
Chicago Journal of International Law – Volume 21, Number 1 (2020)

Chicago Journal of International Law

Volume 21, Number 1 (2020)

ISSN: 1529-0816

The Chicago Journal of International Law is one of three student-edited journals at The University of Chicago Law School. The journal is published twice a year and features scholarly articles on international law topics as well as student-written works. The Chicago Journal of International Law was first published in 2000 and is the successor to The University of Chicago Law School Roundtable. All volumes of the Chicago Journal of International Law are available in full-text PDF in Chicago Unbound, the University of Chicago Law School’s scholarship repository.


The Identification of Customary International Law: Institutional and Methodological Pluralism in U.S. Courts
Noah A. Bialos

The Impact of Trade and Investment Treaties on Fiscal Resources and Taxation in Developing Countries
Sonia E. Rolland

Domestic Restrictions on Non-Governmental Organizations and Potential Protections through Legal Personality: Time for a Change?
Casey Jedele

The Children of ISIS: Statelessness and Eligibility for Asylum under International Law
Ana Luquerna

Treaty Interpretation Under a Covenant Paradigm
Jared I. Mayer

You’re on Native Land: The Genocide Convention, Cultural Genocide, and Prevention of Indigenous Land Takings
Bonnie St. Charles

How Social Media Companies Could Be Complicit in Incitement to Genocide
Neema Hakim

Esta entrada fue modificada por última vez en 02/10/2020 21:08


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