Categorías: Revistas

Human Rights Quarterly – Volume 42, Number 1, February 2020

Human Rights Quarterly

Volume 42, Number 1, February 2020

ISSN: 0275-0392

Human Rights Quarterly (HRQ) is widely recognized as the leader in the field of human rights. For more than a quarter of a century, HRQ has published articles by experts from around the world writing for the specialist and non-specialist alike. The Quarterly provides up-to-date information on important developments within the United Nations and regional human rights organizations, both governmental and non-governmental. It presents current work in human rights research and policy analysis, reviews of related books, and philosophical essays probing the fundamental nature of human rights as defined by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. HRQ has been nominated for the prestigious National Magazine Award for reporting.


What Justice for the Yazidi Genocide?: Voices from Below
Payam Akhavan, Sareta Ashraph, Barzan Barzani, David Matyas

Between Sovereignty and Accountability: The Emerging Jurisprudence of the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Under the Optional Protocol
Sandra Liebenberg

Economic Rights and Justice in the Qur’an
Zehra F. Kabasakal Arat

Hiding in Public or Going with the Flow: Human Rights, Human Dignity, and the Movement for Menstrual Equity
Karen Zivi

Sustainable Development Goals and the Business and Human Rights Discourse: Ships Passing in the Night?
Nicola Jägers

Celebrity as a Political Resource: The Human Rights Now! Campaign
Charles P. Henry

Human Rights Education 1995–2017: Wrestling with Ideology, Universality, and Agency
A. Kayum Ahmed, J. Paul Martin, Sameera Uddin

Implementing Universal Human Rights Standards in and by Sub-Saharan African States in the Shade of Local Traditions
István Lakatos

Book Reviews
Torture: An Expert’s Confrontation with an Everyday Evil by Manfred Nowak (review)
Jamie Mayerfeld

The Novel of Human Rights by James Dawes (review)
Crystal Parikh

Evidence for Hope: Making Human Rights Work in the 21st Century by Kathryn Sikkink (review)
Dustin N. Sharp

Human Rights Transformation in Practice ed. by Tine Destrooper & Sally Engle Merry (review)
Keeley Gogul

The More the Context Changes, The More Things Stay the Same
Leigh Goodmark

Justice for Some: Law and the Question of Palestine by Noura Erakat (review)
John Quigley

North Korean Human Rights: Activists and Networks ed. by Andrew Yeo & Danielle Chubb (review)
David Hawk




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