of Defence in the Jus ad Bellum: The Dual Face of Defence. Hart Publishing, 2017
Kenneth Chan

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