Categorías: Libros

The BRICS in the New International Legal Order on Investment

The BRICS in the New International Legal Order on Investment

Series: Silk Road Studies in International Economic Law, Volume: 4

Editors: Congyan Cai, Huiping Chen and Yifei Wang

ISBN: 978-90-04-37698-4 (Hardback)
Publicado: 09 April 2020



1 Introduction
  Congyan Cai and Yifei Wang

2 Investment Facilitation and the Contribution of the Brazilian Approach to the Reform of the Investment Treaties Regime
  Felipe Hees and Henrique Choer Moraes

3 Russia’s Foreign Investment Policy: Recent Developments and Future Trends in Terra (In)Cognita
  Dmitry K. Labin and Alena V. Soloveva

4 India’s Investment Treaties: How an Emerging Economic Giant Makes International Commitments
  Xiaoxia Lin

5 The “Belt & Road” Initiative and the New Landscape of China’s ISDS Policy and Practice
  Huiping Chen

6 Investor Protection in South Africa – Eroded Bit by Bit?
  Engela C. Schlemmer

7 Recalibrating Policy Space in Bilateral Investment Treaties: Is There a Common B(R)ICS Approach?
  Andreas Buser

8 Investment Barriers, Investment Facilitation and the BRICS Countries’ Investment Treaty Policies and Practice
  Xiuyan Fei

9 Conclusion
  Congyan Cai


Editors: Congyan Cai, Huiping Chen and Yifei Wang


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