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New Zealand Yearbook of International Law – Volume 16, 2018

ISSN: 1176-6417

The New Zealand Yearbook of International Law, launched in 2004, is an annual, internationally refereed publication intended to stand as a reference point for legal materials and commentary on public international law generally and with particular emphasis on issues concerning New Zealand, Antarctica and the Southern Ocean, including critical writing in those areas. It boasts an exceptional Advisory Board consisting of leading national and international academics and practitioners who are called upon to provide input through the double blind refereeing process used to assure the quality of the submissions published in each volume. The Yearbook also serves as a valuable tool in the determination of trends, state practice and policies in the development of international law in New Zealand, the Southern Ocean and Antarctica and seeks to generate scholarship in those fields. In this regard the Yearbook contains an annual ‘Year-in-Review’ of developments in international law of particular interest to New Zealand. Equally so, New Zealand offers a unique environment, owing to its size, population and strategic proximity to the Southern Ocean, Antarctica, and the South Pacific, that makes the New Zealand Yearbook of general interest to the international community. It is for the latter reason that the Yearbook contains a section dedicated to the ‘The South Pacific’.


Articles and Commentaries
Investor-state Dispute Settlement in the cptpp : Perspectives from Australia, Japan and New Zealand
By: Ashley Chandler

Will the Anti-corruption Chapter in the TPP11 Work? Assessing the Role of Trade Law in the Fight Against Corruption Through International Law
By: José-Miguel Bello y Villarino

The Confluence of International Trade and Investment: Exploring the Nexus between Export Controls and Indirect Expropriation
By: Umair Ghori

Subsidies and “New Industrial Policy”: Are International Trade Rules Fit for the 21st Century?
By: Tracey Epps and Danae Wheeler

Out with the Old Approach: A Call to Take Socio-Economic Rights Seriously in Refugee Status Determination
By: Imogen Little

A Critical Re-analysis of Whaling in the Antarctic: Formalism, Realism, and How Not to Do International Law
By: James C. Fisher

Jurisdictional Aspects of Dispute Settlement under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea: Some Recent Developments
By: Gino Naldi and Konstantinos Magliveras

State Immunity and the Application of Customary International Law in New Zealand: The Young v Attorney-General Litigation
By: Jared Papps

The Human Rights Committee, the Right to Life and Nuclear Weapons: The Committee’s General Comment No 36 on Article 6 of the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
By: Roger S. Clark

The South Pacific
Pacific Islands Forum 2018
By: Tony Angelo

The Year in Review
International Human Rights Law
By: Cassandra Mudgway and Lida Ayoubi

Indigenous Peoples’ Rights under International Law
By: Fleur Te Aho

International Economic Law
By: An Hertogen

International Environmental Law
By: Vernon Rive

Law of the Sea and Fisheries 2018
By: Joanna Mossop

The Antarctic Treaty System
By: Alan D Hemmings

International Criminal Law and Humanitarian Law
By: Treasa Dunworth

International Law and Security
By: Anna Hood

New Zealand State Conduct
Treaty Action and Implementation
By: Mark Gobbi

Book Reviews
Margaret Bedggood, Kris Gledhill and Ian McIntosh (eds) International Human Rights Law in Aotearoa New Zealand. Thomas Reuters, 2017, 1060 pp isbn: 9781988504292, 226.80 nzd + gst
By: Cassandra Mudgway

Hannah Harris The Global Anti-Corruption Regime: The Case of Papua New Guinea [Routledge, 2019, xiii + 252 pp, isbn 9781138298927 (hardback), 115 gbp]By: Neil Boister

Harmen van der Wilt & Christophe Paulussen (eds) Legal Responses to Transnational and International Crimes: Toward an Integrative Approach.[Edward Elgar Publishing, 2017, 336 pp, isbn 9781786433985, 90 gbp]By: Robert J. Currie


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