Categorías: Revistas

Journal of Conflict Resolution – Volume 64 Issue 2-3, February-March 2020

Journal of Conflict Resolution

Volume 64 Issue 2-3, February-March 2020

ISSN: 0022-0027 Online ISSN: 1552-8766

Journal of Conflict Resolution (JCR), peer-reviewed and published eight times a year, for more than fifty years has provided scholars and researchers with the latest studies and theories on the causes of and solutions to the full range of human conflict. JCR focuses on conflict between and within states, but also explores a variety of inter-group and interpersonal conflicts that may help in understanding problems of war and peace. This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).


Coping with Moral Threat: Moral Judgment amid War on Terror
Pazit Ben-Nun Bloom, Shaul Kimhi, Shani Fachter, Michal Shamai, and Daphna Canetti

Cognitive Shortcuts and Public Support for Intervention
Jason Brownlee

Gendered Conflict, Gendered Outcomes: The Politicization of Sexual Violence and Quota Adoption
Mattias Agerberg and Anne-Kathrin Kreft

A Turn to Violence: The Escalation of Nonviolent Movements
Kirssa Cline Ryckman

United Nations Peacekeeping Locally: Enabling Conflict Resolution, Reducing Communal Violence
Hannah M. Smidt

At Home and Abroad: The Use of Denial-of-service Attacks during Elections in Nondemocratic Regimes
Philipp M. Lutscher, Nils B. Weidmann, Margaret E. Roberts, Mattijs Jonker, Alistair King, and Alberto Dainotti

Polygynous Neighbors, Excess Men, and Intergroup Conflict in Rural Africa
Carlo Koos and Clara Neupert-Wentz

Religion and Tolerance of Minority Sects in the Arab World
Michael Hoffman

Rebel Territorial Control and Civilian Collective Action in Civil War: Evidence from the Communist Insurgency in the Philippines
Michael A. Rubin

How Homelands Change
Nadav G. Shelef

Data Set Feature
Territorial Contenders in World Politics
Douglas Lemke and Charles Crabtree

Purchasing Power: US Overseas Defense Spending and Military Statecraft
Brian Blankenship and Renanah Miles Joyce


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